ofrecklcss ยท 10 months
He ignored the way that her ladies stared at him, clearing his throat and waiting for her to realize that he was there before he dipped his head politely. "Barbara... in that case we should go back to you calling me Dmitri," he said, giving her a soft smile. While he hated the situation, he didn't know enough about the woman on the other end of the arrangement to hate her, and after all the subtle hints and suggestions from his brother and sister in law, he figured it was about time that they at the very least stopped avoiding each other. "I'm glad to hear you are feeling well. And no thanks is necessary," he said, waving off her thanks. After all, if they were to be married it was his duty to make sure that she was saved from the attacks. "Here's hoping that the rest of our stay here is significantly less eventful." He gestured towards the more shaded part of the gardens, "I thought we might take a walk around the garden-- if your ladies will allow me to steal you away for a while. I promise that no harm will come to you when I'm around." he said, to her but to her ladies as well as his charmingly boyish smile made another appearance again. "It's slightly unnerving to know that my brother knows more about you than I do since we are to be wed," he admitted, trying to break the awkward silence.
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๐๐€๐‘๐๐€๐‘๐€ ๐–๐€๐’ not happy with the arrangement, all these times she proudly dodged some deals, and now she was stuck with it. She had been through a few things lately, like betrayal by someone dearest to her ( who that known her since she was born ), and a broken heart, the latter very recent. On the bright side, the family of the person promised to, she knew a few of them, like Adrian, who was her chess partner, to a friend and now a brother-in-law. The Tsarina that they were becoming friends and now they're family. This is weird, having friends that now are her family.
A lot of people were asking about this engagement to her, and the Hungarian princess was terrified, not accepting the reality. She knew this day would come anyway, either with Dmitri or somebody elseโ€ฆ Safe to say, these days Barbara was in a way hiding from her betrothed, she had unsolved matters that now is solved, and secondly, she was recovering from the injuries and last but the least, she was a bit depressive. When she feels like this Barbara tends to isolate herself from people until she fully recovers to show up outside again. Dmitri for her is very intimidating, she doesn't know how to approach him, and she figures that both of them need time to endure the news, before taking any further steps. Either way, she can't hide from him forever.
She was planning on seeing him before people started to question more as to why she wasn't with him. The day was way too hot for her taste, her cheeks were pinkish due to the heat of her own body, sweating a little, but she was sitting on the grass, with a book of astronomy in her hands, back rested on the tree. She hardly heard the steps from Dmitri, until his voice snapped her out to reality. Barbara bowed slightly with her head, greeting him. โ› Hello Your Highness. Please, call me Barbara. โœ Formality sometimes puts so many walls between spaces. She stood up, giving her book to one of the ladies. โ› I also owe you an apology for my absence. I am feeling very wellโ€ฆ โœ Physically, not exactly mentally but he doesn't need to know. โ› I've meant to find you because I would like to thank you for saving me that night on the woods... I do not think, I thanked properly. โœ She genuinely means it. And now, she doesn't know how to carry on a conversation, she is a terrible small talker.
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ofrecklcss ยท 10 months
He was a proud man, but he was well aware of how quickly Dorit had come to know him - though that was expected when a majority of the time they spent together was of the most intimate nature. He chuckled softly as he felt her hand trail up his chest, reaching behind her to make quick work of the ties that held her gown to her body before he pulled it off of her, carelessly throwing it the pieces of her gown behind him on to the marble floor as he gave himself free reign to stare at her slip covered body.
"In jewelry and my choice of a mistress," he said, teasing her before he claimed her lips in a kiss, his hands running over her thigh as he hiked up the slip that was the only thing concealing her body from him, his fingers smoothing over her smooth skin. "And that can certainly be arranged," he said barely pulling away from her lips so that he could claim them over and over again, kissing her until they both wanted for air. He used the kisses as a distraction mostly, before his patience wore thin and the thin material of her slip was ripped leaving her laying on the bed finally free of anything covering her but the laced jewels on her neck.
