ofxdarkness · 4 years
Location: HTN Event: Nightkeeper’s Winters Ball @calamitousstarters​
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Malcolm had absolutely no idea how he was going to get werewolf teeth, but he hoped that freeing Jack from the Davenport Manor basement at least had the older vampire owing him. Perhaps he could somehow get the mans help without having to tell him what he needed; especially with him in ripper mode. He was on edge, that much was clear. Jessie’s life was in his hands and he couldn’t fuck with that. When he felt someone touch him, he jumped out of his skin, instantly getting defensive as he prepared to cause a scene if necessary. “Shit, man. Don’t do that. I could’ve killed you.” 
serena put her hands up, acting a bit more shaken up than she was in reality. “sorry...didn’t mean to do so.” she then took a step towards him, acting a bit more strangely than usual. “so, um...are you having fun, mal? do you...maybe need a bite or two?” serena questioned, taking a deep breath and then closing the distance a bit more. “i think you’re a bit...stressed...maybe you need...some...blood?”
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
Location: HTN Event: Nightkeeper’s Winter Ball @calamitousstarters​
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“Listen, there’s no way I’m coming to any event in this fucking town with no weapons, so how about you stop staring, yeah?” Admittedly, she was armed far more than usual, them barely hidden under her outfit but still; it was to be expected from the wrathbearer. “Unless you want a knife in you?” Her job was to protect Kazimir, or Lylia would die, so that’s what she would do. If Kazimir got hurt… well, she didn’t like the idea of the punch so perhaps she could tell Lylia and they could figure something out. She’d see. 
seph smirked. “oh, now now, azi...don’t kill the innocent person.” she walked between them, waving for the human to leave. they were probably a curious feeder and azagi always managed to get ALL of the people stare. seph had missed azagi, she had missed her while she was doing her things away. the blonde reached to play with a strand of hair before raising a brow. “let’s have a drink, yeah? these events never end well, so we might as well try to get wasted, sister.”
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
location: HTN || event: nightkeeper’s winters ball || for all @calamitousstarters​
darkness. nothing but darkness was wrapped around persephone. she had left calamity for a while. she had ran away from hades, from her siblings, from everyone and everything. there was no particular reason for it. it was a habit. to run whenever things weren’t going her way, to run whenever hades was there for she felt he was only interested in her if she wasn’t around him, out of FEAR - for herself mostly, as azagi and bex fell victims to that crazy warlock. but there she was, unable to stay away from the city and from the people (maybe) and from HIM - she could never stay away from hades for too long. 
she glanced one last time at her invitation letter before setting it on fire and getting out of her car, making her way to the ball. once inside, she glanced around...10 minutes...20 minutes - no sight of HER. she knew how she looked and who she was, but she wasn’t there and she needed to find her. as persephone was making her way through people - of course, giving light touches here and there to evoke lust around them. she could still have her fun, right? she bumped into someone, as their glass met the floor and there was a splash all over. “oh, baby...be more careful.” persephone purred, even if it was her fault.
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
open to everyone near the dance floor.
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the thing about attending events such as these— they were the perfect place to revel in sin. really, most of the clubs around here offered that. a line isabella tried desperately to dance along— wanted it far too much to stay away from but her fear of what it would do to her still held greater.
even with all of that… bella found herself on the outskirts of the dance floor. body swaying to the rhythm of the beat, third champagne in hand. she didn’t drink often, but the liquid courage was something she’d need tonight. regardless of what decision she found herself making. condemn someone else to the same hell she put herself in or condemn herself again to whatever torture was mixed into the concoction that kept drawing her attention. yes, the third glass of liquid courage she found herself downing was very needed. or at least, she convinced herself so.
“ i might be convinced that there’s a little more then alcohol in those glasses. ’ her voice was soft, drowned out by the soft fit of laughter as her fingers pinched together in symbolization of just how little. isabella’s attention turned to the person beside her as she slipped the empty flute back onto the tray that passed her by.
seph saw her. she could smell her...a familliar scent to the one of a demon but not familliar enough to categorize her as one. and then she had that scent, that one scent that the succubus DESPISED. pure. angellic. divine. disgusting. but it didn’t make want her less. the blonde left her glass on the bar, making her way to the dance flour as her body also started moving in perfect sync and rhythm with the song. persephone smirked when the other spoke, tapping her nose with her index finger...oh, she could feel the sin oozing off of her. lust. tons of it. it was intoxicating. “maybe there is? who knows?” she bit the bottom of her lip, closing the distance between them, swinging her hips. “who cares? let’s haved some fun...i’m seph.”
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
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Carly was walking around the ball in one of her best dresses she even had a tiny tiara on she thought it looked nice, she found the bar and ordered a glass of wine beginning to immediatly down it . the blonde felt someone come up next to her .” oops sorry” she set the glass down onto the countertop “ hello i’m Carly “ she said turning to the person beside her .”pretty messed up event if you ask me” she shrugged “can i get you a drink?” 
finally. after all of her searching, she found her. her task. her FATE. the demon chuckled lightly at the thought before approaching the other blonde. the succubus sat down next to the wolf and smirked once she noticed her. “nothing to be sorry about, cupcake. i’m seph...and you can totally buy me a drink because i honestly think the same. have you seen the punchbowl? looks and smells...like death. disgusting.” seph smiled. “we can stay here all night and get drunk? you in?”
