ofwclf · 5 years
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ofwclf · 5 years
     --- Molly W.
          molly hadn’t been paying attention to what she was doing, which wasn’t unusual. with everything going on, she found herself more distant. she was scared. she was scared for her family. for her friends. for herself. she hated seeing all of this shit. hadn’t she already gone through enough? what with the first war taking her brother.
          but no. something cruel and unusual had decided that the first war wasn’t enough. that there was still things that needed to be done. but when she bumped into wolf, she immediately pulled herself out of her head. “sorry, love,” she said as she tried to smile. “i guess i was inside of my head,” she said as she forced a laugh.
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     he smiled, wide and bright, shaking his head quickly.   “   don’t we all are lately?   “   he said good-naturedly, watching her with light eyes. love. even mother never called him that --- her lovely wolf, sure, but love? nah. it sounds so weird for him as nickname or something. it makes him think again about what is happening back at his home, with who just come back --- only, did he? would greyback just jumped right into their home, a place they tried to keep safe and hide? ( there were no doubts in his mind that pack leader would find them --- of course he would. he will. maybe he already did. )   “   it’s alright, i really should learn to look around,   “   wolf laughed lightly.   “     good thing nobody ended up down on the ground, too! that wouldn’t be fun at all.   “   
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ofwclf · 5 years
( sirius’ askbox )    ( wolf’s askbox )   ( astoria’s askbox )    ( eris’s askbox )
the witcher (show) starters
❝ victimhood is not your colour. ❞
❝ you can’t outrun destiny just because you’re terrified of it. ❞
❝ your job is to control chaos, not to succumb to it. ❞
❝ you don’t deserve the air you breathe. ❞
❝ not a single person alive looks in the mirror and doesn’t see some form of deformity. ❞
❝ you lie, you keep secrets. you succumb to emotion and weakness. ❞
❝ not answering questions is part of your brooding pillar of charm. ❞
❝ you’re just mad because you lost your chance to be beautiful. ❞
❝ you smell of death and destiny, heroics and heartbreak. ❞
❝ there’s no power in puppeting fools. ❞
❝ i’ll leave that for someone who gives a shit. ❞
❝ i need to get back to my horse. ❞
❝ your will to live is strong. ❞
❝ i’m still not enough. even for you. ❞
❝ need a hand? i’ve got two. ❞
❝ my men will kill you. ❞
❝ i’m here to drink alone. ❞
❝ go. on your own or at the end of a rope, your choice. ❞
❝ do you know how many people wouldn’t blink if you died? ❞
❝ you weren’t taking control. you were losing it. ❞
❝ people call you a monster too. ❞
❝ i’ve waited all these years for you to admit we’re made for each other. ❞
❝ if only you could tell between friend or threat. do you even know the difference anymore? ❞
❝ when you live as long as i do, all the names sound the same. ❞
❝ were you in love? ❞
❝ this place isn’t safe when you’re alone. ❞
❝ the only thing you do quickly is flee. ❞
❝ even if you were a beauty, still, no one would love you. ❞
❝ not a happily ever after after all. ❞
❝ hm, doesn’t rhyme. all good predictions rhyme. ❞
❝ you are making me uncomfortable. ❞
❝ unchecked kings and queens start massacres. ❞
❝ i just want some damn peace. ❞
❝ i dreamed of becoming important to someone someday. ❞
❝ the only thing special about you is the crown on your head. ❞
❝ what do you long for? fame? money? power? ❞
❝ what? no one mentioned the impending doom part. ❞
❝ true words are rare words. ❞
❝ i want more. i have to be more. ❞
❝ do other women find this coarseness charming? ❞
❝ love casts long shadows. ❞
❝ if she runs, kill her. ❞
❝ don’t give me that look, shitling. ❞
❝ today isn’t your day, is it? ❞
❝ how come when my life comes to shit you’re the one shoveling it? ❞
❝ i know who you are. what you are. ❞
❝ i envy you. to live, and to have no love. ❞
❝ you’d leave a man bound to die in such a dignity? ❞
❝ i loved your mother. ❞
❝ don’t you know who i am? ❞
❝ so that’s all life is to you? monsters and money? ❞
❝ there’s a vortex of fate around us. ❞
