ofstcriestold · 4 years
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
⌛   Altair  
⌛   Taylor
⌛   Bethany  
🗡️   Stephanie
🗡️   Margo
🎤   Iris
🎤   Willa  
🎤   Wynn
🎤   Jini
🎤   Hailey
🌪️   Sabrine
⭐     Zevon  
❓     Genevieve
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
Altair backed up a bit from Malik, looking more confused before starting to think about it.
“Well…honestly, if I scare someone that badly, I may get expelled from here. And I don’t want to go back to the fucking Isle if that’s what they do to VKs like me after they get expelled.” Altair sighed. “I don’t know, dude.”
“So you’re a coward, then. How disappointing.” Malik sighed himself, leaning back and crossing his arms, dark gaze looking above Altair and into the fluorescent lights of the cafeteria beyond his shoulder. If this wouldn’t motivate the ghost into action...well. He could always find somebody more interesting to do the job.
“I had a feeling you might be. I suppose I’ll have to go find whoever the Number One Prankster at this school really is....”
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
“Well. That’s a good one. If I knew people, anyways. But it’s an option, I won’t argue it.”
Except of course, Wynn doesn’t really know anything about Maelona’s type, either. But he’d work with it, actually… he would absolutely consider it if he’s willing to take a little time to learn more about his twin.
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“Well, of course...I might know a good person or two for the job.” Good being a...RELATIVE term, here implying “good for the job” and not really “a good person.” But, hey: that was the cost of doing business sometimes. Oddly enough, Mok hadn’t taught him that.
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“Is she more of a girls kind of girl or more of a guys kind of girl? I know an absolute filthy bloody heartbreaker if she likes guys. Won’t last forever, but she certainly can’t pester you when she’s sad from the breakup, so it’s at least a few months of guaranteed freedom.”
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
Plotting always worked out better for Zevon when he went out walking. He didn’t know why, but it helped clear his mind a bit and let him focus on the details. So he heads out to check up on things and clear his head a bit.
His old habit of blending in, sticking to the shadows, being unassuming, goes quite well, and he’d have spent his entire walk unnoticed until he stumbled upon… this.
“What exactamately are you doing?” He steps up, arms crossed and eyebrows raised, making his presence known to the other.
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--A stupid shoe buckle. A real one this time, not like the time it started back in Salem. Bella picks it up and rubs her thumb around the outer oval: it’s dirty, but it’s nothing special. Yet. Maybe if she cleans it up a little it’ll make a passable necklace pendant. Bella weighs it in her hand and considers the pros and cons of just throwing the stupid thing deeper into the woods despite her Isle-child reflex to hoard it for herself when someone speaks behind her. Bella whirls around...but it’s nothing serious.
Fight questions with questions, just the way Dad taught her. “Awww, Zevon. Didn’t your mother ever teach you never to sneak up on a witch?”
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Bella smirks and tilts her head, pocketing the she buckle after all. Zevon was never one of the ones she minded.
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
“Well, only originally,” Bethany admits with a shrug, smiling sweetly. “Oh! I’m actually from Litwak’s Ar–”
Her voice glitches out when she does, from bouncy bubbly baby to takes-no-shit barking orders soldier girl. She blinks and shakes her head abruptly. “And that is why I don’t take the time to fraternize often. As I was trying to tell you, Litwak’s Arcade. Don’t get too comfortable with one side of me or the other, neither likes to stick around for too long.”
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Bethany’s glitch takes Malik by surprise. He blinks before excitement catches up with him, bubbling out of his insides and forcing a genuine smile, real enthusiasm, into his face.
“That--you--is this all an act? You are an incredible actress,” he says immediately, surprised, ELATED!, by the change that’s come over her. He isn’t accustomed to having anyone who didn’t grow up on the Isle turn so quickly from one mood to the next.
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He pictures her through the columns of a many-arched corridor, an arcade, her stride changing each time the columns block her from view, now a princess and now a soldier and now a slumping thief, a limp, the peacock-strut of a rockstar. He laughs a bit and crosses his arms over his chest,, face still mystified, intrigued, enthralled.
“And how does one live in an arcade? Are there beds between the arches, or do you sleep in the rafters like so many birds comes to roost?”
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
“I’m not taking it as an accusation, but please understand I actually have no idea. I’m not doing it intentionally if that’s what’s happening. It’s a… complicated situation.”
