Severus nodded. "Absolutely ready." They were lead into a small room and a justice of the peace was standing before them. "Would you like the traditional vows or your own?" He asked them. Severus looked at Doe questioningly. "Whatever you want, love." It was really up to her.
Unexpected || Dorcas & Severus
“Close enough.” She responded, eyeing him as best she could. He knew exactly what she meant. She just hadn’t wanted to say almost. The woman’s voice broke in and Doe couldn’t even be upset about the interuption. She stifled a giggle at Severus’ reactiont o the pen- something she’d expected and had been looking out for. When it was her turn she took the pen carefully and signed her name. Her real name. Something she hadn’t signed in years and couldn’t think of a better reason to use it again. “There we go.” She smiled happily before looking over to Severus. “Ready?”
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Severus moaned lightly and returned the soft kiss. "You are incredible, my love." He murmured. "I love you." He whispered. "I'm sorry it took me so long to say it. I just...I don't know." Words, especially ones dealing with emotions, were not easy for him. "Somehow it's much easier now." He had no desire to move, loving the feeling of just laying here, inside of her.
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Severus laughed. "Will do. I don't want any uninvited guests." He agreed. He quirked an eyebrow as his wife suggested the rug in front of the hearth. "Do you have any other suggestions, my love?" He asked, amused. "Oh no, I stand by your stubbornness, but I will add that it's one of the many, many reasons I fell so desperately in love with you, and continue to fall in love with you every day." He told her. Another laugh followed. "I have no idea what your talking about. I do not have a penchant for trouble. That is all you. And I'm not snarky." Making a face, he shook his head. "No. My nose is horrible. It's crooked and ugly."
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Severus glared cruelly at Amycus and moved closer to Hermione. "She's mine." He emphasized. "I don't like sharing my toys." He narrowed his eyes. "And if you know what's good for you, Carrow, you'll keep your hands off of my little pet." He threatened. "The Dark Lord gave her to me for being one of his most trusted, loyal followers."
Severus turned to Hermione. He used his Legilimency to send her a telepathic message. 'I'm going to touch you. I don't want to startle you.' He smiled cruelly at her and caressed her face, as if there was some pretense of gentleness. "Such a beautiful little pet, isn't she?"
The Art of Deception
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Frustration was building and Severus had to stop himself from breaking one of the potion vials. He moved away from the cauldron and sank into a nearby chair with a heavy sigh. "I don't need a break, I need to finish this!" He snapped. He then shook his head. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't snap at you. I know you're trying to help. I've just been working on this for months and it's far too important to fail at."
"Perhaps..." Severus wasn't one to admit he needed help easily, but with how important this was, maybe he needed to. "Perhaps I could use your help. "I'm working on a potion. A potion that could change the wizarding world as we know it. If I'm successful..." He trailed off.
Looking up at her, he continued. "You know of the Longbottoms? Neville's parents?" He inquired. "They're in St. Mungo's. Bellatrix Lestrange and a couple of other Death Eaters used the Cruciatus Curse to torture them when he was just a baby. The long term exposure to the curse caused Frank and Alice to lose their minds. They've never been the same. I'm trying to fix that. To create a potion to...reverse that effect."
"So far, I'm not doing too well. I can't figure out what I'm missing. I've included herbs to help with memory." Severus was putting too much focus on the intelligent side of things. It wasn't all about that. There was an emotional side to it as well, which he was neglecting to realize. The missing ingredient that he had yet to figure out was tears. Tears held memories and they linked to emotions.
A New Life, A New Beginning || Severus and Hermione
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Severus glanced at her. He had expected as much. Honestly, he didn't live there except when school wasn't in session. And even then it was hardly of consequence to him what the place looked like. "The room at the end of the hall isn't to be touched. It was my mother's." He explained. He may have hated his father, but his mother was a good woman and Severus had been close to Eileen Prince.
"You may do with the place what you'd like. I'm not much of a decorator. I'm only here when the school year is over, honestly. And when I am, I don't really care what it looks like. I just care that it's a roof over my head." He explained.