❝ is history a wheel doomed to repeat? ❞
❝ the sword of destiny has two edges. ❞
❝ i’ve considered your company and conversation payment enough. ❞
❝ this isn’t who you are. ❞
❝ will you be joining me? ❞
❝ no amount of power or beauty will make you feel worthy of either. ❞
❝ i don’t believe anyone has that power. ❞
❝ nobody smart plays fair. ❞
❝ i won’t listen to a man who pimps the world as some romantic adventure. ❞
❝ a true man would state his desires. ❞
❝ don’t turn this on me. ❞
❝ i want to be powerful. it’s what i’m owed. ❞
❝ that makes sense just as much as it doesn’t. ❞ 
❝ you’re smart, aren’t you? you know everything. ❞
❝ i feel something out there waits for you. ❞ 
❝ please don’t hurt me. i’m lost. ❞ 
❝ i won’t kill you…but you cant stay here. ❞ 
❝ there’s no ‘us’. there’s only me. ❞ 
❝ i’m asking for a teeny-weeny little favor. ❞ 
❝ yeah, you’re probably right. but what if you’re not? ❞
❝ i’m not your friend. ❞ 
❝ you and destiny can both fuck right off. ❞ 
❝ i love the way you just sit in the corner and brood. ❞
❝ i will not suffer tonight sober. ❞ 
❝ pretty ballads hide bastard truths. ❞
❝ i will not involve myself to petty men’s squabbles. ❞
❝ happy childhood makes for dull company. ❞
❝ it’s impossible to be prepared for every battle. keep your sword close, and keep moving. ❞
❝ i see a lot of myself in you. ❞
❝ you can’t change the world this way. ❞
❝ i don’t need anyone. & the last thing i want is someone needing me. ❞
❝ alright, stand close to me and pretend you’re mean. ❞
❝ why are you dressed like a sad silk trader? ❞ 
❝ only one of us will be alive to find out. ❞ 
❝ i stole rather than starve. i killed rather than be killed. ❞ 
❝ i have’t only done good in my life either. ❞ 
❝ it’s like ordering a pie and finding out it has no filling. ❞ 
❝ when i cut my finger i bleed. that’s human, right? ❞ 
❝ they’re rough around the edges but they’re earthling like me. ❞ 
❝ royalty is best endured in small doses. ❞ 
❝ i thought the world needed me too. ❞ 
❝ sometimes, the best thing a flower can do for us is die. ❞ 
❝ handy with a blade. handy with women too. ❞
❝ are you trying to hurt my feelings? ❞
❝ you look like you’ve been through hell. ❞
❝ i can’t do this without you. ❞
❝ you know cautionary tales won’t work on me. ❞
❝ you talk nonsense while making wise and meaningful faces. ❞
❝ the apple never falls far from the tree. ❞
❝ when i go it will be far more dramatic than this. ❞
❝ try not to get any daggers in your back before dawn. ❞
❝ you have your mother’s blood. you’ll be alright. ❞
❝ a great ruler always chooses mercy. ❞
❝ it took two strikes to kill him. they weren’t clean. but they were spectacular. ❞
❝ if i have to choose between one evil and another, i’d rather not choose. ❞
❝ i would do anything to forget who i was. ❞
❝ i have no doubt blood will be spilled here tonight. ❞
❝ there’s a grain of truth in every fairy tale. ❞
❝ people look at you for who you are, not what you can give them. ❞
❝ do you believe in destiny now? ❞
❝ we can leave. we can find a way out. ❞
❝ lovers? fun for a bit, i’ll admit, but all eventually disappoint. ❞
❝ let’s face it, you’re a girl. we’re just vessels. and even when we’re told we’re special, we’re still just vessels…for them to take…and take…until we’re empty…and alone. ❞
❝ people like to invent monsters and monstrosities. then they seem less monstrous themselves. ❞
❝ every time i’m around you i say more in five minutes than i’ve said in weeks. ❞
❝ maybe someone out there will want you. ❞
❝ if you must kill me, i’m ready. ❞
❝ people linked by destiny always find each other. ❞
❝ thank the gods. i might live to see another day. ❞
❝ i was having a rather lovely dream which then turned into a nightmare. ❞
❝ you desperately need money for new clothes.  ❞
❝ more and more, i find monsters where i go. ❞
❝ life is too short. do what pleases you…while you can. ❞
❝ gods you’re pretty. ❞
❝ my lady, i would never degrade your honor in such a way. ❞
❝ my world is cruel. you enter, you survive, you die. ❞
❝ i feel i shall die a broken hearted man. ❞
❝ who slits a man’s throat while he’s relieving his bowels? ❞
❝ why help those who don’t listen? ❞
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ofwclf · 5 years
❛ Why should I believe you? ❜ - from hestia
posted here!
