ofprydes · 2 years
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Kitty is aghast; sometimes she thinks she really should stop being so shocked that Laura and Logan are related (by way of cloning science or something, sure, but still related). And sometimes, it really shows. “You can’t just steal!” Kitty asserts, jumping up an down. “We’re trying to make sure people like us, Laura! Not commit donut theft! What would Xavier say if he saw you?” Kitty huffed, trying to sound like a mother scolding her child and not like another kid, a little out of her depth, and also, really, really hungry. By Leia, she really wanted that other donut. “We’re gonna march right back in there an apologize! Laura? Are you listening to me?”
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“can i get–” she starts off saying, her voice drowned out by the outside noises that is new york city. “can i just–” she says again, sighing, she waits for the two people to stop talking, its crowded in this bakery and laura had just gotten back from another one of her little trips out of state, her temper is a short fuse because she’s hungry. it doesn’t take long for her claws to come out, she hears a gasp and she uses it to stab her two donuts holding them above her head before she’s walking out the door back onto the busy street. she plucks one of the donuts off her claw and sticks it in her mouth, her eyes looking up at the person. “i’m hungry, fuck off.”
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ofprydes · 2 years
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❝ ay petite ! ❞ arms raising up defensively, ❝ now when did you get so grown up et stuffy ? ❞ he replied, shoving his hands into his pockets as he took a step back. ❝ i’ve been around , you jus’ keep missin’ me . last i heard you was up on the moon or somet’ing . ❞ during their conversation he had had full view of the small group of students slowly walking away realizing their teacher’s attention was elsewhere; a small smile growing on his face. he almost let out a small chuckle before her last comment reached his ears, ❝ m’hurt , petite . dat all you think i am , a petty thief , ❞ well, not entirely untrue, ❝ a man can’t jus’ look at art anymore ? ❞
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“Hey, who are you calling petite! You....grande....!” KItty huffed, giggling a moment later. She had missed Remy dearly, and as he mentioned space, her upbeat stance shifted for a moment. Her lips pulled down into a frown; her eyes shifted away. “Something like that.” She mumbled. “It was hard to be here, when everyone was...not here. You get it, right?’ She turned back, shrugging. “Oh come on, don’t give me that!” She laughed, nudging him. “You were totally giving this painting your stealin’ eyes. That look you get when you want to take something! Don’t try to fool me. You know? That twinkle when you  see something interesting. I know you do it.”
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ofprydes · 2 years
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“  a boarding school  ?  ”  liv vaguely remembers hearing something about one of those  —  xavier’s school for gifted youngsters or something with a ridiculous name like that  .  “  yeah  ,  i feel like your problem is more  —  bringing a stranger to the school you work at  ,  not explaining my hair  ,  ”  she adds under her breath  .  liv smiles at the young woman anyway  ,  offers her an arm to lean on  .  “  okay  ,  how about a compromise  ?  there’s this really good coffee shop just around the corner  ,  let’s go sit there for a minute while you sober up  ,  and then you can ask me again if you’re still sure  .  ”
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“Yeah, it’s like a school where you live there? Not like a school for boards - don’t worry I sometimes ask myself why we don’t teach boards too.” Kitty explained, processing in her intoxicated mind no concept of the fact that the woman wasn’t asking what a boarding school was. “No, I think it’s the hair.” That, she whispered meekly into the air, teetering herself on to the stranger’s arm.”Mmmm,” Kitty hums. “I like coffee.” And without missing a beat, she perks up and points forward. “To the coffee shop we go! Lead the way my fine-haired friend!” She pauses. “We are like, totally friends now, right?” 
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ofprydes · 2 years
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“No, No, No, No, not this.” Kitty could spot Remy out of a crowd, partly because he was easy to spot, partly because she’d know that mop of hair and those fingers itching for action anywhere. Sprinting up to him, her hand went out, pushing him back as softly as she could. “Not now, Remy! Okay? I’m here with the kids and I would really love it if you didn’t derail our field trip with a heist, okay? Okay. Now, how are you? I feel like I haven’t seen you in years...it...hasn’t been years...has it...? Has...” Kitty, full of energy, rambled on for a moment before she glances back, noticing her little gaggle of children had dispersed. “Oh, great, not again.” Sighing deeply, she swung back around to look at the painting. “What were you going to do anyway? Just yank it off the wall?”