Jini sighs, running a hand through her hair. “Basically, I’ve learned something about my biological mother, and I don’t really know much about that aspect, so I don’t know what I’m technically capable of.”
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Talented bitch. Killigan huffs out a half-disbelieving laugh, but he’s full of such elation that he doesn’t voice the thought. It’s more endearing than it sounds on the face of it: he hasn’t got breath to waste complimenting people he dislikes, any more than he has time to dedicate to thinking of them. He turns a genuine smile up at Jini despite her non-answer, pulling himself up onto the apron of the stage and just sitting there trying to process it all.
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“Well--that’s incredible, frankly, if you aren’t, and damned smart if you are. Biology’s got less to do with this than most people think. I should know. But...what did you learn, exactly, that’s so....” Killigan’s smile drops and he squints for a moment, one hand fluttering like a leaf in the air as he makes a complicated hand gesture. “...flat,” he decides finally, pulling his hand back. “You were positively glowing before Mommy Dearest came up. Can’t be all that bad.”
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
“Oh, uh– y’know, y’know what? I’m not very good.” Hailey’s hand awkwardly reaches back to the case her acoustic guitar is in. “I’ve never had, y’know, much time to learn or anything. Other stuff to do. You probably wouldn’t… want to hear me play.”
Of course, that’s not saying that, also, she’s felt awkward about playing it because it was a gift from her mom that she received in the mail when she turned fifteen. She clears her throat awkwardly.
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“This isn’t about good or BAD for a change,” Killigan replies.  One hand comes up to worry at his lips as he tries to put into words the thought echoing around in his brain like the final notes of a haunting sonata. This ISN’T good or bad or pretty or ugly or captivating or dull, this is...chasing that same strange something that caught him up when he saw Jini perform, the something settling like silt at the bottom of every note he’s heard played since he left the Isle. Something unsettled. Something... Something.
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He sighs and pulls his hand away, bottom lip snapping back into place like elastic when he lets up on it. “This is about...something...in the air, or the music, something...missing from there. You would know it if you heard it. I keep hearing it. And frankly, you’re the only person here who could hear me out without an ego getting in the way. Just play...--something. It doesn’t matter what. Let me see if you make it, too.
“Please,” he adds as an after thought, meeting Hailey’s gaze.
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
Taylor nods with a soft sigh. “That was my sister.”
And she still is. Audrey always had her back, and she always had Audrey’s back, growing up. Everything that happened… she doesn’t want to blame Audrey. She can’t. She needs to protect her.
At his mention of moving their conversation elsewhere, she nods, taking the flattery at face value and smiling sweetly. “I would love to. I mean, I’ve been in and out of here for years– I alternate a lot between castle-schooling for diplomatic lessons and regular schooling for everything else– but I’ve been around enough to know the general idea.”
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“I can’t help but feel like you have more than just a ‘general idea’ of this school,” Malik replies. His expression slides easily into a smile at the end, crooked on his face but no less bright for it. He hefts his backpack and moves to follow her, taking note of the winding corridors as they pass through them. 
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“After all, one learns a place after YEARS of it--in and out or otherwise. You’re not the sort of person to pretend to know less than they actually do, are you? I thought you would be more honest than that, all things considered.”
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
“You say witch like it’s a bad thing, darling.”
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“Well, no offense, but...isn’t that exactly what it is?”
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“Maybe I’m just bein’ a little homespun here, but I’ve never heard of a ‘good’ witch, ‘cept in Harry Potter.”
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
⌛   Altair  
⌛   Taylor 
⌛   Bethany   
🗡️   Stephanie
🗡️   Margo
🎤   Iris
🎤   Willa  
🎤   Wynn
🎤   Jini  
🎤   Hailey 
🌪️   Sabrine
⭐     Zevon  
❓     Genevieve
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
Autumn leaves fall in soft flutters around them, drawn in their own way to Bella but never quite touching her. Death and decay often do that: smell the magic on her skin and come in close for an inspection only to race away when the danger was is found to be all too real. Even so, she smiles, taking the other’s hand gently in hers and running her fingers in small circles over their palm. The touch is light, ticklish--and, more, it begins to light up. When Bella pulls her fingers away the glow follows, expanding into a small ball of radiant light reflecting the world around them upside down. A peek up: a chuckle: Bella looks back into that perfect upside-down mirror of the world they’ve created.
“C’mon, relax. It’s just magic.”
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
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ofstcriestold · 4 years
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