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ofwclf · 5 years
@bttrrsweet​ said:    ❛ Why should I believe you? ❜ 
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     the thing was, wolf didn’t like lying ---- he did it a lot, sure, keeping silence when asked about something or saying only half of the things, but it was necessary. on the other hand, he couldn’t outright lie to this person, his nose picking up too many weird scents on her robes to ignore. he smiled playfully, wiggling his fingers gently at her.   “   because i’m mostly a good boy?   “  he asked, tone light and warm, full of laughter, trying to mask a sharp, focused look.   “   it’s nothing illegal, having family too far to saw them,   “   he struggled slightly. 
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ofwclf · 5 years
     --- Harry P.
his heart couldn’t help but flutter at the thought of going on a date with wolf. honestly, right now, he was the only thing that made the hard times seem more bearable. when he looked up at the other, he momentarily forgot about his grief, about the terror and he felt like a normal twenty-two year old man. “i’m always a perfect gentleman.” a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, almost everyone in the wizardry world knew this was a blatant lie, seeing as harry always seemed to get into some sort of trouble.
he sighed softly as he gave wolf’s hand a gentle squeeze, head resting on the taller’s shoulder as they made their way through the pub and out onto the streets, “somewhere quiet. a part of me wants to show you the fuck off…but honestly, i just want it to be you and me. where other people won’t butt their noses into shit.” harry swallowed thickly as he latched onto wolf to keep warm, “there’s a cute little restaurant a couple of streets away. i think it’s a muggle one but we could pretend to be muggles.”
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    he laughed, head slightly thrown back and shake it, still smiling.   “   oh, that’s so bad. i thought you will give me a taste under the table, but i think that’s off-limits now,    “  he teased, lifting a brow. it was easy to play that game with harry, leaving behind whatever ‘if’ or ‘no’ his mind could produce. he hummed quietly, making almost lazy steps, keeping the other close. 
     it was better that way. if they could keep this --- whatever this was, wolf wasn’t going to name it, --- private ; away from people that could use it against them. he absently moved his head to kiss the side of harry’s head, eyes traveling over the path before them, senses on alert to make sure they aren’t followed.   “   i think that too ---- i’m possessive kind, wolves don’t like to share,   “   he smirked, amused. it was funny how true this sentence was, in more than one way and yet, he kept his secret close to the chest. he moved his arm to wrap it around gryffindor’s shoulders.
     “   cold? or just in the mood to cuddle, handsome?   “   he asked quietly, voice going soft. he shouldn’t let himself do it and yet... here he was, all soft and warm inside for the person he shouldn’t. he nodded a little, almost chuckling ---- so now he will play a werewolf acting like just wizard who tries to pass off as just muggle.   “   sounds good. can always put some mild distracting charm. though you need to lead then, harry --- i trust you here.   “
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ofwclf · 5 years
     --- Harry P.
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the orphan inhaled when wolf took a step closer, he could already feel the body heat radiating off of the other despite the fact that they weren’t touching and harry suddenly felt WARMER. his mouth felt dry, tongue darting out to wet his lips as he looked up at the other through the rims of his glasses, his heart fluttering and his knees felt a little weaker. 
honestly, wolf sort of snuck up on him. well, yes, literally just now but even just this year. he didn’t expect to catch feelings. not so quickly after the death of cedric and harry couldn’t help but feel GUILTY, his feelings for wolfgang were undeniable. his grin widened and cheeks felt hotter at the sight of the wink, “yes, of course.” he said a bit too quickly, chuckling softly as harry took a step forward, very little space between them, “i erm…always have time for you. sort of like…a date then?” the harry offered, voice hopeful as he cocked a brow. his grin widened as he felt like his face would fall off, effortlessly taking the other’s hand and intertwining their fingers, sighing softly as he already felt more at ease from the gesture. “well you can certainly handle me a lot better than the wall can…i think i scuffed it a bit.” he chewed upon his bottom lip before hastily closing the distance between them and pressing a kiss onto wolf’s lips, “i uh…missed you.” 