🃏 𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽 / @reshieldedstart​
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art museums: the city was full of them. to any scoundrel, the walls of the museum of modern art were practically screaming for a heist… gambit was no exception. ❝ the starry night … magnifique , ❞ he mused, turning his head to the person beside him, ❝ i used t’teach art history … y’really can’t appreciate it until y’right up close . ❞ he leaned in closer to the famous painting, dangerously close to setting off the silent alarm.
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ofprydes · 2 years
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sam stares at the girl in front of him. he’s gotten a lot of weird calls and requests lately, but this has to take the cake - at least for this week, anyway. “how do you lose a dragon?! kid, i’m not sure dragon search and rescue is really in my wheelhouse…”
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“You lose a dragon because you forget to cherish it...” Kitty began. “Honestly, it’s an epidemic.” And she’s joking, of course. Kitty loses a dragon because Lockheed is free to do whatever he wants (within reason) and does frequently want to do whatever (without reason). He’s not her pet, he’s her friend. And he’s gone and she really needs to get him back because he doesn’t have his cloaking collar on - the thing that turns him from purple alien to chunky cat. Naturally, of course, she forgets to explain any of this to Sam Wilson. “Aren’t you supposed to be a hero? This is hero business! Just pop the wings out and search around the block! I’ll even come with you! You can carry me on your back!” She blinks, “pleassseeeeeeeee--”
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ofprydes · 2 years
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liv has been spending as much time outside as she can  ,  trying to note the differences between this new york  &  her own  —  both in layout and in aesthetics  ,  brand names  ,  all those sorts of things  .  night is the best time for it  ,  when everyone else is distracted by their own tasks or not capable of sober thought  ,  and she can note down the city’s patterns of superhero activity as well  —  something she really doesn’t want to have to contend with  .
her night has been going pretty well  ,  all things considered  .  but then the girl notices her  ,  starts talking  ,  and  —  liv may be a villain  ,  but she’s not an asshole  ,  she’s not about to leave a clearly inebriated young woman out on the streets on her own  .  “  nobody’s ever phrased it quite like that  ,  ”  she replies  ,  “  but thanks  .  now  ,  about that jigsaw  …  this isn’t really the ideal time or place for that  ,  how about we get you home  ,  and if you’re still keen to do a puzzle with a complete stranger tomorrow  ,  i’ll leave my number with you  ?  ”
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“I just...really want to do a jigsaw puzzle...” Kitty’s almost crying. Of course, it’s not really about the jigsaw puzzle - it’s about how confused she is, how much she misses her quickly fading youth and how tired she is of the injustice of the world around her. But in her state, all it can come out as is tears about a puzzle she’s been carrying around. “Okay, but then we do the puzzle at my place?” She blinks. “No, not my place. I stay at this boarding school - I’m a teacher - and then everyone’s going to ask why I’m bringing a pretty lady with fluffy hair over. And then I have to explain that I don’t know why your hair looks so nice. I don’t know!”
With a sniffle, she calms down. “W-would you take me to yours?” If she was sober, there’s certainly something about stranger-danger she should be remembering. 
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ofprydes · 2 years
Kitty liked Jubilee - if not in part because they actually wanted to discuss Star Wars with her, then because they were cool (probably because they talked about Star Wars; it was a real catch-22). “Empire is kinda the best Star Wars movie; like, period. End of sentence. Men will just argue anything ‘cause they don’t wanna agree with someone who’s not a man, huh?” Kitty shrugged, sipping her iced coffee. “Honestly when a man talks to me, I just stop paying attention. If you just smile and nod, they think you’re listening when in reality you’re thinking about how sexy jar jar binks is.” Kitty pauses. “You ever do that?” 
