ofsoigne · 9 years
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;---- What an answer? She truly was a passionate person, he had concluded that long ago. Yet, not once had he expected her to say such a thing-- Especially to himself. She said she would catch him if he fell, yet he doubted that once it escaped her lips. No one would ever chance getting dirty for his sake, right? He wasn't worth it, at least that's what he felt. There were other's in the world that were worth the time and effort, but his complete selflessness made him a better person. It made it so that no matter how much he loathed himself and meandered in darkness, he could always give his all to caring for other's. It wasn't often that he smiled genuinely, or completely relaxed around people he didn't know, but as his shoulders fell and he rose his head, tilting it only slightly to smile before he finally verbalized his response. "Maybe one day you'll realize that its hard to catch someone who is naturally below you. And it is hard to act as a support for something that is used to standing on its own, despite how broken and battered it is. Though, of course, it is an appreciated thought." He acknowledged her closing statement, giving a stern nod."I'll drop it. Though, you best remember that the thought of being friends with you was sort of an unmanageable thing for me for a while." He teased with the shrug of his shoulders. "So this is a totally random question, but do you, by any chance in the world, like coffee?"
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“If you mess up, I’ll go with the flow, I’ll keep the movement going. If you fall, I’ll catch you. Don’t worry about it too much.” She was as blunt as ever, because it seemed so blatantly obvious to her. That’s what a dance partner was right? Someone to support you. Or well, that was what she’d believed. You know, before her growth spurt and habit of outgrowing them all. She didn’t seem like it, but she was a team player who gave what she got. She shook those thoughts from her head, no need to dwell on something like that. Especially when they hadn’t confirmed it, people suggested things like that.
“Oh, I’m sure they’ll get you somehwere. Someday.” Her response had an element of playfulness to it, but she didn’t take it too seriously. His looks might not get him anywhere but his outgoing nature and apparent likeability probably would. No need to tell him that though. “I don’t see why we couldn’t be friends. Provided you drop the ‘it’s an honour thing.’ It’s making friends. Which…I suppose we are.“
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ofsoigne · 9 years
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-----out of suave
I'm back? I'm back... I'll do responses soon and what not. Hop on into my inbox if you want to plot or something? I hardly get asks or anything so... Oops, anyways. Just a PSA that anything I owe you will be responded to soon.
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ofsoigne · 9 years
An Original Gif F4F
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ofsoigne · 9 years
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ofsoigne · 9 years
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ofsoigne · 9 years
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I gave a presentation about Akira Yoshizawa and tried making one of his gorilla figures.
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ofsoigne · 9 years
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----- out of suave Okay, I'm heading off for the night. inbox will be open all night, don't be shy. I'll finish responses in the morrow. G' night, friends.
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ofsoigne · 9 years
I am not for everyone.
(via goldwomyn)
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ofsoigne · 9 years
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ofsoigne · 9 years
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;---"Don't worry, don't worry." He straightened his beanie, pushing his glasses back up. He gazed at the girl with a certain laid-back calmness that made an amity in the air that surrounded them. He took a few steps back, offering a bow. "I should've been watching where I was walking. Especially because this school is quite unfamiliar to me." For a moment he remained silent, his jaw tensing as he mulled over whether to introduce himself or not. Taking a deep breath, he straightened to look at her."I am Yukio Adachi... I'm from the visiting school for volleyball practice?" "I had wandered off to use the bathroom, but then I got lost and wandered the halls, which got me even more lost... And then my face sort of collided with your door."
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“Oh my gosh!!” she practically screamed as a thud was heard from the door collided with the male who’d been innocently walking by, not bothering anyone. Kou had no intention of hurting anyone, her excitement had gotten to her, causing the door to fling open at the speed of light. Kou was not expecting such a predicament to happen, frantically she approached the male, hoping she hadn’t done too much damage to him. “I’m so sorry, I can take you to the infirmary if you’re really hurt, do you need ice?” Her heart was basically shattered, for having injured such a kind looking boy, and a stranger as a matter of fact. A stranger. Kou felt extremely ashamed for her actions, frantically apologizing repeatedly.