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๐ข๐ง ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ ๐ซ๐š๐ฌ๐ฉ ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐ฌ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฐ๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐›๐ž๐œ๐จ๐ฆ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐๐จ๐ซ๐ข๐ญ'๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐š๐ฏ๐จ๐ซ๐ข๐ญ๐ž places to be . well that & in his chamber , but nothing could beat the closeness of a lover โ€” one that had somehow snuck his way into her dreams as she slept at night & aroused her senses every time they were in close proximity to one another . for someone who had the reputation of being a praying mantis when it came to her slew of romantic partners but she hadn't met her match yet until mustafa came into her life . their connection was instantaneous , fireworks upon the first grace of eye contact . her hands trailed up his chest , eyes staring into his โ€” the princess was like putty in the sultan's hand ; ready to be molded into whatever it was he wanted her to be . " well , you've made ... an excellent choice ... " she let out a quiet chuckle when he lifted her up ; her back meeting with the cushion of the bed below . her digits trailed up to the back of his neck ; feeling at the tuft of hair as her other hand came to the side of his face . the tickle of his beard underneath her fingertips sending shockwaves down her spine as her lips hovered dangerously close to his ; her breath hitting his lips as she spoke in a quiet , yet sultry tone . " & i want nothing more but for you to make love to me while i wear it . ONLY it . "
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2 notes ยท View notes
ofrecklcss ยท 10 months
Mustafa cared little for the more western ideas of protocol and propriety - what people thought about him coming to visit his sister or her new child was of little consequence and he just continued to do as he pleased when he pleased. What had actually driven him to come and darken Defne's doorstep, was the conversation he'd recently had with Sophie - speaking of heirs and the legacy they left behind. Mustafa did not look up at Defne, still taking a look at her baby as she said the words, "I'm inclined to agree with you." he said, leaving the subject there and straightening his posture. "It has been, sister. Though one would hardly expect to keep count of the years since you sailed off to your new life in England." there was a decent amount of space between them, as there always had been even if they were the eldest siblings of the family. "Home is thriving as always - I dare say better than this country that we find ourselves trapped in with no foreseeable way out."
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defne knew it would look odd if her brother did not come and see her and her daughter but still seeing him walk into her room and after nearly two decades everything within her went on high alert. the former sultana kept her eyes on her brother, especially when mustafa moved closer to ecrin. her eyes moved from the sultan to her daughter and then back. she nodded. "i was thinking she looked like our mother," defne returned. defne almost asked if mustafa even remembered their mother, but kept the comment to herself. she rose and moved closer to her brother. "it has been some time mustafa," she started, trying to look for words one spoke to their brother after nearly twenty years almost silence between the two eldest siblings. "how is home?"
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ofrecklcss ยท 10 months
"Well what do they say about brothers and their similarities- something along the lines of those habits can be shared." he said, raising an eyebrow at his older brother and wondering about the lecture or conversation that was surely in the works as they sat there and drank their wine. Dmitri didn't really mind, most of the time he enjoyed Adrian's company, but the subject of marriage and his betrothal left him dreading any conversation that trended towards it. He felt like a wild animal about to be caged, and while he hadn't spent a lot of time with his betrothed, the loss of his freedom played heavier on his mind. Rolling his eyes at the mention of their father, Dmitri knew that Adrian was right - they all shared the disdain for their father, and understood that their lives now were direct results of the state of the country when his father left it to their brother. "At least you don't share a name with him,"
"I was never deluding myself so much as to think you would withhold your thoughts on the matter, brother." he said, the groan of annoyance heavy in his words. He listened to Adrian begrudgingly and leant forward, resting his elbows on his thighs before pushing off and crossing his arms over his chest. "Please Adrian, you speak as if you believe I will fall for the woman. These arrangements have nothing to do with us. Besides, I do not think she is exactly seeking me out after that first day meeting her on the night of the attacks. You seem to know more about her though, what is she like when she is not running for her life in a forest with mad men trying to kill us all?"
