official-saltbag · 5 months
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happy birthday, Ink. it's long, long past time I tried to draw you, so one more gift, from me to you.
-your sib, Bells.
ps- still best brother.
pps- I actually tried to draw you more cheerful. didn't work.
(It took an absolutely goofy amount of time for the mun to actually see this, because they're insane and stupid-)
(But, somewhere, somehow... you get the sense that someone is happy. And maybe, just maybe, they love you too.)
(Or they're laughing at how sappy you are. It's definitely one of the two, anyway. They probably mean it affectionately.)
(Happy once again birthday, salty little skeleton.)
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official-saltbag · 1 year
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an old pic unposted from last Inktobertale. the intent had been to do a different version of Ink every prompt. this one is from an unnamed au. This Ink, or Nintendo as he is nicknamed, is from @official-saltbag's blog.
Much love for him and his babu
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official-saltbag · 1 year
tucked away within a protective tube, a roll of canvas is left upon the saltbag's bed for him to find. the pair of paintings, upon just the one canvas, must have taken countless hours, several feet wide, and nearly three tall. one, familiar, a fantasy post apocalpytica beneath a soft pink sky, strewn with clouds, of islands and arches...
the other depicted islands too, bound together by chains, with a basin sea suspended beneath them, a familiar tower, now far smaller, upon one of the landmasses, with a tree that dwarfed it's height all but wrapped around it, beneath a sky that shone with bands of color and glistening sparkles.
only a happy birthday is written on the note beside it, in familiar handwriting, promising their brother that they will always be his sibling, and asking him to kiss one of those cute trees in his orchard for them.
there's a gift from fluffdad too, carefully placed within a box that must have been nearly his own size, a photo album within, and pictures strewn through it of Archer and Ink, Bells and himself, Cadence and Ninte- and in the last two pages, photos of a somewhat older Ninte, cradling a goat infant with golden fur and black sklera, with the words, 'meet Jarest. happy birthday son, I hope you don't mind sharing the day too much with your new baby brother.'
(Once again, it takes a while. It takes so very, very long. As it has been, since last...)
(Regardless, skeletal hands tug at the edges of the gifts, laughter echoing in the distance.)
(No matter what, you've made him happy. Isn't that the greatest birthday gift of all?)
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official-saltbag · 2 years
a carefully wrapped bundle of something, surrounded in brightly colored paper, has made its way to the brother's room. a few hours late, of course. a slip of paper reads 'happy birthday,' and inside the paper are a small bundle of lemon candies, and for some reason, a drawing of starry dragon's, circling outertale, with the added note, 'yours were better, but I'm getting there.'
a second, much smaller package, hold several pieces of well worn sea glass, strung to hang in a small display to catch the light. gold and purples and aquas, and a 'Happy birthday, from fluffdad,' written in tiny script beside..
time and space are what they are in the omniverse, but someone definitely remains unforgotten...
(...it takes a while. A little bit later than anyone would've liked, honestly.)
(But gentle hands close around the bundle.)
(...a soft sound, almost like a purr.)
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official-saltbag · 3 years
((happy birthday archer. baby turns 1 today))
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official-saltbag · 3 years
((happy new year! rp blog stuff may be on semi-hiatus right now but it's near and dear to my heart. hope y'all have a great 2022))
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official-saltbag · 3 years
*Christmas gifts for everyone! There a lot of Plushies, food/snacks and sweaters that are all unique for everyone! Also books for those who like to read! And extra very tasty Pokeberrys for the Pokemon! I very much hope everyone here likes the gifts! [Because I wasn't sure what to give everyone so]*
(The Mun ™©® briefly interrupts this Unspoken Hiatus™®© for some Christmas Celebration ®©©®™!)
(Archer gets a bright purple and blue sweater about... five times his size. Ink gets a silly green and red sweater with the words 'LOCAL STUPID GRINCH' stitched onto it.)
...gee, thanks. I love this-
(A box of chocolate is thrown in his face!)
(The Inky one has fallen over. He grumbles under his breath, popping open the box and taking a bite of the sweets.)