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
location: HTN || event: nightkeeper’s winters ball || for all (mainly vampires) @calamitousstarters​
as she was talking to one of the other feeders, serena couldn’t help but laugh. a dark chuckle, yet almost weightless echoed around them. the sound of her laughter in a rather contrast with her overall aesthetic. so girly, so soft, so honey-like. it was almost a pleasure itself to be heard by others, yet the brunette rarely found occasions to genuinely laugh. the other was just so...so pure. naive. innocent. it almost made serena throw up. but she knew they were in for a ride and she was going to enjoy the city of calamity dig its claws into that person’s soul. she was enjoying her night but she knew what she had to do, even if she was trying SO hard during her life as a feeder to not do that. to NOT offer herself on a silver platter. serena was walking around with a drink in hand as she close the distance between herself and a person that seemed bored. hungry. and she HAD to be bitten, to make others drink from her - it was her fate after all. “aren’t you having fun?” she questioned before sliding her fingers down her neck, pushing her hair over her shoulder. “maybe you could use a bite?” serena continued, downing her drink as red lips stretched into a slight smirk.
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
if u call me baby in that soft voice i’ll do whatever u want me to do
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
Zane was not one to tread lightly anywhere. Sure, he was careless – reckless even – but that didn’t mean he had his guard down. He could have fun without anyone knowing his inner most secrets, or even without people knowing what he was. It was fun that way, letting other species thinking that they can take advantage of him and seduce him. It was highly amusing, something he enjoyed watching. And as he walked through hypnos, he could see that the woman walking towards him wanted to exactly that.
He licked his lips, playing along with her as she placed herself close to him. Close enough where he could smell her sweet scent. “Hm, do you call everyone baby, or am I special?” Zane cocked his head to the side as he stared down at her. He lifted a hand, trailing his fingertips through her light hair. He could feel her exuding lust, snaking it around him, trying to pull him in. Little did she know that he knew exactly what she was doing. He had fallen because of lust. He could play the same game as her. 
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“Isn’t one always lost, in some way, in the State of Calamity?” 
“oh...you’re special.” the succubus purred, as the thick scent of sin found its way around them. it was everywhere and it was intoxicating. exactly how persephone liked it. but as the blonde tried a bit harder to play he tricks around him, she couldn’t help but notice he wasn’t exactly giving in. the second his fingers went through her hair, seph reached out, sliding her own digits against his arm. no soul. there was no soul. she could feel the lack of it, she could feel the emptiness inside the man before her. quite disappointing. while she could still very much enjoy her sexual activities, it was just missing something when a soul wasn’t involved - she would be left famished. she leant closer, nevertheless, thinking of possible ways to lure him in ... to get him to play her game.
“isn’t what everyone craves here at calamity? to remain lost?” her other hand cupped his face, fingers gently tapping against his cheek, as she allowed her thumb to trail his bottom lip. “what are you doing in my club?” persephone questioned, batting her lashes before allowing her lips to ghost over his. “you smell like a demon but you’re not. what are you, baby?”
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
“Sepphie…..” Rosa mumbled and nodded quietly. The feeder knew she was hardly in any position to fight or deny her help but still, something inside her told her to be careful. But, another part, was just too attracted to Sepphie to do such thing. “T-thanks for the jacket. I’ll give it back…washed if you’d like. Just, well, not now.” She apologized quietly and looked down at the jacket, already feeling it give an extra layer of warmth. She then bit her lip and glanced at the door of Bite Club and back up at the blonde. “Uh…I can’t exactly leave. But, I am going back inside-soon.” So much for air, she thought. “I’m sure your friend is waiting for you….”
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seph reached out, fingers gently touching the other’s arm. evoking lust around the girl, sure that the sin was wrapping around her like a blanket by now “you didn’t tell me your name, sweetheart. tell me your name, yeah?” she suggested, pretty ice-blue hues boring into hers. she was going to tell her whatever persephone wanted to know. the power of lust had always been BIGGER than the power of wrath or any of the other sins. or at least seph believed so. “no need to wash it, you can keep it. my friend can wait and you can tell me what you need. i am always sad to see humans treated like that...i try to help you, guys, as much as possible...but...but it’s hard.” fake sadness, her angelic-like features soft under the moonlight. “hey, look at me...you can trust me. i won’t hurt you.” persephone purred, touching her arm again, evoking even more of the sin, sending it like electricity through every fibre of the girl’s body.
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
Seph: "What If" someone killed Hades?
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“that’s...that’s not gonna...no, no...cupcake, that’s not gonna happen. hades cannot die, i cannot...no...not possible.” @pxrfxtstorm
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
Serena: "What If" you were turned into a vampire? Would like really be better?
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“if i was turned into a vampire, i’d make goddamn sure i make my maker proud. i’d no longer be weak or have people telling me if i’m a victim or not. everything would clearly be ten times better.”
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
Send me an incorrect quote that muse probably has/will say.
The mun, muse, or both, will react accordingly
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