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Dmitri used training and sparring as an escape, and practically everyone in his family knew it so he wasn't surprised that Adrian started talking about his betrothal. "Probably because you haven't been paying attention, as usual." Dmitri teased, nudging his brother with his shoulder before he rolled his eyes about Adrian's remark about settling down. "Please." he muttered. shaking his head and taking a sip of wine from one of the goblets prepared for the two Grand Dukes. "You and I both know that this is the just the latest attempt of our brother to control every aspect of my life, for the good of Russia..." he said huffing in annoyance. "I've always hated politics but the fact that my fate has been sealed and not by choice feels like a different kind of shackle. I thought that I'd have a few more years of freedom,"
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ofrecklcss ยท 10 months
The doors consecutively closing in the distance was proof enough for him that they were now alone in the hallway, her ladies seemingly too distracted or preoccupied to realize that Natasia had been separated from them by a Russian Grand Duke who technically had no reason to be upset at the fact that she was going to be with another man - her betrothed - for a private meal and yet nothing infuriated him more. Scoffing at her assurance that it was a meal and nothing more he pushed off of the marble column that he had caged her between, shaking his head and trying to suppress the urge to punch something - a wall perhaps, not that doing so would do anything to help.
His name from her lips was like a ghost of a time that he had been craving since the moment that she left, and it caused him to turn back to her, staring into her eyes. "You really feel as though it is necessary to conceal yourself from me? From me, Natasia?" he asked, brows furrowing at the thought. He was not blind to the fact that circumstances had changed her, they'd done the same to him, but that didn't mean the feelings he had for her had disappeared. The more times he saw her, the more he was convinced that they never would. "I've never been one for fear. Whatever it is that you've done- whatever you feel is so unforgivable. I do not care. Not if it means you are allowing yourself to be married off to another stranger to keep this truth buried. I've never asked you to be anyone other than yourself,"
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Natasia wanted to be angry, wanted to hate him for assuming such a thing, that being alone with someone meant it would lead to one thing or another, but he had every reason in the world to believe so. There were so many mornings where she would insist that nothing happened between her and the Russian grand duke. All the while, everything happened. "Yes, nothing more, and if there was something more to be had, I would not be shy in relaying such news to anyone, including you," she said sharply, yet her tone pristine and quiet. If he hadn't gotten a glimpse of who she had become, it should be would be a bit clearer now, "The prince and I are to be allies, friends, political partners as we navigate this complicated field and try to make as much of it for ourselves as possible. Do I want to also be romantically tied to him? No, I do not-" There it was. A damn-near admission of feeling something soft and sweet. Luckily, she'd stopped the rest of the words from falling off her tongue before it was too late, before she'd inevitably ruin the image of her that he'd held so dear to him. "Dmitri," his name, at last, leaves her voice authentically when in the safety of privacy. One could mistake it for longing, when truly the one thing she longed for the most was to lower his tone back down to quiet so that no one would be suspicious, "That girl that you loved, she is no longer there," it is only slightly untrue, she lingers in the shadows, but she is of no use to her anymore, "You must not mean these words that you say, because if you do, then you will learn who I've become, and that is a dangerous thing to want."
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5 notes ยท View notes
ofrecklcss ยท 10 months
Malcolm was no stranger to hounds, his home in Edinburgh had always been filled with them and he treated his hunting hounds like members of the family. He didn't want to interrupt the man, but when his presence was known he didn't shy away from the conversation, leaning further into it as his hands met behind his back, taking a look at the dog who looked friendly enough, "Her name suits her. Have you had her long?" he asked, knowing that some of the hounds back home had been part of their family for a very long time, a few of them even the descendants of long bloodlines that accompanied the Gillies House.
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open starter โ€บโ€บ @francehqstarters where: somewhere outside.
