ofwarriorfight · 20 days
Samantha admittedly felt guilty. The incident at the dance was her fault. She felt shielded by how she grew up. She felt the need to be accepted; the need to be seen overshadowed the person she was. Sam was smart, she was tough but she also was blinded by who she spent her time with. Yas and Moon were my friends but I also felt intimidated at times, if I didn’t wear the right outfit, enough make up. Although the most Sam ever wore was some blush and glossed lips. She never felt the need to overdo it. And Kyler once upon a time he was a nice guy or the type of person he wanted her to perceive him as. 
But that night at the dance the jealous antics, the way he spoke down at Miguel, it was a bully action. An action Sam personally didn’t want to take part in. She didn’t like the guy she saw that night; plus he only cared to spend time with her when she was getting attention elsewhere. That wasn’t a solid relationship; he was greedy. And Kyler hurt Miguel a consequence I held myself accountable for. Sam wasn’t dumb she read through the lines now. 
And she sat here in the small living area, a soft genuine smile on her lips. As Miguel’s mom kept popping in and out to fluff pillows, to turn the tv on if needed asking if we needed anything. I could tell on Miguel’s face he was on edge, annoyed even but I thought his protective mother was adorable. He got severely injured he would have still been in the hospital. He’s lucy so I think he could go easy on his mother. Glancing down to my folded hands on my lap. I felt nervous because I did feel like the incident was my fault. But Miguel was too good of a guy to say it. “ I feel guilty for what happened. You were just being nice wanting a dance and I thought you were sweet, it is on him and he’s..” I paused before muttering the rest of my statement. “ Not my boyfriend I dumped his pathic ass..” A word I rarely used; but I had a feeling the male may get a kick out of it. Lifting my hand to rest upon his arm in a comforting manner. “ Go easy on your mom, she cares. It’s cute.” I said with a smile as I glanced to the kitchen where his mom and Abuela were cooking up a storm. “ It smells amazing, I think the only home cooked meals I have are when my parents are home early enough from the dealership so it’ll be nice.” I was excited a meal cooked; instead of the constant ordering in my family did on the busy nights, between the dojos and dealership it was admittedly difficult.
In high school you were either in the outcast or in the popular group, And Samantha always felt that attach to be in between, but she needed have friends. She lived in the elite crowd, her father was known due to the dealership. But was she socially able to easily make friends? At first no, she had one friend and that was until she met Yas, and ended up being nice enough to where the popular crowd wanted to welcome her in. Kylier he was a jock one of the most popular guys in school, and he liked her. She remembered that first time he walked her to class, it amazed her because after sitting how he treated the outcast today at lunch she did question why she was with him? 
Sam wasn’t okay with how he treated Miguel, and she wished she had been brave enough to come to his defense but instead she sunk down in her chair and watched the humiliation occur. She felt that twist in her stomach; a memory she wanted to forget desperately. And now at the dance she asked herself again why was she still with him? Kylier was busy occupied by his friends, he was by the bleachers laughing; barely acknowledged her. Sam knew if she broke up with him it would cause a hissy fit, it would cause drama she wasn’t prepared for, so she kept her mouth and did what she was supposed to. Date a guy she barely liked anymore. It was wrong but once you break the system, it has the ability to deroad your high school experience. 
Tonight; the brunette decided to put her broken relationship to the back of her mind. Instead she wanted to focus on this dance with Miguel. He was sweet, he was nervous, it was cute though; the small touch of our hands connected. I felt that slight tingle at my fingertips. A sensation she tried to ignored. Pressing palms against his shoulders as she knew from experience, she felt that slight discomfort just because Miguel and I barely knew each other besides sharing science class, besides us making small awkward conversation. But now we were in close proximity to where we felt that touch; felt that sight tingling at least for me I did. Sam knew she didn’t do anything wrong in the cafeteria earlier; but at the same time, she felt guilty for not standing up, for letting her boyfriend talk to Miguel that way; sometimes owning up to mistakes helps build character. 
“ But still, you didn’t deserve that humiliation. He won’t apologize so let me do it for him.” Your place, sounded perfect for how the female felt. She wanted to blend in, wanted to fit in, even if it wasn’t necessarily into the right crowd. But right now; she felt at ease moving feet from side to side to the music, it almost felt simper. That was until Miguel called her perfect. Samantha felt her body stiff up, she felt herself freeze, did he call her perfect? He couldn’t possible believe that phrase. I was far from perfect, I was human. I was a teen who was lying to herself; about the person she wanted to be. Confused daily, Lips pursed to open to object. “ I’m not, you don’t even know me.” Which was true on my defense. Miguel and I barely spoke until now, and now he wanted to act like he knew who I was, that wasn’t even the icing on top, he pegged to ask why I was with my boyfriend. Exhaling a sigh, the female couldn’t stepped back and walked away because this wasn’t his business, but when I raked my mind on the why I came up empty handed. 
“ He’s not as bad as you think okay.” A trail of my words as I felt my hands drop from his shoulders to his hips as my efforts to put distance between us. “ He was nice when we got together but now, I don’t know. Not that it’s any of your business. Do you have a habit of prying into everyone’s business or am I just that lucky girl tonight?” A slight edge of annoyance; not at him at myself because I knew the why being with Kylier kept me in the crowd, as shallow as it sounded; not that Sam was about to utter those words aloud.
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ofwarriorfight · 8 months
Admittedly Samantha was nervous now that she was standing at his door. Miguel was a boy who was necessary a stranger to her. She barely knew the boy; besides the brief conversation we made at the dance before it went to crap. Yeah we had shared classes for years, we had said hello, but Samantha can admit to herself she was never the kindness person to him or his friends. Why? Because in high school there’s a bounds of cliques, and he was considered a loser, and Samantha had worked her ass off to be accepted with Yas and Moon. And yeah she realized as she thought the words to herself how shallow she was and felt. 
She was sheltered which was obvious she never realized how often people had to work in order to keep roofs over their heads. Her parents sheltered her; and the truth was; Sam was hitting the bonds today by coming. But I felt guilt; I felt like the accident was my fault, and I wanted to help. I wasn’t heartless, but I was nervous. To meet him again to see his mother, Who probably despised her given the condition her son was on behalf of her. A sense of discomfort was raised in her body and I almost turned in the other direction to make a beeline back to my car. But as I almost turned I heard the clicking of the door; I saw that wholesome, smile on his mother’s face, and I felt a smile tug along my face. “ Hi, I’m samantha.” 