...huh. This is... really good, actually. You... did something nice to me for once. Thanks.
Mm-hm. This... is nice...
(Meanwhile, Blue gets shoved into a very comfy sweater! Lots of nice shades of blue and gold, but no crazy writing. Boooo.)
(He also gets a few books. And a second box of chocolates.)
(He seems happy!)
(...meanwhile the second, his alternate gets nothing. RIP.)
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official-saltbag · 3 years
If you did some stupid self-sacrificing thing, I can and will strangle you. And then bring you back to life just so I can strangle you more.
"yeah, yeah, I know I'm soft," Bells murmurs, settling into their beanbag. "I mean, sort of? I can absolutely be terrifying."
"you have a new nibling by the way," they add, opening one eye to regard the brother. "no judging."
I have a what?
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official-saltbag · 3 years
"yeah, yeah, I know I'm soft," Bells murmurs, settling into their beanbag. "I mean, sort of? I can absolutely be terrifying."
"you have a new nibling by the way," they add, opening one eye to regard the brother. "no judging."
I have a what?
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official-saltbag · 3 years
(Ink rolls his eyes.)
"..." quietly, "why were you eavesdropping?" they sound disappointed. not surprised. just disappointed.
(He hesitates.)
"I... was just. Curious, is all. And I wasn't sure how you'd react to, uh... barging in."
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official-saltbag · 3 years
"..." quietly, "why were you eavesdropping?" they sound disappointed. not surprised. just disappointed.
(He hesitates.)
"I... was just. Curious, is all. And I wasn't sure how you'd react to, uh... barging in."
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official-saltbag · 3 years
"Is nibing, gets priority. If you were hungry uiu xhoukdve said something instead if being an eavesdroppy eavesdropper." They choose a very big fluffy beanbag, that technically has room for more than them, and claim it, adding, "You also missed nice cream. And no, there's no more left. Next time choose your priorities better."
(...the swap looks crestfallen.)
"I'm? Sorry? For not interrupting you??"
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official-saltbag · 3 years
Sorry, my child matters more than you.
the brother is hugged! "dork. loves you."
soft huff, deciding they've spent enough time in the kitchen, and that the living room had better places to sit. "Dibs on whatever beanbag I get to first?"
(Ink scoops up his smol, pushing open the door with a wing-)
(-and knocking over a very alarmed swap leaning against it.)
(There is much swearing, to say the least.)
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official-saltbag · 3 years
sometimes i laugh when people say stuff like they have 5 or 7 years of rp experience bc that's. So Long to be rping. and then i remember that i am that person i have like 5 at least years under my stupid belt
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official-saltbag · 3 years
the brother is hugged! "dork. loves you."
soft huff, deciding they've spent enough time in the kitchen, and that the living room had better places to sit. "Dibs on whatever beanbag I get to first?"
(Ink scoops up his smol, pushing open the door with a wing-)
(-and knocking over a very alarmed swap leaning against it.)
(There is much swearing, to say the least.)
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official-saltbag · 3 years
What's that? Fight him? Okay!
"yeah, I do." they can't help the way his words make them smile, but why hide it anyway? "for what it's worth... it's not that simple. he's- an enigma. he doesn't technically fit the rules of existence, or even reality as we know it."
"-he may be an Ink. or he may not. the man doesn't know himself. but he's definitely fucking brilliant. like, at least around our local Doctor Gaster level brilliant-"
"Um. Admittedly better bedside manner."
(You are elbowed. Gently.)
If this turns out like you and your husband's swap, I'm disowning you.
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official-saltbag · 3 years
"yeah, I do." they can't help the way his words make them smile, but why hide it anyway? "for what it's worth... it's not that simple. he's- an enigma. he doesn't technically fit the rules of existence, or even reality as we know it."
"-he may be an Ink. or he may not. the man doesn't know himself. but he's definitely fucking brilliant. like, at least around our local Doctor Gaster level brilliant-"
"Um. Admittedly better bedside manner."
(You are elbowed. Gently.)
If this turns out like you and your husband's swap, I'm disowning you.
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