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ย  ย  ย  ย ย warย  hadย ย madeย ย himย  vigilant. ย hisย  eyes were closed as he enjoyed the warm weather but the rest of his senses remained alert. his dog also rested at his feet. someone else on guard. another's footsteps approaching was noted, but it was only when he felt their eyes lingering that timur opened his eyes. irritation rose due to being interrupted. could he not have some peace in this damn place? ย  โ her name's bear. โž ย  he motioned toward the greater swiss mountain dog. timur would prefer thinking they were looking at the large dog than him, or worse, the scar, though fainter now than it'd once been, next to his left eye. ย  โ she's not as scary as her size suggests. โž
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ofrecklcss ยท 10 months
Being in France with all the leaders and monarchs only made Malcolm more ambitious, more determined to take back what he felt rightly belonged to the Gillies family, and his mind had been preoccupied with that for the past few days - weeks really, but he couldn't help but chuckle when he walked into the room only to find his wife in close discussion with one of their trusted courtiers. He trusted Siobhan, and he knew how lucky he was to have her, but it was no secret that there were things that he happily left solely to her discretion. Not that his true knowledge of her meant that he couldn't tease her about it. "Expecting anyone else to walk into your chambers unannounced, my love?" he asked, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips before doing anything else.
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๐œ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฌ๐ž๐ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ โ€” malcolm ! ( @ofrecklcss )
๐ฅ๐จ๐œ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง : scottish apartments .
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๐ฌ๐ข๐จ๐›๐ก๐š๐ง ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐š ๐ฐ๐จ๐ฆ๐š๐ง ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ฆ๐š๐ง๐ฒ ๐ฌ๐ž๐œ๐ซ๐ž๐ญ๐ฌ , ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ฆ๐š๐ง๐ฒ ๐œ๐จ๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฑ๐ข๐ญ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ . even to this day , some of the people who have known her for many years still had no idea how to read the duchess' face . she was a constant smirk โ€” as if she knew something you didn't & often times that could be the case ... if one doesn't keep a watchful enough eye on their most precious valuables . & she keeps an eye on hers ... in this case , it was her husband . oh how she cherished malcolm โ€” after all , she dedicated her the rest of her life to him . but even to this day ... there was sides to the woman that siobhan kept tight under wraps & out of his line of sight . she was in discussion with a scottish courtier when she heard the familiar echo of her husband . a small smile made its way to her lips as she turned around โ€” dismissing the other as she made her presence known to him . " hmmm my love , had a feeling that was you coming around the corner . "
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ofrecklcss ยท 10 months
He did not think that the words would be so painful to hear, to actually hear it said out loud that she once again had a fiance and a betrothal that would only add to the years that they'd been separated, but even then it seemed that he was the only one who'd been plagued by the years that they'd been apart. "Oh nothing more... yes a private dinner in your chambers away from the rest of court and prying eyes could not possibly lead to more." he scoffed, the tension in his shoulders evident as she called him out on his reasoning, his features darkening because of his own internal battle with reason and protocol that had been drilled into his head from his infancy. He shouldn't care, there was nothing that he could do if she saw fit to align herself with another once again, but he did. He hated it. "Why does it ma-- you cannot seriously be questioning why you being engaged to some Crown Prince who is ready and waiting to whisk you off into another country never to be heard from or seen again, would matter to me?" he asked, his voice raised ever so slightly in exasperation and shock more than anything at her questioning his reaction. "You will never be a mere acquaintance to me, Natasia. The distance your marriage put between us never changed that." he said, sincerity lacing his words as he looked into her eyes.
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A private dinner. Seemed promising in brand new ways, an alliance that actually meant as such without silly, useless, and distracting things like love and romance and desire getting in the way. Soon, she would be the Crown Princess of Sweden and outrank each one of the ladies she'd conversed with down the hall, talking about the joys of the Widows Society. Fake laughter, of course. When she and Klaus set upon their coup to become King and Queen, she would make all of them bow to her on their knees. If only she had taken just a moment to remember that servants and staff talk, and that whispers of meal preparation for two in Natasia's chambers would soon reach Dmitri's ears. She should not have been shocked, and yet, in the privacy of darkness, she stood with her mouth slightly agape. She would also be lying if she said it wasn't entirely enticing, seeing him hot and bothered and jealous. "He is my fiancรฉ," she was quick to remind him in a sharp but hushed tone, "We are simply having dinner to get to know one another better. Nothing more." She would indeed say if it was, even if it would be more difficult to boast about such a thing to Dmitri than it was to anyone else. "And yes, it has to be private because clearly Russian staff does not know how to shut their mouths." Her face was flushed and she knew it was, which was why she drew in a deep breath and sighed to release the tension in her body, and in the mood as well. "Why does that matter to you so much? We have been nothing but distant acquaintances to each other for a long time," since her wedding day, and she dreaded counting the years, let alone the days since the last time she lay in his arms in breathless satisfaction.