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     a date. now, that was terrifying --- not because wolf wasn’t a committed kind of guy or because he didn’t want that. opposite, the moment harry said this with that smile, he was hit with how much he did wanted that. logically, he knew this should be the moment to smile and joke and make it all lighter and let harry pull away from him gently. he knew that and open his mouth to do just that and----
     “   yes, a date. will you be a perfect gentleman for me?   “   he lifted a brow just a little bit, teasing. the other’s hand was warm and wolf looked down for a moment, eyes soft and light. it was funny --- he was with many people before ( nothing to be ashamed of, thank you very much ) but this simple gesture was something... new. something he didn’t let himself have, and for a good reason, but now he didn’t think of these reasons, just going with the flow and desperately grabbing at all the little things. looking up again meet him with a soft touch on lips, and really, it took a lot of him to not just purr. or got harry all up the wall and make the kiss last longer. but he managed to just make it a light kiss, sweet and short.
     “   ----- missed you too,   “   he said warmly, smiling at the other.   “   and i will handle you better, but that later, i think, hm?   “   wolf smiled with the corner of his lips, teasing.   “   where we go? leaky cauldron or something more private?   “
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ofwclf · 5 years
     --- Harry P.
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despite being a pretty good wizard, harry james potter was NOT the most graceful, actually pretty clumsy. so when he ALMOST runs into someone, despite the lack of actual collision, bright orbs widen behind the frames as he managed to trip over his own two feet. thankfully, he catches himself before falling completely but the spectacle and gripping at the wall was enough to warrant stares from people that had nothing to do with the fact that he was the chosen one. his blush further deepens when he sees just who it was in front of him, “oh, hi!” a bit too chipper and excited to see his crush, “i uh…yeah. could have been dangerous.” his gaze doesn’t dare to break from wolf’s, heart banging against his chest as his head felt a little dizzy, “hi.” he breathed out again, more softly and intimate and good god, the taller was pretty. it wasn’t fair really. how was one supposed to think clearly?
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     he couldn’t help it --- his smile grew wider and softer as he watched harry ; wolf always thought that the man was too adorable for his own good. there was something warm and light inside his chest, almost make breathing painful, and he quickly distracted himself from that ; analyzing whatever harry was waking up in him was dangerous, far more than ‘ the chosen one ‘ could think. but did it made wolf back away? no way.
     “   could have been, but now i’m actually happy it didn't let me miss you,   “   he said honestly, making a step closer.   “   ---- hi, harry,   “   he added with a wink.   “   fancy meeting you here. are you in rush or maybe could give me a little time of your day and go for a quick bite?   “   wolf asked with a little movement of his head. that was good, nice and safe, right?   “   would make it a drink, but it’s too early,   “   he hummed quietly, before wiggling his fingers at harry, offering his hand to him.   “   ---- i volunteer to be grabbed instead of the wall, though,   “   he teased with another soft smile. 
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ofwclf · 5 years
( sirius’ askbox )    ( wolf’s askbox )   ( astoria’s askbox )
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following.  
Their first impression of your muse:
Current impression:   
Are they attracted to your muse?:  
Something they find frightening about your muse:
Something they find adorable about your muse:  
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: 
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
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ofwclf · 5 years
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     he watched the screaming faces on posters and bite inside his cheek, frowning just slightly.  there was a mix of emotions in his chest from the moment he read the paper this morning. the spark of joy, for his pack leader ( alpha, the wolfish side of him growled ) to come finally home, filling up the hollow place in it ; the wonder, how they managed that ; the longing, to his pack, his home, people that loved him just because. and fear, of the rage of greyback and the dark lord, of how quickly his packmate will be hurt again, the scars of last time opening ugly. 
     wolf shook his head, not letting himself to think of this, instead focusing on the matter at hand --- things he needed to buy and diner. he was hungry as wolf hell and needed to get going. he made a step back and turned, eyes falling on the face of the person he almost walks on.   “    --- whops! sorry, my bad,   “   he smiled, eyes lighting.   “   was close, huh? one would think i would already learn how many people is there, but well, here we are.   “
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ofwclf · 5 years
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                         maxence danet-fauvel :  cis male : he/him : student :                                      thank god i’m not you by himalayas  ϟ  
                              did you see WOLFGANG “ WOLF ” HAWKE ?               you know,  23 year old half-blood ( werewolf ) who is in hufflepuff.                     some say he can be quite + practical but are known to be - secretive.                             they are secretly aligned with the death eaters.                                    maybe that’s why they remind me of                            big smile full of sharp teeth ‘ i don’t bite, not now anyway ‘,           chest vibrating from laughter                                                and furious growls & sharp claws. 
    hi, it’s kay again! meet my lil wolf son xD
                                                            (   pinterest.  )   //   (   spotify playlist.   )
            TW CHILD ABUSE, TW KIDDNAPING ( MENTION )                       &   TW MURDER ( & CHILD MURDER )      ( i tried to be as much vague about it all as i could, but it is still there so be careful! )
Keep reading
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ofwclf · 5 years
     --- Ginny W.