He hesitated but then looked at her. "There is one thing. I will absolutely not tolerate you turning my home into a Gryffindor shrine." He muttered.
The Law Arrangement
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Severus rolled his eyes. “Only if you wear it in public, but this is for me.” He said, as though it were obvious. “Yes...it makes you look very sexy.” He knew what game she was playing and it was a dangerous one. However, he followed her into the dressing room.
Once inside, Severus put his hands on her hips, his eyes full of want and need. He licked his lips. “Have you ever done it in a dressing room?” He asked, smirking.
"Does these pants make my butt look big?"(I'm horrible at this)
“I do not see how a pair of pants can change the size of your arse, Hermione. Fabric has no determination on how big or small your rear end is. That is simply a ridiculous question that women ask. It either leads to men bumbling over their words because they’re too stupid to answer correctly, or it leads to them showering the woman with praise because they’re too afraid to say anything else.” He replied. “Your arse looks the same as it always does. Now can we please leave? You know I detest shopping, and it’s even worse when you make me sit on these awful benches while you try on clothing. The muggle world really needs to have a better system for trying things on.”
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Severus loved this woman passionately. But, she drove him mad, and this instance who no exception. “You know it does.” He growled. Glaring a bit, he followed her into the dressing room. “I don’t like being taunted, Hermione.” His voice was heavy, thick with desire and need.
“I think it’s quite clear that you look sexy and that you have my full undivided attention.”
"Does these pants make my butt look big?"(I'm horrible at this)
“I do not see how a pair of pants can change the size of your arse, Hermione. Fabric has no determination on how big or small your rear end is. That is simply a ridiculous question that women ask. It either leads to men bumbling over their words because they’re too stupid to answer correctly, or it leads to them showering the woman with praise because they’re too afraid to say anything else.” He replied. “Your arse looks the same as it always does. Now can we please leave? You know I detest shopping, and it’s even worse when you make me sit on these awful benches while you try on clothing. The muggle world really needs to have a better system for trying things on.”
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Severus looked a bit surprised. He really didn’t know what to say. “You...you...” He sputtered a bit. “Well, that is certainly quite surprising.” He replied. The fact that she’d looked up to him wasn’t something he had expected at all. He then nodded. “I agree. The Ministry doesn’t give us a say in the matter and that’s not right.”
“Very well. Then, we shall indeed. Come. I will show you my home at Spinner’s End.”
The Law Arrangement
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Severus had been focusing on his work. When he was working on Potions, he tended to get very caught up in work and usually got distracted. Aside from classes and grading, all he did was stay in his Potions lab. He'd become very focused on an important project and it took up all his time.
Holed up in his lab, Severus was leaned over his cauldron experimenting and taking down notes. "No, no, no! Bloody hell, why won't you work?" He muttered. None of his calculations were working and he was beyond frustrating. He'd tried experimenting with various ingredients. He'd tried changing things up. Nothing was working.
Severus took a step back, rolled up his sleeves, ponytail and took a few deep breaths. "Alright, let's try this again." He had poured out the brew and was about to start again when he heard Hermione's voice. A heavy sigh left his lips. "I suppose a break wouldn't hurt. Perhaps, it will help clear my head."
A New Life, A New Beginning || Severus and Hermione
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He nodded. "That's understandable. Life is unpredictable. But, you're safe with me." He reassured her. He hated this entire situation but it warmed his heart to know she trusted him. Especially since he knew that in order to get her out of this alive, he was going to have to put on an act. He was going to have to be a cold hearted Death Eater, and he never wanted her to think of him that way.
"You don't speak unless spoken to." He said, immediately going into character. Grabbing the chain, Severus placed a cruel smirk on his lips. "We're leaving. It's time for your walk, slave. I'm sure the Carrow's are rather curious. And we wouldn't want the Dark Lord to think I'm hoarding you all to myself, would we?”