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ofrecklcss ยท 10 months
Dmitri and Natasia @hcrexcellency
The news had been on Dmitri's mind, plaguing him, for some time now. Ever since he'd heard, he'd been distracted. In his mind, it was as if he had just gotten Natasia back and now someone was about to take her from him again. It felt cruel, and like the fates were playing tricks on him - he hated it. He'd never been good at concealing his temper so this was most definitely enough to set him off, training harder and sparring to the point where he was almost definitely hurting his sparring partners at the intensity of his moves and lunges at them, so much so that he had come straight from sparring, dressed in just his leather breaches and a thin white linen shirt and boots, ignoring the shocked looks of the ladies that he passed along the halls, lurking close to the wing of where Natasia was staying, waiting for the moment he heard her familiar laugh, waiting with baited breath in the shadows of the large pillars that lined the hall to reach out for her and pull her into the shadows, letting her entourage keep going, chatting and not noticing that their lady was no longer among them. He held her close to him, urging her silence until they were alone when he reluctantly eased up on her grip over her. "What is this I am hearing of a private meeting in your chambers between you and your betrothed?" he said the word with a seething anger, and the way that this news affected him was clear in his body language, "What are you doing inviting this man to your chambers like that?"
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ofrecklcss ยท 10 months
Mustafa waited for his guards to clear the way to his sister and his newest niece. Truth be told, he'd never been enamoured by infants the way others seemed to be. Though he did relish in the silence and the way that the crowd parted for him to take a look at the child. He made no move to hold the baby and simply watched her from where she lay squirming in the bassinet. "She looks like you," he said, no inflexion in his voice to indicate his intention behind the statement as he'd be the first to admit that he wasn't particularly close to his sisters - they were raised separately as he was the heir to the Empire and taught to behave as such. "I suppose that is a blessing." Better than if his niece looked like her father - like England, over the Ottoman Empire.
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@francehqstarters / defne + open location: the windsor drawing room
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she already had the patience of a princess, defne thought with so many wanting to hold her, and coo at her. though with how much of an easy baby edward was it does not surprise defne that her daughter is also an easy baby. though it does test defne each time someone picks her up, she is happy everyone seems to remember to support her neck. she smiles from her spot on the couch. she nods. "yes she was born at around three pm two days ago," defne response. "she's still very new."
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ofrecklcss ยท 10 months
Dmitri used training and sparring as an escape, and practically everyone in his family knew it so he wasn't surprised that Adrian started talking about his betrothal. "Probably because you haven't been paying attention, as usual." Dmitri teased, nudging his brother with his shoulder before he rolled his eyes about Adrian's remark about settling down. "Please." he muttered. shaking his head and taking a sip of wine from one of the goblets prepared for the two Grand Dukes. "You and I both know that this is the just the latest attempt of our brother to control every aspect of my life, for the good of Russia..." he said huffing in annoyance. "I've always hated politics but the fact that my fate has been sealed and not by choice feels like a different kind of shackle. I thought that I'd have a few more years of freedom,"
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closed / @ofrecklcss ( adrian + dmitri )
it is a daily effort for the elder grand duke to not replay the events that transpired weeks prior, or rather all the things he could have done differently to prevent this, any of it. no, it's not his fault, but with a mind as sharp as his, all the years he's spent training and serving in the russian military, adrian would never quite be able to shake the thought that he had failed their sister in some way. his wrist long healed now, he'd place most of his energy into keeping his shape up. he could no longer train with jac with her condition, so he'd taken to asking dmitri to spar with him. he could not sit idle much these days, and though being in france was a much needed change of scenary, he had too much pent up energy that he wishes to dispel. though he had placed some of it still attempting to find where this all begin, the attacks the started from the masquerade ball. now with their neices or newphews on their way, adrian grew even more concerned for their sister. the moments he's not with aylin, adrian was back in the drawing room. the two brothers had just sparred for last two rounds before taking a break, adrian taking a towel to wipe his face before his gaze falls to dmitri. โ›why is it that I was the last to hear of your betrothal?โœ he raises a brow, โ›you ready to settle down, color me surprised.โœ
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4 notes ยท View notes
ofrecklcss ยท 10 months
It was in keeping with his selfish nature, treated to the sight of Dorit wearing the glittering and impressive piece of jewelry. He had a knack for precious gems, and didn't mind showing them off on beautiful women, especially his mistress who he felt should be allowed to show of any and all gifts he chose to give her. She understood him more than most, knowing that holding off and making him wait to see her only made him more impatient, making the sight of her walking through his chambers as if she owned the place even more satisfying.