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         @ofprydes​​    –––    CENTRAL  PARK    //    “  CAN  YOU  BELIEVE  THAT  some  dude  had  the  audacity  to  try  and  explain  to  me  why  it’s  wrong  that  empire’s  my  favorite  out  of  all  the  star  wars  movies  ?  ”
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ofprydes · 2 years
luna  ❄️❄️❄️:  i get it ! not everyone is into kpop luna  ❄️❄️❄️:   but no time like the now to get a new fan! luna  ❄️❄️❄️:   oh, i love your vibes! luna  ❄️❄️❄️:   wanna hear one of my songs?
( SMS ➜  not dazzler 😔): KPOP? I’ve listened to some Girls’ Generation before, does that count for anything? ( SMS ➜  not dazzler 😔): Hey! I like your vibes ( SMS ➜  not dazzler 😔): And YES YES YES I would love to!  ( SMS ➜  not dazzler 😔): Can you send me a link to a song or something? The least I can do is check you out
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ofprydes · 3 years
luna  ❄️❄️❄️: well this is awkward luna  ❄️❄️❄️:  names luna snow, nice to meet you ?  luna  ❄️❄️❄️:  sent an image.
( SMS ➜  not dazzler 😔): I don’t know who you are. sorry! ( SMS ➜  not dazzler 😔): are you an indie artist, or something? ( SMS ➜  not dazzler 😔): sent an image ( SMS ➜  not dazzler 😔): nice to meet you luna! I’m kitty pryde
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ofprydes · 3 years
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·.·❅   /  𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒 𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐎 𝐀 𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐍  over  teeth.   she  missed  this   ,  missed  kitty   .  the  charming  energy  that  was  almost  infectious.        for  all  the  disdain  and  reservations  she  had  held  about  the  day  ahead   ,   at  the  very  least  illyana  had  the  small  comfort  of  being  able  to  TALK  SHIT  ABOUT  IT  to  the  person  who  knew  her  closest  in  the  world.      that  closeness   ,   only  75%  ,   stung     - -    did  yana  intentionally  keep  everyone  at  an  arms  length  ,    her  presence  an  icy  poison  of  mood  killers  ?   was  that  the  reason  ,  despite   being  the  most  compatible  here   “”  apparently “”  their  closeness still  lingered  behind  the  other  couples.     “     only  a  hundred    ?     no.    i  think  we’d  break  the  numerical  scale   ,      you  know  when  they  add   letters  to  math   ?  “   illyana  didn’t  really know  math   all that  well   ,   outside  of  what  kitty  helped  with   in   their  homework  eons  ago.     sharp   pain  caught  yana’s   intention     ,   palatable  concern  on  her  tongue  hidden  by  the  lightest  of  laughs.   her  thumb  came  to  grip  kitty’s  chin   –  the  other  clutching  at  a  napkin    she  had  just  swiped.     “     here ,   hold  still .    we  can’t  let  you  lose  to  a  wooden  stick   ,   people  might  think  you  a  vampire.  “ 
Before Kitty realizes it, she’s smiling and laughing and her hands find Illyana’s bicep as she steadies herself from her bout of giggles. “Your math knowledge is so wrong right now.” And of course, that’s the thing she finds funny. “The letters are just variables that represent an unknown number. And the symbols represent functions. The letters don’t really mean anything, it’s the meaning you give them that’s the point.” She shakes her head, as if this is something Illyana should know. As if she should’ve paid more attention during the tutoring sessions. “You’re lucky you’re cute, ‘yana.” But with a grin, she adds: “we’d be Graham's number, anyway.”
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Thoughts of math and metaphors for affections are halted in Kitty’s constantly spinning mind. Illyana’s touch burns against her skin, despite the coolness of her flesh. Usually its the phasing that takes brain power to do, but she’s focused on staying solid, nearly rigid as she stands there, not daring to send one of Illyana’s fingers through her face. “Y-You’re the person people think is a vampire,” Kitty swallows thickly, unsure if that’s even proper English. “Y-your fingers are cold.”
