Just in time for the month of the gays and the theys!
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Some good news!
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Books are being banned and removed from library shelves. This is a very bad thing. I was one of the authors who protested. I would have protested even if my book hadn't have been one of the books banned.
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this poor cat in the middle doesn't have enough drugs in the world
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Black cats are lucky. (via leahweissmuller)
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96 years is a great age but still...thank you for giving us so much joy Ms Lansbury.
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This One's For You, Doc.
It was- Everything had been so sudden.
Honestly, Lightning had never seen it coming. So when it happened, he couldn't help but feel so... betrayed. He... Doc should have been around longer. How could he just... leave Lightning behind?
A part of him couldn't help but think of all the possible 'what if's, all that. He just- He just needed more time, even when some part of him whispered that actually, all the time in the world would have never been enough.
It just all went by so fast. It had felt like just yesterday, their first win together as crew chief and racer, now it was just, well, him. Lightning felt as though there'd still been so much he wanted to say, so much he still needed to ask, but now... well. He couldn't even if he wanted to, could he?
"Stickers?" Sally's right by his side as he proceeds to the track, giving him a comforting nudge. They exchange a hushed conversation, by the end of it, there's tears in her eyes as she ushers him off to the track, mouthing a 'For Doc' towards him. He offers her a weak smile, knowing it was taking him everything he had to not just break down right here. Because of the pure familiarity, of how before the race, it would be Sal and Doc sending him to the lineup. Now, the absence just... hurts.
Then he's out on the track, warm asphalt beneath rubber. As they complete the formation lap, he can't help but let his gaze wander, then focus back on the track, stung by that empty spot on pit lane.
Yet as the engines roar to life, as the green flag is raised, he hears it, in a sudden burst of clarity, meant for him and him only.
You've got this, hotshot. Gruff and gravely, steady and grounding- Doc.
Lightning takes a breath, the oxygen biting. He exhales slowly.
"This one's for you, Doc," He whispers, fixing his gaze on the track.
The green flag falls, and he's ready.
A.N. : Yeah, I really went full-on with the angst in this one hah- Been toying with this idea for a bit, finally got it out of my system... honestly, I really like this! As for whether this is Carsverse or Human AU, I'll leave that up to you guys- made it kinda ambiguous there.. Hope you enjoyed :)
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Transphobes who say their pronouns are beep/boop or something else in their bio underestimate my willingness to adhere to those pronouns
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You all are NOT READY for these notes. I JUST finished watching the ENTIRE Cars on the Road series (before 9:00 at that) and my guys. There is SO MUCH to talk about. This is just what I was able to think up and react to during my binge here, I will probably come back with much more detailed look throughs at a later date. But here is my reactions, raw and unedited! SPOILERS WARNING Y'ALL (and I apologize now that I need to post this on mobile so I don’t have my “keep scrolling” bar BUT I WILL EDIT IT ON PC AS SOON AS I POST THIS so you guys don’t have to see the spoilers yet if you do not want to. Anyways!)
Keep reading
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what im getting is that I need two of them... I need them...
*makes this noise at you*
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what im getting is that I need two of them... I need them...
*makes this noise at you*
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More fun facts about ancient Celtic marriage laws: There were no laws against interclass or interracial marriage, no laws against open homosexual relationships (although they weren’t considered ‘marriages’ since the definition of a marriage was ‘couple with child’), no requirement for women to take their husband’s names or give up their property, but comedians couldn’t get married
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I'm horrified
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I open up my dashboard and this is what I see first.
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Happy Mermay everyone~ 🐙👣🐙👣🐙👣🐙
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I know Céline Dion is mentioned by the OP, but before she became an American icon, she was a French Canadian icon and a French Icon, she was born in Charlemagne, Montréal, Québec.
some toronto-canadian things in turning red!
- iconography! the canadian flag in the classroom, the maple leaf shirt, the blue jay, the moose bobblehead, and ofc the CN tower.
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even the location design looks so much like canada!
- loonies and toonies!!!!!
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- learning french as a second language, learning about the provinces instead of states
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- timbits for breakfast!
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- hats are touqes!!! punks are hosers!!!!
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- the people in the background wearing headscarves!! it's very common to see many people donning them in the city. love that diversity
- I haven't personally been to chinatown (I don't live in toronto, i've only been there three times) so i can't comment on its authenticity but i'm sure other people can weigh in!
- there's also mentions of Celine Dion, a canadian singer!
- also the american concert dates are first on the list, and are mistaken for a canadian tour date. most relatable thing ever LOL
Gifs: x x x x
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top of the morning to you laddy, my name is father and welcome to breakfast with mother, father and infant son! 
talking to my infant son like im a youtuber
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