ofmaddoxs-blog · 7 years
it was rare for sahara to be so impolite in public. the façade she was forced to maintain was that of a southern belle. hospitality and kindness was the kind of reputation she sought after— and so far things were going swimmingly. the familiar older male’s voice caused her attention to divert from her array of emails. “ maddox… ” she stated lowly and a fake smile plastering across her face as she looked around, a hand resting on his bicep. the last thing she needed was rumors of an unhappy engagement. the brunette leaned towards her fiancé, placing a tender kiss on his scruffy face. “ what are you doing here, honey ? ” she inquired through her teeth.
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maddox felt for the woman, he did. he wasn’t used to acting like the friendly new neighbor, a future husband, or even a father really, despite having children of his own. he had way too much blood on his hands to even consider a real possibility of any of that. they were all out of their element here and he, she hadn’t made it any easier. maybe that was why he enjoyed pushing her buttons. ❝ hello, mio amore. ❞ he replied with a small smirk, half expecting her to dig her nails into his bicep. maddox knew he was pressing his luck but he got a kick out of seeing how far he could push her in public, even if it usually came back to bite him in the ass. turning his head a bit, he pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth before she could back away. flashing her a grin, he lifted his glass of whiskey and took a sip. ❝ stopping off for a quick drink to unwind. what are you doing here, sweetheart ?? ❞
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ofmaddoxs-blog · 7 years
emma couldn’t help but to roll her eyes. she would’ve assumed the question was as simple as asking this or that, but apparently not. “it’s not really about standing out, it’s about how good it looks. if you were a girl and had to pick, which one would you go for?” she asked.
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maddox had to chew on the inside of his lip to refrain from retorting back at her. everyone wanted to stand out. if this girl thought differently she was only lying to herself. her next words did make him scoff, however. ❝ neither, ❞ he deadpanned before continuing a moment later. ❝ i would prefer something black. ❞
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ofmaddoxs-blog · 7 years
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ofmaddoxs-blog · 7 years
since the impromptu and rather hasty relocation to florence, sahara had a hard time dealing with her past. who could blame her? she spent her most youthful years being a pawn in the mafia’s game. while eventually she did elevate herself to become their queen, that kind of title only came with more responsibility. being apart of such heinous crimes made her sick to her stomach now but it had all been for ‘family’. her only escapes to distract herself from the skeletons in her closet were work, the gym and the occasional day drinking at a local bar. she choose the latter this particular afternoon. the dark haired woman sat at the corner of the bar; simultaneously scrolling through her email and sipping on a martini. work was dull in her opinion but when you’re old work schedule consisted mainly of organized crime, everything else seemed monotonous. unexpectedly a figure appeared in the corner of her eye. though she was trying her best to look as unapproachable as possible, some poor bar patron clearly hadn’t got the memo. holding up a single manicured finger the woman barks haughtily, “ please spare me the dialogue. the answer is no. “ 
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maddox opened his mouth to respond yet took a deep breath and quickly closed it, knowing it was pointless to point out that he hadn’t even said anything. her snark wasn’t new to him, perhaps part of him even enjoyed it, but that was behind closed doors, not out in public. in public, they were supposed to be a happily engaged couple, a family. and as much as it sometimes pained him to do, he played along, knowing one single weak link could bring them all down. the woman in front of him just happened to be the most challenging part of it all. ❝ so you don’t want another martini ?? well, alright. ❞ he mumbled as he took a seat across from her, knowing quite well she wanted to be left alone.
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ofmaddoxs-blog · 7 years
“so i was thinking this red one, because i really like the sparkly aspect of it.” emma said, holding up a red dress. “or this red one because i love that it’s backless. what do you think?” she asked.