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ofprydes · 3 years
( SMS ➜ unknown number ): Dazzler is this you? ( SMS ➜ possibly dazzler ): finally! I knew you had my phone number!!!! ( SMS ➜ please be dazzler ): Yes yes yesssss I’ll go to your show!!! I’m your biggest fan <3
outgoing text 💬 luna  ❄️
luna  ❄️❄️❄️:  i emailed you tickets to my show on saturday !  hope you come, it’ll be fun 💖 luna  ❄️❄️❄️:  and if this went to the wrong number … give me your email i’ll make it up to you
@reshieldedstart !
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ofprydes · 3 years
closed for @redwingwilson​
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“Look, I don’t get why you can’t just bust out the wings and help me here!” Kitty flails, gesturing wildly as her words trip over each other. “I’m telling you, my dragon is missing and it’d be so much easier if you helped me look for him from the sky! He couldn’t have gotten far.”
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ofprydes · 3 years
closed for @oocktavius​ location: outside a bar; night
Kitty is drunk - she’d say she’s tipsy, but the way she trips over her own feet speaks for itself. She’s not the kind of person to get this way, even if she’s a little bit (read: a lot bit) of a light-weight. It was something about her sadness that got her started, then her anger that made her continue, then she’d just felt so good about the whole thing that she forgot to stop. 
Her hand reaches out and she steadies herself against rough bricks, calling out to a figure in the distance. “Hey you, pretty lady!” She grins sloppily, hobbling her way over to the stranger. “Do you wanna have some fun? Not, like, in a sexy way! I have this five-thousand piece jigsaw puzzle in my bag and I could use some help.” She pauses. “Has anyone ever told you that your hair is, like, super fluffy?”
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ofprydes · 3 years
“is it ..a band? are you dating a musician?” and the ghoul feels lost. maybe a little embarassed. they could be talking to some famous artist’s romantic partner and they weren’t just getting it. “i’m .. “ and a pause, because really, greta has never thought about it. if you ask them, they’re as old as the rest of the team. “i’m 23. years old. human…ish.” it was a strange discussion and they didn’t know what else to do besides the same ingrained politeness they’ve used all of their lives. greta holds out a hand. “i’m greta!” 
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“Heh,” Kitty chuckles, “I wish I was. No; he’s a character! From a movie? Do you know what those are?” Dealing with people who were well over one hundred years old meant she could never be too safe about pop-culture references. It also made her all the more happy to be able to explain. Everyone was just a Star Wars fan in waiting, as Kitty saw it. “No way,” her eyes grew wide. “I’m older than you?” It made logical sense-- the other person appeared very young-- but emotionally the news bounced untethered around Kitty’s mind. “And you really haven’t seen Star Wars? Okay, we gotta fix that. Like right now. Or, okay, maybe not right now-right now, but soon!” With a wide grin of her own, she took Greta’s hand and shook it with enthusiasm. “Nice t’meet ya, Greta! Let me be your newest friend and guide into the land of Star Wars- do you like sci-fi stuff?”
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ofprydes · 3 years
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·.·❅   /        illyana   visits   the   mansion   often.    she   has,   over   the   last   three   years.   it   is   her   safe   place,    it    is   equally   a    haunted   house.    the   reminder   of   who   she   is,   who   she   was,   and   who   she   is   not.   who   she   can   no   longer   be.     she   often   would   fantasize   about   staying   there,    each    time    she   considers   it   to   be   the   last   time   she’ll   feel   the   need   to   leave   -   to   distance   herself   from   her   family.    but   each   time,   she   doubts   how   long   she’ll   hold   herself   together   before   everyone   else   spots   the   ruin   in   her   soul.   she   is   not   who   she   should   be.   she   is   not   their   illyana   as   they   want   to   be.   and   everyday   she   hates   herself   for   it.    it’s   better   for   everyone   if   she   remains   dead,   if   she   is   dead   she   can   remain   perfect   in   their   eyes   –   they   do   not   have   to   see   her   as   the   monster   she   has   become.   the   monster   she   is.    but   she   is   as   selfish   as   she   is   cruel,    and   can’t   help   but   tease   her   own   mind   with   the   daydreams   of   normalcy.   with   friends.   with   family.   with   kitty.
