ofpaperhearts · 3 years
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“Yeah well, I practically have my life in my wallet so I’d hate to have lost mine.” Nat said with a small shrug. Living in a town like Lakeview was so different from Chicago and Nat knew they’d never have picked up the wallet if they’d been home.
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“My life’s probably a bit more in my phone.” A small sigh of relief left him as he pat down his pockets to make sure he still had his phone on him. “But it would’ve been a headache to replace everything in my wallet. I owe you one just for saving me a trip to the DMV.” 
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
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          to the surprise of absolutely no one , z had arrived back at masen’s bar to celebrate the newfound freedom out of the high school .  she was probably two drinks in when the girl beside her spoke .  with a snicker , z held up her cup towards the other .  “ i’ll drink to that , ” z said before gulping down the liquid .  “ didn’t realize i was stepping into some b-rated slasher flick when i relocated here . ”  then she sighed .  “ but i guess small towns really do just exist to be dramatic . ”
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Jasmit downed the rest of her drink and ordered another at the thought. She was so not the type of person who made it to the end credits of a slasher film. “I thought they existed more so to be those perfect little cookie cutter places where nothing exciting ever happens.” She’s pretty sure that was the idea her parents had when they moved here -- so much for that. “Whoever this creep is sure proved me wrong. The town does have the incompetence you’d expect though. I mean, seriously, no one has a single clue who could be behind all this?”
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
I’m such a “nah I got it” and suffer in silence type of person.
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
OPEN TO: ANYONE @lakeviewstarters​ WHERE: MASEN’S BAR
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With recent events, Jasmit needed a distraction -- though it was easier said than done when the most popular bar in town was owned by one of the families all the town’s recent tragedies seemed to hang around. “This town is a fucking nightmare.” She huffed to the nearest person. “I mean, I thought it was bad when I first moved here, but now it’s nosediving into some real hellish horror movie shit.”
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
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Elliot hadn’t slept much since the last attack, almost obsessively trying to get any sort of lead. Hitting dead end after dead end, he found himself revisiting the records room in the library in hopes that something in the old newspaper articles about the original murders would give him something to go off of. It was, unfortunately, going as well as anyone would expect a sleep deprived investigation to go -- lines blurred together and he found himself reading the same sentences over and over without retaining any of the information. It wasn’t too long before he found himself dozing off at the table he was sat at. 
Completely disorientated when he woke up, Elliot shot a confused look in the direction of the other person in the room before remembering what he was doing prior to falling asleep. “What’s up?” He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and tried to casually gloss over his public snooze. “Um, what time is it?” 
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
@ofpaperhearts​ || Closed Starter || Nat & Elliot
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“Hey wait up!” Nat didn’t enjoy jogging. In fact they might have gone as far as to say they hated it but when she’d spotted him drop his wallet they’d quickly tried to rush after them. “You dropped this.”
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Lost in an exhausting train of thought that he couldn’t even shake on a run, Elliot almost didn’t hear the person calling after him. “Huh?" It took him a bit to process what they had said. “Oh, thanks. I honestly probably wouldn’t have noticed I dropped it until much later.” With how sleep deprived he was lately, he might not have even pieced it together until the next day. “You probably just saved me a lot of trouble so thank you again.”
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
closed starter for elliot [ @ofpaperhearts ]
the whole deal with being locked in the high school and trying to avoid his parents had been an exhausting adventure for patrick. people had been running around the hallways, poking into the lab that patrick and moose had turned into their safe space for however long this was going to last. seeing his friend poke his head in though, patrick let out a relieved sigh. “elliot.” he offered a small smile soon rolling his head back slightly. “is it really that hard to just like – sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up? what part of don’t panic do people not understand?”
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Elliot was hoping to find an empty room to sit down in and take a moment to himself, but if he was going to run into anyone, he was glad it was one of the very select few people he didn’t feel the need to constantly keep an act up in front of. “So you’re saying it’s not a good thing that I haven’t really sat the fuck down or shut the fuck up since I got here?” He asked, lightheartedly poking fun at himself. “I think packing us all in here has put a lot of people on edge.” He shrugged as he walked over to take a seat on one of the lab tables. “I, shockingly, have yet to panic, but the whole not sitting the fuck down thing might be what’s preventing that.” It was a lot easier to tune out any racing thoughts when he kept himself busy helping everyone else. “How are you holding up with all this?”
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
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▷  currently  playing  ——  WELCOME TO LAKEVIEW a collaborative playlist for lakeviewhq.
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
What state do you live in?
constant stress
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
LOCATION: Lakeview High School WITH: Anyone
One of the many reason Thomas hated being stuck in a place like this, with all of these people was merely due to being lost in his thoughts. His mind was racing, constantly, but even more so when he wasn’t at work. He couldn’t get his brain to shut off, to slow down, to stop, and the constantly racing was exhausting him. He sighed, leaning against a wall as he lowered himself into a sitting position on the ground as far away from people as he could be. “Why  is  it  every  time  i  think  i’ve  tried  my  hardest  it  turns  out  it’s not enough ?” he asked out loud, not really to anyone specifically, but to anyone that might be listening.
