offoundation-blog · 7 years
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best for last / adele
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
“I - I didn’t do it on purpose!” Will sputtered. He’d just been trying to admire it, honest. It wasn’t his fault he was a walking disaster - to quote the words of his ever exasperated tutor. He felt oddly put on the spot under the gaze of the man - who, quite frankly, was a stranger and had no right to look as amused as he did. At least he wasn’t being yelled at; small victories. Will’s eyebrows drew together as the man crouched down, confused. He was - helping him? That was unexpected. But Mirvia did have a reputation for being accepting, he supposed. Or the man was just trying to make a good impression on royalty; it was hard to tell with most people. “Again, it was an accident!” Will insisted - which is what he said every time he knocked something over. To be fair, it was always true. He opened his mouth to ask a few more questions - most importantly of which was who are you - but when he glanced up the man was already walking away. No time to think it through lest he lose the man, he quickly gathered an armful of the florals and trotted to catch up with his mysterious helper. “Thank you - but um - where exactly are we going?”
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"Oh I believe you. You look like one of those people who are rather clumsy, who knocks things over on accident all the time" he said as he looked at the smaller boy, tilting his head to the side as a low chuckle could be heard. Elio wasn't always all up in your face whenever you did something he found ridiculous. He could have moments, moments when he was nice. It may be rare, it may happen once every blue moon. But when it did happen, people noticed. It was like he was glowing, like the sun. Hearing the blonde once again remind him that what had happened was indeed an accident, he patted his head. "I know, whatever you say, right?" he shrugged, the smirk intact on his lips. Once he started to walk, he could hear the others footsteps behind him and soon enough he had company by his side. "Please don't thank me. And we're going to the riverside so you can toss the flowers in there, that way the flowers won't die a cruel death just because you don't watch where you are going" the farmer mused.
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
Spinning around at the intrusion, William couldn’t help the slight redness he could feel rising to his cheeks. He hadn’t even heard them approach. Not exactly the best first impression - especially as a prince. Maybe they would not recognize him? Though he was relieved to realize it was nobody he recognized, and certainly none of the other royal families. (Thankfully.)  Especially not the Beaumonts. Heavens, what would they say if they heard about him running a muck in their kingdom terrorizing the decorations? Laugh probably. Or glare. Neither of which were particularly appealing options. Ever so casually he tried to stand in front of the flowers - to do what he didn’t know. Pretend it didn’t happen? That ship had probably already sailed. “Evidence implies there was a crime,” Will tried to counter, albeit weakly. His eyes cut back to the mess he’d made for a brief moment.. “…it isn’t a crime, right?” he added doubtfully. Did this count as vandalism? 
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Watching how the other turned around and how his cheeks got redder, he smirked. Crossing his arms over his chest, just studying him. He had never really seen the other before, maybe because he kept himself due to his hatred for people. He seemed sweet, not the best mix with Elio's dark personality. Walking up to him, he looked at the broken vase and at the flowers that was now scattered on the ground. "I have no idea if it's a crime, I don't just walk around and knock vases over" he teased, crotching down to pick up the pieces and shrugging as he stood up once again. "Come on, take the flowers. Let's hide the evidence if this is indeed a crime. Also next time, maybe look where you are going so that this doesn't happen again" the farmer mused as he started to walk away, half expecting the other to follow. But if he didn't, it wasn't like he would sit in a corner and cry.
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
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i’m a hurricane
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
Looking at a group of people figthing, he couldn't believe his eyes. This was ridiculous, fighting over a bag of potatoes, really? They should try and harvest instead, that way they wouldn't have to look like idiots while punching each other in the face. Yawning a little, he just turned around when he saw a familiar face. He was close to pinching himself, this can't be happening. "Ask someone who cares" he muttered as he pushed past his former lover and walked away, not really wanting to talk to someone who stomped on his heart like that. There was a time when he was soft, when he was in love. But that time was over thanks to the man who had just talked to him.
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Antonius had his bag full of all the money and jewelry he’d managed to steal over the course of a few days. He’d gotten much more than he hoped to get, and after a long day at work,he wanted to relax for a bit. With a grin on his lips he pushed through the crowded streets, a half eaten apple in his hands. “Excuse me.” He said, turning to nearest person. “Is there anywhere I can rent a horse around here? It’s been quite some time since I last rode, and I thought today would be a great day for a ride.”