the   kitchen   is   empty   when   she   teleported   in,    her   scrying   spell   already   told   her   as   such.    she   didn’t   want   to   tempt   fate   again   –     each   time   a   former   teammate   would   stumble   across   her   trespassing   presence,    treating   her   as    a   haunting   shade   of   a   memory,   she   came   a   step   closer   to   telling   the   truth.    it   was   easier   when   she   still   had   an   excuse   to   be MISSING to   convince   them   of   the   lie,    but   now   she   would   feel   whatever   was   left   of   her   soul   yearning    for   acceptance   that   she   knew   she   did   not   deserve.     she   sees   them   cry,     and   knows   she   does   not   deserve   their   tears   if   they   truly   knew   her.   not   as   they   think   they   do.   she   is   beyond   mourning,   but   isn’t   nice?    to   know   that   you   are   missed;   will   be   missed;   are   missing.   who   is   she   to   ruin   the   fantasies   they   too   have   constructed   in   their   heads?    their   fake   memories   of   a   young   girl   who   is   happy.   and   loved.   and   full   of   light.    their   little snowflake.  their   little illyana.    
she is   not   a   snowflake,   she   was   fractured,   and   melted,   and   forged   into   something   that   the   human   language   could   not   begin   to   describe.   and   for   some   twisted   game,    she   survived,   endured,   somehow.   she   is   the   ghost   standing   in   the   team   kitchen,    frozen   to   her   spot   as   her   closest   friend   walks   in   the   room   –   gliding   with   all   the   youthfulness   and   glee   that   she   remembers   sharing.    kitty   is HAPPY without  her  –   and   the   pain   she   feels   in   her   heart   is   enough   to   remind   her   that   she   is   alive,    kitty   is   alive,   and   kitty   is better    off    without    her.  as   she   wanted   it   to   be.    she   smiles   at   this,    some   broken   attempt   of   it.
the   complex   web   of   lies   illyana,   or   maybe   the   darkchylde,   told   themselves   soon   began   to   crumble   as   illyana   was   noticed.    her    smile   crackling   and   crumbling   like   the   plate   at   once.   this   isn’t   the   first   time,    but   the   words   seemed   to   be   rawer   than   the   last   time.    she   held   her   tongue,    and   let    kitty   lash   out   her   frustrations   –   she   deserved   it.
she   wasn’t   going   to   –    she   wasn’t   going   to.   not   today.   she   could   teleport   out,    but    wouldn’t   that   just   be   a   giveaway   too   …    her   ruse   was   over,   it   seemed.   but   maybe   it   only   was   because   she   secretly   wanted   it   to   be,   the   quiet   whispers   of   what   was   left   of   her.        the   tears   are   the   last   straw   on   the   bears   back   -    her   breaking   forward   in   a    step,    three   strides   and   she’s   closed   the   distance,    sinking   to   her   knees   to   close   the   distance.  
                                     “    katya, you’re    wrong.    it’s    me   ,    i    promise   – “
she    held    out    her    hands   as   proof,    she   is   afraid   of   rejection   –   hesitant   in   any   movements.    her   social   skills   had   decreased   significantly   through   her   isolation,    but   above   all   her   desire   to   be   of   some   comfort   -   benefit   -   to   her   closest   friend   won   over   everything   else.    but   above   it   all,     was    her    need    to    feel  accepted.
  “ - do you forgive me ? “ 
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Good things do not happen to X-Men; this has to be learned the hard way. They die, someone builds big robots to kill them, their mutant identity becomes something to out and ridicule– good things did not happen to them. It happened around them; weddings, births, reunions. But always just out of their reach; new spouses would die somehow if weddings ever got to be finished, parents vanished and children came from hellish future dimensions, reunions weren’t with old friends but evil clones. Everything was always just another waiting game until the next tragedy struck. But Kitty Pryde hasn’t learned this lesson in it’s entirety yet, her eyes still sparkle with just enough hope that when this woman gives out her hands, she takes them in hers.
