ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• celinehq
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           he was right, she wasn’t in a fit state but that only meant that her reaction to conflict was just going to be more severe. despite her being the reason her property got broken in her house, for some reason he now had a bone to pick with her personally. it did upset her; if people were going to treat her like this, she didn’t want them here. had everyone lost complete respect for her? she was allowed to disrespect herself in this manner but it was when people started to pile on her, it’d be a problem. “you’re in my home right now so i suggest you back off.” celine’s blood was boiling, she was being pushed and didn’t know how to step back from the situation and take a breath. “there’s some for everyone, okay?” there was a slight crack in her voice as the conversation began to get to her. her peers would complain about others being so judgemental, what they didn’t realise was that they were guilty of it when it came to her and her actions. celine was sensitive, that wasn’t a secret and everything was just heightened. “why on earth are you talking about sheets?” in that moment, she felt like everyone wanted to see her fail. looking down as he touched her hair, she shook her head. “i have people for that. people who work for me.” why was this male even here if he didn’t want to be? “i don’t want you here.”
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        APPARENTLY    eliot had the desire to be hypocritical as he stood judging the woman,   an eyebrow raised at her flaring temper.    had the roles been reversed,   he most likely would’ve thrown a fist into a wall   or  face at that very moment.   yet logic had gone out the window the moment he’d decided to walk in to the party.    yes,   he’d know full   damn   well it was celine’s.  yet he thrived on the drama.    ‘ such a   hospitable   host.  ’    he tapped her full force on the shoulder,     the intention being to send her flying once more   --- hopefully in the opposite direction from him.   something about the woman irked him.    he wasn’t sure he could use the word    hatred   to describe it.   although he was quite the fan of throwing it around.   her mannerisms just reminded him of his mother.    looked like he must hate her then.   ‘  three sheets to the wind? ’    he trails off,  ‘ do you not understand because your drunk   or    are you just not smart.  ’     confident words from the man who knew that,   no matter what he said,   the female wouldn’t remember them in the morning. he cracks a smile,   ‘ i’ll tell you what!    if you can walk from here  to the  door,   in a straight line,  i’ll leave on my own.  ’    and so, he waited.  
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• s-urii
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She was on her way to touch up her lipstick in the ladies room when a question arose that she believed was directed towards her. The smoke filled up the space between them. She crossed her arms and leaned against the edge of a wall in the corridor, glancing up at the sign with the words ‘no smoking’ printed in bold letters. “Do you always greet strangers with a greeting that pleasant?” Suri chuckled. She contemplated his rather unconvincing offer then placed her left hand out before she could change her mind. “To be honest I stopped smoking ages ago but fuck it. Today’s been shit.” 
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       ‘   NO.  ’      he looks away ignorantly,    before turning his head,    ‘ i    usually   just spit in their faces. ’     a half-smirk graces his lips.   it was what he generally used to make people question wether he was being serious or not,   ‘ that or i don’t greet them at all. ’   he begrudgingly pulled a cigarette from the box   &  placed it in her hand,   giving the female a challenging look.  a shit day,     something in eliots psyche told him that the normal response to that would be to inquire about it.    ‘  i’d ask you why your day was shit   ---   but   i don’t want to.  ’
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• the-operatic-sierra
“Then you don’t think logically, boy. Because I’ve been living my luxury for twenty years. I have a career that spans greatly and have seen and done things you probably aren’t even old enough for” she said proudly. “And you always ask a woman their age, are you sure these people you fornicate with aren’t getting bored of you?” she mused, tilting her head at him, her eyes only wold with great amusement. “Then I will gladly go bowling with her, perhaps we can both revel in the disappointment you have turned out to be?”
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         ‘  YOU’D BE SURPRISED.  ’    it was safe to say that eliot had accomplished many things in his twenty-six years.    shockingly,   he didn’t tend to brag about them.   for every positive achievement,   was a negative that came with it.   ‘  who the  fuck  uses the word fornicate any more?   pretty sure that word died out with monocles   &   opera singers.  ’   he puts out his cigarette on the table in front of him,   leaving behind a scorched circle.   ‘  as long as there’s a bar,   she’d be willing to join you. ’
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• toni-the-tigerx
Toni chuckled at his words and gave a nod “I’m always the same in that respect, who gives a damn about signs” she mused then giving him a small smirk “I’d love, I am constantly telling myself that I’ll quit, but there’s not really any point” she purred. “I enjoy your image” she then gestured over him, mostly to what he was wearing.
