ofstvands-blog · 7 years
“I don’t know! This was your idea, wasn’t it?” Anita slowed her pace down once the masses of students remained behind them in the hall. Weren’t there muggles in this place? It seemed like such a testament to wizard pride to hide an entire school among a crowded muggle area. She turned towards the boy behind her. “Besides, I’m not fucking from here!”
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     oscar looked around. this place was massive. if they got lost, they might not be found for a while. of course, oscar thought everywhere was bigger than his own house. he wasn’t used to having so much space. “ hmmm. well -- what about outside. i could use a smoke break. “ he wasn’t from here either, though he was interested in exploring. anywhere was better than being trapped in america his entire life. “ same here, but that’s not stopping me. “ oscar walked past her and slipped out the front door. the air felt cool on his face. 
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ofstvands-blog · 7 years
     oscar wasn’t watching where he was going, but suddenly, he was hit by something. the champagne cork bounced on the floor. oscar stared at it for a moment before laughing. he was practically half drunk already. “ that’s exactly why i’m laughing. “ he grinned.
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Pippa found herself in an apathetic haze ( not one of her own design ) but the POP!! of a champagne cork whizzing close to another bystander finally sparked a reaction. “Did it hit you?? No?? Take a glass or take the portkey —- either way, it’s a party, not a funeral.”
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ofstvands-blog · 7 years
     honestly, oscar just really liked being around people. parties weren’t really his scene, but he did his best to be comfortable because he did like people. “ oh, really? then why are you tending if you’re not much of a bartender? “ oscar asked, with a laugh. “ hmmm. well, i normally just drink beer. what do you recommend then? “ 
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miles searched for a drink, quickly finding an unmanned bar and opting to make his own. he’d just finished mixing it up when someone else approached, looking at him expectantly. “i’m not much of a bartender,” patently false, “but i’ll do my best. what’ll you have?”
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ofstvands-blog · 7 years
“I’m getting out of here.” She interrupted him in his introduction, turning towards the exit, caring little about whether or not he followed. Anita soon became the one shoving people out of the way, leaving students shrieking in her wake.
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     “ same, “ he laughed and smiled at her. oscar followed her, apologizing for all the students that he ran into because she was like a bulldozer. “ alright, now that we’re out, where do you want to go? “ he asked. 
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ofstvands-blog · 7 years
“I don’t need permission to hex anyone!” she snapped.  Anita laughed, but it was forced; she wasn’t exactly sure if the boy was kidding or not. Another two students barreled into her, shoving her into the boy, but she didn’t apologize for crashing into him.
She groaned – but she wasn’t sure any fresh air would clear her head.
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     “ no, no of course not. it was a joke. “ oscar looked at her, trying to see if she was joking at all, but couldn’t tell. he thought he was a polite and friendly guy to most people. “ i’m oscar strand, “ he introduced himself, putting his hand out for a handshake, just as some people bumped into her and caused her to bump into him. 
     “ watch it! “ he yelled after them, shaking his head. “ some people. “
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ofstvands-blog · 7 years
     “Oh, God, yes,” Riley breathed easily to who was now her knight in shining, someone from her school too. “Oscar. I’ve never been more happy to see you in my life, in my entire FUCKING life.”
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     “ i feel so flattered, riley, “ he laughed. oscar was easily more comfortable with being around one person rather than two. he barely dealt with school sometimes. but this was a chance to branch out and meet new people. maybe even date someone. but he hadn’t even lasted an hour. “ too many people, amirite? “ he shrugged, looking around.
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ofstvands-blog · 7 years
Anita lifted her head and furrowed her eyebrows, then turned towards the voice behind her. For a second she thought to ask if he were speaking to her exactly, but at this point, it didn’t exactly matter: she too wanted to leave. But he did sound like a creep. The idea of someplace that choked her less than a room packed like sardines seemed to make up for it.
“All right.” She nodded to let him lead them out of the ballroom, thinking less of whether or not she would get lost through Maladh.
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     oscar hated being the center of attention and while he didn’t really feel like he was here with the amount of students that were here, he did feel really out of place here. he was honestly the type of person that hated people that said stuff like what he just said, but he needed to get away from the rest of the students and have some time to himself. or at least time with less than ten people. 
