ofsymphcnies-blog · 6 years
closed starter @ofskcletons
        It was past midnight and the lanterns flickered slightly while giving at least a little sense of security with their light. Hazel had been to a restaurant with her colleagues and, as so often lately, there had only been one topic. Anne Marie Kant, the girl who had been found near the docks and whose death seemed to be a mystery in itself. And accordingly, the rumors spread like wildfire in the city and it was probably justified to wonder what one could even believe at this point. She often followed her colleagues' conversations with interest and while some were convinced to know who it might have been, others were talking about some mysterious apparitions. Personally, Hazel hadn’t found her opinion on this case yet and she didn’t want to either, because what had happened was bad enough anyway. And for that very reason, she decided to keep her freedom and to walk alone through the streets of the city at night. After all, she knew how to defend herself and the way to her home wasn’t that far either.
Besides, she wasn’t the only one, there was loud music roaring from some bars, people who were drunk and staggering out of the clubs and then there were also all of those who started to work around this time. She walked around the corner and just as she was about to put her headphones in her ears, she heard something. It was dull, then it got suddenly louder and Hazel immediately froze for a second. There was no doubt that it came out of this alley and she now silently looked at it. Slowly she walked along one of the house walls, she tried to follow the noises she heard in the distance and then she ducked quickly behind one of the large dumpsters. Her mind was screaming at her to leave, she was supposed to call the police and to wait for help. But that could take time and she wasn’t even sure what she was dealing with exactly. And unfortunately, it was probably her dedication to the job which made it almost impossible for her to silently go on and ignore whatever was happening here. The redhead carefully peeked past the dumpster and to the spot where she recognized three figures. And two of these shadows apparently had a problem with the third. She held her breath while listening attentively to their conversation.
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ofsymphcnies-blog · 6 years
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“ If I asked you to get in a car with me and go dancing, would you? ” Holland’s face was split with a grin that stretched from ear to ear, their brown eyes twinkling with something equal parts excited and mischievous. They’d been done with work for hours and it was getting dark; it was the perfect time to head out but they didn’t want to go alone. They would if they had too but only if absolutely necessary. “ Please? I promise I won’t murder you, ” they teased.
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" Sure, " was Lux's short answer. He didn’t know the other, at least he was certain that he had never met this person before, and he knew very well that some caution was needed in Agnes Water at the moment. On the other hand, he clearly didn’t think much of being overcautious and he highly doubted that his future killer would invite him out to go dance somewhere. And while his childhood self would probably have screamed stranger danger and at the same time greedily grabbed for the sweets, he was fortunately now out of that phase and an adult. " Usually I don’t get into someone's car until the third date, but I’ll make an exception for you. " He shrugged, because to be honest he was bored anyway and the evening was too early to call it a night. " You promise? I'd rather have you tell me your name, I think it would be only appropriate if I knew the name of the person who promises they won’t murder me. " A soft laugh escaped his lips, because as absurd as this whole situation might have been, Lux apparently seemed to find it rather amusing.
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ofsymphcnies-blog · 6 years
prue was outside of the house she shared with her wife and children, watering the violets she had placed on the windowsills, to make the house a bit more colorful, a bit more alive. her six month old daughter was sitting in a reclined cradle in the driveway and she’d taken an umbrella to shield their little girl from the sun. as she was watering the plants, someone walked passed and as she always did, she greeted them with a cheery: “good morning!”, always happy to see familiar and new faces around the neighborhood.
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         Her job at the fire department could sometimes seem endless, especially when one was on standby and condemned to wait all night long for something to happen. And although those nights were always the best – after all, it meant that there were no incidents – they could also be the most tiring for Hazel. Dark circles adorned the eyes of the young redhead as she shuffled down the sidewalk towards her home. The only thing she wanted was a shower, a good breakfast and some random radio station that would hopefully lull her to sleep. Instead, she suddenly heard a voice, she looked around searchingly and immediately had to smile when she recognized Prue. " Good morning! " Somehow it seemed close to impossible to be in a bad mood whenever Prue appeared, or at least it felt completely wrong for Hazel to be grim when someone was in such a good mood in the morning.
" Jeez Prue, I’m so jealous. Those violets look beautiful. " And she sadly had to admit, that she wasn’t as gifted when it came to plants──anything she got ended up dying at some point. " How are you? Are you two enjoying the sun? " She asked with a smile while she was peering briefly at Prue's daughter. " I’m certain one day you'll eventually become the Snow White of this neighborhood. I'm actually surprised that no animals have rushed out of the woods yet to help you with the housework. "
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ofsymphcnies-blog · 6 years
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and last but not least, here's my problematic fav lux, who's a wedding planner that doesn't necessarily believe in true love. again, please like this or hit ya gurl up if you want to plot !
⋆ ◦ ° ⟡ ⌈ joe keery ⌋ — have you met lux dumont? they are a twenty-three year old cismale that goes by he/him. known as the philophobe, this bisexual aquarius is currently a wedding planner, and they can be inventive + charming, as well as impatient + cunning. flower arrangements, red wine stains, lemon sherbets.