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        ‘  MAYBE    this was a    sign    that you shouldn’t quit.  ’    why anyone would want to baffled him.   yes,   many studies showed that smoking was bad for your physical health.   however relaxing with a cigarette at the end of a hard   day   hour   was good for eliots mental health.   ‘ my image?  ’    he questioned her words.    ‘  thank you  ---   but i’ve got a mirror that tells me that. ’
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
i managed to get  two WHOLE replies out today. go me.
had a pretty hectic evening bc my cousins two year old was   technically   kidnapped by her father  &  i had another way to live vicariously through drama without playing eliot.
i’m the worst™ and the worst™ will be on tomorrow to do the replies I owe  & hopefully raid the starter tag to get some new threads going.
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• suredahlia‌
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lighting the cigarette – oh, how horrifically romanticized they were ! – she brought it to her lips and took a drag, knowing full-well that her lungs were filling with toxins… and that the butt of it would be stained, thus romanticizing it even further. “ oh, but it’s been so misunderstood that it’s far too understood now. his other works are rarely analyzed to the same degree, ” she remarked, lifting an eyebrow. “ if that’s the kind of nonsense you’re referring to, you could also put blake in that category – i’m not quite sure who i prefer, but blake hallucinated a buff flea, so he’s got a leg-up in that. ” still, she didn’t half enjoy either of those white men as much as she enjoyed that other white man by the name of ogden nash. “ real nonsense, though – you’ve got a man who gave up on a wall street job just to write ‘would you like my jellyfish? / i am not sellyfish!’ in nash. ” 
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         THE BITTER TASTE    of toxins were a part of eliot’s daily routine.   whether they emerged from the butt of a cigarette  or  the bottom of a glass.   he was a glutton for punishment,   one could say.    so he one again inhaled some nicotine,     clutching the bridge of his nose as though it gave him a headache.   ‘   says the one who quoted from   fire  &  ice.    y’know,   the one featured in    that twilight book.   ’      better question,   why did he know that?   that was a dark chapter of his adolescence.    ‘ an oddly sexual,   buff flea  ---  here’s hoping he   didn’t have a leg up in that.  ’   poets were freaks.  it had been a while since he dwindled so long on poetry.   mostly because eliot would much rather get lost in the pages of gothic literature novels.    ‘  true!     but if i started reciting that my therapist would think i’d finally driven off the deep end.   pretty sure i’d end up committed. ’
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• mariellawinters‌
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          “ i  don’t  have  any  fuckin’  clue. ”  she  turned  to  look  at  the  sign ,  almost  as  confused  as  the  other.  it  had  been  a  while  since  she  had  a  smoke.  the  redhead  hadn’t  gotten  any  sleep  in  god  knows  how  long.  having  her  sunglasses  on ,  she  raised  her  eyebrows  when  he  chose  to  ignore  the  sign  himself.  or ,  maybe  she’s  just  trying  to  keep  her  eyes  open  for  as  long  as  she  can  keep  them.  WHO  was  she  kidding ?  hopefully  no  one  but  herself.  mariëlla  chuckled  softly  to  herself ,  &  pondered  for  a  moment.  “ honestly ,  i  think  i’d  prefer  to  end  it  all  right  then  and  there.  i  wouldn’t  want  to  be  around  for  that  —  yes ,  if  you  don’t  mind.  you’d  be  a  lifesaver. ”
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           ‘  SOCIAL POLITICS   gone mad!   this is why we’re going to hell  --- even you.   there’s no escaping it.  ’    he shook his head as he held out a cigarette for the woman.    apparently this was the one time eliot had felt like sharing.  sharing was caring  after all.    especially if it meant he could be a bad influence on someone.   ‘ lifesaver?    i’ll take it. ’    he’d been called a lot of things in his twenty six years,    but that was a new achievement to put on the shelf in between    pale-ass   &   blood-sucking demon  (  he arranged them in order of pride  )   eliot removed his cigarette from his own mouth before looking over his shoulder.  with a quick movement,   he ripped the sign from the wall.   ‘  there!    now we’re not even doing anything wrong.’
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• the-operatic-sierra
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“But of course, I see no insult in those words, a beautiful songstress to lure others to their deaths. Sounds like an ideal time. My twenty year career shows how easily I can lure.” she said simply, not at all phased by him, Sierra easily held her own, if anything she could reduce most to tears on her better days. If anything she found the boy amusing “A drama queen? Though in reality we’ll never be truly pleased. You need to be more proactive in pleasing yourself, people are pawns, use them effectively.”