Of course I was Samantha;who else was coming to check up on her son? I wanted to scold myself now, but instead I stepped inside the apartment. The kitchen was front and center. Neat, besides a few pans on the stove obviously preparing to cook dinner. And I didn’t want to inture, I didn’t want to keep them long, So I told myself I’d say my peace and dip. It was the polite thing to do. Once I turned to the small living area; I saw Miguel, his leg was elevated. And i saw him all bandaged up and I felt this ache in my chest. I felt awful, I could barely make eye contact with his mother; she probably hated me. As I neared the couch, I made myself comfortable at the edge of the couch, as I wore a sheepish smile on glossed lips. At the thought of dinner, I wanted to say no, but I noted the hopeful expression on miguel’s face and I felt the least I could do. 
“ Sure, I’d love to, I’ll just call my mom to let her down, Thank you.” I was polite until his mother turned to the kitchen, and this forced me to face the male, as I felt discomfort and awkward. “ I’m sorry. I’m sorry for all of this..” I uttered honestly not quite sure where to start.
In high school you were either in the outcast or in the popular group, And Samantha always felt that attach to be in between, but she needed have friends. She lived in the elite crowd, her father was known due to the dealership. But was she socially able to easily make friends? At first no, she had one friend and that was until she met Yas, and ended up being nice enough to where the popular crowd wanted to welcome her in. Kylier he was a jock one of the most popular guys in school, and he liked her. She remembered that first time he walked her to class, it amazed her because after sitting how he treated the outcast today at lunch she did question why she was with him? 
Sam wasn’t okay with how he treated Miguel, and she wished she had been brave enough to come to his defense but instead she sunk down in her chair and watched the humiliation occur. She felt that twist in her stomach; a memory she wanted to forget desperately. And now at the dance she asked herself again why was she still with him? Kylier was busy occupied by his friends, he was by the bleachers laughing; barely acknowledged her. Sam knew if she broke up with him it would cause a hissy fit, it would cause drama she wasn’t prepared for, so she kept her mouth and did what she was supposed to. Date a guy she barely liked anymore. It was wrong but once you break the system, it has the ability to deroad your high school experience. 
Tonight; the brunette decided to put her broken relationship to the back of her mind. Instead she wanted to focus on this dance with Miguel. He was sweet, he was nervous, it was cute though; the small touch of our hands connected. I felt that slight tingle at my fingertips. A sensation she tried to ignored. Pressing palms against his shoulders as she knew from experience, she felt that slight discomfort just because Miguel and I barely knew each other besides sharing science class, besides us making small awkward conversation. But now we were in close proximity to where we felt that touch; felt that sight tingling at least for me I did. Sam knew she didn’t do anything wrong in the cafeteria earlier; but at the same time, she felt guilty for not standing up, for letting her boyfriend talk to Miguel that way; sometimes owning up to mistakes helps build character. 
“ But still, you didn’t deserve that humiliation. He won’t apologize so let me do it for him.” Your place, sounded perfect for how the female felt. She wanted to blend in, wanted to fit in, even if it wasn’t necessarily into the right crowd. But right now; she felt at ease moving feet from side to side to the music, it almost felt simper. That was until Miguel called her perfect. Samantha felt her body stiff up, she felt herself freeze, did he call her perfect? He couldn’t possible believe that phrase. I was far from perfect, I was human. I was a teen who was lying to herself; about the person she wanted to be. Confused daily, Lips pursed to open to object. “ I’m not, you don’t even know me.” Which was true on my defense. Miguel and I barely spoke until now, and now he wanted to act like he knew who I was, that wasn’t even the icing on top, he pegged to ask why I was with my boyfriend. Exhaling a sigh, the female couldn’t stepped back and walked away because this wasn’t his business, but when I raked my mind on the why I came up empty handed. 
“ He’s not as bad as you think okay.” A trail of my words as I felt my hands drop from his shoulders to his hips as my efforts to put distance between us. “ He was nice when we got together but now, I don’t know. Not that it’s any of your business. Do you have a habit of prying into everyone’s business or am I just that lucky girl tonight?” A slight edge of annoyance; not at him at myself because I knew the why being with Kylier kept me in the crowd, as shallow as it sounded; not that Sam was about to utter those words aloud.
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ofwarriorfight · 10 months
Samantha felt guilty for what happened at the dance. She felt stupid for believing Kyler was a decent guy; for playing into the handsome looks. For fooling herself because now Miguel a stranger to her got caught in the crossfire. But that guilt wasn’t why Sam was preparing to visit the male. She wanted to see him; he liked her, god knows why. And she felt those intense butterflies in the pit of her stomach. She wanted to ensure Miguel was okay. Sam was just pulling back her brunette locks into a low ponytail when she heard the beep from her phone, indicating a message. 
Smiling knowing; it was an address; the brunette scanned over the home screen and she quickly put in the address into her google maps, about a 20 minute drive. Not bad; but it was also getting later in the day, She opted into roping her mother in, knowing out of each  parent her mom was easier to confide to. Bracing herself for confusion, for the questions the female had slipped outside her bedroom door and made her way down the staircase. Arriving to the kitchen she noted her mom was sitting at the dinner table, her eyes looking over those fashion magazines, swallowing the lump that formed in her throat, the female lowered herself down into the chair besides her mom. “  I have a favor.” Sam started as she explained she wanted to go to the valley to visit the boy that got hurt at the dance. Her mother told her no, that she was sure the boy was okay, With protest on my end I decided I needed to see Miguel. “ Mom.. it’s my fault. I wasn’t honest with you that night. He got hurt because of me. Because of some stupid boy competition, Kyler did it because of me. I need to go please..” The puppy dog expression I tried. 
Eventually my mother gave in, she stood to her feet and reached for her keys and purse. A confident grin laid across my lips. And Sam got up following her mother’s lead. A few minutes later the girls were seated in her mother’s car as we pulled towards the streets. Sam wasn’t one to beg, nor was she the one to suddenly develop feelings for a guy. But Miguel he was different. She wanted to test the waters; and her mother was her savior here. 
The roads were quiet the drive was quiet as aimless music played in the background. Minutes later the girls were pulling into the complex. I could see the uneasy on my mother’s face. A beat up complex, the apartments looked tiny, not that I cared. I turned to my mom. “ Thank you, I’ll only be a few minutes.” I did make note of the spray my mother placed into my bag, before I left the car. She was trying; even if she was in discomfort. I walked the unfamiliar distance to the apartment door, a sigh left my lips as I raised my enclosed fist to the door. 
