ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
closed starter for vesper ( @throughthefiire​ ) location: lapaws
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here we go again, river thought as he took his father’s car the second he was home, with a little bundle of blankets and concern written all over his face. he didn’t have enough with felix, his cat, how nowadays was growing big and playful and loved to climb over every single piece of furniture in the house. this time it was a tiny bird- he was not even sure of what it was but it was not a common bird. he had seen those many times before- he wouldn’t even need to take them to the vet if this was any other bird, but he was not sure if this was some kind of eagle, or parrot- maybe an owl? 
river didn’t waste a second, rushing into the mall despite having left earlier in that moment and heading to the pet store. he knew it was not a vet clinic, but he didn’t know any better and vesper had helped him before with similar things. the second he saw him, river put the little bundle on the counter and gently uncovered it. “felix brought it inside- i- i thought it was dead, because he usually brings a lot of dead spiders, mice, and- but it started whining and it’s- it’s so small- what is it? is it going to live?” river wondered out loud, using only one breath to carry all his ideas and sentences. 
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
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               winter was easily leaf’s least favourite time of the year , even despite things like his birthday and christmas and new years taking place throughout the season , and despite him finding winter activities to be wholeheartedly fun . he was reminded of why he thought this season blew as he had to put on layer after layer in preparation of exiting the building , finishing the look with his large boots - the only pair of shoes he would ever own or wear , wearing them only when he had to . he was extremely sensitive to the cold , surprisingly , and he was uncomfortable in all he was made to wear to protect himself from the bite the air had to offer once he stepped outside , but seeing river there waiting for him immediately worked to thaw his temporarily frozen heart . “ a ride ? ” his mind immediately went to things other than the car river was standing by , despite knowing what he really meant . “ yeah , i’m looking for a ride . but can you also drive me some place ? ” he teased him , though his mind quickly changed pace as he looked down and saw what river held . was that a present of him ? the mere thought of the romantic gesture was enough to warm leaf up even while out in the cold . “ thanks for driving up to the door for me , i’m a real baby in the cold . ” he informed the other , not having to reach up quite as far as usual to kiss him as the added height the boots he wore gave him assistance . they kissed the other once , then twice , then a third time for no reason in particular other than they simply couldn’t get enough of river .
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leaf walked out in full gear, as if he were wearing a full armor against the cold. river smiled- it was too cute. he somehow looked even smaller than usual despite the extra height inches with the snow boots. it wasn’t like river loved the cold, but he didn’t have that much gear to cover himself up, so he ended up getting used to it for the most part. besides, river ran hot for some reason. he was a little walking heater, which would work if leaf hated the cold enough to wear ten thousand layers. it only made river want to wrap his arms around him already, bring him close and hibernate - or better yet, never move again. for once, river’s mind was in some kind of innocent mode where he didn’t get the joke for a couple seconds until leaf made it painfully obvious. of course river laughed, felt his cheeks redden, though he could argue came with the cold, but he simply stepped forward and handed him the letter and the little paper flower. “you’re a baby either way,” he teased, returning each kiss with his eyes closed, wishing each time it lasted longer than before. you’re my baby, he wanted to say, but a sudden wave of panic forced the words back into his throat, but he grabbed his face and kissed him deeply for a few seconds before moving back. 
river fixed leaf’s winter hat and opened the door for him before going around the driver’s seat. the car was already warm, so there was no need to wait for it to do so the second they were inside. river started the car, turned on the radio, and immediately went off on some spanish music station his father loved to hear. river was quick to turn the volume all the way down and laughed, looking at leaf as if he suddenly was way younger and absolutely smitten for the first time. “sorry about that- it’s my dad’s car after all,” he wrinkled his nose before slowly starting the drive towards the lodge. “i, uh-” have never been on a date, he thought of saying but once again he panicked. “i’m excited,” he said instead, and turned the knob of the volume back up, letting leaf choose the station instead. 
river pulled over by a little shop in the lodge- the place was full of life already, and with the winter getting closer and closer, the sun was already halfway down, allowing the lights and decorations shine all across the lodge area. “uhm- have you ever made a gingerbread house?” river asked before getting out of the car. “i haven’t.” he grinned, feeling almost childish about the activity he had chosen. he had also gotten a cabin for the night, but river did not want that moment to be the center of their day, so he kept it to himself for now. feeling a new wave of nerves, giddiness and almost nausea, river got out of the car and held his hand out for leaf when he opened the door for him. “let’s go inside before you freeze, baby.”
