ofmugglestudies · 6 years
time: 7:00 PM  date: 7.14.79 location: zabini estate @ofmugglestudies
they’re cutting it close. sirius reaches for the flask hidden in his sleeve before he makes a beeline for the exit, narrowly missing crashing into the gillywater table. then he’s careening down the staircase and through a series of hallways. he arrives at the powder room winded. when he pushes through the doors, shedding the overcoat of his auror’s robes as he goes, he loses some more of his frazzling composure. “alice isn’t here?” 
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   as the door slams open  ,  charity throws a startled look over her shoulder.  upon realizing it’s sirius  ,  she relaxes.  but  ,  a heavy sigh still escapes her.  heels click as she walks across the marbled floor  ,  moving only to ensure that the door is under a strong colloportus.  “  no  ,  ”  charity reports  ,  the beginnings of a smile growing on her face.  “  she probably assumed you’d also be late.  ” 
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
date: July 14th, 1979 time: 5:35 pm location: Zabini manor status: open
     Five minutes late was a perfectly acceptable window to arrive at a party. 
     Narcissa smiled as her heels clicked their way across the marble floor, feeling most at ease in the crowd of wizards, surrounded by the magnificence of the Zabini home. It had nothing on the Black manor, of course, but it was certainly up there on her list. 
    A champagne flute found its way into her hand and she delved into the crowd, not actively seeking company. She knew it would find her. It always did. 
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   charity had dutifully attended at the side of her parents  ,  head hung low  ,  smile prim and thin.  so far  ,  it’s mostly stuffy old people.  many ask what are her future prospects  ,  in which her parents are quick to answer for her  --  she’s still young  ,  figuring it out  (  a blatant lie  ).  at the dishonesty  ,  charity itches to leave.  she finds her escape as narcissa enters.  because you can always tell when narcissa enters a party.  she’s magnetic.  charity murmurs a quick excuse into her mother’s ear before disappearing into the crowd.
   “  narcissa  !  ”  she calls out.  charity nearly sinks into herself as others turn at the shout.  with flushed cheeks  ,  charity comes to her friend  ,  awkwardly rubbing at her exposed collarbone.  “  i’m glad you’re here.  ”
   it’s kind of painful to see how similar this is to their childhood  --  narcissa is a graceful swan that floats effortlessly across the marble.  charity is the duckling that troops awkwardly along  ,  feeling out of place in the pristine cream of her dress.  although she’d grown up with a toe dipped into this world of opulence  ,  being a kid at this kind of gathering just isn’t the same as being  ...  well  ,  an adult. 
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
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                                                                                   CHARITY BURBAGE;                                                                                            GALA ATTIRE
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
The world is always in need of another kind deed.
Bruce Adler (via rabbruad1)
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
barty almost wanted to just wind it up for the night and head back to his house but he didn’t want to go back just yet. he knew there would be no sleep with how restless he had been lately and despite how big the manor was, in some moments the walls felt like they were caving in. he hadn’t bother to look up but he recognized her voice as he started gathering the papers in a neat stack and looked up. “charity,” he said, a small smile appearing on his lips, though it looked slightly strained. he had always gotten along with charity, she couldn’t have been more different from his other friends but that was part of it. “oh, let me,” he said apologetically, noting the soaked skirt and flicked his wand to clean it up. he shrugged, “yeah, just not drunk enough,” he said with a low laugh, “you, alright?” 
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  she inspects the bottom of her skirt  ,  tugging on the dry fabric.  satisfied  ,  charity chimes a sweet  ,  “  thank you  ! ”  the tension that hung in the air is gone quickly with his smile and the witch deigns to pull up the seat across from him.  a soft laughter bubbles as a smile warms on her lips.    “  yeah.  m’fine.  ”  she goes to take a small sip of her butterbeer  (  she doesn’t make a face  ,  but the brew just isn’t as sweet as madame rosemerta’s  )  and finds herself raising an inquisitive brow upon noticing the pile of papers and the shadows underneath his eyes.  venturing on a limb  ,  she muses  ,  “  long night  ?  ”  the smile on her face is amused  ,  but the question is laced in a concern.  
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
Build people up. Don’t tear them down. You don’t know the depths of the struggles they have known.
