ogrewatchleague · 3 years
the last guy's blood didn't splatter across my face and shirt sexily or aesthetically enough so i have to kill again. sorry.
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ogrewatchleague · 3 years
touching grass is not enough i need to be shot
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ogrewatchleague · 3 years
Why is it that bullies can always tell you’re lgbt or like neuroatypical way before you can 😭
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ogrewatchleague · 4 years
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ogrewatchleague · 5 years
I feel like there’s a pit under youtube headquarters that youtubers to be spawn out of and then the staff there assigns them millions of followers because literally every time I hear a news story about some fucked up thing a YouTuber did its someone that me nor anyone in any of my social circles has ever heard of before
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ogrewatchleague · 5 years
this is your quarterly reminder that no esportsmen are trustworthy, none of them, not even your favourite esportsman; so remember: even as you and i and we support The Gamer Dudes you keep a part of your heart guarded and prepped for inevitable betrayal and disappointment because we all know what gaming is like and what young people in the spotlight with money and fame in a culture of gaming are capable of
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ogrewatchleague · 5 years
insert your card into the chip reader. put it in. hurry up. just fucking put the card in the chip reader. now leave it. leave it. do not even look at it. leave it alone you asshole leave your card in the chip reader. keep it in. if you take it I swear I wi–
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ogrewatchleague · 5 years
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you make everything all right~
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ogrewatchleague · 5 years
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ogrewatchleague · 5 years
I am so sick of college bro every day there is more assignmence -_-
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ogrewatchleague · 5 years
Ah Grand Finals and Looking a Bunch of People in the Eyes Who Called me a Slut/Whore/Accused me of things i didn’t do to fit their image of me/Balding/Any and All Insults... how exciting!
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ogrewatchleague · 5 years
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hi kristen, can you explain these to me? because the reba (she’s not racist, but nice bodyshaming!) one is a lie, the raegan one is plain invasive and unnecessary and the cleo one was inappropriate and gross. you claim that sinatraa is toxic but you are extremely toxic especially towards the women in our community. you should be ashamed of yourself, acting like this at 27. go get a job.
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ogrewatchleague · 5 years
“When a person tells you you hurt them, you don’t get to decide you didn’t.”
— Louis C.K.
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ogrewatchleague · 5 years
also don’t think i forgot that you made a joke about me being underage when i first went public about my relationship. i remember :)
Just how toxic is sinatraa?
There was a lot of gameplay last season where he was leaving games “for the lulz,”
he was screaming into his mic to the point of equipment failure which is considered very rude
he has made jokes about the whole “only girls can play mercy” bullshit
he t-bags
when he was in owwc he placed the blame on all of his US teammates because he could do no wrong apparently
there’s the whole fuckery with the instagram and if he should have been suspended for it because he was liking “suggestive” photos of women in “suggestive” lines of work and it made his public IG activity
he makes fun of people on his teams who fill (because he can’t) on stream
hes made autism jokes in the past
he talked shit to saebyeolbe and then ssb fucking domed him in owwc but sinatraa couldn’t be a man and admit that ssb was the better player
there was drama with cocco where sinatraa said cocco was “the worst player in owl”
the drama from last year’s owwc where sinatraa t-bagged mikeya and mikey went to twitter about it and the only comeback sinatraa could come up is “lol you’re not in owl” because Mikey won the argument and mikey’s team (gb) ended up kicking the us out
shock asked sinatraa to take down a birthday tweet because he posted pepe the frog with it AFTER owl had made it clear the players and the talent had to wipe all pepe shit from their accounts
he and xqc beefed (it was some bullshit about the mvp trophy xqc won iirc) it was a mess, especially when xqc was the adult in this instance
sinatraa has asked his teammates before to all add cocco to their avoid list because he felt that cocco was “the worst player in owl”
for a while last season he would duo with sbb and because sbb destroyed him in owwc, he couldn’t use his “im better than you shut up” stuff he does to everyone else, so sbb would troll him and more than once, sina would be salty af by the end of their stream shit because he got humbled
he’s reported people for one-tricking, yet makes fun of people who try to fill his teams
he’s linked porn accounts from ig to his public, professional, twitter more than once
has been known multiple times for going on his smurf and playing picks like Bastion or will throw games if someone that he doesn’t like is in his team. (Jake does this a lot too btw) In one vid from a couple years ago he was doing this and said he was “carrying” his team. This was right before Season 1 started because he was duoing with dhak
he threw a match because he had a one trick torb. He said “if you play a defense hero on attack so can I”
he’s leaked comms back when he was in contenders
there was the infamous ex blizzard arena staff ama bullshit where they said that sinatraa and babybay were the rudest players to the staff who were “just trying to do their jobs” - this caused the ama to be deleted from the compow reddit
harbleu was set to be signed for sf and because sina (and danteh who was on sf at the time) thinks he’s trash, they took the offer back
at last year’s owwc, he and some of the other team us dudes were beefin with Manneten because they said he was trash or something idk which is ironic because us couldn’t even make it through the first fucking match
I mean you could make the case that “oh he’s young, he doesn’t know any better,” but like you’re expected to behave and act professionally either on stage or on stream because you are a representative of your team and of the league. All of this makes SF, and in association the league too, look shitty.
When people say that xQc is less toxic than you, you’re probably a real piece of shit.
When you beef with xQc and xQc looks like the mature one, you’re probably a real piece of shit.
Sinatraa is why I do not support SF anymore also, so there’s that. Also thanks anon for reminding me that I still had my anon on. I was going to link more stuff like the cocco drama, but he’s deleted vods and stuff, so it’s hard.
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ogrewatchleague · 5 years
he says its bc the title is bigger than his username and he wants to be sure that people :) know :) its him :) 
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sinatraa !
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ogrewatchleague · 5 years
i’m gonna ask him today why the fuck he does this i will get back to you all
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sinatraa !
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ogrewatchleague · 5 years
Don’t be afraid to destroy men’s lives over crimes they chose to commit.
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