ofrivas · 4 years
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     lena hadn’t thought twice about asking gabriel. only because she honestly was stuck. plus it was always good to get someone else’s thoughts. she couldn’t help but peer around him to see his daughter in the chair. you would have to have been blind to not notice how adorable she looked kicking her legs. though lena glanced back towards gabriel who seemed a bit amused. her gaze going towards where his finger was pointing at the flowers. her nose crinkling and she let out a small laugh,“ the flower it is,” she decided,“ oh she’s stuck between the kitty cat and the butterflies?” her eye brows arched up as she looked back towards his daughter,“ maybe i can help? i mean you did just solve my problem.” plus from what she could tell his little girl clearly didn’t want his help.
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The trials of being a well-intentioned single father or any sort of parent that genuinely cared for their child were continually worrying about how they would turn out. Each decision, activity, and every word was questioned if it would help or hinder the development of a child. It was like a real-life version of any adventure game without the chance for do-overs or restarts. Gabriel was good with them because he was careful. Like he was with the club, Gabriel was very cautious with a vote that was hard to earn. Looking at Lena, there came to the nod - the quiet plea for help from a stranger to help him battle against being an overly concerned parent who had the most adorable almost-four-year-old in the world. “I would owe you my life, Lena Martinez. I would say I’d name my firstborn after you, but clearly, I missed an opportunity.” The biker teased. That little girl in the chair deciding her facepaint was his third. “I yield the floor, great one.”
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ofrivas · 4 years
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    it wasn’t often that dahlia found herself at rendezvous. after all most of her nights were spent working. since she was off she had decided why not. she had gotten all dolled up and intended on having some fun. in no time at all she found herself on the dance floor. she had no idea what the guy’s name was that she was even dancing with. though that wasn’t stopping her from grinding against him. out of the corner of her eye she had spotted a familiar face at the bar. they seemed to have noticed her as well. she nodded in their direction but kept on moving. at least till the song ended and she was making her way towards the bar,“ having fun?” she was motioning towards the bar tender and then from her to the other,“ god i should do this more often."  @charmingstarter​
"Of course" Gabriel lied flashing a smile dipping his head down low exuding confidence only he could. He was only enjoying this place as much as he could being a single father of three and baby sitter to many of the prospects wanting to patch into the mc. still, it was convincing enough to believe. he just had that sort of energy. Besides he would be blind not to notice how incredibly beautiful the young woman was. Let her do her the world would hold its breath watching her burn it down. "I'd say be careful but we only live once might as well enjoy it slaying them all with your body. You look incredible Dahlia"
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ofrivas · 4 years
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    founders day was a tradition in charming. it was something that lena could remember going to ever since she was little. that was how she found herself wandering through main street. so far she had only bought a few things. one of them being a new necklace which she had actually put on. of course she was just taking in everything. it was all so familiar and it seemed like there had been a decent turn out. she was thinking about maybe trying to find her sister or one of her friends. though one of the booths caught her eye and she was glancing at the designs for face paint. her head tilting as she debated if she should do it or not. without even thinking she glanced over at someone was nearby,“ which should i get? i’m torn between the flower and the shooting stars? maybe you can be the tie breaker?” @charmingstarter​
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Gabriel smiled as he kept one eye on Adelina, kicking her feet off the edge of a chair, making her own choices while looking over the choices Lena mentioned. He hadn't even spoken to her, but the sudden conversation was a pleasant and rather welcome distraction for a moment. If he spoke too loudly, a very independent 3 nearly 4 years old would get upset already resisting Gabriel choosing anything for her that the superhero princess didn't decide herself. She was three going on forty and had been very excited this year to pick out her own face paint. Hearing the Martinez girl, the disciple gave a chuckle leaning towards her, pointing at the flower. "I'd go with the flowers. I'm dealing with a little girl who is deciding between a kitty cat face and butterflies"
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ofrivas · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒:  open  ! 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍:  general  celebration  ,  day  one  ! 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃: no  one  !
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𝒎𝒂𝒙  𝒉𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒅  𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍  𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒔  𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅  his  waist  ,  higher  as  cotton  candy  shielded  his  face  from  view  &  girlish  laughter  filled  his  ears  .  they’d  been  on  the  ferris  wheel  twice  ,  carousel  ,  three  &  the  girl  was  just  as  lively  as  when  they  arrived  .  despite  the  arrival  of  her  mother  ,  despite  the  drama  going  on  .  it  was  moments  like  this  that  max  truly  lived  for  .     ❝           come  on  chicken  ,  let’s  get  you  some  actual  food  ,  grandma  will  kill  me  if  you’re  hyped  on  sugar  tonight  .  ❞     he  tells  her  ,  glancing  back  over  his  shoulder  .  but  with  his  concentration  on  isla  not  where  he  was  going  ,  his  shoulder  clipped  another  causing  a  slight  stumble  .     ❝  careful  ,  man  !  ❞
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A quick and firm hand shot up to secure the nearly four-year-old on his shoulders before he chuckled. The moment his little one caught sight of the fourteen-year-old, she gave an excited little squeal causing the fatherly grip on her to tighten a bit more. Isla was Adelina's favorite person, even dwarfing her love for her most everyone else. After all, she was their baby sitter more often than not. "Okay little frijoles, calm yourself down. Apologize to Uncle Max. We can't keep playing horsey if you keep knocking me into people," Gabriel breathed, giving Max a knowing look as she apologized, patting the top of her father's head before wiggling again. He knew the struggles. "She's been riding on my shoulders all day I should've been paying attention, Max. What do you say we get the girls' food together? I know wiggle pants up here would love that."
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ofrivas · 4 years
Stepping back from the pool table she winked at the woman who walked away from her to grab another bottle. Holding her hand out she waited for the man to give her the rest of the money she won from him in a match. “Thank you.” She pocketed the money before turning to the crowd of the bar, “Who’s next? Don’t leave me hanging.” When the woman came back with the bottle she kissed her cheek. @charmingstarter​
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"Damn" They were quite often the words that left his lips any time he had the privilege of being around Kaia. She hadn't been the most popular choice, but Gabriel had given his vote for her to be admitted, and she'd more than proven herself. It was good to see her and that she had more game than most of their other members. He quietly hoped if Adelina grew up and wanted this life, she'd be as badass as the woman it was a pleasure to serve with. Glad he was to have her back from one of the chapters in NorCal. "You going to donate to the three college funds I have going, Kaia? I'll bite."
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ofrivas · 4 years
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━ ∔ Hello again everyone! ) - in the case you don’t already know I’m Eden and I’m happy to be a member here. I know this is late to the party ( lucas is coming along as well ) but I bring to you my most mountain of a man, your sergeant at arms, ride and probably going to die for the club badass father of three cute kid under the age of ten - Gabriel Rivas  ( FC JD Pardo ) . To save you from scrolling a long Tumblr post I’ve put all you need to know about my first son ( quick facts, interview and a mini vague af bio ) in a neat little google doc. So please ! ( trigger warnings: mentions of death, terminal illness ( cancer )  ) take a gander here ! If you’d like to plot the plots and all the wonderful things feel free to tumblr im me or hmu on discord  Edenzini#8145.
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ofrivas · 4 years
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J.D. Pardo as Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes on Mayans M.C. → 2.10 “Hunahpu”
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ofrivas · 4 years
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EZ Reyes + kids (requested by anonymous) 
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