ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
okay, can you guys look at my new theme right here and tell me what you think ? i created the popup for the muses myself, which i’m pretty heckin proud of. anyway. yes. pls tell me it looks okay so i can move on to narrowing down my muses when i wake up in five hours. 
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
okay, can you guys look at my new theme right here and tell me what you think ? i created the popup for the muses myself, which i’m pretty heckin proud of. anyway. yes. pls tell me it looks okay so i can move on to narrowing down my muses when i wake up in five hours. 
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
can you guys take a second and complete this poll for me ? thx. 
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
i’ve got 40 progress notes total to do for work. i’m splitting them between today and tomorrow. i’ve done 12 today. 8 more today and then i can re-do my theme and work on replies. 
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
This has been on my mind for long but I’m gonna do this - please reblog this if you’re comfortable with pre-establishing relationships. I do not mean “met at the grocery store two weeks ago” or “have a common friend”, but rather stuff like “have been best friends since kindergrden”, “go for a beer every friday”, “friends with benefits”, “dated in highschool”, “hate each other’s guts because -insert reason-”  etc. Something meaningful (but not necessarily shippy) and I mean with muns/characters you have not interacted with, because I cannot believe I am the only one who prefers jumping right into the heart of the human interaction
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
can you guys take a second and complete this poll for me ? thx. 
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
hello ! i’m home, rested and ready to boogie. i’m taking my mom to the er because her liver enzymes are out of wack and she can’t get into her pcp, but i’ll be back and on to do drafts afterward. i’m also thinking about removing some of my muses and just adding alt fcs to the ones i keep. but we’ll see. 
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
ok but give me a plot where muse a is a big bad mob leader or gang leader or drug dealer or smthn like that and muse b is their significant other who wouldn’t even know how to hurt a fly and muse b is also the only person who can calm muse a down when they’re in a rage also muse a has to teach muse b how to defend themselves in case something were to ever happen to them
BONUS: what if muse a takes muse b out to dinner or smthn one night and someone tries to hurt muse b in order to hurt muse a and muse a ends up shooting someone and it’s the first time that muse b has seen that happen
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
My kinds of ships are the ships where the men know their women are powerful forces of nature and that they could fuck up entire armies in a matter of seconds and THEY EMBRACE IT AND TAKE PRIDE IN IT???! “Oh… It’s not me you should be worried about… It’s my WIFE.“ *smirks* YAAASSSSSSSSSS GIVE ME MORE.
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
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a violent separation (2019)
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
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Florence Pugh in Fighting With My Family (2019)
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
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Henry Cavill as August Walker in Mission Impossible: Fallout (2018)
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
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Before his world was turned upside down it wasn’t uncommon for Kingston to still go out, of course his security detail wouldn’t quite allow it so it usually meant alot of sneaking out. He had gotten quite good at getting away from people when they were trying to keep track of him, much to the anger of his parents. When he was just the second son they would complain about it but they never truly did much about it, but now when he snuck out of the palace to get a beer at his favorite pub it was if the world was going to end. Their minds jumping to what would happen if he died—-and what the legacy of the family would be if it happened. It seemed like to his parents that’s all the monarchy was—legacy. Rarely did he hear them talk of service or of helping the people, it was just all about being a legacy that would be in the history books. It was like they saw it all as a thing that earned points, if you did community service you got a point. If you were impulsive you lost a point. And a proper monarch would have alot of points—-so that in hundreds of years people would speak highly of them. No one ever mentioned the great Kings and how they would get drunk—-or the little mistakes they made or the normal vices they had. It was only the major mistakes people cared about and whether or not they did enough good to make it okay.
To Kingston if you were always keeping score you weren’t doing things right, he didn’t want it to just be a game. It wasn’t how he lived his life and it was part of why the idea of marrying a woman he didn’t choose himself was not something that came naturally. Many kings had women on the side of their marriage, a king having children outside of their marriage wasn’t even that uncommon even if it was taboo. Kingston didn’t think any system should operate that way, if the norm for a King was to have mistresses he saw it as a problem with the system. He knew that when he married the princess it would be difficult for him to be faithful to her, because the chances of her having the same sexual desires as he did was extremely unlikely. So instead the marriage would result in an arrangement where they slept together in order to get her pregnant and to give him heirs—but for the rest of the time he would go to a mistress. That wasn’t the life he wanted. He wanted to be with someone who could give him his desires.
His eyes widened and a laugh followed “You just called the future king an asshole—I think i could have you arrested for that—or at least in the middle ages they probably did” his voice finding such entertainment in the fact she was able to be normal around him despite his position. “You’re right—your title is far more appropriate and marketable. We’ll see—-I know she’ll sell it. Or she will blackmail me but I won’t give her a dime, I refuse to do that” though it was unlikely his refusal would matter, the palace would make it disappear without even telling him. “I’m afraid i don’t travel with dick shaped things in my pants—so anything you saw was all me” he moved his hand to his pocket and pulled out his phone. “Depends what i’m seeing. And what you want to see—-” he unlocked his phone and began to scroll through photos, eventually stopping and showing her his phone. On the screen wasn’t a nude—but instead him shirtless wearing just a pair of boxer briefs with a fully erect cock at least 9 inches. “If you tell me—-what it is you want to see—you can drag your finger one photo to the right and see. But then I want to see what you’re hiding”.
