due to the irritating restrictions on sideblogs, i have finally decided to archive this blog && give mick his own main blog !! that being said, as of today this blog will officially be archived for reference && all current threads will be continued there. i hope that this change will allow me to write mick to the fullest as well as allow me to truly portray him the way i have always wanted - without any restrictions to following back and sending asks directly.
if you all could please follow me on my main blog , i would truly appreciate it. i hope we all can get back to writing very soon !!
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due to the irritating restrictions on sideblogs, i have finally decided to archive this blog && give mick his own main blog !! that being said, as of today this blog will officially be archived for reference && all current threads will be continued there. i hope that this change will allow me to write mick to the fullest as well as allow me to truly portray him the way i have always wanted - without any restrictions to following back and sending asks directly.
if you all could please follow me on my main blog , i would truly appreciate it. i hope we all can get back to writing very soon !!
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heterosexual. homosexual. bisexual. pansexual. demisexual. asexual.monogamous. polyamorous. long term relationships. casual relationships. aromantic. rough partner. loud partner. growling/screaming partner. crying. sobbing. gentle. tender. whispers. moaning. touching others. touching self. being touched. lingering caresses. kisses. french kisses. licking. nibbling. biting. scratching. hair pulling. dominance. submission. power play. struggles. wrestling. hugs. cuddling. shower/bath sex. up against a wall. being held down. breasts. butts. legs. thighs. feet. hands. ears. eyes. hips. love bites. innuendo. choking. breath play. bondage. leather. silk. velvet. lace. orgasm denial. being watched. watching others. half-clothed. bare skin. teasing. indoors. outdoors. public. private. lingerie. stockings. corsets.
Tagged by: @goodgollymissholllly Tagging: @withboomerangs and anyone else who wants to do this
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mick knew better, or so he thought, than to just give in to her. he knew she was only trying to push him over the edge, to see how he would react. but perhaps she hadn’t considered what would happen when he did give in to her. he was a grown man after all, && he most certainly had desires that he would eventually act upon, like now. so when he began to grind against her, mouth close to hers as his breath quickened, he replied, ❝ please no more... please don’t just say that. i’ve held back for so long, digger. even before you turned eighteen. i almost gave in. ❞ it was true, he came so close to just saying fuck it && making advances on her. but, the coach needed to keep is job, && his record clean. now, digger was of age, though frowned upon he could legally do this with her. && nothing would stop him now. 
❝ is this what you wanted, georgia ?? or had you not considered any of this would go this far ?? i hope ya know that any other man would have gave in sooner. ❞ digger was beautiful, any man could see that, but even through her rough attitude && bad behavior, mick could see so much more in her. including himself && he doesn’t mean that in a lewd way. he was a trouble-maker at her age, ego bigger than the world. nothing could touch him, that is, until he was busted and almost landed himself in prison. but he had a mentor, much like himself, who only wanted to see him succeed in life.
but of course, his mentor never invited him to bed. 
@ofheatwaves // continued from x
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this wasn’t right– but since when had georgia started caring about was right? nothing about this had been right since almost day one; the flirting, moving in with him, teasing him. she knew, deep down, that mick did care for her and the only reason she was here now was because he didn’t want to see her fail and get caught up in trouble out on the streets, but it had been so easy to mess with him while she had the opportunity and lead him to this point. not fair, perhaps, but she never cared about what was fair, either. she just never would have guessed she would actually grow to like him, nor that he would act out against all her taunting. it made sense, though. he’d even waited for her birthday. there was only so much pressure a person could take, and if she played with fire, she was bound to get burnt.
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Reblog if you're willing to roleplay the following subjects:
Blood Cannibalism Domestic Violence Gore Incest Mental Issues Murder Rape Suicide Torture Violence in General War
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❝ i dunno, snart. maybe if you didn’t have a stick up ya ass... ❞ mick muttered. Everyone was different && snart was no exception. but right now, mick was not considering that. what worked for him should work for everyone, right ?? if mick could go out and fuck some chick he met in a bar a week prior && be just fine afterwards, then so should len, right ?? no. that’s not how it worked. snart was upset about something && he knew it was about him. 
but snart was going to get on his last nerve. he was having such a great afternoon && now his best friend was on him for something so trivial, something that wasn’t a HUGE deal. it was just perfume. ❝ so what ?? you want me to leave ?? something’s tellin’ me ya ain’t mad about the perfume, but something else. ya forget that i know ya better than anyone else, so tell me !! what’s wrong, huh ?? what did i fuck up ?? ❞ that was usually the case. when len was this bitchy, it was most likely because HE ruined something, whether it be their plans or something they own. it may have even been something he said. ❝ oh don’t tell me, you’re jealous cause i got laid ?? ya know, i think she has a friend, just your type... ❞  
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❝ i hope ya gotta PLAN to get out of here, digs, cause i’m all out of matches && those fuckin’ assholes took away my gun && my zippo... ❞
[ chick mick starter call | @withboomerangs ] 
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❝ oh hell yeah, you’re on !! ❞  mikki flashed a smug grin at the other woman. she was great at pick-pocketing && the fact that she was attractive ?? men were practically PUTTY in her hands. but sara was beautiful, too. this would be a challenge, that’s for sure.  