His servants left them alone quickly, all of them well versed in the intentions of their Sultan, not that Mustafa would have cared who saw him with Dorit. Raising an eyebrow and turning to find her so close to him, he reached out and pulled her closer, smirking and staring down at the jewels that dripped down her neck to her chest, in a gown that left little to the imagination. "It is difficult to find a piece of jewelry to compare to you, gรผzel bir tane, but I felt that this piece came close to the brilliance of your eyes." he said, a whisper in her ear right before he lifted her up and only let her down when her back would hit the soft down of his bed.
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๐ฆ๐š๐ฒ๐›๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ'๐ฌ ๐ฐ๐ก๐ฒ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ญ๐ฐ๐จ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฆ ๐ ๐จ๐ญ ๐š๐ฅ๐จ๐ง๐  ๐ฌ๐จ ๐ฐ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ . they were both horrible individuals . there wasn't a line that dorit wasn't willing to cross if it meant that she would get EXACTLY what she wanted . & despite the sultan being a married man with a wife , a country ... only once did guilt ping in her mind but that soon faltered the moment she realized that mustafa himself wasn't worried so why should she ? there was power in being a mistress โ€” to be the one in your lover's ear ... whispering not only the sweet - nothings that come with love making , but the promise of advancements that come with it . there was a knock on her chamber door as she prepared for the day , one of her ladies moving in to open the door to allow the servant through . in their hands , was the most gorgeous necklace the princess had ever laid her eyes on .
she decided to play the long game โ€” not choosing to immediately head to the sultan's chambers but instead , taking her time continue on with her day . it would be a couple of days before she finally decided to visit the sultan , heels clicking against the marble of his private chambers ; having been let in by the guards that stood outside of it . hearing his words , the woman smirked ; the tips of her fingers running along the gifted necklace that now adorned her neck . " you would assume correctly , your majesty ... " dorit interjected , closing in the distance between the both of them . " ... & i've come to properly thank you for such an extravagant gift . how did you know i absolutely adore sapphires ? "
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2 notes ยท View notes
ofrecklcss ยท 11 months
The heat of the French summer that they were all experiencing was an adjustment for Malcolm, who preferred the more temperate summers in Edinburgh, but even he had to admit that there was definitely beauty in it. He was not one to paint, but he found himself intrigued at the focus that the young princess was devoting to the easel in front of her. "Never had much of a taste for lemonade, I'm afraid. Though you're right in the idea of having a beverage to quell this heat, your highness. Whatever pushed you to spend your day out here?" he asked, genuinely wondering why she hadn't opted for a still life piece instead given the weather, offering her a smile to show that he came in good spirits and meant no insult.
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๐จ๐ฉ๐ž๐ง ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ โ€” anyone ! ( @francehqstarters )
๐ฅ๐จ๐œ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง : underneath one of the many gazebos .