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
annie couldn’t help but think a little more now on the pros and cons of still living with her family; of course she’d already thought about it enough times to wear a dent in the floor from all the included pacing, but adi was living the possibility, so it was a little different now hearing what he thought about it. then when he mentioned knowing she was only joking around, she set the dilemma aside and chuckled. “sorry, it was impossible not to tease you about it. it was the opportunity of a lifetime.” and then suddenly, living back with her family was looking slightly less appealing than it already was thanks to the possibility of them snooping into her personal life as well. “yikes.” annie couldn’t help but grimace a bit. “that’s… awkward as hell. i’m sure they mean well, but i don’t think anyone wants to talk to their parents about that kinda stuff.” she hadn’t entirely figured the whole sexuality thing out herself, but her dad was the last person she’d want to have that discussion with. “where are they now?” she looked around as if expecting they’d appear without warning, suddenly a bit worried about being pulled into such a discussion. “i can pretend to have a boyfriend or something if they start harping on you while i’m here?”
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“what is that supposed to mean? i... i have a dating life, yeah?” he didn’t or annie would know about it. he realized then he had not been on an actual date in over a decade- it was embarrassing, really. it had not even moved on from a single date, in fact. god- he was such a shame to this world. “yeah, it’s... it’s got its perks, but that’s definitely not one of them. i can’t stand it when they talk about grandkids either.” he faked a shudder going down his spine before shaking his head dramatically and laughing when his eyes met annie’s again. “my parents? my dad is having a good day, so my mom took him for a little walk. the doctor says it helps his body to remember- in case he ever finds himself lost out there- his mind may forget, but his legs would take him back here. don’t know if it’s true, but it doesn’t hurt nobody,” adi sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “don’t worry about it. they won’t say anything to your face. and i’ll handle my mother when it’s over, so, no need to lie about anything. thank you though.”
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
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               valentine did have a reason for not having put a tree or decorations up , though as it seemed to have gone since the very first day they met , jude happened to do every single thing right . his unexpected gifting of the tree was perhaps the only way valentine would be able to accept the holidays back into his life so easily - and though valentine hadn’t analysed it or over thought it and realised it just yet , he did already know that he was the luckiest in the world to have jude and this gesture . “ that’s for me ? ” his massive grin was almost childlike , his energy matching merry’s as the dog’s tail wagged enthusiastically due to jude’s presence . “ jude , i - you’re amazing . ” he laughed softly as he admitted it , already stepping away to go fetch the bag of ornaments jude had told him about . once back with the bag , back inside of his cozy apartment ( that was now growing cozier due to jude’s presence and additions to the place ) he sat down next to the other man on the couch , feeling like he was buzzing from all of his overwhelming feelings and emotions . “ can i make you a coffee ? or tea ? or cocoa ? ” he asked , wanting so desperately to repay jude for this incredible thing he had just done . “ and then we can decorate it . ” 
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“well, who else would it be for?” jude responded with a little bit of a laugh himself. “i man, i’m sure merry will love it, but not sure if he knows what christmas actually is,” he laughed again, trying his best to recover his breath and his back, since carrying it up had taken a toll on him but it had been worth it to see the light in the other’s eyes when he showed up. “my apartment is too small for a tree- i had to put one up somewhere,” he explained, even though it had not been his motivation for it at all. he had noticed valentine’s mood lower since he knew about his husband- he figured it would be tough to spend the holidays on his own after something like that. he simply wanted to bring a little bit more cheer into his life. jude smiled, letting out a little sigh when he felt better after a few seconds- he recovered fast. “uh- it’s time for cocoa, isn’t it? i’d say let’s go all in- do you have any Christmas music, or a radio or something? There’s this station playing Christmas music 24/7- i’ll- i’ll put up the lights in the meantime, yeah?” Jude grinned. He didn’t want Christmas to pass without it being special one more year. Not when he was finally becoming comfortable with everything around him.
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
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  𝟷𝟸 𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚋𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜                           6/12    BRIENNE & TONY ( @hallowghoul )
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
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    the two were meant to head to the winter activities going ont his week together, but of course river is side - tracked. to tell the truth, so is kimo, though he doesn’t show it as outwardly so. eyebrows furrow, not bothering to answer the question, nor look up at the potential festive earrings. ‘  ha.  ’ kimo says in waning amusement. ‘  you wanna pierce them for me? that a kink of yours, riviera?  ’ a beat goes by, fingers still guiding the countertop skateboard into a neat kickflip.  ‘  are leaf’s ears pierced?  ’
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it only half occurred to him that kimo could be upset with him about something. or maybe he felt bad about something. maybe he felt like he was coming down with a cold? river could not stop thinking about it for a second there with absolute concern for his friend. “i mean- i would not say it’s a king, but i could. i worked at claire’s for a second there. are you scared of needles?” he asked, being totally serious about it. “leaf’s?” he was taken aback. “nope- well, i don’t know. i haven’t noticed. why?”