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❝ i really need a drink after that, sara. what d’ya say we hit the bar, see how many wallets we can pickpocket off some drunk assholes ?? ❞
[ chick mick starter call | @bethewhitecanary​​ ]
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fuck sentence starters.
’ i dont know if i need a hug or to fuck. ’ ’ you know what? fuck this shit. ’ ’ are you out of your fucking mind? ’ ’ do i look like i give a fuck? ’ ’ i wish i had a fuck to spare but i don’t. ’ ’ you’re fucking stupid, honestly. ’ ’ you know what, fuck you dude. ’ ’ fuck you right back. ’ ’ you did not just say that, you fucker. ’ ’ what do you think i am, just a fuck? ’ ’ i’m just another fuck to you, huh? ’ ’ i really just want to fuck right now. ’ ’ please stop using fuck in every sentence. ’ ’ you use the word ‘fuck’ a lot, you know. ’ ’ you are a fucktard but a cute fucktard. ’ ’ you have lost every bit of my fucking respect. ’ ’ if you say ‘fuck’ one more time, i swear. ’ ’ do you wanna fuck or what? ’ ’ someone else wanted to fuck you? ’ ’ please stop telling me about your fucks. ’ ’ do you ever not go around and fuck? ’ ’ all you do is eat, sleep and fuck. ’ ’ seriously, how to you stand to fuck that much? ’ ’ did you fuck anyone last night? ’ ’ i know i’m a good fuck, so whatever. ’ ’ i will fuck you up, don’t even try. ’ ’ don’t get fucked up today. ’ ’ you will get fucked up if you don’t shut up. ’ ’ what did you just fucking say to me? ’ ’ why don’t you fuck off? ’ ’ seriously, fuck you. ’ ’ fuck you, fuck you and fuck you. ’
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he was already pulling the bike from the little garage on the side of her place, looking up to her && smirking, ❝ the ice cream parlor is kinda far to walk don’t ya think ?? you can wrap your arms around me && hold on as tight as you can, i don’t mind if ya squeeze me. ❞
the truth was, mick could be a lazy bastard. holly didn’t have a car, && technically he didn’t either, just the harley that he stole from some asshole biker that PUSHED his buttons. of course holly didn’t need to know that part, just that they’d get to the parlor quicker. 
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she was right. he didn’t have to get any ice cream && honestly he probably wasn’t going to. all he cared about was seeing holly happy. && if she wanted to give him a taste of whatever she got, he wouldn’t be able to refuse her offer. he was weak for her. 
❝ go get your coat, baby. i’ll go get the harley WARMED up while you get ready, okay ?? ❞ 
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    She can’t help but to smile wider, pressing her lips to his cheek in an excited kiss, leaving behind a smudge of pink lipstick. However Holly is off of his lap and into his bedroom before he can complain about it.
    The coat she’s grabbed is thrown on as she exists his room, bag being slung over her shoulder too. Taking his Harley isn’t the most ideal way of getting around to her, but how else would she get anywhere ?? The girl is lucky enough he’s willing to take her places to begin with. It’s not like she owns a car to begin with.
    “Do we really gotta take the Harley ??” She asks as soon as Holly appears again. Aside from the fact that they just slightly scare her, she doesn’t want to mess up her hair.
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category 2 & number 11/12~
category two, number 11: ‘you’re my teacher and i finally seduced you’ sex
category two, number 12:‘i’m your teacher and i can’t believe your my student’ sex
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mick would have done anything for digger if it meant she would succeed in life. if that meant taking her under his wing && letting her live in his home until she graduated, then so be it. but he NEVER would have done it if he knew he would have actually fallen for the young woman. he certainly would have never done it if he knew that he would be put in a situation where he could act on those feelings. && her birthday had passed recently: digger was of age. he never would have kissed a minor, nor invited her to sleep in his bed on this particular night. the coach was already RISKING so much having her in his home. there was so much speculation that they were lovers. why not make the rumors true ?? 
his wishes were coming true, he was pulling her up against his body, breathing in her ear && whispering hoarsely, ❝ i give in, georgia. i can’t take the teasing anymore. i can’t take it… ❞  mick pressed against the younger woman, just so she could feel how BAD he wanted this. 
[ fifty reasons to have sex | @withboomerangs​ ]
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( fire sentence starters ) “ hey, can i use your lighter by any chance? ”
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❝ my lighter ?? i don’t see why not partner… just uh… right after i finish up what i’m doing… ❞
in other words, mick will give snart his lighter after he’s done PLAYING with it.
