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female characters meme: [8/10] dynamics | Katniss Everdeen and Effie Trinket
In the bedroom, I find another surprise. Sitting upright in a chair. Polished from her metallic gold wig to her patent leather high heels, gripping a clipboard. Remarkably unchanged except for the vacant look in her eyes.
“Effie,” I say.
“Hello, Katniss.” She stands and kisses me on the cheek as if nothing has occurred since out last meeting, the night before the Quarter Quell. “Well, it looks like we’ve got another big, big, big day ahead of us. So why don’t you start your prep and I’ll just pop over and check on the arrangements.”
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love youuuuu
and i love you, but what’s with the message. you have me on skype?
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what did you do?
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gonna be here today
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          little   glimmers   within the light, dust like particles that an unknown eye easily missed. pointed out, full of wonders  &  technological improvement as the little glimmers settled upon her hand.       ’ they produce its warmth,  not the light though.  it will keep your hand warm, but once  —— ’       own gaunt hand, veins like   HILLS   pressing against its skin. still so skinny, food in 13 not enough.  never enough to grow back into the old form,     thin   &   weak   and   muscles strained.       ’ you pull it away they return.  some did stay, but only the cheaper ones   —   see. ’     no shine on his hand left, the warmth entirely gone.    ’ the winter here is a  cold  one. ’
          only outside,    the lack of a twitching jawline upon her question,   could withstand her words,  though   oh,  a broken flame,   no birds singing   their tune not in his ears any longer.  a dying light,  hopeless, caught in the midst of an unwanted war.     ’  i’ve known some streets. it doesn’t look  …   real.  no people, everything in     ——     shambles. ’       chatter, laughter, colours lacking.  was this still the capitol  ?  home gone,  past never coming back.  &  that hurt more than any arena. 
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Not even a second passes before a crude thought enters her brain. Even now, with the Capitol looking like a war zone, she finds it difficult to have much sympathy for the citizens of the Capitol. Instead, she plays it off. A breath of laughter enters her space. “I wonder what’d they’d think about winters in Twelve.” That’s it. She refrains from commenting on the power outages they often face when Twelve faces its coldest nights of the winter.
She turns to him. She sees how hard this must be for him. The Capitol wasn’t in complete disarray, some parts still seem recognizable except for the deserted feeling. There’s no life or color to the gleaming city. “It will be built new,” she promises, “Everything will.” Districts, themselves, have been flattened by constant bombing in an attempt to lower the rebel numbers. Everything must change so a forest can grow new and greener than it had once been.
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he can see her shock, see her trying to understand how he knows ways to deal with trauma. but, for once, he does not indulge her. instead he shakes his head when she says hunting doesn’t work anymore.
     ❝ so what else? what helps you breathe easier? ❞
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Her shoulders shrug. It’s only been a few months. She just wanted to get her life back to normal. She hadn’t expected the nightmares to last this long. “The woods help sometimes. Other times it just makes it worse. Besides that, I have no idea. Haymitch isn’t exactly the best mentor to help with the aftermath either.” Not if she didn’t want to worry her mother and sister at least. Some nights it sounds appealing to just drown the nightmares in whiskey.
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send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ =  asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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here the thing about memes with me:
idk if a lot of people i am mutuals with are scared to send them? idk if i am intimidating, i try not to be at all. i try to make myself as approachable as possible. but here’s the lowdown about memes with me.
memes are amazing ice breakers. they’re wonderful ways to see how our characters might interact together in a thread. my only rule is that i only take memes from mutuals. i have no other rules. when in doubt, SEND THE MEME.
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‘ are you still trying to protect me? ’
@wroughtwar | meme
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She looks at him and nods. “Yes.” She always would. The moments she doesn’t know where he is, sends her mind into chaos and leaves a pit in her stomach. Those moments are the ones that make her realize she does love him in some way. Her chest aches just with the thought of him dead, his light taken away from this cruel world. All she wants is to preserve what Snow hasn’t taken from him. Katniss is convinced whatever light she had died when her father died, but Peeta still had it and she is determined to keep it bright.
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            a smile plays on his lips as his eyes look up at her, he places his pad and pencil down and turns, capturing her lips in a kiss that would satisfy the camera’s. ❛ keep it up ––– it’s just us. ignore the camera’s. it’s just another game to them. ❜ he murmurs the words against her lips, before pulling back and brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. 
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Now would be a good time for a parachute to fall from the ceiling with a note from Haymitch. But that wasn’t going to happen. Instead, she looks down at the pad, “What are you drawing?” she asks. Her mind tries to go back into her childhood. What were her parents like together? What about their relationship could help her through this and continue to convince Panem how in love they were?
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What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that.
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MOCKINGJAY PART 2 ( 2015 )  sentence starters
‘ give me one reason why i shouldn’t kill you.  ’
‘ did you have a nightmare? i have nightmares too. ’
‘ don’t trust them. do what you came to do. ’
‘ are you still trying to protect me? ’
‘ our lives were never ours. ’
‘ they’re afraid of you. ’
‘ anybody can kill anybody. you just have to be willing to sacrifice yourself. ’
‘ it’s war. sometimes killing isn’t personal.’
‘ we keep each other alive. that’s what we do. ’
‘ i’ll say this for you, you don’t disappoint. ’
‘ home. we go home. ’
‘ nothing good is safe while ____’s alive. ’
‘ one way or another this war is going to come to an end. ’
‘ it’s not your job to ask questions. ’
‘ i’ve been watching you. and you’re watching me. ’
‘ i guess there are no rules anymore about what a person can do to another person. ’
‘ oh, that speech you gave. oh, man. i mean, i still have goose bumps.  ’
‘ he needs to see my eyes when i kill him.  ’
‘ we’re facing an enemy that will not change and will never surrender.  ’
‘ and if it really came down to it, you think you could shoot him/her? ’
‘ if your immediate answer isn’t “yes,“ then you’re dangerous. ’
‘ they promised me that when the time came, you would help me.  ’
‘ if it gets to that point, i’ll kill you myself.  ’
‘ we’re gonna get through this. i promise. ’
‘ everyone that’s dead is dead because of me. i lied. ’
‘ i never meant for this to happen. i failed. i… ’
‘ she/he needed you to be there and take care of her/his family and you did.  ’
‘ no, i’m not losing you again. ’
‘ shoot me! ’
‘ you really think i gave the order?  ’
‘ i’m afraid we’ve both been played for fools.  ’
‘ all I know is that i was supposed to take care of your family. i’m sorry i couldn’t. ’
‘ it balances the need for revenge with the least loss of human life. ’
‘ may your aim be as true as your heart is pure. ’
‘ i’m sorry so much burden fell on you. i know you’ll never escape it. ’
‘ if I had to put you through it again for this outcome, i would. ’
‘ you came home. ’
‘  we’ve all suffered. but we owe it to their memories to do our best with these lives. ’
‘ i hope you're finding some peace. ’
‘ but there are much worse games to play.  ’
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