In high school you were either in the outcast or in the popular group, And Samantha always felt that attach to be in between, but she needed have friends. She lived in the elite crowd, her father was known due to the dealership. But was she socially able to easily make friends? At first no, she had one friend and that was until she met Yas, and ended up being nice enough to where the popular crowd wanted to welcome her in. Kylier he was a jock one of the most popular guys in school, and he liked her. She remembered that first time he walked her to class, it amazed her because after sitting how he treated the outcast today at lunch she did question why she was with him? 
Sam wasn’t okay with how he treated Miguel, and she wished she had been brave enough to come to his defense but instead she sunk down in her chair and watched the humiliation occur. She felt that twist in her stomach; a memory she wanted to forget desperately. And now at the dance she asked herself again why was she still with him? Kylier was busy occupied by his friends, he was by the bleachers laughing; barely acknowledged her. Sam knew if she broke up with him it would cause a hissy fit, it would cause drama she wasn’t prepared for, so she kept her mouth and did what she was supposed to. Date a guy she barely liked anymore. It was wrong but once you break the system, it has the ability to deroad your high school experience. 
Tonight; the brunette decided to put her broken relationship to the back of her mind. Instead she wanted to focus on this dance with Miguel. He was sweet, he was nervous, it was cute though; the small touch of our hands connected. I felt that slight tingle at my fingertips. A sensation she tried to ignored. Pressing palms against his shoulders as she knew from experience, she felt that slight discomfort just because Miguel and I barely knew each other besides sharing science class, besides us making small awkward conversation. But now we were in close proximity to where we felt that touch; felt that sight tingling at least for me I did. Sam knew she didn’t do anything wrong in the cafeteria earlier; but at the same time, she felt guilty for not standing up, for letting her boyfriend talk to Miguel that way; sometimes owning up to mistakes helps build character. 
“ But still, you didn’t deserve that humiliation. He won’t apologize so let me do it for him.” Your place, sounded perfect for how the female felt. She wanted to blend in, wanted to fit in, even if it wasn’t necessarily into the right crowd. But right now; she felt at ease moving feet from side to side to the music, it almost felt simper. That was until Miguel called her perfect. Samantha felt her body stiff up, she felt herself freeze, did he call her perfect? He couldn’t possible believe that phrase. I was far from perfect, I was human. I was a teen who was lying to herself; about the person she wanted to be. Confused daily, Lips pursed to open to object. “ I’m not, you don’t even know me.” Which was true on my defense. Miguel and I barely spoke until now, and now he wanted to act like he knew who I was, that wasn’t even the icing on top, he pegged to ask why I was with my boyfriend. Exhaling a sigh, the female couldn’t stepped back and walked away because this wasn’t his business, but when I raked my mind on the why I came up empty handed. 
“ He’s not as bad as you think okay.” A trail of my words as I felt my hands drop from his shoulders to his hips as my efforts to put distance between us. “ He was nice when we got together but now, I don’t know. Not that it’s any of your business. Do you have a habit of prying into everyone’s business or am I just that lucky girl tonight?” A slight edge of annoyance; not at him at myself because I knew the why being with Kylier kept me in the crowd, as shallow as it sounded; not that Sam was about to utter those words aloud.
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ofwarriorfight · 11 months
The guilt did eat out at Samantha. She felt awful about the incident, about Kyler. He was an over obsessive asshole, not that he had any right. Yes I was dating the guy, but he acted like I didn’t exist, he only notice my existence when it was convenient for him. I was blinded by the idea of being liked; being accepted by my peers. I had the pressure on my shoulders; the pressure of my parents being framed as the perfect princess who followed her parents ideas, wants for my future. And I felt sheltered; I was privileged. And the truth was Miguel wasn’t trying to impress me last night; he was being his dorky self. He smiled at me as if I was the only girl in the room. I had real butterflies it sounded corny, but I had those same butterflies now as I waited for the teen to respond. 
Not that Miguel owed me anything because he didn’t. I was a girl he barely knew. A girl who got him injured, and I did take responsibility for the accident, I felt guilty, I just if anything wanted to hear he was okay. But I knew I had aired out my request the only thing I had to do now was wait. Sam had leaned back into her bed, and she had lifted her book back into the palms of her hands. She let eyes scan over each sentence, a reiving part of her book, she almost felt absorbed to where she was transported to the scene, when she heard a bing on her phone, indicating a message, the hopefulness in her body, the eagerness she felt as she pressed the pages of her book down onto her lap as her hand reached for the phone. 
Butterflies in the pit of my stomach, I had edged towards the words, Miguel was okay with me visiting me. Did he want to see me? Or did he blame me for what happened at the dance? I had to wonder as I started to reply. Sam had read over the message multiple times before she had slowly found her way of writing in a response. 
[ Message} “ Yes absolutely, I’d love to. Let me know and where the address is and I’ll be there.” Was it sumptuous for Sam to already be leaning over her bed, it was excitement she had and she wanted to prepared to leave, and knowing her overbearing parents; her dad would ask where? And She could lie or fess up to the truth; about the dance, the boy she found herself thinking about. But that was a bridge to cross when it came. Instead she walked to her mirror and started to pull her brunette locks back as she waited for the address; those butterflies never leaving her body.
In high school you were either in the outcast or in the popular group, And Samantha always felt that attach to be in between, but she needed have friends. She lived in the elite crowd, her father was known due to the dealership. But was she socially able to easily make friends? At first no, she had one friend and that was until she met Yas, and ended up being nice enough to where the popular crowd wanted to welcome her in. Kylier he was a jock one of the most popular guys in school, and he liked her. She remembered that first time he walked her to class, it amazed her because after sitting how he treated the outcast today at lunch she did question why she was with him? 
Sam wasn’t okay with how he treated Miguel, and she wished she had been brave enough to come to his defense but instead she sunk down in her chair and watched the humiliation occur. She felt that twist in her stomach; a memory she wanted to forget desperately. And now at the dance she asked herself again why was she still with him? Kylier was busy occupied by his friends, he was by the bleachers laughing; barely acknowledged her. Sam knew if she broke up with him it would cause a hissy fit, it would cause drama she wasn’t prepared for, so she kept her mouth and did what she was supposed to. Date a guy she barely liked anymore. It was wrong but once you break the system, it has the ability to deroad your high school experience. 
Tonight; the brunette decided to put her broken relationship to the back of her mind. Instead she wanted to focus on this dance with Miguel. He was sweet, he was nervous, it was cute though; the small touch of our hands connected. I felt that slight tingle at my fingertips. A sensation she tried to ignored. Pressing palms against his shoulders as she knew from experience, she felt that slight discomfort just because Miguel and I barely knew each other besides sharing science class, besides us making small awkward conversation. But now we were in close proximity to where we felt that touch; felt that sight tingling at least for me I did. Sam knew she didn’t do anything wrong in the cafeteria earlier; but at the same time, she felt guilty for not standing up, for letting her boyfriend talk to Miguel that way; sometimes owning up to mistakes helps build character. 