Fingers trace every callus and scar. She recalls how illyana’s hands felt before Limbo, where she held them in annoyance, trying to make sure Piotr’s weird little sister didn’t trip and die or something. Then with desperate as they slipped her hold and were devoured by Limbo. Her hands were soft and small then. Then after, when they were suddenly the same age and had everything to talk about. And then after that, as they grew. And after and after— measuring their years in the feeling of hands against one another. Now, some feelings were new, some she remembered. Her fingers traced her knuckles, unconsciously looking for the landmarks she knew. Kitty’s hands are still soft, she wears gloves most of the time and doesn’t like fighting– in one way it’s like she’s never changed. But Illyana…
Kitty’s roaming pauses suddenly. She stares up at the other woman with her teary eyes, then she’s lunging at her. With a laugh, she buries her head into Illyana’s shoulder and finds it completely fair that boogers and tears get wiped down into her clothes. Their bodies are pressed flushed together and against the cold tile underneath them. She doesn’t think about how Illyana is a little older, a little different– her hands don’t feel the same but if anything, it makes it all the more right. Illyana always comes back different and she’s always leaving Kitty behind. She breathes in deep and remembers that she’s always thought Illyana smelt a little bit like fire— complete with all the warmth that blooms under Kitty’s skin. “Dork.” She draws her head back, grinning at her friend. “What is there to forgive?” She laughs again, just because she can, just because she’s doing it with Illyana.
“Oh, you mean the sandwich?” Kitty tries wiping tears away but it feels like she’s just smearing them across her face. “I can always make another. Are you hungry? Maybe I can make you one too.” But even as she says it, she doesn’t move from her position on top of Illyana. In fact, she doesn’t want to. She’s afraid if she parts, Illyana vanishes. Or if she moves, she won’t be able to explain just how much, how badly, she’s missed her friend. So, she sniffles and stays completely still.
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ofprydes · 3 years
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·.·❅   /  𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 were  not  things  illyana  ever  considered  herself  well  versed  in –  going  through  puberty  in  a  demonic  hellscape  really  made  those  formative  years  of  self-exploration  a  bit  more  difficult.    but  at  least  being  paired  with  kitty  made  things  enjoyable.  she  offered  kitty  a  light  hand  on  the  shoulder,  wondering  at  what  point  she  should  separate  her  best  friend  from  the  cheese  platter.    “    or  do  you  think  they  have  some  evil  masterplot  to  undermine  our  friendship  so  they  can –   swoop  in  on  this  relationship   ? “   illyana  questioned   with  a  smirk  over  the  top  of  their  glass.    “   maybe  our  platonic  compatibility  is  higher … “   illyana  added,  though  she  didn’t  seem as  excitedby   the  concept. 
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Kitty pauses, lips hovering over another cheese cube. “Oh no,” she shakes her head, fingers raising into the air as if to dispel the idea. “I’m all yours, ‘Yana. No one is going to undermine that.” She meant platonically, of course. But the next cheese cube she eats gets chewed thoughtfully as her brain fights off unwanted thoughts and her shoulder burns where it’s once been touched and it’s Valentine’s and there’s a weird feeling in her stomach that she doesn’t think she can blame on the cheese. Kitty’s attention snaps up to Illyana. “Oh…” She pouts, quickly chasing the feeling away with a wider, forced, smile. “Yeah, maybe that’s it? Definitely one hundred percent compatible friends!” Instead of biting another cheese cube, she pokes her lip thoughtlessly with the empty toothpick she’s holding, hissing out in pain and pressing her lip down to stop the small dribble of blood. “Now my cheese-love is being undermined.”
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ofprydes · 3 years
closed for @hellflake​ location: valentine’s mixer
“SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT COMPATIBLE!?” Kitty fumes, stuffing more cheese into her mouth. “I canb belieb thib,” she swallows her food. “We’ve been friends since we were kids! I have touched your armpits! You’d think that’d make us at least ninety percent compatible.” There’s more cheese going into her mouth - in fact, Kitty’s been doing more cheese eating than breathing. She doesn’t want to think about the everything else, going on right now. “I think Jubilee’s doing this to mess with us. Jubilee and Billy both. This is probably revenge for the time I said Billy’s headband-thing reminded me of Naruto. Mhm, want some cheese?” 
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