Bruce Adler (via rabbruad1)
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
bold what applies to your muse.
long legs.  short legs. average legs.  slender thighs.  thick thighs.  muscular thighs.  skinny arms.  soft arms.  muscular arms.  toned stomach.  flat stomach.  flabby stomach.  soft stomach.  six-pack.  beer belly.  lean frame.  beefy / muscular frame.  voluptuous frame.  petite frame ( 5 ft 4 or shorter ). lanky frame.  short nails.   long nails.  manicured nails. dirty nails.  flat ass.  toned ass.  bubble butt. thick ass.  thick thighs. small waist. thick waist.  narrow hips.  average hips.  wide hips.  big feet.  average feet.  small feet.  soft feet.  slender feet. calloused hands.  soft hands.  big hands.  average hands. small hands.  long fingers. short fingers.  average fingers.  broad shoulders.  underweight.  average weight.  overweight.
shorter than 140 cm.  141 cm-150 cm.  151 cm to 160 cm.  161 cm to 170 cm.  171 cm to 180cm.  181 cm to 190 cm.  191 cm to 2 m.  taller than 2 m.
pale.  rosy.  olive.  dark.  tanned.  blotchy.  smooth.  acne.  dry.  greasy.  soft.
small.  large.  average.  grey.  brown.  blue.  green.  gold.  hazel.  doe-eyed.  almond. close-set.  wide-set.  squinty.  monolid.  heavy eyelids.  upturned.  downturned.
thin.  thick.  fine.  normal.  greasy.  dry.  soft.  shiny.  curly.  frizzy.  wild.  unruly.  straight.  smooth.  wavy. floppy.  cropped.  pixie-cut. shoulder length.  back length.  waist length.  buzz cut.  bald.  jaw length.  mohawk.  white.  platinum blonde.  golden blonde.  dirty blonde.  blondette.  ombre. light brown.  mouse brown.  chestnut brown.  golden brown.  chocolate brown.  dark brown.  jet black.  ginger.  auburn.  dyed red.  dyed any “unnatural color”.  thin eyebrows.  average eyebrows.  thick eyebrows.
tattoos / piercings
full sleeve.  thigh tattoo.  neck tattoo.  chest tattoo.  one tattoo.  a few here and there.  multiple.  no tattoos. monroe piercing.  nose piercing.  septum.  nipple piercing(s).  genital piercing(s).  industrial piercings.  earlobe piercing. prince albert piercing.  eyebrow piercing(s).  tongue piercing(s).  lip piercing(s).  tragus piercing.  angelbites.  labret.  stretched out ears.  navel piercing.  inverse navel piercing.  cheek piercing(s).  smiley.  nape piercing(s).  no piercings.
eyeliner.  light eyeliner.  heavy eyeliner.  cat eyes.  mascara.  fake eyelashes.  matte lipstick.  regular lipstick.  lipgloss.  chapstick.  red lips.  pink lips.  dark lips.  bronzer.  highlighter.  eyeshadow.  neutral eyeshadow.  smoky eyes.  colorful eyeshadow.  blush.  lipliner.  light contouring.  heavy contouring.  powder.  matte foundation.  shiny foundation.  concealer.  wears make up regularly.  wears it from time to time.  never wears make-up.
floral.  fruity.  perfumes.  aftershave.  cocoa.  moisturizer.  shampoo.  cigarettes.  leather.  sweat.  food.  incense.  marijuana.  cologne. whiskey.  wine.  fried food.  blood.
jeans.  tight pants.  overknee socks.  tights.  leggings.  yoga pants.  pencil skirt. tight skirt.  loose skirt.  tight / formfitting dress.  cardigans.  blouse.  button up shirt.  band-t-shirt.  sports-t-shirt.  sweatpants.  tank top.  fur. faux fur.  leather.  designer.  high street.  online stores.  thrift.  lingerie.  long skirt.  miniskirt.  maxi dress.  sun dress.  tie. tuxedo.  cocktail dress.  high-slit dress / skit.  t-shirt.  loose clothing. tight clothing.  jean shorts.  sweater.  sweater vest.  khaki pants.  suit.  hoodie.  harlem pants.  basketball shorts.  boxers.  briefs.  thong.  hotpants.  hipster panties.  bra.  sports bra.  crop top.  corset.  ballerina skirt.  leotard.  polka dot.  stripes.  glitter.  silk.  lace.  leather.  velvet.  chemise.  patterns.  florals.  neon colors.  pastels.  black.  dark colors.
sneakers.  slip-ons.  flats.  slippers.  sandals.  high heels.  kitten heels. ankle boots. combat / work boots. knee-high.  platforms.  stripper heels.  bare feet.  loafers. oxfords.  gladiator shoes.