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
Elio did wonder why he had decided to go into town, especially during a time as stressful as a coronation. He could have stayed at home, taking care of the farm animals he loved deeply. Yes, even a cold shell of a man could love something as pure as animals. He did work with them after all. The farmer was on his way back to his home after a long day of buying supplies. The man needed food to eat after all. The sound of something falling and hitting the ground caught his attention though. Walking towards the direction he had heard said sound, he was met with the pathetic sight of some boy trying to fix a vase that was clearly far too broken to be repaired. Crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at the other, he cocked one of his eyebrows up. Elio couldn't help but smirk, the sight was just both adorable and amusing to him. "You need some help hiding the evidence?" he then asked, wanting to make his presence known.
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Will had spent a majority of his trip so far stumbling around the kingdom with the wide eyed wonder of somebody who clearly not visited very often. Being fairly young compared to some of the other royals, he simply hadn’t traveled that much: there hadn’t been the time or the need to. (Unlike his brother who had to have a much better understanding of their allies - and enemies.) Now that he was finally here he didn’t know quite what to do with himself. Will just couldn’t stop touching things. Running a hand down the tapestries, trailing his fingers over bookshelves. Maybe snagging a pastry or two. It sounded absurd but everything was just so different in Mirvia. From the food to the weather to even the damn fabrics. And especially the flowers, of which Will spent so much time admiring. They were beautiful, it really was a shame they did not have anything like this home in Adarwen. He swore he only reached out to cup a flower - and suddenly the whole vase started to topple over. Mouth falling open in silent surprise, Will scrambled to catch the falling decoration. His entire mind went blank with panic: his first big coronation and he was about to embarrass the entirety of Adarwen before it even happened. Perfect. Could they exile him for this? Desperately trying to fix it he righted the ceramic before half-haphazardly stuffing all the flowers back into the vase in a recreation of what he thought it had been. That looked fine… right? Nobody would notice…he hoped. Will was just praying his little commotion had gone unnoticed as well. 
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
Being born and raised in Mirvia, it was quite annoying to know that so many new people had arrived. Elio had always hated crowded places and now Mirvia was just.. too crowded. As he sat in a tavern, reading a book and just trying to enjoy his day, he heard a loud crash in the back which caused the farmer to roll his eyes. Maybe he should just go home to his farm? Take care of the chickens and the cows? That always gave him solice in a time so stressful. His concentration was broken once more when he heard a voice so he looked up and tilted his head. "Yeah sure why not?" he shrugged and then looked down at the book again.
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whenever the royal family traveled someplace new, kai found himself taking in all the information that he could. instead of staying in fancy palaces, he talked to commoners, spent his time in marketplaces and taverns. even now, days before the most important royal event of the year, he was walking into one of mirvia’s most populated taverns, trying desperately to find a place to sit. it was then, he spotted an empty seat at the right end of the bar, and he made his way through the crowd to get there. when he finally arrived, he smiled at the person sitting to the left of the stool. “is this seat taken?”
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
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MattB vc: You thought it was over, HAH.
Here we go again, yet another intro post. I am so excited for this character mainly because of his backstory and because he is so different compared to Benji. Let’s go.
His entire life have been a lie but right now he still has no idea. His mother was a nobility, a duchess to be exact. But due to her falling in love with a mage and her father found out, which resulted in her getting disowned and ran away from home. She became pregnant and settled down with the love of her life, they lived a peaceful life in Mirvia as farmers.
His mother is still alive, his father sadly isn't. He died due to illness at the age of thirty. He is very close to his mother, would do anything to protect her. 
His magic is rather dark, delving into the dark arts and blood magic. His biggest ability though is Shadow magic. 
His mother never really approved of the fact that he loved black magic so much, she was hoping that he would be into the light side, into helping and healing but instead he loves destruction and hurting people.
He is rather sassy, cocky, confident and he knows his worth. Mess with him, he will zap you out of existence. 
Bisexual and proud, he doesn't really feel the need to talk too much about it though. He loves women and men, there's that. Nothing to talk about.
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
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#big mood
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
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This or That? Matthew Daddario Edition:
Glaad 2016 vs Glaad 2017
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
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↣ Favourite funny scene(s)
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
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Alexander Lightwood, supermodel
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offoundation-blog · 7 years
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