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        ‘  THE ONLY THING    a twenty year career says to me,   is that is   it took you double to get there ---   you gotta be like  forty to fifty right.  ’    although the entertainment industry had a way of making people look older.   it was in the eyes.  he raised an eyebrow at the women,    evidently enjoying the little game.   she reminded him of his mother in ways,   he enjoyed picking at her as well   &  vice-versa.   ‘  pawns?  would ya look at that!    it’s like you’ve been possessed by the spirit of mother  ---   she’s not dead,   just a demonic hell-beast.  ’
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• bcnnypls·:
benny was probably too nice to tell him to stop. he wasn’t one for disagreements anyways because he was sure that even if he did say something, the male would more than likely keep doing whatever he’d doing - which, was okay because he did that too unless it was his mom that told him not to, but still. some rules aren’t meant to be broken and this was one of them. “are you saying happy people can’t smoke?” he asked, tilting his head to one side. “there are plenty of happy looking celebrities that smoke.”
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           ‘   OH PLEASE!     no celebrities are truly happy.    if they were they wouldn’t be a celebrity.  ’     technically eliot was referring to    most    celebrities,    but he was an avid fan of hyperboles.    he could write a list of all the reasons why.   instead he blows smoke towards the other,   fully aware that he was channeling his inner bender from the breakfast club .  ‘ scratch that!    NO ONE is ever truly happy.   happiness is an illusion created by greeting card sellers & mr rogers.’    he was having a bad day.   
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• suredahlia
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taking a cigarette from the box, she held it out for a light ( for as great as the pattern on her own lighter was – and it was, hardly anything could beat those dinosaurs – she only carried it when she actually had a pack on her ). she could tell him that a lyric in one of her songs had been inspired by ‘fire and ice’, but she figured that’d be edging on boasting. “ shall i start reciting ‘acquainted with the night’ now ? ” she ribbed. she’d do it, sure, she’d been allowed frost and various other poets ( although john donne, the original sex symbol and illuminati member was just for the men ), but it’d grow dull. “ as profound as frost is, ” emphasis on ‘profound’, “ i’ve got to say that i’ve always preferred ogden nash’s nonsense. ” she had a lyric based on his ‘candy is dandy / but liquor is quicker’ too !
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      WHILST   eliot’s lighter didn’t promise dinosaurs,   it was still functional.    a simple black metal with  his initials   engraved in the side.   a passive aggressive present from his dad that came with the words      remember smoking kills.    in one swift motion he produces both lighter  &  flame,  ‘  the road not taken    is preferred ---   i appreciate the misunderstood. ’  he also had bad memories with aforementioned frost poem,    which he could blame his college professors  inadequate grading for.   ‘  you want nonsense the   ONLY    choice is byron.’   he scoffed.   anyone who truly knew eliot could tell you his favourite poet was the lord.  maybe it was the reputation of being a poetic   bad boy   ( if there was such a thing )  or the wild stories.  ‘ i mean you’ve got albanian warlords, skulls, prostitutes  --- and that’s not even his poetry. ’ 
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• celinehq
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               losing her footing was a common occurrence for the woman when she was this intoxicated so she just let it happen. however, she had not expected to be met with such hostility from the other in her own home. “shit!” she moved out of the way as the glass smashed. “fuck…” extremely eloquent at this hour, she did feel slightly emotional that the glass had broken on the floor, afraid that she would now have to get the entire flooring redone due to damage. waving at one of her staff members, they soon realised what she wanted from them. eyebrows raised at his language, the woman couldn’t help but chuckle at his rude demeanour. “i’m an asshole? have you seen yourself at this hour.” poking his shoulder, the woman seemed to sway more backwards than he did. “it’s very rude to come into someone’s home and swear at them. there is a bar you know, we do have more alcohol. definitely not broke.” money was never a problem for her and as long as she kept herself clean, it was never going to be an issue. “if you’re going to be like that, you can get the hell out of my house.”
