ofhybridiisms-blog · 7 years
❛ don’t touch me. ❜
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                       “ geez, fine. i was just trying to braid your hair, but if you wanna be difficult, then so be it. ”
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ofhybridiisms-blog · 7 years
three word starters.
❛ please don’t go. ❜ ❛ don’t turn around. ❜ ❛ eat my dust. ❜ ❛ suck my ass. ❜ ❛ what’s for dinner? ❜ ❛ drunk i’m not. ❜ ❛ where’s your coat? ❜ ❛ bring some beers. ❜ ❛ are you home? ❜ ❛ say my name. ❜ ❛ i can’t go.❜ ❛ i’d like none. ❜ ❛ well fuck me. ❜ ❛ are you sick? ❜ ❛ i’m freezing cold. ❜ ❛ you’re all wet. ❜ ❛ are you drunk? ❜ ❛ don’t look back. ❜ ❛ it says ‘positive’.❜ ❛ run far away.❜ ❛ you are screwed. ❜ ❛ damn it’s hot. ❜ ❛ get here easily? ❜ ❛ don’t touch me. ❜ ❛ it’s cold out. ❜ ❛ just leave me. ❜ ❛ i like you. ❜ ❛ talk to me. ❜
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ofhybridiisms-blog · 7 years
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        “ it’s a pleasure to meet you, jennifer. “ ivory fingers returned to the button to turn down and stared the other, senses sinking the other’s WEIDNESS “ you’re not human not a vampire nor a wolf. SERIOUSLY, what’s your cologne? “ she chuckled, leaning forward.
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                       jennifer was taken aback by the vampire's question.    "   oh...i'm a hybrid.   "   she explained, glancing around to ensure no one was listening in.    "   half human, half vampire. that sorta thing.   "   
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ofhybridiisms-blog · 7 years
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            denali had been her coven’s H O M E , a familiar place that attracted little attention to themselves. yet , the sudden influx of vampires , shifters && humans alike had thrown the balance            the presence of the volturi both SURPRISING & & UNSETTLING. a promise safe haven turned into the home of a massacre. this , as sad as it was, however came to no surprise. wherever they went , death followed. she often wondered if the black & & red of their cloak was simply to cover the blood on their hands & & being.  hand squeezes the hybrid’s shoulder reassuringly ,as if her own heart was not breaking at the thought.   “  we need to move on. MOURN for her … but what is done is done.   ”
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                       a simple nod was all that the hybrid could return in response to the caring woman's words, lips pursed as she attempted to imagine what that poor human was going through at that exact moment.    "   i guess...   "   she muttered, wishing there was some way to turn back the clock and erase the last six hours. no one would be panicked,   &&   better yet, no one would be DEAD.    "   i'm sorry -- i came over and started a conversation without even asking your name. i'm jennifer, it's nice to meet you. i wish circumstances could be better, but...   "   
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ofhybridiisms-blog · 7 years
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wildly wide smile graced the bubbly petite brunette “ oh my god, thank you !! i really like singing, i really annoy people. “ a shrug came across her tiny shoulders, crimson orbs sparkling of happiness “to all the damn shady exes, i suppose. i’m CORIN , who are you? “
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                       "   jennifer.   "   she introduced, holding out a porcelain hand to shake.    "   it's nice to meet you, corin.   "   she glimpsed at the crimson hues, unphased. she was used to the sight by now.
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ofhybridiisms-blog · 7 years
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CARMEN   was nothing short of    d i s a p p o i n t e d   once the news reached immortal ears.   & &   she sympathized with the woman         the loss of a loved one … mere thought of losing eleazar enough to send the docile vampire into a DARK place. a screaming frenzy  ; she couldn’t imagine what the poor woman must be going through at this very moment.       “   this serves as another reminder that nowhere is safe for us , CHULA.  it never has been.    ”
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                       she wished that the beautiful vampire hadn't been right. more than anything, she wished for a safe haven -- a place where they could wake up and not have to WORRY about whether or not they would live to see morning light. jennifer heaved a great sigh, crystal blue irises trained on her leather boots, drawing designs in the snow.    "   it sucks that you're right.   "   the half-vampire frowned, shoulders sagging ever-so-slightly.    "   that poor woman...   "   jennifer had never been in love, so she couldn't sympathize, but the sound of her scream had been truly distressing. she could only imagine what the other must be feeling right about now.