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ofsoigne · 9 years
If it hasn't been noticed yet, Yukio has a deep hatred for himself which spawns from his failure as a sportsman and his own weakness. And also his habit of smoking. He simply finds what he has become to be disgusting, though he hides it very well behind his usual smile and expensive clothing. This is also what has lead to him be so devoted with keeping his girl's in good health, because he wants to see them succeed where he has failed his entire life.
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ofsoigne · 9 years
If I was dating you, I'd be dating the enemy. Which is unacceptable. I'd expect someone to take the captain position from me straight away. On the bright side I doubt you'd be much of a distraction. Oh and I'd ask you to dance with me; you know if I wasn't too busy mourning the loss of my captaincy for dating the enemy. Yuki. Don't date me.
Meme || Mariko
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;---- He was crushed, immediately. He hid it with a respectful bow of his head, accepting such a thing as a fact, and a reasonable one at that. "It's not like I would've ever desired a relationship with you anyways, Mariko. I wouldn't want you to have to settle for a guy as completely disappointing as myself."
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ofsoigne · 9 years
You want their families to be rivals? I’m down. They dated the same person? Cool. They have the same classes together? Neat. Our first interaction doesn’t need to be our muses first interaction. I like having already developed relationships, adds a little something. Plus, gives the opportunity for a “how did they meet” thread later on.
I'm 100% okay with your muse having a history with mine.
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ofsoigne · 9 years
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ofsoigne · 9 years
send me "if i was dating you" descriptions
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ofsoigne · 9 years
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;---- He had been being sincere. It wasn't like he complimented people to get in their pants. He did it because people deserved to be reminded that they were outstanding in some way. It just happened that he had fixated on her calming oceanic eyes matched with framing tresses. He set his jaw, staring at her in disbelief. Never had he been so offended. "I apologize for being a disappointment, but I am far from a playboy." "And I wasn't trying to capture your heart. Are men not allowed to be kind without people thinking they're trying to get laid?" His own deep sigh escaped, shoving his hand into his pockets. He was prepared to walk away and save her from him getting mouthy when she introduced herself. Why would she do such a thing if she was going to regret it? Yet, he was glad she had. He knew he had recognized her and the name verified his suspicions. She was the Libero of Nekoma -- It seemed all the Nekoma Girl's hated him. "I'm... Yukio Adachi. You can call me Yuki... I... I know who you are, honestly...Its an honour." He admitted sheepishly, shifting his weight from his left to his right foot to relieve the throbbing he was experiencing.
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Did she want to be special? Probably not. It didn’t bother her one bit that he called everyone lovely, he was just a mere stranger to her, nothing more, and there’s definitely room for him to transform into something less. His words mattered none to her at such a point in time. “Ah, so you’re some perverted playboy, then? I know that type, so I really don’t care if you say that to everyone.” Ren felt more towards being irked rather than flattered, orbs gazing at the floor, refusing eye contact with the male. A deep sigh passed her lips, biting her lip before asking a question. “Did you have any other purpose of coming over to me, or did you just want to fail at your attempt of capturing my heart with your less than smooth words?” Some would say Ren was a fool for treating such a boy with her attitude, he was just being kind to her was all, but she didn’t exactly know how to react, more so oblivious to it. “And I’ll probably regret this but,” pausing to ponder what was about to be said; tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she continued. “My name’s Hayashi Ren, but just call me Ren…” she never exactly cared about formalities anyway, but could sense definite regret later on from telling this boy her name.
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ofsoigne · 9 years
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taidxna replied to your post: “”– out of suave I am laughing so hard because Nekoma girls hate Yukio...”:
{ OH MY GOSH I FEEL SO BAD BECAUSE REN IS JUST MEAN TO EVERYONE AT FIRST ;A; i swear im gonna go on my other muse and she wont' hate him omfg }
(( Please don't feel bad. He's used to being hated honestly. And he's also used to getting a hard time from girls!! I find it amusing.))
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