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            ONE THING   eliot was   not,  was a clumsy drunk .   he got angry,   smashed glasses   &   there was the  one  few times he’s punched a drunk,    but clumsy.   never.   so he looked at the birthday girl with distain.    could the look on his face be labelled as hostile?    probably.   unfortunately that was just his resting face.   ‘  i never said i  wasn’t an asshole.  ’    he shrugs,  muttering under his breath.   he may be able to talk himself out of many things,    but even eliot couldn’t disagree with her on the asshole front.    when she pokes his shoulder,  he snaps back   ‘ yeah  ---  don’t do that.  ’   partly because he didn’t like being touched,     partly because if she fell backwards he could be accused of pushing her.   ‘  are you sure you didn’t drink it all? ’ his lips perk up in to a smirk as he deems laughing in her face  rather   inappropriate.    ‘  you’re like the definition of   three sheets to the wind   right now.  ’    somewhere there is a paparazzi who’d kill himself to get a shot of this.   eliot tussles the woman’s hair,   ‘ i don’t think you could throw me out if you tried   ---  you’d probably just end up throwing yourself out. ’
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• the-operatic-sierra‌
“Oh, I’m sorry mumbler, care to share that with the class?” Sierra snipped “Mumbling is unintelligible, at least go the full way through with your comments” She said, unphased about what others thought but more testing if he had the balls. “Then you’re having the wrong kind of sex.”
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        ‘   OH,   i’m sorry.  ’     he pauses,    he apologetic look turning in to a sour one,    ‘ i said,    something thinks there a   FUCKING   siren.  ’     people should’ve learned a long time ago that eliot wasn’t afraid to offend people.    he’d merely muttered it under his breath to be polite  --- then the women had to go and accuse him of being   unintelligible.   ‘  i’m just not easily pleased.  ’
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• suredahlia‌
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dahlia hadn’t been paying much attention to their surroundings, if she’d been paying any attention at all. really, it seemed a place that’d allow smoking – it seemed dive-y enough – but there was that whole cancer thing... “ if the earth is going to end in fire and ice, i hold with those who favor fire, ” she replied, the robert frost stan jumping out ! “ i’ll take one. ” it was a poor habit, she knew that – she knew it was too romanticized – but was she going to kick it ? hm.
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        ‘   KNOCK YOURSELF OUT!  ’    there’s a smile on his face,   a rare occurrence,   as is him sharing.   he takes great pleasure in what he can consider his    good deed   of the year though.  truthfully,   on appearances alone,   he wouldn’t have labelled the woman a smoker   or   educated enough to know robert frost.   appearances can be deceptive.   ‘ ... but if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to know that for destruction, ice is also great and would suffice. ’     what was the literary equivalent of a,    how the kids say,   microphone drop.
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• bcnnypls‌:
benny held back the urge to scrunch his face up at the smell. he decided against doing that, deciding that if he did then it probably would start a disagree with the male next to him. “er, it’s probably always been there.” benny replied and if it wasn’t, he might’ve made his own and put it up there. if there was one thing he hated, it was cigarette smoke but being it hollywood helped him get used to it. a lot of celebrities smoked. he heard it helps with stress but he didn’t feel stressed in the spotlight. “right. thanks for the offer but i’m gonna have to pass.”
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       ‘   PROBABLY    ---   what a shame.  ’     the recognition did nothing to stop him.    he brought the cigarette up to his lips once more.     unless someone told him to stop,   he would persist   (   and  likely after being told   )   unfortunately eliot had that  cliche  stick it to the man   mentality,    mostly designed for layabouts  &  hippies.     ‘  boo!  ’   he comically sighs at the male’s rejection.    why were people so opposed to smoking these days?   he blamed the after school specials.    ‘ i knew you looked like a non-smoker,   you look to happy.  ’
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• the-operatic-sierra‌:
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Sierra looked over at the other and offered a small shrug “Hard to say, governments are always cropping up with their beartraps” she mused. “Oh, God no. To keep a voice as angelic as mine, I won’t smoke. Though after sex, I may indulge once in a blue moon. I value my career far too much.”
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        ‘   SOMEBODY     thinks they’re a     fucking   siren.   ’     eliot muttered the words under his breath.     however,   having never perfected the art of being quiet,    they were clear enough to be understood.     ‘   i’m more prone to smoking  during  sex  ---  i get bored easily.  ’  why people considered that to be   rude   was beyond him. 
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
°·• lucillebby‌
“I find it really sweet when people write letters to me and send gitts, some people are really just so lovely.” Luci smiled sweetly, before the expression turned sour. “Though, on the opposite end of that, some people are kinda disgusting. I got a letter from a creepy perv declaring his love for me and then offering to pay me $2000 dollars for a pair of my used undewear…”
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        ‘  TAKE THE MONEY!  ’    he doesn’t even hesitate with a response.    two-thousand dollars for underwear sounded like a  suze orman style investment right there.   come to think of it,  eliot was pretty sure she’d prefer to be on the other side of the deal.   ‘  you could get yourself something pretty,   by some shares,   donate it to    stop whale hunger    or something   ---   and just   THINK   about it.   a devoted fan can die happy.  ’
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
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