Somehow, in the past two hours of the gala, Ginny had eventually found her surroundings a complete blur. Her vision swayed this way and that while her body felt heavy but light simultaneously. Her throat felt tight and hoarse from laughing and talking excessively and taking immeasurable swigs of the cinnamon flavored alcohol. The amount of firewhisky she had chugged from the smuggled, bottomless flask was beyond her; she was already a lightweight, so it couldn’t have taken that much for to become so inebriated. 
But she she knew she had had a lot so who knew how much she had really consumed.
She was going to feel it tomorrow, that was for certain.
Scanning her surroundings after inhaling an assortment of bite-sized desserts, she almost missed the person who was standing next to her. Sober, the redhead was far from being shy and notorious for being bold or daring, and alcohol just heightened everything. There were some people Ginny could recognize with the masks, but she couldn’t place exactly who the individual was in close proximity to her. 
The firewhisky coursing through her veins pressured her to say something to them. Her feet stumbled underneath her as she stepped closer with another sweet in hand and without thinking twice about who she was about to hold a conversation with. She didn’t remember grabbing an additional pastry, but there were definitely no complaints. 
“Hey,” Ginny half hiccuped, “wanna dance? I can’t promise I won’t step on your toes, but it’s more fun than watching everyone else.”
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    she was so drunk ; wolf watched her with amused eyes, a smile forming on his lips. like hell he didn’t envy her what will come the next morning, but hey --- everyone needs a night to just let go, yeah? who he was to tell her no? that’s not wolf job nor he thought anybody could do that. be master of your own, and all that shit. he let his eyes travel over her, taking in her state and then nodded gently head titling.
     “   i’m not that worry about my toes,   “   he said friendly, turning to her more and wiggling his fingers at her.   “   --- but we can make a deal ; let me have half of this and i will dance with you for two songs, hm?   “   he lifted a brow, even if it wasn’t visible because of mask.
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ofwclf · 5 years
     --- Ron W.
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needing a breath of fresh air from the crowd, ron decided to go outside. for a bit, he reasoned so that his friends don’t worry about where he disappeared to but enough so that he doesn’t feel smothered. he  never felt particularly comfortable at events like this and at some point or another, ron always felt like he didn’t belong there, an imposter. as he opened the door, he noticed someone. it looked like they had the same idea as him and he strolled right up next to them.” too much for you too, huh?” he asked, nodding his head back at the entrance.
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     he was lighting up his cigarette when he heard steps behind him ; wolf felt his body stiff slightly, but continued to take a deep breath of grey smoke, before turning to the other, hearing the question.   “   could say that,   “   he said with a smile, turning his head a little to not get the smoke all over the man’s face before letting it out.   “   i don’t suppose old folks would be thrilled if i would start smoking right there,   “   he added, before moving his hand to him, offering the cigarette.   “   wanna?   “   wolf asked, not bothered by sharing it with a ‘stranger’ ---- though the scent made him almost certain that he knows the man.   “   would be better if there would be some more decent food instead of sandwiches and all that mini-crap, but hey --- always free food, isn’t it?   “   he winked.
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ofwclf · 5 years
[ sleepy ] for your muse to slowly fall alseep on my muse’s lap .
     he didn’t mean for it to happens. wolf looked up, watching through the window the almost full form of the moon, her delicate light warm on his skin and there was a song in his head, full of howling and growls. it was calming in a way he craved right now, steeling himself for what he needed to do.
     wolf didn’t mean to get so close that he almost tasted the betrayal on his tongue.
     loyalty wasn’t something he could leave behind a door and pick it up on his way out ; he couldn’t in full say that he was doing everything in his power to keep the pack safe and then cuddling with the chosen one ; he couldn’t... there was so many thing he couldn’t do without deciding where his loyalty lays and wolf, probably for the first time in his life, was terrified to the core. 
     he took a deep breath, pulling in all his strength and opened his lips.   “   listen, harry----   “   he started, his voice cracking slightly, throat suddenly dry and itching. wolf looked down, at the mess of dark hairs, eyes slowly traveling over the weird position gryffindor took to lay down and still have his head on wolf’s laps. his chest hurt and he couldn’t breathe, like something --- someone --- was sitting on him and he couldn’t... he couldn’t...
     there was a sleepy   “   what’s up, wolf?   “   ;   and he looked at the half-closed green eyes, the small, almost shy smile and shake his head, lifting his hand to gently move fingers through harry’s hairs.   “   --- nevermind. go back to sleep, you need it.   “   his voice was soft and low and he watched in silence as the other just fell asleep, so trusting, so open, right here.