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
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IKE scoffed upon the other’s realization, mouth upturned into the smallest smile. “trying not to look at my tits?” he repeated, eyebrows raised and doing his best not to let any laughter slip past his lips. “i could walk around in a yarmulke and people would still think i’m some kind of wasp.” he rolled his eyes, uncrossing his arms and removing that defensive glare he assumed before realizing the other had meant no harm. “unfortunately, hanukkah is over, and i don’t know if my boss would let me hang up anything too religious. this time next year, though? you bring that over here and this’ll be the best decorated hanukkah storefront in-town. i’ll bring in some dreidel stickers and it’ll make all the bubbes go crazy.” ike shrugged. “still, even though your timing isn’t perfect on this one, you’re lucky the next jewish holiday isn’t too far off. tell me, kid, do you even know what passover is?”
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“i don’t want to walk around with a hard-on,” he concluded, speaking oh so casually about it as only river could do. “i don’t know what a yarmulke- did i say it right- i don’t know what it is, but you’re hot, brother... i’m sorry. i’m just stating facts.” he grinned, he had just said a compliment. he wanted to be extra nice. “what? is it over? that’s... i mean, it’s better than a single day of christmas, i guess, but that’s a bummer.” he looked down, clicking his tongue for a moment there. “i’ll make a mental note about it.” he grinned. he would forget, but he was sure seeing the slightest thing related to the holiday would bring it back to his mind. “uh- not really. i mean, i know it’s a thing, but...” he shook his head with a bit of shame. “my dad’s a church going catholic- i’m not exactly well informed. i’m sorry.”
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
STARTER FOR @ofkingsnqueens​
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     ali was skating on lake love thinking about the last script she’d written – it had been a long time since she last actually worked on it, but every now and then, the blonde would tinker around it in her mind. she was so distracted thinking about her plotline that she didn’t notice the snowy clump of ice on the lake, which promptly made her fall on her ass, her hands not doing much to soften the landing. “shit.” she hissed, suddenly noticing the familiar face that saw the whole thing go down. “if you so much as chuckle about this i will mess you up.” 
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thalia knew she would regret to go ice skating with a new pair of skates, but her last pair were so torn out that she had no other option. she could have taken her brother’s hockey skates, but she was sure she would end up on her ass before she could even take a breath. so now she was sitting in a small bench, trying to rest her feet from the soreness and people watching. she loved this time of the year so much, despite her family life and how much she didn’t want to be with them. but there was something about the cold, the color scheme, the jackets, and... the people falling in front of her nose that she would never change for anything in life. she snorted before the other could speak, but she was up to try and give her a hand either way. “i’m sorry- i was just... it was perfect timing, that’s all. are you alright?”
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
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the look in rory’s face is enough to cause her own lips to twist into a mischievous smile as she feeds off her innocence. “you’re cute.” she hums as she moves to snag a rolled up joint from her black leather purse. pulling a hot pink lighter from her pocket she raises a finger as if to say ‘hold’ before lighting the joint and taking a soft puff. “let me break your heart real quick.. delivery came and went fifteen minutes ago.. but.. i’m extending my lunch break and i think you should break habits for a day.” she explains as she takes one more puff of her joint before extending it out between two well painted fingertips. “whatd’ya say?” she purrs with a flutter of her eyelashes.
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rory blinked with confusion. where did the compliment come from? she couldn’t be sure. she was not even sure if it was an honest one, or something full of sarcasm. it was hard for the brunette to know when that happened- she had trust issues from the way her mother and sisters talked to her at home. “thanks...” she didn’t make it a question, which was new for a change. “yeah, i figured that had happened,” she sighed, slapping her hands on her thighs out of frustration and almost standing up before she saw the other’s extended hand, the joint at the end of it. it would not be her first time smoking, but it would be the first time away from home, where she could hide from embarrassing herself. “uhm...” rory looked around, as if she were about to do something forbidden, then pushed her hair behind her ears and took the joint. “sure-” she mumbled before taking a soft hit, which of course came followed by a cough fit. 
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
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“i hope you aren’t getting any crazy ideas.” just on his way to greet adi, mathew had seen two separate people fall over on the slopes, and each time he had taken a small pause to watch that they got up alright before letting out a breath. “they’re determined, at least.” everyone must’ve been feeling particularly adventurous this year… but, mathew had promised himself not to think too much about it while out; the avoidance had been surprisingly helpful so far. all he wanted to do was enjoy the cold weather with hot chocolate in hand and catch up with adi for a minute. “what do you think? is it foolish or commendable that people are trying the slopes obviously above their skillset?”