“ But still, you didn’t deserve that humiliation. He won’t apologize so let me do it for him.” Your place, sounded perfect for how the female felt. She wanted to blend in, wanted to fit in, even if it wasn’t necessarily into the right crowd. But right now; she felt at ease moving feet from side to side to the music, it almost felt simper. That was until Miguel called her perfect. Samantha felt her body stiff up, she felt herself freeze, did he call her perfect? He couldn’t possible believe that phrase. I was far from perfect, I was human. I was a teen who was lying to herself; about the person she wanted to be. Confused daily, Lips pursed to open to object. “ I’m not, you don’t even know me.” Which was true on my defense. Miguel and I barely spoke until now, and now he wanted to act like he knew who I was, that wasn’t even the icing on top, he pegged to ask why I was with my boyfriend. Exhaling a sigh, the female couldn’t stepped back and walked away because this wasn’t his business, but when I raked my mind on the why I came up empty handed. 
“ He’s not as bad as you think okay.” A trail of my words as I felt my hands drop from his shoulders to his hips as my efforts to put distance between us. “ He was nice when we got together but now, I don��t know. Not that it’s any of your business. Do you have a habit of prying into everyone’s business or am I just that lucky girl tonight?” A slight edge of annoyance; not at him at myself because I knew the why being with Kylier kept me in the crowd, as shallow as it sounded; not that Sam was about to utter those words aloud.
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ofwarriorfight · 1 year
The guilt it eats at you. Samantha wasn’t perfect, she had blindspots. She had the ability to make mistakes. And trusting a heartthrob like Kyler got her nowhere. She convinced herself he was putting on an act, that he didn’t enjoy making fun of others. That it was a cover to mask who he was. But she was naive, she was the pathic one who believed him; who couldn’t see the bully he was. But last night; she witnessed the jealous behavior; the way he attacked an innocent person like Miguel. The same guy who only wanted a dance or an excuse to talk to her. And Samantha was no better. She lashed out at him; she got mad why? Because Miguel wasn’t like everyone else. Because he liked her and wanted her to know she deserved better? Honestly the brunette kept replaying that dance, that conversation in her head. She was rude; she let her emotions get the best of her. And Miguel got hurt because of her. She was upset; she cried for hours last night; she barely spoke two words to her parents. How? How do you tell your parents the fight? A kid going to the hospital was your fault? She had an image; one that didn’t have a path forward with the messed up situation last night. She forced herself to sleep; she found herself tossing and turning. She knew there was no way of knowing if Miguel was okay. We didn’t hold mutual friends; we didn’t go in the same circles, Yas and Moon would have no idea. But Sam woke up in a mood; the gloomy weather; clouds in the air; the slight bang of thunder. She felt uneasy; she felt the pounding in her head probably from stress or worry, an idea did pop into her head. Assuming that the boy had his phone on him still. She had leaned over to the small table besides her bed where her phone was; she brought the screen to her face as she went from the home screen over to the instagram social media screen. It was a long shot, but an idea. As if Miguel would even answer once he noticed her name pop up, he probably blamed her for the accident; for the injuries he endured. All that to say Samantha was feeling unsure of herself now. 
She had scrolled through the different profiles that belong to the dojos, to the karate feed and found one. Miguel Diaz, he had a cute face; and no she was not pinning over the boy; she barely knew him. She had clicked on his page and didn’t follow; she requested to send a message. She had typed and deleted ten times before she felt happy with her message. 
“ Message” Miguel I hope you’re okay, It’s Sam by the way. I’m sorry Kyler did this, I’d like to visit if that’s okay. Or just let me know you’re in safe hands. :)” She typed before pressing send; at the end of the day Sam only wanted to know he was okay; and resting soundly; without the fear of Kyler. Placing her phone on her chest she let her eyes flutter back shut to listen to the rain that started to pour hitting the shatters of drops against the windows.
In high school you were either in the outcast or in the popular group, And Samantha always felt that attach to be in between, but she needed have friends. She lived in the elite crowd, her father was known due to the dealership. But was she socially able to easily make friends? At first no, she had one friend and that was until she met Yas, and ended up being nice enough to where the popular crowd wanted to welcome her in. Kylier he was a jock one of the most popular guys in school, and he liked her. She remembered that first time he walked her to class, it amazed her because after sitting how he treated the outcast today at lunch she did question why she was with him? 
Sam wasn’t okay with how he treated Miguel, and she wished she had been brave enough to come to his defense but instead she sunk down in her chair and watched the humiliation occur. She felt that twist in her stomach; a memory she wanted to forget desperately. And now at the dance she asked herself again why was she still with him? Kylier was busy occupied by his friends, he was by the bleachers laughing; barely acknowledged her. Sam knew if she broke up with him it would cause a hissy fit, it would cause drama she wasn’t prepared for, so she kept her mouth and did what she was supposed to. Date a guy she barely liked anymore. It was wrong but once you break the system, it has the ability to deroad your high school experience. 
Tonight; the brunette decided to put her broken relationship to the back of her mind. Instead she wanted to focus on this dance with Miguel. He was sweet, he was nervous, it was cute though; the small touch of our hands connected. I felt that slight tingle at my fingertips. A sensation she tried to ignored. Pressing palms against his shoulders as she knew from experience, she felt that slight discomfort just because Miguel and I barely knew each other besides sharing science class, besides us making small awkward conversation. But now we were in close proximity to where we felt that touch; felt that sight tingling at least for me I did. Sam knew she didn’t do anything wrong in the cafeteria earlier; but at the same time, she felt guilty for not standing up, for letting her boyfriend talk to Miguel that way; sometimes owning up to mistakes helps build character. 
“ But still, you didn’t deserve that humiliation. He won’t apologize so let me do it for him.” Your place, sounded perfect for how the female felt. She wanted to blend in, wanted to fit in, even if it wasn’t necessarily into the right crowd. But right now; she felt at ease moving feet from side to side to the music, it almost felt simper. That was until Miguel called her perfect. Samantha felt her body stiff up, she felt herself freeze, did he call her perfect? He couldn’t possible believe that phrase. I was far from perfect, I was human. I was a teen who was lying to herself; about the person she wanted to be. Confused daily, Lips pursed to open to object. “ I’m not, you don’t even know me.” Which was true on my defense. Miguel and I barely spoke until now, and now he wanted to act like he knew who I was, that wasn’t even the icing on top, he pegged to ask why I was with my boyfriend. Exhaling a sigh, the female couldn’t stepped back and walked away because this wasn’t his business, but when I raked my mind on the why I came up empty handed. 