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       PERHAPS ONE OF THE REASONS harlowe was struggling to wrap her mind around her best friend’s quickly-approaching nuptials was that she herself couldn’t possibly imagine currently being married. not because she didn’t want to get married. hopefully one day she’d stroll down the aisle, binding herself both legally and spiritually to another. however, that wouldn’t happen until she’d found someone whom she felt deeply compelled to do so with. so far ? no one had evoked that kind of loyalty from her. it didn’t come from a lack of trying. the female had been in relationships ranging from epically disastrous to pleasantly bland, and spanning from a one-night-stand to a three-year commitment. yet none had lit a spark within her. maybe her concept of what a relationship should feel like was warped; too influenced by the overdramatic poets of old and their expounding’s on a feeling that mere words simply can’t do justice. but then, what was the point ? why would she make such a huge commitment of both mind, body and soul for anything less than indescribable ? no, she would not settle for less. because harlowe understood her worth and took pride in her own autonomy. she didn’t need someone to complete her; she was already complete. what she needed was someone to add to her. to enhance her. like a fine wine with a gourmet meal: both great on their own, but extraordinary together. of course, that didn’t mean she couldn’t keep her bed warm. actually, she did so quite often. the key was having a good understanding of the distinction between love and sex.
        ❝ hmm. i don’t know about arrested. you could probably have me killed, though. i feel like you brits have a pretty long track record of… ❞ she dragged her thumb across her throat, a typical gesture to indicate murder. ❝ … taking care of people you don’t like. ❞ her words were light and teasing, accompanied by a smile. because of her position as best friend to a princess, harlowe spent a lot of time in the background. and while in the background, she’d done quite a bit of people watching. it made her fairly skilled at reading people, which is why she was willing to take such a risk in this conversation. would she mention to kingston’s father that their family were frequently linked to the freak accidents or sudden deaths of their adversaries ? of course not. but something about the prince’s demeanor and attitude made her confident that he wouldn’t be too offended. then again, harlowe was used to taking risks that often weren’t accompanied by the appropriate consequences. being the best friend of a princess tended to get you out of many a sticky situation. perhaps she needed to work on her attitude, now that she was a visitor in someone else’s home. someone else’s country. though it wasn’t exactly a high priority for her. so far, the female’s instincts hadn’t led her astray. and hopefully, she was right about kingston.
        ❝ well, if it does show up in a magazine, i expect you to sign my copy. and i will buy a copy. hell, i’ll be first in line at the store to buy a copy. ❞ well. maybe not. kingston’s nudes leaking would probably be a difficult time for arablla, and would not be made any easier by her best friend being spotted picking up a copy. but the sentiment still remained. a mischievous, knowing smirk lit up the redhead’s features as she nodded approvingly. so, he was endowed. interesting. ❝ duly noted, ❞ harlowe simpered, looking all the world like a cat who’d just caught a mouse and planned to play with it for a while. and then the tables were turned. she was momentarily thrown off, sensing that their playful banter was starting to transform into something else. something that was starting to cause warmth to spread through her body in a very delicious way. placing her finger on his phone directly over his boxer-clad length, the female met kingston’s gaze straight on. ❝ this. i want to see this. ❞ harlowe paused, instinctually knowing it wouldn’t be enough. ❝ i want to see your cock. ❞ the words were passed her lips before she’d really thought them though, and they could never be retracted. so, the redhead refused to worry too much about saying them. instead, she started to drag her finger to the right, stopping herself before fully swiping to the next photo. ❝ can i… ?❞  harlowe didn’t know why she felt the need to ask, but it felt right to do so.
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ofyearnings-archive · 5 years
negative soulmate aus for all you angsts. aka when being together with your soulmate, or having one at all, comes with a cost
only a soulmate can see your scars
you can’t touch your soulmate. you can try, but you physically can not bring any part of yourself closer than an inch away from them. you can be close, but never quite there.
once you’ve met your soulmate, your timer gets a new number it’s counting down to. this is the last time you’ll ever see your soulmate. only you can see your own number.
bonus: you just asked your soulmate for their number, and you realise your numbers don’t match
you have a timer that shows you for how long you have to live. this number changes and mostly estimates based on conscious or unconscious decisions a few minutes after making the decision: driving to visit your grandparents might make the number go to just hours but deciding on the road that no, you have enough fuel to not stop at the gas station you usually stop by makes it go to thirty years. you can’t see the number when you are within 10 metres of your soulmate, so your future is always unknown when you’re with them—and so is theirs.
once you’ve touched your soulmate for the first time, something as small as a poke or a brush of finger is enough to make you feel warm and happy and energised. the negative side effect? you need to be touched by them because being without even a small touch for long enough can and will kill you.
every time you tell a lie, your soulmate gets a painful tally mark scar on their body
you are immortal until the moment you meet your soulmate
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