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“crazy ideas?” adi couldn’t say he was even considering anything crazier than just sit under one of those standing fire places or whatever they were called, and laugh at the people rolling down the hill like every single winter special cartoon. it was a favorite pastime of his, he had to admit. “oh, you mean- like.. me going up there? ha! it would be a suicide to me. a fun one, for sure.” adi scoffed and took a sip of warm wine, so far the best thing to ever come from the lodge and every winter thing. “unless you got a defibrillator with you, then i’m down to try it out.” he smirked. he had no plans to move from his seat. “depends. if it’s a young person, then it’s... definitely admirable. they’re trying to better themselves. anyone past thirty-five, what the fuck are they doing?” he laughed softly. he knew he was not exactly old either, but even without his heart condition, he wasn’t sure his hips and knees would hold after a fall. 
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
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it wasn’t like he wasn’t used to the cold.. new york had been home for so many years that he’d grown accustomed to it; the costa family made their christmas trips to the swiss alps and he considered himself fairly good at snowboarding, even if he was as clumsy as they come. so when brienne had offered to head over to the lodge he wasn’t opposed. pulling his winter jacket tighter around his frame he lingered by her side, eyes squinted a bit at the array of booths as the snow begun to fall around them. 
it’d been a couple weeks since their first date and despite the familiarity and comfort she brought there was still a bit of nerve settled in his bones by her presence. “so what’s first, huh? i’ll admit right off the bat you won’t see me in skates..” he explained with a bit of a wince, eyebrows raised as a soft smirk lifts onto his lips. 
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of course brienne was there too early. it always happened whenever she got nervous. not like she was unbearably nervous- well, maybe she was, but this time didn’t have to do with how things would go with her and tony. they had proved each other that they could talk and have a good time, but would this count as a second date? neither of them had called it that way, at least not to one another, therefore brienne had no idea what this new meet up was. should they call it hanging out? was it a date? fuck- she really really should have asked first. usually she didn’t have an issue being bold. brienne had always been upfront about what she wanted out of someone, but this time she couldn’t be sure. back in the day she had avoided getting too close to people under the excuse that she never stayed too long in town, but she had been in shrike for seven years. she couldn’t exactly use the same excuse. 
grinning, brienne waved at tony the second she saw him arriving, then went back to warm up her hands on the mug of hot cider she got only a few minutes back. brienne immediately switched her insecurity for a layer of confidence with a side of cockiness, rolling her eyes at the other. “come on! here i was thinking i’d get to see you being baby bambi and all that,” she grinned. “come on! not even for like ten minutes? i even brought my own.” she did not realize when she moved a hand to the collar of his jacket, tugging from it playfully, but in such an intimate way... she had been acting on an impulse, and even though she noticed, she didn’t move it away, only slid it to a gentle touch on his chest. “please?” 
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
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Tati Gabrielle by Mike Ruiz
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
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   𝟷𝟸 𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚋𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜                            4/12    AURORA MILLER 
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
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A soft laugh came from Ryanne, “Yeah, it feels like Christmas comes earlier and earlies each year. I think I heard Christmas music coming from the apartment next to mine the day after Halloween.” It wasn’t the worst holiday, but it did bring a lot of extra stress to most, if not all, retail workers. She was already dreading the angry customers who waited until the very last minute to develop pictures for their Christmas cards. “Right? I always thought it sounded a little too threatening.” She replied, feeling at ease with the other’s company. “I’m kinda just hoping the holidays fly by without any problems.” But that seemed unlikely in Shrike.
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“i mean, if it makes people happy then so be it. but some places get christmas before even halloween passes, and that’s not something i particularly like. i like halloween too much.” it was the one night a year where she allowed herself to let loose because she was sure nobody else would be around to bother her. “but also... that’s great- i just want this year to be done with. it’s been way too long,” rory sighed dramatically, her eyes widening as she remembered the attacks at the mall and every single drama started by her family. she wanted a fresh start- no, she needed it. “it’s creepy! like- i’m supposed to be excited for santa to come to town, not absolutely terrified?” she rolled her eyes. “yeah, me too. it’s been pretty calm lately, yeah?” it was almost eerie. 
