ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
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adam dier
⇢ moodboard ( 3 / ? )
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
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“GOD, I FRICKIN’ LOVE FAST FOOD.” was it practically a moan? yes, but it was much deserved! a self-proclaimed connoisseur of all things junk food related, ron was happily digging away into the nachos, tacos, and burritos that he ordered with just about enough time to quickly slurp down some of the, emphasis on diet, coke next to him. shovelling down as much as he could in such a short amount of time (was it a race? probably. who likes cold food?), he looked up with food still in his mouth – “want some?” 
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adam looked on in a mixture of disgust and awe as ron shoveled mexican food into his mouth and somehow managed to talk while doing it.  “no, no i’m good,” he said, shaking his head slightly.  he opted instead for a sip of his tea.  “i have no idea how you fit so much food into such a tiny body,” he told him.  “it never ceases to amaze me.  it’s like you’ve never been fed before.”
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
Garrett was actually sitting in the park, listening to the sound of people around him. Even though he liked being a hermit, every once in a while he liked to hear the sounds of the town. As he listened, Aiden made a small sound near him, indicating that someone was staring. “You know,” He started, not looking at the person. “If you stare for too long, he’ll attack.” His voice was monotone as he spoke, knowing full well Aiden wouldn’t hurt anyone. 
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adam hadn’t really realized he was staring until the man said something.  he’d just been going on his usual run through the park when he noticed the slightly terrifying looking bird.  “oh uh- sorry.  just- not everyday you see a falcon so casually,” he explained, pulling the earbuds out of his ears.  he wasn’t usually the type to strike up a conversation, but he’d been caught a bit off guard.  
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
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matthew daddario for bello magazine
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
closed starter for @ofxbeasts
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                    in most cases minnie would think it rude to show up to somebody’s house uninvited. she had been raised much more proper than that, and even with her and adam’s closeness taken into consideration she was certain if her parents knew she was simply showing up at his house they would be disappointed. the uber driver had been more than slightly confused at the sight of her multiple suitcases, and even more stunned when he pulled up to the dier mansion. a quiet you live here ? from him sent her into a fit of soft giggles as she paid him. during her multiple tenures in apple peak she may as well have lived there — it wasn’t like she spent much time at her own place when adam’s was an option. 
                     the familiar face of adam’s butler was taken in warmly, and while she insisted on bringing in her own suitcases he wouldn’t let her. rather than argue she figured she could do something useful and decided to instead begin working on breakfast. what better way to surprise her best friend than with not only her presence but breakfast as well ? she took a peek down at her phone screen, which blinked 9:47 at her. perfect. she flung open the curtains in the living room and the kitchen before getting to work on making food.
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adam wasn’t usually in the habit of rising early in the morning.  he was great at staying tucked away inside the manor, and as the days when on he seemed to have fewer reasons to go out at all.  so, he slept until noon, read in his library or lifted weights in his gym to occupy his mind.  then he’d eat his prepared meal, sleep, and start the cycle all over again. anyone who worked for him knew this, so when he smelled crackling bacon and popped an eye open to read the time he was nothing but confused.  he lazily pulled himself out of bed and cautiously made his way through the winding hallways of the manor and down the grand staircase.  he couldn’t help but notice the amount of light that was shining onto the floor, he held his arm up to block the rays from his face as he peaked into the empty living room.
he moved across the hall to check the kitchen.  he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the familiar colorful figure standing over the stove, her back to him. as she worked her magic.  of course- there was no way she could really be standing in his house- she was in england and had been for about a year.  “minnie?” he asked tentatively, taking a few steps toward her.
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
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“There’s kind of a human being inside me. Growing.”
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“i don’t- how did- no, don’t answer that.  were you- i mean...are you happy?”
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
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“oh,” he smiled, happy with his choice, “then i’ll start reading it soon.” then seeing adam take such an interest in his question, john sat up formally in his chair, clearing his throat. “i had a question about…relationships. most people that i talk to are…very different from my personality. and we both seem like quiet people,” he said carefully. “i wanted to hear your opinion on…all of that.” it occurred to john he didn’t actually know what he wanted to ask.
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adam nodded, “i hope you enjoy it.”  he wasn’t really sure was john was intending to ask him, but he didn’t think much of it.  he assumed it would be about another book or something of the sort.  he almost went white in the face when he asked for his opinion on relationships.  if he’d been drinking water he was sure he’d have spit it out across the table.  “oh uh,” he started, squirming a bit in his chair.  “i uh- i dunno.  i guess it’s just about uh- finding someone you’re compatible with.” he said, not really sure how to answer.  “have you...met someone?”
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
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   she almost couldn’t help the slight scoff that came out of her. “you pushing me away hasn’t been easy.” she felt selfish for saying that, especially with everything that he’s been through within these past six months. it was understandable why he had practically gone off the grid, but on the same hand, a simple text, letter, anything to say that he was okay but needed time would’ve been more than okay with her and she would’ve understood. 
  her brows furrowed at his words. he’s been busy. busy pushing people who care about him away. she almost hated that she had become this person, normally she wouldn’t chase after someone who no longer showed interest, but with adam it was different. it was something that she didn’t quite understand, what there was about him that made her so intrigued.