“ He’s not as bad as you think okay.” A trail of my words as I felt my hands drop from his shoulders to his hips as my efforts to put distance between us. “ He was nice when we got together but now, I don’t know. Not that it’s any of your business. Do you have a habit of prying into everyone’s business or am I just that lucky girl tonight?” A slight edge of annoyance; not at him at myself because I knew the why being with Kylier kept me in the crowd, as shallow as it sounded; not that Sam was about to utter those words aloud.
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ofwarriorfight · 1 year
Miguel; he was a sweet boy; he was kind to me. He was practically a stranger; he apparently watched me and know who I was. And I barely knew him. All I knew was he wanted to dance with me tonight, he tried to warn me about Kyler. He tried to tell me I was more than this crowd of people. And the stubborn girl in me who wanted to be perfect; ached to be the perfect daughter; to be the perfect student got tongue tied. Refused to listen. Miguel my chest ached remembering just a few hours ago. 
When I caught him in the arms wounded of an older man; I believe it was Johnny Lawance; I only knew the face and name due to the battle he and my father had going; a revelry as they say. A years long one which was kinda pathic if you asked me. But I remembered the way he spoke to me. The hallow in his voice; the eyes that shot draggers at me. I cared; hints why I held that door open. I felt the wind knocked out of me. I was upset if Kyler and his friends did this over what? A claim over me? Because I wanted to dance with a nice guy? I knew Kyler was the jealous kind, I knew he was capable of a punch but the pain obviously conflicted upon Miguel I felt my heart crushed; he fell unconscious and I felt anger. I watched Johnny take Miguel into his car and I wanted so desperately to go with him; to ensure the male was okay. But it wasn’t my place; nor did I think my father would approve. “ Let me okay if he’s okay.” It was stupid considering there was no connect how would this man let me know if Miguel woke up? If he was okay. I remembered stomping my way back into the halls; right before the gym doors I saw him and I felt fury in my eyes. I used all the strength I had in my balled up fist and I punched him in the chest more than once. 
“ You’re such a jackass you know, you felt so threatened that I danced with someone else. When wait you couldn’t bother to be near me all night.” A distaste a disdain in my voice as used my knee to kick him where it would sting; a teacher had come up behind us and asked “ Is there a problem.” I was wearing fury; I was so mad. But before I could say a word Kyler said “ No Sam was just being put in her place. She got involved in a big boy disagreement.” I wanted to laugh I wanted to give him a piece of my mind; to no vail I was saved because I heard my dad in the wings. “ Sam it’s time to go.” I used my spit and spat in his face “ We’re over.” I edged out as I turned on my painful heals and I stomped out to meet my dad with a dolling smile as if I didn’t just punch Kyler; I had the strength to do damage; but I resisted that urge. 
It been hours since I arrived home; since I stopped talking; I was only awake in my bed a tank shirt and shorts on as I held my book; one I was roughly enjoying. I had missed calls; messages, each time the phone rang; I’d check and I felt numb no interest in replying. Between Moon and Yas asking if I was okay, I shook my head to myself. Sometimes we feel pressure to be perfect; and sometimes people see us for our imperfections; and I just hoped in a few hours I’d hear Miguel was okay; I’d find his address and make a personal visit; even if I had to drag my mom there with me. Miguel was hurt because of me; I felt guilty I had to see him; I’d bring flowers in hopes he’d see me.
In high school you were either in the outcast or in the popular group, And Samantha always felt that attach to be in between, but she needed have friends. She lived in the elite crowd, her father was known due to the dealership. But was she socially able to easily make friends? At first no, she had one friend and that was until she met Yas, and ended up being nice enough to where the popular crowd wanted to welcome her in. Kylier he was a jock one of the most popular guys in school, and he liked her. She remembered that first time he walked her to class, it amazed her because after sitting how he treated the outcast today at lunch she did question why she was with him? 
Sam wasn’t okay with how he treated Miguel, and she wished she had been brave enough to come to his defense but instead she sunk down in her chair and watched the humiliation occur. She felt that twist in her stomach; a memory she wanted to forget desperately. And now at the dance she asked herself again why was she still with him? Kylier was busy occupied by his friends, he was by the bleachers laughing; barely acknowledged her. Sam knew if she broke up with him it would cause a hissy fit, it would cause drama she wasn’t prepared for, so she kept her mouth and did what she was supposed to. Date a guy she barely liked anymore. It was wrong but once you break the system, it has the ability to deroad your high school experience. 
Tonight; the brunette decided to put her broken relationship to the back of her mind. Instead she wanted to focus on this dance with Miguel. He was sweet, he was nervous, it was cute though; the small touch of our hands connected. I felt that slight tingle at my fingertips. A sensation she tried to ignored. Pressing palms against his shoulders as she knew from experience, she felt that slight discomfort just because Miguel and I barely knew each other besides sharing science class, besides us making small awkward conversation. But now we were in close proximity to where we felt that touch; felt that sight tingling at least for me I did. Sam knew she didn’t do anything wrong in the cafeteria earlier; but at the same time, she felt guilty for not standing up, for letting her boyfriend talk to Miguel that way; sometimes owning up to mistakes helps build character. 
“ But still, you didn’t deserve that humiliation. He won’t apologize so let me do it for him.” Your place, sounded perfect for how the female felt. She wanted to blend in, wanted to fit in, even if it wasn’t necessarily into the right crowd. But right now; she felt at ease moving feet from side to side to the music, it almost felt simper. That was until Miguel called her perfect. Samantha felt her body stiff up, she felt herself freeze, did he call her perfect? He couldn’t possible believe that phrase. I was far from perfect, I was human. I was a teen who was lying to herself; about the person she wanted to be. Confused daily, Lips pursed to open to object. “ I’m not, you don’t even know me.” Which was true on my defense. Miguel and I barely spoke until now, and now he wanted to act like he knew who I was, that wasn’t even the icing on top, he pegged to ask why I was with my boyfriend. Exhaling a sigh, the female couldn’t stepped back and walked away because this wasn’t his business, but when I raked my mind on the why I came up empty handed. 
