ofnicole · 5 years
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       both legs are tucked beneath her, one knee jutting out enough to give ample space for lady to rest her head against nicole’s thigh. sharing a bottle of wine with one of her best friends, unwinding with an adorably affectionate pooch snuggled up with them — it’s exactly the type of evening she’s needed. however, as they start drifting from the normal talk of cute household animals to the more exotic choices, she almost spits out the sip of wine taken after the refill. fortunately, she manages to swallow without an external fuss before shooting emery a look that’s both a combination of disgust and amusement.  “ ew— em. no. i’ve never seen one in real life and i never want to. i can deal with reptiles, but bugs— spiders? i’d rather experience a britney spears-esque midlife crisis and shave my head. ”  with the bridge of her nose scrunched up, nicole gives a shake of her head before returning her attention to lady who’s comfortably nestled between the two of them, free hand gently massaging behind the dog’s ears.  “ snakes are ... okay. i don’t know if i could live with one, though, so no offence but i’d side with winnie on that one. why don’t you get a turtle? they’re kinda’ cute in like .. an old, fragile man way. ”
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     with a couple glasses of wine in him and buoyed by the safety of being in his own apartment, emery is as relaxed as he’s ever been. it helps that his company is one of his best friends in the world besides winnie himself, too. and to complete the feeling of serenity, lady has her backside firmly pressed against emery and her head lying complacently on nic’s thigh. “this guy today,” he tells her, carefully pouring more pinot into each of their glasses without dislodging lady, “brought a corn snake into the clinic. she was so sweet, i wish people brought snakes in more often. winnie would lose it if i got a pet snake, i bet.” he pouts, sighs, and takes a sip. “have you ever seen a tarantula in real life?” ( @ofnicole )
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ofnicole · 5 years
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       dogs will forever hold a sweet, special place in the young intern’s heart. there’s not a day that goes by where she doesn’t interact with a dog, whether it be a stranger’s passing on the street or a well-deserved visit with a friend’s fur baby; nicole is very much a dog person. however, as she’s stepping away from a hot dog stand with a loaded, barbecued wiener in hand, she certainly isn’t prepared for the zooming white fluff approaching at an alarmingly fast pace.  “ o—FUCK—— pup! ”  as soon as the initial shock wears down and she realizes this dog isn’t out to maul her, a giggle bubbles up from the blonde, squatting down slightly to gingerly give her new friend a few scratches behind the ear, while making sure to hold her lunch out of the animal’s reach. blue hues lift to focus on the presumed owner and a docile smile tugs at the corners of her lips.  “ oh no, it’s totally fine! don’t worry about it. coco and i share the same priorities, obviously. ”  her smile brightens and, with one last pet given, nicole raises up from her squatted position to stand once more, free hand lifting to tuck a blonde strand behind her ear.  “ how old is she? ”
— ✴ émeline watched, horrified, as her dog ran up to someone and immediately began begging for food. she followed behind the samoyed, shaking her head. “ oh god, i am so sorry, ” she apologised. “ you should absolutely not give in to her begging, i’m so sorry, ” émme said. “ arrêtes, coco. ”
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ofnicole · 5 years
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       “ sounds like you should start looking for a new job? ”  rosy lips form the sentence with ease, her tone hinting it to merely be a suggestion painted from a vague observation. there could be more detail behind the disheveled curtains than he's letting on, but nicole currently holds not a single shred of patience to play therapist and delve a little deeper. she’s on a mission.  “ i mean, if you’re really as unhappy as you claim to be, there’s loads of other work out here.  plenty of opportunities to get shitfaced on the clock. ”  slender fingers wrap around the neck of a bottle containing the highest percentage of alcohol that her blue hues can quickly register, gingerly lifting it from the shelf to examine momentarily.
“Understaffed shift, shit tips…I fucking hate working as a server. This new job sucks. I mean, at least at my last restaurant the dude who owned the place didn’t care if I showed up high and let us drink during happy hour. What’s with these uptight managers? The fuck? At least I got a job to barely afford alcohol.” Jacob turned from the person he was talking to and picked up a bottle of vodka from the shelf in the store. 
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ofnicole · 5 years
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             (  VIRGINIA GARDNER.  24.  CIS FEMALE.  SHE / HER.  )  ❛ nicole potter, a gemini from vancouver, bc, canada, moved into holloway five years ago. they are an information technology intern that lives in apartment 4d and their neighbors don’t particularly mind them. some say they can be uninhibited and inquisitive but others say they’re versatile and epigrammatic. anyways, one thing is for sure: you hear september rose by cailin russo, it’s nic blasting it. (  penned by CAJE ,  21+ ,  AST.  )
      good evening hunnies !!  my name’s caje, thank u for coming to my Caje Chat asdfdg listen i don’t have discord bc i’m a literal grandma when it comes to keeping up with all the new means of messaging oops so if u would like to chat and/or plot?? just shoot me an im on here — i’m always mobile & i obviously love to talk a lot !  and i’m a heaux for dramatic / angst-fuelled plots .. just a lil fyi … i’m excited !!  so anyway !!!  onto the wench you’re actually here to read about; my darling nicole.
