ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
Yooo :D Gonna be reworking Caelum with new url possibly ( and new face claim ) so you might see a few things going on here.
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
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This is the blog’s first STARTER CALL.
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
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“Look, I didn’t break anything this time.” Or have any new orifices for that matter.
@ncvanurse + sc.
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
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“Alright, what’s this I hear about you hanging out with a bunch of criminals?”
@thickcrskiin + sc.
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
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Caelum stared pointedly towards his captor--feeling a bit of satisfaction at the bruise that was blossoming on the captain’s lower jaw. “What do you want? Come to gloat?”
@cannibalisticwhistler + sc.
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
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This is the blog’s first STARTER CALL.
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
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HC 02. Caelum found out that one of his siblings actually survived the attack on the outpost that his family resided on. 
What he didn’t expect is that his brother to be a criminal, a Ravager in fact. 
It was only discovered when his brother, Corvus Enic, was arrested on several dozen charges--and sent to the Kyln. He was determined to speak to him and journeyed to the notorious prison before his brother ended up dead due to its infamous residents--except that when he arrived, there was a breakout just some time before his arrival. The only prisoner that managed to escape--?
His brother, of course. 
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
She’s caring for this one more than usual in comparison to other patients; helped get his wounds healed, even stayed in the room longer than the doctors just to make sure he was alright. Not exactly uncommon for her, but in this case it’s a near rarity. Makes sense for her to be the first and only one there when he finally awakens, quick to be at his side with curiosity rising.
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     “ - Try not ta sit up too quickly; you had a hole in your abdomen near the size of my FIST. Lucky you actually woke up; they thought you’d slip into a coma soon. How the hell did you get a hole like that in ya, Mr. Auron ? “
Never before in the med bay had they gotten someone with a big of a hole as him - common to get nova corps who were shot yes, but what he had ? Bigger than what any of them are use to seeing.
It took a moment for the Nova Officer to fully process the nurse’s words before the man let out a snort. “Well, someone needs to keep you medical personnel busy.” He stated simply, hand going to gently press against their stomach, feeling the usual ache that came along with their molecular regeneration. 
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“A run-in with Ravagers. Bunch of assholes they are.” It was suppose to be a simple bust, especially after their last heist that resulted in the loss of artifacts that could easily sell for hundreds of thousands of units on the open market. “Managed to get a few, but one of them got lucky and shot me, must’ve been a specially-designed weapon, cause most handheld blasters don’t leave that big of a hole as you lovingly described.”
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
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Redid his icons :3c
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
a thing: caelum being a single dad
another thing: corvus being an uncle
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
a thing: caelum being a single dad
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
I need to stop avoiding this blog because of unfinished tags :T
I’ll just make them simple cause that’s too much work for it jfkldsgsl
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
Send “Rumour has it...” and a rumour about my muse in my ask!
My muse will then react to it being spread.
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ofthenovacorps-blog · 7 years
hm, to go simple for his tags or not so simple :T either I want to do a LOT of work or not a lot of work.
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