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
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     i’d like to keep my job. the sentiment makes lake’s brows furrow. does rory work in the package room? lake realizes they have never met someone in packaging. lake wants to smile because they know the ability to help lies in their hands: keys. ‘  like i said …  ’ lake starts, holding up their car keys now for rory to see. ‘  they just left.  ’ they wait, even - energy, to find something out about rory. would they go on the hunt for this oh - so important package or not?
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rory found herself ten times more confused, which she found extremely unsettling. rory found it hard to trust people if she didn’t feel comfortable around them within the first couple minutes of interaction. rory looked at the other for a few seconds before decided it was best to ignore whatever their intention was. she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “well, thank you. i heard you the first time.” she looked away and sat down on the curb, harboring  the smallest hope on her delivery truck being late. 
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
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               “ funnily enough , adi , that is exactly my entire job description . ” he said it jokingly , though really it was one of the biggest tasks given as a security guard . it was especially important for desi to try to keep mall employees and visitors safe nowadays , when they dealt with such genuine threats that could cause issue seemingly at any time any day . he was laughing again at adi’s words , only softly , only quietly , but genuinely . it felt nice to be around a friend who could take his mind off of the crushing pressure and exhaustion he felt , and desi found himself thinking about how he might like to keep adi’s company more often . there weren’t many things that could make desi feel even a little bit better these days , so he was sure to cherish those things that could . “ i think i’ll take my chances . live life on the edge , or whatever they say nowadays . ”
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“oh, is it?” adi quirked a teasing eyebrow. “and here i thought it was going after kids who steal rings and earrings from claire’s and eat a donut every few hours...” he joked, breaking into a little laugh as he protected himself from any sort of shove or physical retaliation from the other. adi was too awkward to exist, but around people he trusted, he felt like he could be a little bit more himself than he even was at home. the version of adi his parents knew was slightly more serious, way more committed with his job, and some kind of charming gentleman. which was not exactly what adi would say about himself at all. “well, alright. don’t say i didn’t warn you. but hey, i’ll have a special made for you this week. so you look forward to it.”
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ofkingsnqueens ¡ 3 years
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silvio could feel the sudden shift in river when he mentioned the attacks , and he didn’t like it . obviously , he triggered something in him when bringing it up , since they’ve both been through one , but even with that , it was somewhat comforting to know he wasn’t alone in this scenario . even though things between them were …. difficult , you could say , but it still oddly tranquilizes him a bit to have the other there with him in a time like this . silvio thinks that if he got trapped in this closet all by himself , he would genuinely lose it . like , absolutely go insane . maybe it’s fate , or maybe they’re both just very unlucky souls , but he can’t deny that having him there is helping his panic attack . he wipes at his eyes , letting out an exasperated sigh . “ i mean … at least we have each other . i think … i think i would die if this happened to me by myself . ” he tries to catch his breathing , shutting his eyes and running his shaky hands past his face in a clearly frustrated manner . “ i’m sorry . ” he says , unsure of why he’s even apologizing as he breaks down again , more tears falling down his already soaked cheeks . “ i … i’m trying . i know … i know you’re scared too , but i–i have your back . ” as much as he could anyways . silvio was small , and pretty damn skinny , but he would put up a fight this time if it came down to it ( though obviously he hopes it doesn’t ) . “ what if … what if we kick the door down with the broom ? ” it was a weak idea , considering the broom looked like it would break in two just by being touched , but he was desperate at this point . 
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silvio had seen him mid panic attack, he remembered in that very moment. he had seen him losing his breath and pretending that it was all alright just like he was in this very moment, so silvio would know that river was, in fact, not calm at all about the situation. river rubbed his nose, a habit that came of so many years using and abusing substances that now it happened whenever he felt anxious or full of adrenaline for any reason. he moved his hand to his hair and looked up at silvio when he spoke again. “i- yeah, sure. i- you’re not alone indeed.” river smiled softly. if river had been alone, he probably would have ended up in a corner crying about life, thinking this would be the last four walls he would see. river was full of irrational thoughts multiple times a day. they kept him entertained, on his toes and very much hooked to marihuana and other substances. “don’t apologize, it’s fine. it happens.” river even managed to smile at the other before looking down at the floor himself. “i’m not.... i’m not scared, not really.” his voice sounded confident. he was a great liar. he was mainly uncomfortable, though. he couldn’t stop thinking about what silvio was more nervous about- being locked up, or locked up with someone who tried to kiss him out of nowhere. he felt terrible for that still, could not even look at himself in the mirror to this day. river looked at the broom and just let out a little chuckle as he shook his head. “it’s a metal door- it won’t work, but if it would make you feel better we can try.” he looked up for a second. “someone has to come throw the trash away at some point, right? we’ll be fine.”
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