full name: nicole theresa potter
preferred name: nic
current age: twenty four
preferred pronouns: she/her
gender identity: cis female
romantic & sexual orientation: demiromantic & homoflexible
marital status: single
zodiac sign: gemini
moral alignment: chaotic neutral
language(s) spoken: english, broken french
occupation: scammer; acting as a cam girl, & it intern
current residence: room 4d in the holloway apartment complex
looks like: virginia gardner
height: 5′8″
weight: 120 lbs
hair color: blonde
eye color: blue
tattoo(s): small black rose behind right ear
scar(s): n/a
dominant hand: right handed
distinguishing features: catlike eyes, bright smile
positive traits: versatile, epigrammatic, intuitive
negative traits: uninhibited, inquisitive, headstrong
are they generally dominant or submissive?: both, depending
emotional, logical or both: emotional
book smart or street smart: both
are they more introvert or extrovert: in between, a little more extrovert
optimist or pessimist: both
spontaneous or structured: spontaneous
instinctual or logical: instinctual
expensive or inexpensive: inexpensive
generous or stingy: generous
polite or rude: polite … but initially comes off rude bc she’s blunt
are they a day or a night person: night
do they have a fake id?: no, but she used to
are they a lightweight?: no
are they a virgin?: no
are they squeamish?: no
what can you always find in their pockets/wallet/purse/bag: her phone, loose change, raspberry chapstick, lighter or matches, and her keys
place(s) your character can almost always be found: her shared apartment, the company office she works at in the city, any of the various clubs around nyc, all the 24hr breakfast diners.
a vancouver native, her mother died giving birth to nicole, so the only family she’s known her whole life are her siblings, who she’s fiercely protective of, and the father she refuses to have any sort of authentic relationship with due to his sporadic absences. just a few months after her thirteenth birthday, papa potter up and moved their small family across the continent to a trailer park in california, where he left them at unannounced times to fend for themselves. while it wasn’t an ideal situation by any means, in a way it gave nicole purpose; taking care of herself and helping take care of her siblings as she matured. not to mention the added responsibility they all shared in paying rent and surviving in general.
while she picked up the odd job at a convenience store or gas station as a teenager, the eldest potter girl had a fascination with the dark web. at a young age, she was incredibly adept with programming and knowing the innards of computers in general, and the internet was like her playground. it started off very innocent, scamming people across the globe to deposit money into her account ( whether it be out of pity, infatuation, or sheer stupidity ). but after toying with malware and developing her own cryptic coding techniques over the years, nicole became something of a little hacker, which is now her main source of income for the family. posing as a cam girl, she coaxes the information needed out of her  ‘ clientele ’ before springing an unforeseen attack on them. she doesn’t completely drain their accounts ( unless they’re disgusting pigs and she’s feeling spiteful ), but she certainly walks away with a large chunk from their savings.
in school, she did absolutely stellar with her grades but “didn’t fully apply herself” according to the majority of her teachers, who frankly weren’t incorrect. nicole didn’t give a shit about her education, deeming high school as a ploy to train young minds to live by the same routine, day in and day out, once they graduated and moved onto the real world. however, despite her practiced skill in technological stealth, she couldn’t exactly bring in all this money without everyone in her small neighbourhood growing suspicious of the formerly poor potter’s newly formed middle class wealth.
sO homegirl ended up applying to university anyway, getting accepted into nyu with a computer science major. she packed up her shit at the age of nineteen and moved across the country into the apartment complex she’s now been residing in for a little over five years. of course, nicole still pulls some trickery online with her faux cam girl stunt, but she’s genuinely enjoying school and the internship awarded through her program’s work placement.
SHE LOVES TO GO CLUBBING PLS. like yes she’s nerdy as all hell but she isn’t ur classic tech-savvy introvert ok. she’s a smart cookie who loves to get her party on aka the best of both worlds woo
that’s all i have so onto:
platonic ;  childhood pals, best friends, ride or die gal who’s also in on her scamming cam girl shit, fellow scammer(s), clubbing pals, enemies turned pals, drinking pals, bad influences, good influences, pals turned enemies, petty rivals, toxic pals, etc.
romantic ;  high school girlfriend / first love, a boy she dated in middle school and/or freshman year of high school before coming to terms with her sexuality, ex girlfriend(s), one night stand(s), friends/enemies with benefits ( former or current ), flirty pals, cruses ( unrequited or mutual ), anything toxic / angsty pls
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ofnicole · 5 years
They looked like the sort of girls who started trouble just so they got the chance to stick up for each other.
White is for Witching, Helen Oyeyemi (via insp0s)
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ofnicole · 5 years
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ofnicole · 5 years
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ofnicole · 5 years
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ofnicole · 5 years
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ofnicole · 5 years
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ofnicole · 5 years
advertisement for father's day: father's day!
me: ..................... anyways
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ofnicole · 5 years
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ofnicole · 5 years
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ofnicole · 5 years
“youre always on your computer” well ur always on my nerves
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ofnicole · 5 years
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#me when someone asks me to do one thing
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