   “i mean honestly, what is it? you’ve been busy, you stayed around the house, you don’t know? just be honest with me, you’ve been avoiding me.” she didn’t want him to lie to her, now was not the time to make up some sort of excuse. “because it just does. i’ve been worried about you, i felt like you completely vanished.”
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he words took him aback.  a stunned look spread across his face as her tone sharpened.  adam had been sure she wouldn’t even realize that he hadn’t been around.  he was surprised to know she took notice, let alone that it affected her in any way.  he swallowed hard, staring at her as she stood there in his foyer.  he gave this girl every chance to run, every chance to escape from his life and here she was.  she’d come back.  he wasn’t sure how to react.
she wouldn’t let him cheat his way out of it.  he quickly realized she wasn’t going to leave here without an answer - without talking this whole thing through - which of course was just about his worst nightmare.  he drew in a quick breath as she questioned him.  “fine, okay?  yes- yes i’ve been avoiding you.  i’ve stopped going to the bookstore and i changed my jogging route in the park and i left that stupid ball as soon as i saw you walk through the door.  is that what you want to hear?” he didn’t mean for so much of it to spew out, he didn’t mean for it to come out so pointed, and angry.  but he was frustrated - frustrated at himself for doing all of it and frustrated at her for making him say it.  
“so what if i did?” he asked.  he couldn’t look her in the eye.  his eyes focused on something else in the hall as he turned away from her.  “you don’t need to worry about me.”
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
[ text to: lobo ]
lobo: i don't know if you've heard but i'm hardly a saint
lobo: besides, have you ever seen her make a man cry?
lobo: it's hilarious
adam: yeah i guess i forgot who i'm talking too
adam: im sure it's hilarious
adam: in retrospect, you two seem perfect for each other
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
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“… I’m having a baby.”
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“you’re...wait, you’re what?”
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
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“you’re right. as long as you get the story, it shouldn’t matter,” john nodded. he set aside the crossword for now, twiddling his thumbs together and staring at them. “something easier. but i kind of like the old books so…the little prince. the book is this thin,” he showed a small gap between his thumb and forefinger. “but…adam, can i ask you something?”
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adam nodded.  he pretentious people who tried to control how other people were allowed to do things.  they reminded him of his father.  “that’s a good one,” he said, the title catching him a bit off guard.  “it’s french.”  he could almost hear his mothers voice, softly reading the words of the little prince in her native tongue as he fell asleep.  they were memories from long ago.  he tried to ignore it.  he closed his book, folding over the corner of his page and setting it down on the table.  “sure, what’s up?”
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
[ text to: lobo ]
lobo: like i said
lobo: she makes everyone else cry
lobo: makes it easier to win when half the group wants to die
adam: i guess
adam: seems like you're working with the devil though
adam: that will only end well for her
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
[ text to: lobo ]
lobo: no
lobo: she just makes the rest of the group cry during poker
adam: i can't believe you hang out with her voluntarily
adam: is she blackmailing you or something
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
[ text to: lobo ]
lobo: you don't have to tell cierra anything
lobo: she has eyes on the back of her head
adam: god shes so
adam: aggravating
adam: does she ever just
adam: chill the fuck out
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
[ text to: lobo ]
adam: dude
adam: did you, tell people i got a lap dance at your place?
adam: i mean...i did but...now my ex knows
adam: so thats cool
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ofxbeasts-blog · 5 years
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   after hearing his question, it was like she froze. sure, she had a lot that she needed to get out and into the open, but it was like her mind had blanked. where she should she even start with all of this? isabelle didn’t want to be so blunt and to the point, mostly because she could already tell how awkward adam was becoming. she couldn’t blame him of course, she showed up at his house uninvited, it was quite rude of her. however she needed to know where they stood.
   were they just friends? or not at all? could there be something there between them and he’s afraid? or was she just that silly hopeless romantic?
   whatever it was, she needed to know for sure. had she not meant anything to him at all? if that’s the case, she sure did need a lot of time preparing herself for those words. maybe that’s why she froze. she’s procrastinating. not yet ready to hear, “isabelle, i don’t care for you like you do me.” even just playing that in her head it stung.
   “i-” her sentence stopped before it could continue, chewing on her bottom lip, a bad habit she had when she got nervous. her heart was pounding against her chest as her eyes landed on him. “how was it so easy for you to just leave me in the dust like that?”
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he stared at her, stunned and stuck in place.  her words rang in his ears.  “easy?” he repeated, as if the word was utterly disgusting.  his voice was breathy and weak, he could barely make eye contact with her.  his fists bundled and all he wanted to do was scream that pushing her away was one of the hardest fucking things he’d ever done.  but he didn’t.  he just clenched his jaw and said, “nothing about the past six months have been easy.”
adam didn’t understand why she had come here.  why had she stormed over - to ask him this?  wasn’t she glad that the snarly hairy guy had finally left her alone?  could he have really meant anything to her?  surly no one cared all that much about him.  he’d lasted this long tucked away in the shadows without anyone wondering where he’d been.  and now suddenly this bright beautiful girl comes marching in demanding to know how he could do such a thing - he just didn’t understand it.
“i mean hell i just, i dunno i just-” he lifted his hand up in the air as his worlds trailed off.  he ruffled the back of his long messy hair.  it was terribly unkept.  minnie would be so ashamed. “i just got busy,” he lied.  “it was easier to just...stay around the house.  i don’t know.  what does it even matter anyway?”
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