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
date: july 9th, 1979 time: 3:36 pm location: hobby shop, muggle london status: closed // @ofmugglestudies​
As far as Gilderoy was concerned, there were very few muggle dilemmas wixen hadn’t come up with a better, more proactive solution for. Under most circumstances, it seemed as if they were living lightyears ahead their mundane counterparts, brimming with knowledge and spells that could simplify the most menial of tasks. The sole exception, in Gilderoy’s most humble opinion, was the act of documenting his esteemed works. That was what led him into parts unknown following a hearty lunch at the Leaky Cauldron.
Since purchasing his beloved typewriter, he has paid this particular shop a visit just a handful of times, making a point to grab a surplus of supplies each trip. Arms loaded down with all the essentials — rolls of parchment, ink ribbons, white paint to fix the errors he seldom made — he takes his place in line behind a persnickety looking fellow with a handlebar mustache steering what appeared to be a carriage full of welding tools. Strange folk, muggles were, with their facial hair and casual whims. The sooner he paid for his purchases and crossed back into familiar territory, the better.
Twenty excruciating minutes later, he finds himself face-to-face with the surly man behind the counter. As the clerk begins to key in his haul, Gilderoy thumbs through his coinpurse only to be met with a collection of sickles and galleons. Perfectly acceptable currency in the Wizarding World, worth nothing more than a piece of jumper lint amongst muggle-kind. “Oh, Merlin. It appears I’m short a few coins.” Kicking himself for the oversight, he plasters on that winning grin in an attempt to sway fortune in his favor. “My good man, could I perchance trouble you to hold on to these items while I scurry over to the bank? I assure you, I’m extremely trustworthy.” Behind him, the line seems to grow longer by the second. Perhaps this little excursion wasn’t such a bright idea after all.
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   charity is initially persuaded into the store by the massive display of pens visible in the window.  despite many trips to the registrar’s office  (  in which she had her first encounter with the writing utensil  )  ,  she still found herself fascinated by the inventions.  but  ,  as she opens the door  ,  she finds that the boy at the counter has really familiar hair.  OH ,  MERLIN.  she’s going to faint.  from the very first time she saw him in the great hall in her first year  ,  to the dusty little hobby shop in muggle london  --  charity could recognize those beautiful, luscious locks  a n y w h e r e.  
   how wonderfully humble gilderoy is  ,  coming to muggle london  --  surely doing so to touch upon his muggle roots  --  and purchasing his writing supplies from a humble brick and mortar shop.  she knows what her next gift will be.  nervously  ,  she grabs the nearest object  (  a porcelain figurine of a rosy - cheeked cherub  ) and joins the line.  as she inches closer to the counter  ,  charity hopes to catch a glimpse of his face  ,  maybe even the musical lilt of his voice.
   she gasps  ,  hearing the problem.  “  i  ...  uh  ...  i can cover.  ”  whatever the cost of his purchase  ...  well  ,  it doesn’t compare to the cost of her love.  that and with all the gifts she sent to him  ,  she’s probably spent more on him before.  charity moves forward  ,  placing her angel on the counter.  “  all together  ,  please.  ”
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
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     the faltering in charity’s smile does not go by unnoticed. call it maternal instinct, but molly has always had the ability to read people well. besides, the paint story has not escaped molly’s knowledge. while she has always been much more inclined to receive dorcas and charity at the burrow, the story was shared amongst most of the order members. it takes her a mere second to realize why the younger girl is there, a sad smile gracing delicate features. “hello, darling. long time no see.” it is molly’s fault, truly, but she is not quite ready to talk about grievances. as for the paint, she has the perfect solution for charity’s problem ( truthfully, discovering how to get paint off fabrics had to be one of molly’s first task as an older sister ), but she chooses not to admit so just yet. “are you sure, darling? i’m sure no one would judge you if– well, if you decided to keep some things the same.” merlin knows molly would never, she knows how challenging grief can be.
