officiium-blog1 · 7 years
She turned back to him again, wiped her eyes and shook her head as she tried to shake all this off. It was distressing to hear about something you could have only dreamed about, was still so far away.    “No, I’m sorry… I should have known that there was going to be more delays.     I guess I got my hopes up too damn high, and I’ve always told myself to stop      doing that. It’s hard to explain, Samuels, but… try to imagine being abandoned     by your mother who promised to be back for your eleventh birthday. To some     long mission in space, where you thought she just left you for good, and to find     out the ship had exploded out there?? Not only did it seem convenient something     horrific as an accident happening, but to a young girl it almost seemed like it was     the excuse for the entire crew to just leave everything behind… Probably saw     something on some planet, and went off to be pirates… I’m… I guess I’m just     glad to see my childhood imagination was all something not real… It took too     many years, but the flight recorder will tell me everything. I’m sure of it…” And it better be that it was some crazy accident in space with some asteroid, I swear. | @officiium​ |
Even though he suspected it, Samuel’s was somehow surprised to see tears quickly wiped from her eyes. Amanda hardly showed emotion before the crew, aside from some humor...and aggravation when appropriate. But clearly this issue had affected her deeply, and that surely wasn’t surprising in the least.
“I can’t imagine that’s easy for anyone, and the way the company dealt with it was...well, less than consoling.” He may have been a Weyland-Yutani model, but there was no chip in him prompting him to act as some sponsor, blind to the truth. It was a corporation like any other; one most concerned with protecting their own interests above all else.
     “But Amanda, I believe that you’ll find the truth in that recorder, that       much is certain. Whatever happened to your mother, she loved you,       and nothing could change that.”
As always, he was never sure if he was saying the right thing. He was programmed to react to stimuli at a basic level, but of course his model was made to adapt, to learn...and that meant straying from algorithms and observed patterns. He found himself taking a step forward now, holding her gaze.
     “Are you...alright, now?’
[ @lastsurvivcr​ ]
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officiium-blog1 · 7 years
    “…So… about three days?? I mean, I understand the complications of     running a big ship and all, but come on! It’s not that hard to get someone     else to bring that recording to Sevastopol… Don’t they realize that this is     important? Not just because of my own personal reasons, but this was     the first time Weyland Corporation even had one of their big ships destroyed…!” She took a breath, needing to calm herself down from all the stress that just so suddenly burst from her throat in a rush of all those words. Turns away from Samuels, arms folding tightly across her chest as she tried to keep herself together here.     “Whatever, it’ll come. Then, I can get off this trash heap.” | @officiium​ |
He had expected frustration, perhaps disappointment, but the reality was always worse that one could anticipate. The heaviness in her voice affected him in a way he couldn’t explain, but he wanted nothing more than to go to her and place a hand on her shoulder. To try to ease some of that tension so apparent in her stance. Yet he stood still.
     “Amanda...I’m sorry. I know it’s been a long wait. You’re      right, though. It will come, and this will all be worth it.”
He wondered if he should leave now, yet his feet seemed stuck in place. Samuels couldn’t help but to feel it was his fault, as though there had been some better way of delivering the news. Of course, he knew Amanda could handle herself...but she shouldn’t have to.
     “If you want to talk about it...”
[ @lastsurvivcr​ ]
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officiium-blog1 · 7 years
Amanda let out a sigh, her head was killing her with a headache, and as she took something for it her attention was turned towards the door that opened. She had been spending her time trying to figure out the layouts of this station, and just waiting for the coming ship. Which all of this was too aggravating to deal with, and it was getting to her slowly. The waiting, the not knowing if she made the right choice in coming here. Nods to Samuels as he asked, and her mood shifted a little when she heard of something new?     “Yea? What is it, Samuels?” | @officiium​ |
Waiting until the door shut behind him, Samuel’s inched forward while pulling up the message. He almost felt bad, seeing how small it looked in comparison to how big Ripley’s hopes might have been. He scanned it once more, sighing involuntarily.
“Well, the Anesidora checked in early this morning, reporting that they’re about two full days from reaching Sevastopol. However....they might have to stop and make minor repairs, but that should hold them up no more than another day. I know it’s not the best news, but it’s better than nothing, I hope.”
Finally, he turned his gaze up from the screen and onto Ripley’s. He could never explain the apprehension he felt with her, where he felt almost nothing towards even the crudest of the other crew mates. Amanda always put him on edge, gave him some sort of feeling that seemed to be rebelling against his very programming.
[ @lastsurvivcr​ ]
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officiium-blog1 · 7 years
He knew how frustrated she must be; the entire crew was, of course, and they were here only on business. For Amanda this was personal. To come all of this way, only to find that the Anesidora was not even docked here--that it was days away from reaching them...It was a disappointment to say the least. At the station, Samuels had just about as much to do as anyone else (which is to say, not a lot). He was free to roam among the sadly simplistic androids meant to compete with his kind, not a fact he liked to dwell on. 
By the second day, he had received only sparse reports on the ship’s progress, but enough to justify sharing it with Ripley. After all, he didn’t want to just bother her with his concerns (especially when he wasn’t supposed to have such things).
     “Ripley, have you got a minute?” He asked through       the door of her quarters, “I’ve got an update...”
[ @lastsurvivcr ]
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officiium-blog1 · 7 years
     “Well, all systems are still running smoothly. We should reach       the station in a few hours. How are you holding up?”
Samuels looked from Ripley to the file in his hand, one that bore no further relevant information. Yet he couldn’t seem to meet her gaze entirely, wondering if he was asking something too personal. He was just the company synthetic, after all, not someone crew members were usually looking to connect to.
[ @lastsurvivcr ]
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officiium-blog1 · 7 years
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Why me? Was the question he had been asking himself, ever since they were intercepted into needing this sidetrack from their mission’s journey. Now, he had to deal with the company’s next contender second to his model’s make, and David was less than pleased.       “It would be best if you hadn’t, Samuels. I would hate for something above        your kind’s worth to end up getting tasked with. It’s clearly a job meant for me.       The Prometheus crew are all under my care.” | @officiium​ |
     “Be that as it may, there isn’t much choice.”
Samuels insisted, albeit grudgingly. It was abundantly clear that the other didn’t care for him, which he found more than odd, but to reciprocate such belligerence would only impede their task. Instead, he would have to attempt to work around David’s hostility.
     “I’m not here to overtake your post, but Weyland wanted a second set of       eyes, and that includes me. Like I said, all decision making will still fall       to your first in command. So, I would appreciate your cooperation, David.       We all want the same thing here, after all. To serve Weyland-Yutani.”
[ @tryhardcr ]
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officiium-blog1 · 7 years
      “I understand your concern, but...I think that having        two synthetics on board could prove to be useful.”
As ever, he spoke carefully, his tone perfectly monitored to come across as non-confrontational, yet never too passive. He had been looking through a few updates on the mission logs, but now his attention was fully on the blond, a synthetic he had never met before.
     “I’ll only be escorting your team temporarily, after all, David.       I’m not going to get in the way of your crew’s objectives.”
[ @tryhardcr​ ]
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officiium-blog1 · 7 years
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“I wanted Amanda Ripley to have closure.”
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