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๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ž๐ซ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ง๐จ๐ญ ๐จ๐ง๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐ค๐ง๐จ๐ฐ๐ง ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐›๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ž๐ฑ๐ญ๐ซ๐š ๐ก๐ž๐š๐ญ & ๐ž๐ฑ๐ญ๐ซ๐š ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ง , but also known for the vibrancy it brings to the rolling glades of the versailles palace grounds . an extracurricular she picked up in her youth , delphine had an underlying love ( & somewhat talent ) for painting . although she was more in the habit of having her easel set up by her chamber window , the french princess decided that being outside may be a nice ... change of scenery ( & perhaps , a break from painting lightening storms ) . she was midway through finishing a few petals on one of the many flowers she had painted near the bottom of her canvas when she heard the footsteps of another approaching . looking up , her brush ceased โ€” the hand holding artist's palette dropping slightly . " if you've come to compliment my painting in an effort to bribe for some of my lemonade , the answer is no ... "
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ofrecklcss ยท 11 months
Being in the Romanov quarters with his family automatically meant running into each other repeatedly but for some reason he hadn't seen Amara in some time. In that sense he probably should have expected that she would eventually find him on one of the many trips he made out of the Castle to go for a ride or spar with Adrian to escape from it all. French court with everyone filling the place was exhausting, and Dmitri had never been one to enjoy the political side to being part of a royal family. He hated protocol much to the chagrin of his parents and now his eldest brother as the Tsar. "I do have my talents of evasion," he said, smirking at her and continuing to prepare his horse for the ride, his lack of objection to her being there was enough of an answer in his own way. He wouldn't mind her company. "Better you than your husband, I suppose." he joked, smirking at Amara and helping her with the saddle. "I kind of exploded on him in the wake of the attack and I doubt he's all too pleased with me at the moment"
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closed / @ofrecklcss ( amara + dmitri )
in the wake of all that follows, these days she is more careful wandering out of the palace before and after daylight hours. when she first arrives in france, she's up just before dawn, before the entire palace is awake, to take a ride, and enjoy the sun rise. initially, it was to clear her mind and prepare her for the day ahead, mingling with royals and nobles alike - this being her first summit since being crowned empress. now, that routine has taken a step back for numerous reasons, aside from the obvious ones. it has only been a few weeks since the palace siege and their loved ones returning from the search, injured, and by some miracle they've lost no one, and things settle, slowly, but they are ( though she knew recovering for most emotionally and mentally was another battle entirely ). in the midst of that, her youngest brother-in-law is now betrothed. despite them all under the romanov quarters, she'd not seen much of the younger grand duke, and wished to check on him. though she'd been relieved to know he hadn't been hurt, unlike adrian ( who has now fully recovered ). when amara runs into dmitri that morning by the stables, a warm smile appears, even as her hues peer at him concern and curiousity. โ›ะฑั€ะฐั‚ะธัˆะบะฐ, despite us sharing a smaller living space here, you are still hard to find. i didn't know if you wished to be alone, but would you mind at all if i joined you?โœ they are not terribly close, though it never stops amara from approaching him.
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ofrecklcss ยท 11 months
"Defne's child will not be my named successor, Sophie. A child of England leading the Ottoman Empire, that is ridiculous." he said, shaking his head and scoffing - not willing to admit that the comment had gotten under his skin - because honestly he had not given much thought to who would take over if he was gone, because the thought of his mortality was one that had never passed his mind. He'd never been made to think of it, always praised as the closest thing to a Deity that this people could perceive, just as his parents had taught him he should believe. For the first time, his wife seemed to be presenting her value to him and as much as he was surprised to see it, he was impressed and actually listening.
"My mind is mine and mine alone. My plans for the Empire are based on my will." he said, growling back in response to her bravery in standing up to him, despite how it internally impressed him. Sighing and releasing her wrist with a flourish, he started to pace around the room, thinking about everything that she had said and walking over to the balcony, gripping the railing as he stood, the fresh air helping him think, only turning around again when he heard Sophie coming up behind him.