“ He’s not as bad as you think okay.” A trail of my words as I felt my hands drop from his shoulders to his hips as my efforts to put distance between us. “ He was nice when we got together but now, I don’t know. Not that it’s any of your business. Do you have a habit of prying into everyone’s business or am I just that lucky girl tonight?” A slight edge of annoyance; not at him at myself because I knew the why being with Kylier kept me in the crowd, as shallow as it sounded; not that Sam was about to utter those words aloud.
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ofwarriorfight · 1 year
Samantha was more than the cliques; she was more than following the march. Even if she fell into habits of wanting to lower herself into the shadows. She wanted to fit in. She wanted to be seen; she didn’t want to fall into being a geek; even if she was well roundedly smart. Sam didn’t want to be an outcast; she supposed that feeling is how she landed in this predicament. Why she was caught between two worlds. Between the safe place of getting to know Miguel tonight; the place of being seen. When his eyes were on her; she felt the goosebumps; she felt like he generally cared about her. But then there’s Moon, her group of friends and being on the arm of Kyler; the boy that made her feel invisible. The boy who rather fool shamelessly around with his friends all night than bat a eye at me. He was the guy that gave me the friends; the popularity; as wrong as it sounded. Sam wanted to be included. She was a teenage girl. She felt torn with herself; especially when her boyfriend had excused himself to go to the bathroom. A roll of her eyes as she used her hand to wave him off. Who was she to stop him from using the restroom. Standing awkwardly in the crowd of strangers. She bit down on her lower lip as eyes traveled along the decorated room. Seeking him; the boy that made my heart pound against my chest. To no unveil he was no where to be seen; shoulders falling in defeat the brunette walked off the dancefloor; she had edged towards the doors; she was beat. She was tired of trying so hard. Tired of being someone she wasn’t. 
And for one dance; she felt herself; until she got self conscious; until she felt like a fuad. Miguel liked her; he even was bold enough to call her out on her shit; he thought she was beautiful and deserved more; and maybe the man was right. Sam had happened to look up through the small window of the doors when an older man caught her eye; holding the boy with the skull mask from earlier. Her throat felt dry. Feet moved before she processed what she was doing. Running through the doors; she had eagerly ran towards the man; She thinks his name is Johnny? Maybe he was the old guy that ran that dead beat dojo; the one that annoyed her father greatly. She had to hold the laugh that dared to fall. 
‘ Hello, Is that Miguel?” A horsiness to her voice as if it might break. Feet slowly coming to a pause besides the guy; the clear view of Miguel; his lifeless body. His lips swollen, his eye was bruised up; air left her lungs.
In high school you were either in the outcast or in the popular group, And Samantha always felt that attach to be in between, but she needed have friends. She lived in the elite crowd, her father was known due to the dealership. But was she socially able to easily make friends? At first no, she had one friend and that was until she met Yas, and ended up being nice enough to where the popular crowd wanted to welcome her in. Kylier he was a jock one of the most popular guys in school, and he liked her. She remembered that first time he walked her to class, it amazed her because after sitting how he treated the outcast today at lunch she did question why she was with him? 
Sam wasn’t okay with how he treated Miguel, and she wished she had been brave enough to come to his defense but instead she sunk down in her chair and watched the humiliation occur. She felt that twist in her stomach; a memory she wanted to forget desperately. And now at the dance she asked herself again why was she still with him? Kylier was busy occupied by his friends, he was by the bleachers laughing; barely acknowledged her. Sam knew if she broke up with him it would cause a hissy fit, it would cause drama she wasn’t prepared for, so she kept her mouth and did what she was supposed to. Date a guy she barely liked anymore. It was wrong but once you break the system, it has the ability to deroad your high school experience. 
Tonight; the brunette decided to put her broken relationship to the back of her mind. Instead she wanted to focus on this dance with Miguel. He was sweet, he was nervous, it was cute though; the small touch of our hands connected. I felt that slight tingle at my fingertips. A sensation she tried to ignored. Pressing palms against his shoulders as she knew from experience, she felt that slight discomfort just because Miguel and I barely knew each other besides sharing science class, besides us making small awkward conversation. But now we were in close proximity to where we felt that touch; felt that sight tingling at least for me I did. Sam knew she didn’t do anything wrong in the cafeteria earlier; but at the same time, she felt guilty for not standing up, for letting her boyfriend talk to Miguel that way; sometimes owning up to mistakes helps build character. 
“ But still, you didn’t deserve that humiliation. He won’t apologize so let me do it for him.” Your place, sounded perfect for how the female felt. She wanted to blend in, wanted to fit in, even if it wasn’t necessarily into the right crowd. But right now; she felt at ease moving feet from side to side to the music, it almost felt simper. That was until Miguel called her perfect. Samantha felt her body stiff up, she felt herself freeze, did he call her perfect? He couldn’t possible believe that phrase. I was far from perfect, I was human. I was a teen who was lying to herself; about the person she wanted to be. Confused daily, Lips pursed to open to object. “ I’m not, you don’t even know me.” Which was true on my defense. Miguel and I barely spoke until now, and now he wanted to act like he knew who I was, that wasn’t even the icing on top, he pegged to ask why I was with my boyfriend. Exhaling a sigh, the female couldn’t stepped back and walked away because this wasn’t his business, but when I raked my mind on the why I came up empty handed. 
“ He’s not as bad as you think okay.” A trail of my words as I felt my hands drop from his shoulders to his hips as my efforts to put distance between us. “ He was nice when we got together but now, I don’t know. Not that it’s any of your business. Do you have a habit of prying into everyone’s business or am I just that lucky girl tonight?” A slight edge of annoyance; not at him at myself because I knew the why being with Kylier kept me in the crowd, as shallow as it sounded; not that Sam was about to utter those words aloud.
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ofwarriorfight · 1 year
Samantha wasn’t used to the compliments. She could admit she wasn’t used to being seen for her. Her act to fit in worked for her. She had friends; had a boyfriend although sometimes she asked herself if this was who she wanted to be. Someone who fell into old habits. Who tried to fake herself in order to fit in. Yas and Moon were great; friends who cared sometimes. But Kyler; he was the touchy topic. Miguel I noticed the way his eyes lingered on me. I noticed how he smiled and I felt that slight tingle in my chest when his hands pressed against my back; my hand in his. 