     ‘   next time,   ‘    wolf thought, closing his eyes shut and trying to keep howl full of sorrow inside.   ‘   next time.   ‘
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ofwclf · 5 years
“You can tell how dangerous a person is by the way they hold their anger inside themselves quietly.”
— Unknown (via the-empty-quill)
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ofwclf · 5 years
     --- Zaya R. D.
         Zaya handed him a plate of food .  the diggory in her of taking care of her friends was instilled in her after all . Even though she would never admit of being friends with wolf . Always stating that he was ceddric’s not hers . “ What ? “ She lightly snapped . “ I was nice enough to bring you the sandwhich fingers and yes I can easily recognized is you … Mask or not , I know that ass anywhere . “ 
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     he looked down at the plate and took it without thinking --- wolf would never say no to free food, he wasn’t stupid.   “    aw, little riding ced, i knew you love me!   “   he said, sending an open smile in zaya’s direction before tilting his head a little.   “   --- or just my ass. i can even let you touch it if you bring me something sweet next time,   “   he teased, fingers already wrapping around one of the sandwich fingers, finishing it in two bites and purred --- carefully to make it sound very human-like purr.   “   mmmhm, nice! always knew you will take care of me in need,   “   he joked.   “   --- gorgeous dress, i like the color. makes you all good to eat ---- should i stay around and growl at any unwanted admirer that will come your way?   “   he knew zaya can take care of herself but it doesn’t mean he wouldn’t do that. 
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ofwclf · 5 years
     --- Draco M.
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                                 he  nods  in  agreement  ,  though  he  doesn’t  quite  voice  the  words.  it’s  been  years  since  he’s  felt  like  his  truer  self  ,  &  while  it’s  exhilarating  ,  it’s  still  frightening  if  anyone  else   were  to  find  out.  draco  would  do  anything  to  keep  this  night  as  a  secret.  ❛    never  heard  of  any  game  like  that  ,  but  i  suppose  i  could  try…    ❜  his  gray  eyes  wander  the  room  before  settling  on  a  couple.  ❛    there  ,  those  two  look  completely  awkward  around  each  other.  ❜  he  points.  not  very  polite  ,  but  some  habits  are  harder  to  break.  ❛    i  bet  they’ve  got  very  basic  names  ,  like  john  &  sarah.  probably  got  a  boring  life  too  ,   &  their  friends  set  them  up.  out  of  pity  ,  i  presume.  tonight  is  probably  the  most  excitement  they’ve  ever  seen.  ❜  he  pauses  ,  gaze  returning  to  the  other.  ❛    how  was  that  ?    ❜
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     “   --- never made fun of people in a non-harmful way? oh damn, it seems you need me around to show you what’s fun is,   “   he teased friendly, smiling to the man and humming, waiting for the follow-up. wolf moved to stand by the other --- slytherin, something in his mind supplied, but could grab the name yet --- and nodded, taking a sip of his alcohol.   “   that was good first try, handsome! could be a good starting point in a novel. can totally see that,   “   he said, light eyes already traveling over the crowd.   “   okay, look at that pair,   “  he said, throwing his arm around the other shoulder, moving the glass in his hand to point in direction of a little older couple.   “   they totally dated at school. now it’s all awkward because she married his best friend, who was a lot more proper, if you know what i mean, and he got together with her cousin. the situation is even more complicated because he doesn't know that the sweet little girl she has? is his, from that one night they got really really drunk. but he is ought to find out because the girl got sick not so long ago and need ‘barrow’ magic from her parents --- and somehow her ‘dad’ is unable to help,   “   he nodded to himself before turning his head a little and sending the other wide grin.   “   --- but don’t worry, the son he thinks is his, is actually her husband’s, because this marriage has broken more than one relationship. matters of hearts are so complicated, don’t you think?   “    wolf winked at the other, before slipping away to get another sip of his drink without getting his face all into his companion’s face.
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