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❝ uh... ❞ maddox scratched the stubble on his cheek as he looked between the two. he wasn’t sure why she asked him, he hardly knew anything about fashion despite growing up with more sisters than brothers. ❝ the sparkly one might stand out more ?? if that’s what you’re looking for. ❞
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ofmaddoxs-blog · 7 years
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The more the cafe flooded with people, the less Solana wanted to be there. But it was a part of her daily routine. Wake up and get a coffee / bagel combo at the quaint bakery down the street. It was normally a quiet place but today they were debuting a new menu item. And in a small town, that meant drawing a big crowd. Solana’s routine had allowed her to get there early enough to secure her own table but the overcrowded cafe was beginning to make her nervous. “If you need a place to sit, the booth across from me is free,” She offered once she noticed someone nearby trying to maneuver the crowd. “I don’t think either one of us is getting towards the exit any time soon.” 
maddox normally had his assistant bring him coffee first thing first when he arrived at his law office but since he had taken the day off, he was left to fend for himself. upon seeing the crowded cafe, he couldn’t help but wonder if his assistant went through this daily. the line at the counter almost made him turn around and leave but what else did he have to do today ?? after finally getting his coffee, he found getting out of the cafe to be an even larger problem. ❝ yeah, thanks. ❞ he replied back as he heard the woman. taking a sat he now noticed the familiar face and chuckled. his ‘niece’. ❝ eh, i don’t mind killing some time here. kinda beats heading home. ❞ the whole fake family thing, it was a little... strange in his opinion. they’d all ratted out their last supposed family. ❝ how long have you been here ?? ❞
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ofmaddoxs-blog · 7 years
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Here’s how to start your day like a VIP, featuring actor Matthew Daddario via GQ Report
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ofmaddoxs-blog · 7 years
hi, hello, everyone !! i’m danielle and i’m super pumped to be here bc this rp looks amazing and i love the plot behind this fam. anyways, this is my tol, scruffy son, maddox.
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(matthew daddario, 34, cismale, he/him) MADDOX ST. JAMES you don’t know me but I know you. a (lawyer) who (always puts liquor in their morning coffee) and people think you’re this (clever) (grifter) but really you’re just (aloof). rumor has it that (he bribed a judge for custody of his children) but the truth is (his real family put a hit out on him). worry not, I can keep a secret.. for now. I think I’ll call you LOTHARIO. -A
name’s actually leonardo russo or it was.
born and mostly raised in italy, to a prominent mafia fam. his uncle, however, had moved to the states rather young and gotten involved with the dixie mafia early on. long story short, stuff went down in italy and leonardo’s fam moved to the states and started working with the dixie mafia instead. he was 16/17ish at the time.
soooo his accent isn’t too heavy anymore but it does show up when he gets upset/angry or really tired.
during his time with the dixie mafia he mostly worked as a hitman/the muscle, the one never afraid to get his hands dirty for his fam. bc he used to be the type of guy that would do anything for his fam and he considered all of them as such. he was also a very talented con artist, usually using his charm and looks to steal from wealthy men and women by pretty much seducing them and robbing them blind. but it also worked well for some hit contracts so eh. 
they pushed for him to go into law so they could have a lawyer in their pocket just in case things went south, so he does truly have a law degree, he’s just used to being a crooked lawyer. go figure.
now onto the reason, he turned. he fell in love with one of the dixie’s prostitutes and actually planned on running off with her since y’know you typically don’t get to just walk away from that kinda life. they had twins together and he loved her more than anything, he was even planning on asking her to marry him the night she ended up murdered. by one of the dixie’s ofc. they somehow found out she was planning on bailing and yeah. after that, he was done with all of them, even his own actual fam. who say he’s dead to them, so that’s fun.
knowing they’d probably never be safe with him, he left his kids with their grandmother (the girl’s mom) and headed to florence.
he doesn’t really care about what happens to him anymore tbh but thinks his new ‘fam’ should get a second chance at a ‘normal’ life so he’ll put on a fake face and play along as the friendly new neighbor.
has a slight drinking problem but listen, if you lost everything and your fam was trying to kill you, you probably would too.
wasn’t crazy about having to be engaged to someone bc that’s still kinda a sore spot for him but having to pretend to be engaged to a woman that looks like that... he ain’t mad.
he’s pretty guarded obvs but once you get past that he’s someone that will stick by you through thick and thin.
also super good at playing guitar, piano, and drums.
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ofmaddoxs-blog · 7 years
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ofmaddoxs-blog · 7 years
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