A shiver; one I hadn’t felt before. He saw me as perfect; but I didn’t. That’s why I was angry not because Miguel said something wrong. I didn’t feel special given the controlling future I was told to have at home, and then at school I was supposed to fall to the feet of Kyler and his friends. Did I like being treated this way? No of course not I wanted to be looked at the way Miguel looked at me. I wanted to be told I deserved better especially knowing who he was referring to. I knew the type of guy I was dating I didn’t need this stranger to tell me. It was sweet; but I also felt like he was being conceding; in a sense, enough to have the balls to tell me what I needed when he barely knew me. That’s why I stepped back dropping my hands back to my sides. Fingers falling to the hem of her dress; fingers played with the hem as I listened. I was preparing to talk back or so in a nicer tone right before I heard his voice. Kyler; he had to hear; and of course make an aimless threat. Suddenly he cared who his girlfriend was dancing with. I had to roll my eyes. I had to mutter to myself as I shook my head. Was I gonna stop Miguel from becoming chicken and running off? Honestly I had no idea. But Miguel was all talk but push come to shove he ran like a little coward. 
A sign emitted from my lips as I tilted my head up to face my boyfriend. Extending a hand to his chest; I tried to stop him. “ Don’t.” I warned as I leaned in close enough to my boyfriend to brush my lips against his cheek. “ He’s all talk. But don’t worry about him. YOu can just let it go.” Let it go; which I knew was out of Kyler’s nature. I could see his teeth sleething; he wanted to go after Miguel but I stopped him on purpose to give the boy enough time to escape. I cared about Miguel he was a stranger but he saw him; and I saw the good in him. I made a note to myself to thank him later. 
For now I had wrapped an arm around my boyfriend and tugged him into a dance; as a means of distracting. Were not made of glass; we’re strong even if we feel weak in the moment. 
In high school you were either in the outcast or in the popular group, And Samantha always felt that attach to be in between, but she needed have friends. She lived in the elite crowd, her father was known due to the dealership. But was she socially able to easily make friends? At first no, she had one friend and that was until she met Yas, and ended up being nice enough to where the popular crowd wanted to welcome her in. Kylier he was a jock one of the most popular guys in school, and he liked her. She remembered that first time he walked her to class, it amazed her because after sitting how he treated the outcast today at lunch she did question why she was with him? 
Sam wasn’t okay with how he treated Miguel, and she wished she had been brave enough to come to his defense but instead she sunk down in her chair and watched the humiliation occur. She felt that twist in her stomach; a memory she wanted to forget desperately. And now at the dance she asked herself again why was she still with him? Kylier was busy occupied by his friends, he was by the bleachers laughing; barely acknowledged her. Sam knew if she broke up with him it would cause a hissy fit, it would cause drama she wasn’t prepared for, so she kept her mouth and did what she was supposed to. Date a guy she barely liked anymore. It was wrong but once you break the system, it has the ability to deroad your high school experience. 
Tonight; the brunette decided to put her broken relationship to the back of her mind. Instead she wanted to focus on this dance with Miguel. He was sweet, he was nervous, it was cute though; the small touch of our hands connected. I felt that slight tingle at my fingertips. A sensation she tried to ignored. Pressing palms against his shoulders as she knew from experience, she felt that slight discomfort just because Miguel and I barely knew each other besides sharing science class, besides us making small awkward conversation. But now we were in close proximity to where we felt that touch; felt that sight tingling at least for me I did. Sam knew she didn’t do anything wrong in the cafeteria earlier; but at the same time, she felt guilty for not standing up, for letting her boyfriend talk to Miguel that way; sometimes owning up to mistakes helps build character. 
“ But still, you didn’t deserve that humiliation. He won’t apologize so let me do it for him.” Your place, sounded perfect for how the female felt. She wanted to blend in, wanted to fit in, even if it wasn’t necessarily into the right crowd. But right now; she felt at ease moving feet from side to side to the music, it almost felt simper. That was until Miguel called her perfect. Samantha felt her body stiff up, she felt herself freeze, did he call her perfect? He couldn’t possible believe that phrase. I was far from perfect, I was human. I was a teen who was lying to herself; about the person she wanted to be. Confused daily, Lips pursed to open to object. “ I’m not, you don’t even know me.” Which was true on my defense. Miguel and I barely spoke until now, and now he wanted to act like he knew who I was, that wasn’t even the icing on top, he pegged to ask why I was with my boyfriend. Exhaling a sigh, the female couldn’t stepped back and walked away because this wasn’t his business, but when I raked my mind on the why I came up empty handed. 
“ He’s not as bad as you think okay.” A trail of my words as I felt my hands drop from his shoulders to his hips as my efforts to put distance between us. “ He was nice when we got together but now, I don’t know. Not that it’s any of your business. Do you have a habit of prying into everyone’s business or am I just that lucky girl tonight?” A slight edge of annoyance; not at him at myself because I knew the why being with Kylier kept me in the crowd, as shallow as it sounded; not that Sam was about to utter those words aloud.
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ofwarriorfight · 1 year
Sam wasn’t used to the compliments. She wasn’t used to being told she was the girl any guy would be lucky to be seen dancing with. Sam had come to the dance tonight to enjoy herself with her friends. She had managed to be part of the in crowd. She was popular and it came with a prize. The prize of who you see yourself with. Sam didn’t necessarily like how some of her friends handled themselves. Or like how some spent their time. But it wasn’t her opinion that mattered. She was a body in a sea of people. She was a person; who felt what she needed or wanted didn’t matter. 
Perhaps that’s why she gave Miguel a dance; the way he looked at her as if she was the only girl in the room. His smile when their hands touched. She felt the tingles, she felt how he made her feel especially when her hand found its place on his back and shoulder. It was as if we found a place; a place that fit. And for a second it felt nice; to dance and spend time with someone who wanted her around. But when he complimented her felt she walls come up. Perfect? Sam was far from it. She tried to give into the peer pressure, she tried to be the perfect daughter, she tried to follow all the right steps in her year at school. She was liked, she was seen as funny but in a crowd of people she felt awkward; she felt invisible in a sense. She knew Miguel meant well; he didn’t intentionally set out to upset her. But he had. She felt herself become very defensive, a part of her fought the urge to stop the dance. Why? Because this guy who was a stranger to her felt like he knew who she was. And it scared her. 
Her gaze fell to their connected hands, as a distraction until she had felt her voice come to light. “ You don’t know me, if you did. I doubt you’d see me as this light; this girl that you felt was perfect. No one is.” Were in high school supposed to make mistakes. As for Kyler perhaps that was my excuse for him being an idiot; he couldn’t even give me a dance; he rather spend time with his friends; and honestly I couldn’t blame him. But this wasn’t a one night thing. He constantly only went to movies with me in hopes of kissing me; he barely got to know me. And honestly it sucked; Sam craved to be seen, and the first person who had; was dancing with her. 