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   even though she knows grief is not a competition  ,  she’s sure molly has it much worse than she does.  that’s why charity feels her eyes suddenly getting watery.  because molly is  SO  compassionate.  merlin  ,  charity loves this woman.  she tries again to smile  ,  exhaling the beginning of tears.  “  my mum said it might be good to rent out the room.  ”  in fact  ,  it was the only reason she was speaking to her currently.  that kindness was sure to end soon  ,  though.  “  so  ...  i figured getting the carpet cleaned is the first step.  ”
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
    “I had a feeling you’d be interested !! ” She’s all too glad to give Charity a heaping serving of what’s quickly become her own favorite flavor – hopefully the witch will enjoy it as much as she does !! “Tell me what you think – give me your honest opinion. We appreciate the feedback.” 
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   she’s just as excited to try the ice cream as she was to work with the nifflers during care of magical creatures.  (  hint  :  she’s extremely excited.  )  “  of course  !  ”  she promises  ,  flashing her a dazzling smile as she reaches for coin purse.  “  how much do i owe you ? ”
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
Slytherin: Hufflepuff, I think it’s time we tell you, your bacon allergy is a lie.
Ravenclaw: Your parents made it up so you’d eat healthier.
Hufflepuff: What? No. No, I’m just allergic to a lot of stuff.
Hufflepuff: Bacon, donuts, halloween candy, not saying ‘thank you’
Hufflepuff: …
Hufflepuff: Oh my God.
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
date: July 6th, 1979 time: 12:30 am location: The Leaky Cauldron staus: open 
It was late and the place was empty apart from him a couple of others lingering near the bar. Barty had been sat in the very back since that evening. He hadn’t felt like going home and was instead trying to figure out the complications in this one spell for hours but had no luck yet. Frustration was starting to set in, his usual put together appearance was disheveled by now and his fingers ink stained. Notes were strewn all over the table as he tried to figure out what was wrong. He went through the calculations over and over again to try to pinpoint where the mistake might be but everything seemed to be in order. Yet, the final answers weren’t adding up.  He couldn’t very well move on to testing it if he couldn’t even get the basics right.  “Fuck!,” he cried out loud, bringing his hand down on the table in frustration, irritation and anger plain on his features. It earned him a disapproving glance from the bartender and wary glances from others, both of which he didn’t really notice. The glass sitting on the edge of the table, half filled with Firewhiskey teetered for a moment before spilling its contents all over his papers and the person walking by. It only added to his bad mood as he reached for his wand to clean the mess, barely glancing up, “Didn’t see you there.”
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   unlike the other patrons in the pub  ,  charity hadn’t been there for much longer than ten minutes.  her cravings from the day before had yet to subside and she still wanted a mug of butterbeer.  seeing as the three broom sticks was out of the question for her  ,  leaky cauldron it was.  as she shuffles by the table  ,  both hands cradling her drink like a child  ,  she’s startled at the sudden uncomfortableness of firewhiskey seeping into the fabric of her dress.  “ don’t worry about it  --  ”  she sighs.  she places her cup on the nearby table  ,  meaning to grab her wand to clean herself up.  instead  ,  she meets the eyes of the drunken sod and finds herself surprised. “  --  barty crouch  ?  ”  although he had been significantly older than her  ,  she remembers him from her childhood.  “  are you  ,  er  ,  alright  ?  ”
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
date: july 5th, 1979 time: 1:15 pm location: Coffee House on ____ University’s Campus  status: Closed to @ofmugglestudies
As a half-blood Mundungus acknowledged that there were going to be people who considered him less worthy due to his blood status. But as Mundungus viewed it, it only ever offered him more. All the opportunities of the wizarding world hand in hand with all the possibilities of muggle society.
One such possibility that Mundungus thoroughly explored in his youth had been muggle universities. Granted, he hadn’t usually been on campus for educational reasons, but he certainly remembers the times as fond learning experiences. All of this to say Mundungus had seen a lot of things at muggle universities. And yet there is always room for surprises.
In truth, Mundungus hadn’t thought to find himself back on such a campus; days of seducing university students behind him in favor of more intriguing conquests. Curious becomes curiouser, as he certainly hadn’t thought he would run into a witch at a muggle school. And most surprising of all, he had not thought to consider the possibility that he would be able to identify a witch on a muggle campus because they were blatantly in the process of handing over a handful of knuts as they purchased a drink.
“Why don’t you let me get that for you, love?” Mundungus insists, stepping in between the young witch and the cashier—luckily, a student themselves, and appearing far too tired to have noticed that the coins they were about to be handed were no common loose change. Placing a few dollars on to the counter, Mundungus reaches his hand around and lightly pushes the witch’s hand closed, hiding the coins in her palm, before the dead-on-their-feet cashier can’t help but notice the foreign coins. “Save your money. I’m sure those coins would be better suited for a different purchase.”