The Art of Deception
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The pleasure was intense, so much so that Severus almost lost all sense completely. However, he had the forethought to realize he was on the verge of his own orgasm. Holding himself back, he was grateful he’d become adept at wandless magic. Muttering a contraceptive spell, he then groaned and spilled himself inside of her before relaxing completely. It wasn’t as though he wouldn’t entertain the idea of having children with her, but it was their first time together, and it was definitely something they needed to discuss first.
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He laughed lightly. "No more sneaking around. Now, I don't have to justify sleeping with my wife." He said. For that, he was grateful. He made a face at her words. "As long as it doesn't have my nose." He hated his nose. "And let's hope it doesn't inherit its mother's stubbornness, or penchant for trouble. Otherwise we're doomed." He teased.
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Severus looked up at the knock. He was a bit surprised to see Asha and even more surprised that she seemed to be asking for his help. “I suppose I could offer my assistance.” He replied, with a slight nod. “What seems to be the problem?” He was, after all, a Potions Master. And it wasn’t everyone’s area of expertise.
He appreciated people who wanted to learn, and those who made an effort to do so. He knew Asha was intelligent. Probably just as intelligent as he was, if not more so.
Asha was frustrated, she’d been working on perfecting her potions for ages. However, they were perfect they were just… lack luster to what she’d seen Professor Snape create. It was frustrating to follow the directions so perfectly so many times and for hers to seem like it could be any students potion. They were good they just weren’t the level she wished herself to be.
Finally it bothered her enough that on the rare day they each had free classes she made her way to Professor Severus Snape’s classroom and knocked gently. “Professor? Do you have a moment? I have a few questions about potions and I was hoping you could offer me some insight.” She felt like a kid again- going to the professor and hoping he could spare a moment to look over her homework. She nearly scoffed at the idea. She respected Severus, he was a brilliant man, he truly was… she just wouldn’t wish to be his student.
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“Not quite yet, my love.” He said, softly. He held her close, but the moment wouldn’t last long. “Okay!” The cheerful voice ruined the intimacy of the moment as the clerk came to inform them it was time. “We have a justice of the peace ready. Just sign here on your marriage license, you’ll have a brief ceremony, then he’ll sign it, and we’ll file this and it’ll be official.” She said. Severus took the pen, glaring at it slightly. He then signed his name.
Unexpected || Dorcas & Severus
Doe didn’t want or need an apology, but she did smile when he agreed. “Time together is time together. That’s enough for me.” She said softly as she wrapped her arms around him and stood on her tip toes to give him a kiss. “My husband.” She whispered, it was… so strange to consider, but just the idea made her heart feel like when she’d dropped from far above the Quidditch pitch down to block a bludger headed for a team mate. Like her heart was floating away, while her body was following gravity. Just this time, it was a good feeling.
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Hearing the frustration in her tone, he immediately felt bad for being so sour. “You’re right. This is our time together, and it shouldn’t be spent complaining.” He reasoned. It wasn’t exactly an apology but it was close. He offered a smile and reached out to embrace her, another form of apology on his part.
Unexpected || Dorcas & Severus
“Severus” She furrowed her brows at him. “I am not patronizing you. I know you’re not an infant. They don’t have magic. You know that as well as I do. I’m sure if they had magic they would. Isn’t our marriage worth it? I know we’ve waited a while… but… can’t we just enjoy this time together for what it is? Even waiting we’re together. That’s something we haven’t had in a long time….” She didn’t like to see him stressed out… she wanted him to smile. To enjoy anytime they had together because who knew how long it would be.
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“I don’t like waiting.” He muttered. “Don’t patronize me, Dorcas. I’m not an infant. I simply don’t understand why these people must do things in such a trivial manner when a simple wave of a wand would do the job.” He was whispering so only she could hear him. It was one thing he didn’t understand. How muggles survived without magic.
Unexpected || Dorcas & Severus
Dorcas handed in her papers as well, and nodded to the woman. “Thank you Ma'am.” She offered a smile as the woman went about doing whatever it was she had to do. In the meantime, Doe stepped in front of Severus and wrapped her arms around him. “Love, I know it’s… stressful… but we need to be patient.” She tried to comfort him.
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