Soften her expression; the female had said “ Thank you, I know you mean well, but the way the school works; if you want to be seen sometimes we have to weak a mask, pretend..” A soft comment; she knew the male wouldn’t understood but it was how she felt; a mask that never came off.
In high school you were either in the outcast or in the popular group, And Samantha always felt that attach to be in between, but she needed have friends. She lived in the elite crowd, her father was known due to the dealership. But was she socially able to easily make friends? At first no, she had one friend and that was until she met Yas, and ended up being nice enough to where the popular crowd wanted to welcome her in. Kylier he was a jock one of the most popular guys in school, and he liked her. She remembered that first time he walked her to class, it amazed her because after sitting how he treated the outcast today at lunch she did question why she was with him? 
Sam wasn’t okay with how he treated Miguel, and she wished she had been brave enough to come to his defense but instead she sunk down in her chair and watched the humiliation occur. She felt that twist in her stomach; a memory she wanted to forget desperately. And now at the dance she asked herself again why was she still with him? Kylier was busy occupied by his friends, he was by the bleachers laughing; barely acknowledged her. Sam knew if she broke up with him it would cause a hissy fit, it would cause drama she wasn’t prepared for, so she kept her mouth and did what she was supposed to. Date a guy she barely liked anymore. It was wrong but once you break the system, it has the ability to deroad your high school experience. 
Tonight; the brunette decided to put her broken relationship to the back of her mind. Instead she wanted to focus on this dance with Miguel. He was sweet, he was nervous, it was cute though; the small touch of our hands connected. I felt that slight tingle at my fingertips. A sensation she tried to ignored. Pressing palms against his shoulders as she knew from experience, she felt that slight discomfort just because Miguel and I barely knew each other besides sharing science class, besides us making small awkward conversation. But now we were in close proximity to where we felt that touch; felt that sight tingling at least for me I did. Sam knew she didn’t do anything wrong in the cafeteria earlier; but at the same time, she felt guilty for not standing up, for letting her boyfriend talk to Miguel that way; sometimes owning up to mistakes helps build character. 
“ But still, you didn’t deserve that humiliation. He won’t apologize so let me do it for him.” Your place, sounded perfect for how the female felt. She wanted to blend in, wanted to fit in, even if it wasn’t necessarily into the right crowd. But right now; she felt at ease moving feet from side to side to the music, it almost felt simper. That was until Miguel called her perfect. Samantha felt her body stiff up, she felt herself freeze, did he call her perfect? He couldn’t possible believe that phrase. I was far from perfect, I was human. I was a teen who was lying to herself; about the person she wanted to be. Confused daily, Lips pursed to open to object. “ I’m not, you don’t even know me.” Which was true on my defense. Miguel and I barely spoke until now, and now he wanted to act like he knew who I was, that wasn’t even the icing on top, he pegged to ask why I was with my boyfriend. Exhaling a sigh, the female couldn’t stepped back and walked away because this wasn’t his business, but when I raked my mind on the why I came up empty handed. 
“ He’s not as bad as you think okay.” A trail of my words as I felt my hands drop from his shoulders to his hips as my efforts to put distance between us. “ He was nice when we got together but now, I don’t know. Not that it’s any of your business. Do you have a habit of prying into everyone’s business or am I just that lucky girl tonight?” A slight edge of annoyance; not at him at myself because I knew the why being with Kylier kept me in the crowd, as shallow as it sounded; not that Sam was about to utter those words aloud.
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ofwarriorfight · 1 year
In high school you were either in the outcast or in the popular group, And Samantha always felt that attach to be in between, but she needed have friends. She lived in the elite crowd, her father was known due to the dealership. But was she socially able to easily make friends? At first no, she had one friend and that was until she met Yas, and ended up being nice enough to where the popular crowd wanted to welcome her in. Kylier he was a jock one of the most popular guys in school, and he liked her. She remembered that first time he walked her to class, it amazed her because after sitting how he treated the outcast today at lunch she did question why she was with him? 
Sam wasn’t okay with how he treated Miguel, and she wished she had been brave enough to come to his defense but instead she sunk down in her chair and watched the humiliation occur. She felt that twist in her stomach; a memory she wanted to forget desperately. And now at the dance she asked herself again why was she still with him? Kylier was busy occupied by his friends, he was by the bleachers laughing; barely acknowledged her. Sam knew if she broke up with him it would cause a hissy fit, it would cause drama she wasn’t prepared for, so she kept her mouth and did what she was supposed to. Date a guy she barely liked anymore. It was wrong but once you break the system, it has the ability to deroad your high school experience. 
Tonight; the brunette decided to put her broken relationship to the back of her mind. Instead she wanted to focus on this dance with Miguel. He was sweet, he was nervous, it was cute though; the small touch of our hands connected. I felt that slight tingle at my fingertips. A sensation she tried to ignored. Pressing palms against his shoulders as she knew from experience, she felt that slight discomfort just because Miguel and I barely knew each other besides sharing science class, besides us making small awkward conversation. But now we were in close proximity to where we felt that touch; felt that sight tingling at least for me I did. Sam knew she didn’t do anything wrong in the cafeteria earlier; but at the same time, she felt guilty for not standing up, for letting her boyfriend talk to Miguel that way; sometimes owning up to mistakes helps build character. 
“ But still, you didn’t deserve that humiliation. He won’t apologize so let me do it for him.” Your place, sounded perfect for how the female felt. She wanted to blend in, wanted to fit in, even if it wasn’t necessarily into the right crowd. But right now; she felt at ease moving feet from side to side to the music, it almost felt simper. That was until Miguel called her perfect. Samantha felt her body stiff up, she felt herself freeze, did he call her perfect? He couldn’t possible believe that phrase. I was far from perfect, I was human. I was a teen who was lying to herself; about the person she wanted to be. Confused daily, Lips pursed to open to object. “ I’m not, you don’t even know me.” Which was true on my defense. Miguel and I barely spoke until now, and now he wanted to act like he knew who I was, that wasn’t even the icing on top, he pegged to ask why I was with my boyfriend. Exhaling a sigh, the female couldn’t stepped back and walked away because this wasn’t his business, but when I raked my mind on the why I came up empty handed. 
“ He’s not as bad as you think okay.” A trail of my words as I felt my hands drop from his shoulders to his hips as my efforts to put distance between us. “ He was nice when we got together but now, I don’t know. Not that it’s any of your business. Do you have a habit of prying into everyone’s business or am I just that lucky girl tonight?” A slight edge of annoyance; not at him at myself because I knew the why being with Kylier kept me in the crowd, as shallow as it sounded; not that Sam was about to utter those words aloud.
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