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   despite the fact that charity really wanted a cup of butterbeer  ,  she settled for the coffee shop on campus.  although her residence wasn’t exactly close to king’s college  ,  she had no qualms with talking the muggle route and walking the distance.  their macchiatos were smooth and if she put enough packets of sugar  ,  it was a  d e c en t  replacement for the three broom sticks.
   she’s bored as she orders  ,  half absent as she requests her drink.  it’s unlike her to be so inattentive and she’s caught be surprise as she’s stopped by the man. her brows furrow before looking at him in puzzlement.  she opens her palm  ,  suddenly noticing the  knuts.  oh.  nuts.  she’s left gaping  --  sort of like a fish out of water.  how did he  ...  he must be another wizard. “  thank you.  ”  charity murmurs  ,  cheeks reddening as she remembers her manners. 
    some days are better than others.  that’s all she can really say in terms about that.  most days  ,  charity’s functional.  then there are days like today in which she feels like she’s drowning in sadness and her mind is a muddled mess that looks at coins and thinks they’re all the same.
   allowing the next person in line to order  ,  she moves to the other side of the counter as she waits for the barista to bring her a cuppa tea.  “  let me pay you back  ,  ”  she begins to fish in her bag for her other wallet.  “  usually  ,  i’m not so absent - minded.  ”
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
     Her gaze darted upward at the sound of a familiar voice - and in her haste, arm thrust into the air, face spread into a wide grin, her lunch nearly toppled from her lap. Though there was something to be said for a quiet lunch, a solitary span of time in which she could simply sit, and think, and breathe, Mary was much happier to pass the time with a friend. A friend, as it were, who she was utterly smitten with, protective over, and unconditionally fond of. Though Mary surely had no business feeling protective over anyone at all, she knew without a doubt that she’d do all she could to keep Charity just as she was now. 
     – barring, of course, that she didn’t get squashed in the traffic as she approached. 
     “Oh, be careful!” Mary called, waving her hands - and her sandwich, by proxy - in the air as Charity approached. She shuffled to the side, patting the empty half of the bench in invitation. “Come sit! You hungry? I’ve got chocolate, and the other half of this sandwich. Not much, but it’s better than nothing!”
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   in the rural sea-side town that housed charity in her childhood  ,  she had never seen a car do much damage and the possibility that she might meet her demise through the vehicle had never crossed her mind.  happily  ,  she skips across the road  ,  her skirt narrowly scraping the side of a car as it zooms past her.  like a true pedestrian  ,  the only sort of reaction she gives to the vehicle is an annoyed look she throws over her shoulder.  it’s only a small blip as she returns to skipping over to the healer-in-training.
   “  mary  ,  don’t worry about  --  ”  she comes to eat her words as her eyes widening in excitement.  “  did you say  ...  chocolate  ?  ”  charity rushes over to settle into the empty seat next to mary.  it’s similar to a child running to their mother’s side.  which  ,  after some thought  ,  is exactly what she is.  “  oh  !  ”  she gasps  ,  offering mary the other cup with her.  “  i got you some coffee  !  ” 
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
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                                                                                   CHARITY BURBAGE;                                                                                     CHARACTER INSPO
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
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bake a cake from scratch.  ride a horse.  drive a submarine.  speak a second language. dance.  catch a fish.  play an instrument.  throw a punch.  build a deck.  ice skate. unclog a drain.  program a computer.  change a flat tire.  fire a gun.  sew.  juggle. play poker. paint.  fly a kite.  sculpt.  write poetry.  change a diaper.  sing. shoot a bow & arrow.  ride a bike.  swim.  sail a boat.  do a back flip.  play chess.  give cpr.  pitch a tent.  flirt. stitch a wound.  read palms.  use chopsticks.  write in cursive.  use an electric drill.  braid hair.  make a campfire.  make a mixed drink.  do sudoku puzzles.  wrap a gift.  give a good massage. jump-start a car. roll their tongue.  magic tricks.  do yoga.  tie a tie. skip a rock.  shuffle a deck of cards.  read morse code.  pick a lock.
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ofmugglestudies · 6 years
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                                                                                  CHARITY BURBAGE;                                                                                           MOODBOARD
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