He ran a frustrated hand through his hair as his chest more visibly rose and fell, saying nothing. He looked at Sophie and instead of seeing the nuisance and disappointment of their union he could see that she had now presented herself as the person that was inseparably linked to the vitality of his rule, and he respected her more for that. "Perhaps you are right." he murmured, a faint hint of sound passing his lips because it wasn't often that Mustafa conceded that anyone was right aside from himself. "You've proven to be loyal to the Ottoman Empire over your blood related family, perhaps it is time for us to leave a legacy of our own," he added, allowing her to come closer to him and gripping her hips possessively when she did. "Inform your ladies that you will remain in my chambers tonight,"
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"I suggest nothing Mustafa. I merely ask whether or not you enjoy having Defne's child as your named successor. You have no heir and thus, that child would be the next of kin. I, personally, would prefer if people knew that after you came your son, that your line would sit upon the throne. I want to still the tongue of every gossip monger that insists that our rule is not favored because we have not been blessed with a child. I seek security for our line Mustafa. Can you blame me?" Her eyes sparkled in both challenge and opportunity.
There was a sort of recklessness that drove Sophie's actions then; she had already killed her own parents, very little seemed to scare her in the moment, even her husband. He gripped her wrist tightly and she hissed but her eyes stayed locked on his and she did not cry out or try to move away. "And understand this, husband, if we continue to act with two different agendas, we will end up worse off. I need to know your mind to act with you. I am not just a pretty face. I am the Sultana." She held her chin high though he was nearly a foot taller than she was.
"I do not wish to have a child Mustafa. I have no love of yammering or snotty noses. I want a legacy, for you and for me. I want us on our thrones with generations to come. I want an heir to ride beside you." They seemed close then, and, despite the fact that Sophie had asked to bed him, she still felt her stomach twist at the thought. Did she actually want him? In the moment, as she stood in front of him, she was tempted to answer...possibly.
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ofrecklcss ยท 11 months
Dmitri and Barbara | @crxwnedbarbie
It was no secret that Dmitri had been avoiding people outside of his immediate family, the close call of the events that had happened on the night of the Masquerade ball messing with his mind more than it usually would because of the fact that his sister had been put in harms way, his brother injured. That said, he had also been avoiding the reality of being betrothed, spending his days riding or sparring with his brother because actually speaking to the person he'd been promised to made it seem all too real.
With his whole family speaking about the engagement though, it seemed that actually seeking out Barbara was inevitable, which is why he found himself standing at the entrance of the gardens where he'd been told she was spending the afternoon. "Your highness," he greeted her nodding his head towards her and the ladies that surrounded her. Formalities returning as a type of crutch to support the fact that they really knew very little about one another - their marriage arranged by their siblings. "I wanted to apologize for my absence, I hope that you have been able to recover from the unfortunate events of that night..."
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ofrecklcss ยท 11 months
"Such formalities. There is such a thing as history altering the need for protocol, is there not?" he asked, doing his best to make her break free from the shackles of propriety, because if there was one person other than his sister Jacqueline who he'd always been honest with, who knew him -- it was Natasia. Being near her was intoxicating in the best way possible, and he found himself having to force himself to tear his eyes from her, but that had always been the effect that she had on him, and he was well aware that she knew it. "Yes, I daresay that it would take much more than a hostage situation to bring my sister down," he said, able to say that now because he knew that she was safe and guarded in one of the towers of the castle. "It brings me no pleasure to now find out that you were here through this mess, though-- were you harmed in any way?" he asked, even as his eyes trailed her body for any signs of injury or distress.
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There were decisions that were not in her own hands, rules she had to obey. As much as she wanted to grab the prince's hand, it was entirely possible that he was expecting the grip of that young, feisty, Russian militant who followed her own rules because she was young enough for them to be brushed under the rug. The woman the stood before him today was entirely different, so she believed, much more greedy, scarred in more ways than one. "If that is what his highness insists, then I will obey," she stood again, picking her head slowly up, "It is very nice to see you again, Dmitri," oh how it felt like a betrayal to her upbringing to say such a thing as tempting as his name. That would have to stop immediately. "I was relieved to hear the news of your sister, Queen Jacqueline's, survival in captivity," she finds any piece of conversation she can grasp on to, "My brother, Sasha, was among those in the woods."
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