     “ you have permission to hex me if i do try something, “ he teased. “ but yeah, i really just need some fresh air. maybe get lost to clear my head. “
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ofstvands-blog · 7 years
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          i was going to get my intros out for rose and millie first, but i got struck with inspo for my darling boy oscar strand. ( points to the person that guesses where his surname came from. hint: it’s a podcast ) anyway. oscar’s family is the worst. triggers: abuse, drug addiction
oscar was the first child from his mother’s first marriage. his mother divorced oscar’s birth father because he was having an affair with another woman. instead of trying to keep the family together, his mother decided she was better than that and decided to leave her husband.
oscar childhood was okay, being raised by a single mother was tough on him, but they got through alright. they didn’t have much money, but that was alright because his mother did the best that she could to get them through all the hardships. 
when oscar turned six, his mother met aaron strand. he was a seemingly nice man that spent a lot of time around oscar, getting to know him and being a charming man. his mother remarried him a year after dating. the family moved to a new house.
it was 6 months into the marriage when his mother found out two things… 1) her husband was a drug addict and 2) she was pregnant. the marriage became super strained, but she tried to push past it.
aaron adopted oscar when he turned eight and that seemed to help with the strain of laurel finding out her new husband was a drug addict. and with another child on the way and a baby, something needed to happen to keep them together. aaron was a good man, she thought and wouldn’t cheat on her like her previous husband.
after the birth of oscar’s youngest step sibling, rowan, things between the family got worse. a small house with two bedrooms and a converted garage as a third bedroom, meant that the family was crowded together always. it was hard to hide from anyone. oscar did what he could to help around the house, even if he was only a child.
he was around nine when the abuse started. at first, oscar didn’t think anything of it. his step father always had an excuse for it, so he didn’t need to complain about it when eventually he’d get away from it all. 
and when his letter came, oscar was very happy to get away from his house and learn about magic.
personality wise, oscar is a relatively nice guy and listens to everyone. no one knows about the abuse because he’s trying to proect his family and thinks talking about it will just anger his step father. the strand family is also very religious and goes to church every sunday. because of that, oscar has yet to tell his family he’s gay, but everyone in school knows it. he’s always been interested in learning and whatever money he gets his hands on, goes to used books and he loves the library. he might be smart in a lot of subjects, but he pretends he’s not that smart. he’s the kid that sits in the back of class and cuts up, but gets outstanding marks on all his assignments. and he rarely answers questions out loud. oscar would do anything for his friends. he’s never really dated beaus he’s afraid of getting close to people. oscar is a go with the flow sort of person. he’s the type to remember small details about a person that he was told years ago, but also voted least likely to succeed since he has no actual direction in life. his parents are hella overbearing and always write him and are intersted in everything he’s up to. they practially make his decisions for him. 
♚┋FULL NAME: oscar marius strand ♚┋OCCUPATION: student  ♚┋AGE: eighteen ♚┋DATE OF BIRTH: 30 dec ♚┋GENDER: cis male ♚┋PRONOUNS: he/him ♚┋ORIENTATION: heterosexual heteroromantic pansexual homoromantic ♚┋NATIONALITY: american ♚┋RELIGION: catholic
♚┋FACE CLAIM: henrik holm ♚┋DOMINANT HAND: left ♚┋HEIGHT: 5’8″ ♚┋TATTOOS: none ♚┋SCARS: most of his scars are on his back, but he’s got a few on his arms ♚┋PIERCINGS: none
♚┋HOMETOWN: malibu, ca ♚┋LANGUAGE(S): english, spanish, sign language  ♚┋SOCIAL CLASS: lower working class ♚┋SUBJECT(S): history of magic ♚┋PARENT #1: laurel strand - mother ♚┋PARENT #2: aaron strand - step-father ♚┋PARENT #3: levi lund - biological father ♚┋SIBLING(S): willow (younger sister), katie (younger sister), rowan (younger brother) - all siblings are step siblings ♚┋RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single ♚┋CHILDREN: none ♚┋PET(S): none
♚┋SMOKES? sometimes ♚┋DRINKS? sometimes ♚┋DOES DRUGS? often ♚┋HAS AN ADDICTION? no ♚┋IS SELF-DESTRUCTIVE? yes
♚┋HOUSE: ravenclaw ♚┋VICE: lust ♚┋VIRTUE: thruthful ♚┋ELEMENT: water
♚┋AMORENTIA: rain, red oaks, rose, old books ♚┋BLODO STATUS: pureblood ♚┋WAND: red oak, unicorn tailhair, springy, 8 inches ♚┋PATRONUS: cheeta  ♚┋BOGGART: his step father  ♚┋FAVORITE CLASS: history of magic ♚┋LEAST FAVORITE CLASS: muggle studies
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ofstvands-blog · 7 years
     oscar felt slightly uncomfortable with the amount of people that were here. his parents hadn’t wanted him to come, so naturally oscar decided to go. his mother was too high strung and his step father was just a pain. but oscar never did well in crowds. “ i don’t mean to sound like a creep or anything, but i could use some fresh air. do you want to join me? “ 
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