I can’t believe I missed Jez on Gogglebox
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“Iron Lady”
Did I just spend an hour photoshopping a cheap joke about the late Prim Minister, Margaret Thatcher?
Yes, yes I did.
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landlord: wow I have all these fucking empty homes and apartments, oh well who gives a fuck
homeless person in the winter: whelp I'm freezing to death
neoliberal: oh shit oh shit, they're dying uh fuck what should we do ...
homeless person in the winter: well theres all those empty homes up there
neoliberal: nO NO NO. THAT'S STEALING. I know what to do
neoliberal building a dog house: this is perfect right here for you
homeless person in the winter: this is fucking absurd but okay better than freezing i guess.
cops: hahahaha you fucking thought, we're destroying this dog house because it doesn't meet regulation and that landlord up there thinks you're bringing down his property values.
neoliberal: sure am glad I could help that poor unfortunate.
homeless person in the winter: *freezes to death anyway*
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Gonna try to remember this blog exists
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Well this formatted well. THANKS tumblr.
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Turns out Sting wrote Fields of Gold about Theresa May
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this ~soft owen jones moodboard~ has known healing properties
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I forgot about this blog Vote labour
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I’m somehow not surprised
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Love getting cute texts from bae ♡♡♡
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I need to get posting on here again. So much content. Including actually seeing Corbyn!
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Guess who's seeing Jeremy on Saturday
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jeremy corbyn signed this edm that literally says "This House believes that humans represent the most obscene, perverted, cruel, uncivilised and lethal species ever to inhabit the planet and looks forward to the day when the inevitable asteroid slams into the earth and wipes them out thus giving nature the opportunity to start again.“
which is the most #relatable thing ever, when will owen smith call for the annihilation of humankind???
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David Cameron with Larry the cat.
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