· Lux comes from a very ordinary family, with an ordinary house and the associated quite ordinary dreams. Besides his four siblings, he was probably always the one who was the most upset about his life. It was just so boring to him and hence it wasn’t uncommon for him to run away and spend hours by the sea.
· While others would be grateful for what they had, he always wanted more. This barren life simply wasn’t enough and while he was working at his father’s bakery he finally met Sarah. And she seemed to recognize his potential and offered him a job in her agency.
· At first he hated his new job, because weddings had never been those events Lux liked to go to. They were too loud, filled with sappy romance and yikes wherever one looked people were crying. He despised it, until he got his first paycheck and realized that weddings could actually be quite profitable nice.
· When he was younger, he always wanted to live like the gods in France. He had painted this perfect picture in his mind of a vineyard, with a pool and the soft sounds of Édith Piaf in the background. Sadly, he hasn’t earned enough money to make it a reality yet. But he loves a good glass of wine and he tends to call it his paradise for in between—or rather his foolproof method to shut down whenever a wedding is taking forever.
· Lux can rarely be seen without a smile on his lips, it’s a part of the mask he has acquired over the years and he won’t let many people look behind his facade. In fact, he’s terribly scared of disappointing someone and he doesn’t believe that anyone would ever like him for his own sake. And that's why he prefers to play the happy entertainer.
· Despite his job, he can’t say he’s been lucky in love so far. Quite on the contrary, he knows what it means to be used and to be the dirty little secret. He was the secret of his ex-boyfriend for over four years, where he was only allowed to get closer to him whenever they were alone, he was never allowed to mention that they were a couple and he endured all the mood swings of his partner. It was an ugly relationship and one during which he learned that love is often only pretty until one takes off the rose-colored glasses.
· Otherwise, Lux is also part of a small band that has hardly any gigs and is rather awfully bad than any good. But it doesn’t seem to affect his passion for it.
and a list of wanted connections can be found right here !
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ofsymphcnies-blog · 6 years
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— ayeee !! and welcome to my trashy introduction, i'm nina and honestly beyond excited to be a part of this amazing group. i'm usually quite scared of group rps, but this one looked way too good to miss out on it. down below you can find a few facts about my darling hazel and i will also be posting an intro for lux as soon as possible. please, feel free to come at me (give me all of the fluff and angst) or like this and i'll make sure to invade your IMs ! ♡
⋆ ◦ ° ⟡ ⌈ kat mcnamara ⌋ — have you met hazel blythe? they are a twenty-one year old cisfemale that goes by she/her. known as the benevolent, this pansexual pisces is currently a firefighter, and they can be adventurous + compassionate, as well as messy + daring. bonfires in the summer, rose gold jewelry, four leaved clover.
· Hazel had a childhood many could only dream of; her parents were both successful business people and they always tried to make everything possible for their children. Furthermore they often held parties on their estate, they enjoyed to travel and there wasn’t a single day where they had to worry about money.
· Everything was beyond perfect, a life straight out of a fairy tale, until that night, when a fire was set inside their property. It wasn’t long until the flames grew bigger and turned the Blythe's dream to ashes. Hazel was quite young at the time, nevertheless she remembers one thing to this day. There was this woman who took her out of the flames and thus saved her life. From this point on she also wanted to become a part of the fire department.
· A decision, which her parents didn’t necessarily approve of nor support. After all, they had quite a few other professions for their daughter in mind. It’s therefore no wonder that Hazel is a bit of a thorn in the family's eye and not necessarily a welcomed guest during events.
· To this day, nobody knows who set the fire at the villa, nobody, except for Hazel. However, so far she hasn’t told anyone about it and she would probably rather continue to keep it a secret.
· In general, she can be described as a chaotic sunshine. She’s a hopeless optimist and tries to find something positive even in the worst situations. She’d do almost anything for those who are important to her, but she can also clearly distinguish who’s serious about her and who pursues other motives.
· She's probably the only one who’d volunteer to stay longer in order to finally get this damned cat out of the tree.
· Has a talent in burning any kind of food. A lot of her friends usually order something secretly as soon as Hazel invites them over for dinner.
a list of wanted connections can be found right here. but i'm down for anything, so if you've got a connection you'd see fit or you're craving to write - hit me up !
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ofsymphcnies-blog · 6 years
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Lux Dumont ― Tag Drop !
( hope you're wearing your best clothes ‖ visage · lux ) ( I heard a little love is better than none ‖ aesthetic · lux ) ( choose your words 'cause there's no antidote ‖ task · lux ) ( trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat ‖ connections · lux ) ( got drunk on you and now I'm wasted ‖ words · lux ) ( comfortable silence is so overrated ‖ chat · lux ) ( sounds like something that I used to feel ‖ musing · lux )
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ofsymphcnies-blog · 6 years
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Hazel Blythe ― Tag Drop !
( you’re a shooting star I see ‖ visage · hazel ) ( all of my kindness is taken for weakness ‖ aesthetic · hazel ) ( i got to do things my own way darling ‖ task · hazel ) ( i can be a lone wolf with ya ‖ connections · hazel ) ( i was good on my own that's the way it was ‖ words · hazel ) ( talk that talk to me all night ‖ chat · hazel ) ( feel a little more and give a little less ‖ musing · hazel )
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