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ofhybridiisms-blog · 7 years
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     “ hum… i don’t know. must be a new one. lemme see. “ delicate ivory fingers rotated the radio button and leaned head to the side “ i think it SORRY NOT SORRY by demi lovato. seriously love this song. baby i’m sorry, I’M NOT SORRY. “
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                       pearly white teeth shone as jennifer grinned over at the vampire.    "   you have a lovely singing voice.   "   she complimented, twirling a strand of honey-gold hair.    "   it's such a good song. i've heard it before, i just didn't know what it was called.   "   
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ofhybridiisms-blog · 7 years
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                       “ ooh --- what song is this ?? ” jennifer questioned, crystal hues shining. “ i really like it. ” the hybrid grinned as she swayed back and forth to the music, the corners of her lips tilting upward in satisfaction.
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ofhybridiisms-blog · 7 years
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         @ncsscullen​ !! half-human heart POUNDING against it's iron rib cage, crystalline hues flickering across CHAOS & & nightmare incarnate. it wasn't supposed to be this way. HONEY-GOLD curls bounced restlessly as the hybrid found herself looking every which direction, before crystal clear irises landed upon a copper haired young woman. jennifer approached without fear, eyebrows knitting together as a question posed at the tip of her tongue. ‘ excuse me -- what’s going on ?? ’ she already knew the answer; she just wanted confirmation.
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ofhybridiisms-blog · 7 years
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ofhybridiisms-blog · 7 years
tag drop !!
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ofhybridiisms-blog · 7 years
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         @warmfaith !! crystalline hues land upon topaz counterparts, dismay    &  &   skepticism swimming in her expression. her reluctance to speak is evident as full lips part, only to close     MERE MOMENTS    later. ‘ and here i thought that this place was    s a f e    for us. ’ muttered the hybrid, arms wrapping around herself against the chill in the air.
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ofhybridiisms-blog · 7 years
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ok last intro i know these are annoying im sorry i just want everyone to have a feel of my kids before plotting commences i apologiZe anyways it’s ashlynn again just followin’ routine
this is jennifer !! she is a hybrid child of joham and a woman named jennifer carlevaro (( bc joham named all his daughters after their mothers )) though my jenn has no idea what her last name is because no one ever bothered to tell her.
she was born in london, ohio in the year 1991 and her mother died instantly after that beautifully gruesome birth that comes alongside having a hybrid child. she is the youngest of joham’s hybrid children, and she has been traveling with him, and her two sisters for the last thirty-five years of her life.
fun fact !! her mother was the daughter of an italian mob boss who makes his residence in napa valley, california. she was in ohio for school when she met joham, and one thing led to another and ... well, now she’s dead. so technically, my kid jennifer has connections in high places that she doesn’t even know about yet.
my headcanon is that jennifer has always wanted out of joham’s group, but she loves her sister’s too much to want to dip out on them. 
that might change soon though :-)
she is also ej cullens mate, though neither of them are aware of it yet. 
jennifer is p much stuck in the 90s/early 2000s honestly. the flannels and the ripped jeans and the doc martens and all the old punk music. i mean rlly girl the grunge look is Cute and all but get with the hashtag times it’s 2026 whatchu doin
she’s still pretty freaked out about the fact that she’s going to look eighteen for the rest of her life. like, she’s going to live forever but never physically age ?? what the heck ?? though she’s not opposed to being Pretty forever hell if i looked like her i’d be celebrating
she’s really street smart. she’s got really good survival skills. her book smarts are there too, just not as prominent as her street smarts. jennifer is definitely the girl you’d want to have with you when navigating through places you might normally get lost. idk how she does it, especially bc i can’t give directions for shit man.
shes also very affectionate. my hc is that in joham’s group, she’s not really allowed to be as affectionate as she would like, which makes her my lil touch deprived puppy honestly. she just wants to be able to love on her friends and family sighs.
shes also a very lively, fun girl. she’s that friend you have that has a resting smile-face. but don’t cross her bc as soon as you’ve made it onto her bad side, she gets hella ruthless.
anyways yes hi come bother me for plots i love yall bye
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