[ fire sentence starters | @algidcalc ]
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or category 4 & number 1 tbh
category 4, number 1: ‘we just got engaged’ sex:
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❝ when i said you can top tonight top tonight, this is not what i had in mind. ❞the man was tied up by his wrists to their bed’s headboard. && while mick usually was in control, tonight he’d decided maybe he should give his now fiance a chance to be in control. he made a HUGE mistake; she liked to tease.
mick had been holding off on proposing to digger because he figured she didn’t want to marry a guy like him. but after he surprised her with the million dollar ring he’d stolen just for her && she said YES, well, he figured that maybe the aussie liked him more than he thought. the arsonist wasn’t a rich man, it wasn’t about how much money he had. maybe she accepted his proposal was because he was AMAZING in bed. but she was just as amazing, && from the way he was holding back from begging, it just proved how worked up she could get him. 
❝ come on digger, don’t do me like that. just touch me already...❞
[ fifty reasons to have sex | @withboomerangs ]
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everyone was reminded of just how much mick loved FIRE. if he wasn’t talking about it, he was setting something AFLAME. that was just him. unfortunate that was one of the many reasons people didn’t enjoy spending time with him because he was always BURNING shit. 
 ❝ ya know what would look real cool ?? a FLAMING boomerang. ya got one of those in ya coat or something ?? ya should make one, just for ya best pal mick. ❞
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❝ isn’t it beautiful, digs ?? i find it so hard to look at a flame && not get lost in it. the way it DANCES, the way it BURNS. i love it. ❞
[ starter call | @withboomerangs· ]
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❝yeah, it’s pretty cool ta’ look at, i guess. i know ya love fire, though. ya ain’t gotta remind me, mate.❞
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mick was INCREDIBLY impatient. throughout the years, he’d never changed. snart always had to remind him to relax and wait things out, but mick was also EXTREMELY stubborn so he was always asking, complaining about the wait && then getting irritated when his partner didn’t give him the answer he really wanted. of course, this was no exception. he let out an annoyed sigh, but didn’t let his HOT temper get the best of him. the pyro knew better than to gain the attention of the correctional officers && he didn’t want to get on snart’s bad side for being a HOT head.
❝ hopefully that comes soon enough. i don’t think i can take one more day... ❞ trailing off, he finally took a bite of the gray slop && squished it against the roof of his mouth to test its flavor. it actually wasn’t as bad as he expected, so he took another few bites because, well, it was all he was going to get for a while && he knew it. mick also had to keep in mind that if he acted out, there was the chance of creating altercations to leonard's plan, && the last thing he wanted to do was to push their escape back another week, or even a month out from their initial date. that meant he’d have to be a good boy, which was only possible if mick put his mind to it. ❝ i have faith in ya, partner. ❞
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❝ iron heights… huh. what a FUCKIN’ joke. every time we get sent here, it’s never changed. same people, same correctional officers, && the same shitty food they’ve always had. i can’t even tell what this is SUPPOSED to be. ❞
mick picked through his food, giving the metal tray full of unidentifiable slop a sour glare before his slate blue eyes D A R T E D to his partner. though the pyro was glad to have snart by his side this time around, mick just couldn’t STAND prison. but snart always had a plan. the two had broken out of iron heights before, && the judges kept sending them back to the very place they’d escaped from numerous times && together. how flawed. but mick wouldn’t complain further about it. they’d be out of there in no time.
❝ how much L O N G E R before your plan falls into place ?? i’m getting BORED here… ❞
[ starter call | @not-a-white-knight​ ]
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she was right. he didn’t have to get any ice cream && honestly he probably wasn’t going to. all he cared about was seeing holly happy. && if she wanted to give him a taste of whatever she got, he wouldn’t be able to refuse her offer. he was weak for her. 
❝ go get your coat, baby. i’ll go get the harley WARMED up while you get ready, okay ?? ❞ 
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❝ ice cream ?? ❞ mick asked, tilting his head && wrapping his big arms around holly’s waist with a teasing grin. ❝ i dunno, ya know i ain’t a HUGE fan of ice cream — but !! maybe i can make an exception for my l’il cutie. ❞
    The second his arms wrap around her waist, she’s moving to sit in his lap. There’s a small giggle when he calls her his ‘li’l cutie’. “You know you don’t have to have ice cream…“
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Horror/SciFi AUs
Send me a letter for an AU starter based on a horror or science fiction prompt.
A - Hunting for cryptids/paranormal investigator AU B - Paranormal activity in our home AU C - Lost in space AU D - Necromancy AU E - Mad scientist AU F - Clairvoyant predicting disaster AU G - Werewolf AU H - Torture chamber AU I - Alien invasion AU J - Demonic possession AU K - Post-apocalyptic wasteland AU L - Lost in the woods with predators AU M - Deadly merperson AU N - Vampire AU O - Serial killer and accomplice AU P - Time travel AU Q - Entering a parallel universe AU R - Undead walking the earth AU S - Stalker and victim AU T - Coming into contact with a curse AU U - Extreme natural disaster AU V - Making deals with demons AU W - Learning how to use dark magic AU X - Vengeful ghost AU Y - Spirit medium and desperate ghost AU Z - Kidnapped and held hostage AU
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