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Elliot's plan was to help out as much as possible the entire time while stuck in the school to ignore the growing number of concerns piling up in his overactive mind. His current task was to hand out water bottles and he was going to do simply that, but Thomas’ words held him in place. It was hard to know what to say, especially when Elliot often struggled with a similar feeling and had yet to find a way to shake it. “I think that sometimes trying is enough, even when it doesn’t feel that way. I mean, people say we’re our own worst critics so I think it’s easy to feel like whatever we do won’t be enough, regardless of whether or not that’s truly the case.” He bit his lip and shook his head, “I’m sorry, I don’t know if that helps at all.”
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
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Banita Sandhu
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
“This is why we’re friends.” Cali smiled, though there were definitely more reasons, but their similar temperaments was one of them. “Trust me, I’m hiding out here. Hell, I might not even leave other than to go grab food. I only have so many water bottles and energy bars in my desk.”
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Jasmit lit up. Lakeview might not have been a place Jasmit had any real desire to be at, but it was the place that offered her the most genuine friendships she ever had. “Oh! That reminds me!” She hopped to her feet and practically bounced over to one of the very full bags she had packed. “This counts as an important belonging, right?” She asked, pulling out two bottles of alcohol from her bag. “I mean, it would’ve been criminal for me to leave these in my apartment after splurging on them.”
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
nothing like a natural disaster | OPEN
she wasn’t jazzed about having to be in the hall, in fact, she’d been in the middle fo writing when the announcement had sounded. but hey, maybe a natural disaster would be inspiring? she made her way through bodies of chattering people; some calmer than others, until she spotted a familiar face. she exhaled as she reached them. “i don’t think the gym is big enough for all these people,” she uttered, her bass guitar slung over her back. “i’m not even claustrophobic but i may be soon,” she added with a snort.
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What a nightmare. Jasmit had already been shoved and had her feet stepped on enough in the short time since she entered the gym to want to start yelling at just about everyone in sight. “Which is exactly why I refuse to stay in here for much longer.” She replied to her bandmate with her arms folded over her chest. “There have got to be plenty of other safe, less crowded spots around the school to hang around in.” 
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
closed starter for jasmit [ @ofpaperhearts ]
riley had desperately tried to keep their distance from everyone currently wandering around the halls of the old high school. but they could only sit around on their own for so long before at least needing something to drink, and maybe a snack. deciding to give it a shot, and hoping not to run into anyone in the process, riley started making their way towards the kitchen. it didn’t take long before they ran into a familiar face though. “hey, jas. um, do you’ve any idea where they’re handing out food and drinks and all that? i haven’t had any yet, and i could only avoid people for so long.” a small chuckle slipped from them.
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For the most part, Jasmit had been hiding out in Cali’s classroom -- there was no way in hell she’d manage to stay in the crowded gym without causing some unnecessary problem with the first person to get under her skin. The need for a real meal pushed her towards the kitchen though. And thankfully the only person she ran into on her way there was someone she actually liked. “Not a clue, but I’m starving. I’m sure we can just sneak into the kitchen and grab something. I mean, what are they going to do about it? Throw us out in the storm? Make us go sit in a corner and think about our actions?” 
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ofpaperhearts · 3 years
Open || @lakeviewstarters​
This whole thing was inconvenient to say the least, but that didn’t stop him from quietly taking up with the other volunteers, passing out food, blankets and other supplies to people as they arrived. That’s how he spent the majority of the day, blending in and helping out. He didn’t mind it and it made the time go by a lot quicker. That is until most everyone eventually let the stress of the day lull them to sleep. Tim was never great at sleeping himself and that’s why he found himself in an unoccupied corner he was lucky enough to find. Currently he was drawing, when the warning went out the first thing he did was stuff some art supplies into his backpack and grab his favorite acoustic guitar. It was really all he needed to keep himself sane for the next few days.
When he senses someone venture over, he doesn’t look up from his drawing, instead he rambles. Half because he’s exhausted and half because it’s something he’d do anyway. “You know people underestimate the chances of something really fucked up climbing out of the depths of the ocean like Godzilla. There’s literally hundreds of thousands of miles of unexplored ocean floor and it’s so goddamn deep. We’ll never know what’s really down there…and I think that’s pretty cool.” He smiles down at his artwork, a flurry of tentacles breaking the surface of the water before he finally looks up at the person who has wandered over. “Can I do something for you?”
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Despite feeling the exhaustion from running himself ragged all day in an attempt to help out however he could, Elliot couldn’t seem to get his mind to quiet down long enough for him to fall asleep. Rather than continue to toss and turn, and potentially annoy those in the cots near him, he opted to walk around the gym. He didn’t even notice the other on the ground until he spoke up. “I don’t think I’d be too surprised if a Lovecraftian monster washed ashore and started running amuck around town after all this.” A weak, tired laugh followed his words. It felt like it was just one thing after another in town these days, another problem creeping up seemed inevitable at this point. Though, it was far more likely to be something related to the person who seemed hellbent on ‘cleansing Lakeview of sin’ or whatever it was they kept ranting about on twitter, rather than some fantastical creature. “Oh um, no. I have a noisy cot neighbor so I just figured I’d walk around a bit and see if their snoring died down any after a while.”
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