oguild · 3 years
Facilitation skills for Project Leaders
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How Facilitation helps the project team 
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oguild · 3 years
Demystifying Coaching with a Live Demo
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Dave has around thirty-five years of delivery management experience, and now he has a passion for coaching delivery professionals. In his last conversation (hyperlink: Interview with David Cozzens, Go To Executive Coach for Delivery Professionals) with us, he elaborated on his coaching approach. In this live coaching session, we will see his coaching approach in action.
Vandita is an enthusiastic member of the oguild community. If you are visiting the community, you may already know about her curios and learning mindset. She is volunteering to get coached in this session.
This session is facilitated by our regular facilitator Saket Bansal.
Structure of the Session
Introduction and some clarification on Coaching: 10 mins
David and Vandita doing Coaching: 40 mins
Reflection and Q&As: 10 mins
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oguild · 3 years
ONLY a few hours left! "Principle-Based Approach to Project Management" A 1.5-hour workshop with Saket is more than $100. And get 1.5 PDU with Scrum Alliance SEUs 1.5.
Click here to register: https://bit.ly/39luczz.
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Check out our blogs: https://www.oguild.com/blogs/Agile
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oguild · 3 years
Scrum Master Interview Questions
The role of Scrum Master in the IT industry is often hard to understand. There is also a lack of clarity in the responsibilities and set of tasks that a Scrum master must perform. Below is an excerpt from an interaction where Saket talks to one of the Scrum professionals and clears few core concepts regarding the role of Scrum masters and how the Scrum masters should present themselves during an interview.
Scrum Professional: I got through many interviews lately, and there are some of the critical questions asked to every person applying for this role. Since facilitation is considered the crucial role of Scrum master, people are willing to know: What is your daily routine? Now, most of the time as a scrum master goes in communicating with the team, reviewing various dashboards, attending ceremonies, etc. What do you suggest can be the best way of answering such a question?
Saket: That sounds interesting. What do you think the interviewers might be trying to find by asking such a question?
Scrum Professional: I think there can be two reasons for asking such a question:
• The interviewers might want to know: How, as a Scrum master, we fill our eight hours of work at the job. What is our contribution in these eight hours?
• Second, the interviewers might want to test the waters of Scum master. They might be interested in knowing whether the person is just operational and only resolves the issues posted to him, or he is a proactive person and takes self-initiatives in a forward-going manner. It may be a second perspective to it.
Saket: Perfect! So, I think the first point you mentioned automatically gets taken care of if we focus on the second one. My understanding is more aligned with your second point. See, the title and designations are organization-specific. So when somebody tells me that I am working as a Scrum master, I get about 30-40% of clarity of what this guy might be doing at his job. Only when I get a view of his daily routine will I come to know about all his roles and responsibilities. The interviewer is trying to extract what you do to facilitate your team to become an effective team. How do you make them high-performing? How are you helping them grow and deliver something that they are supposed to provide? Also, a critical perspective here is that the interviewer is indirectly trying to find out your efficiency in managing the team. The kind of activities that you perform as a Scrum master also reveals the health of your team. For example, if you say I remind my team of filling their JIRA activities, it tells a lot about your team. To me, it is an indicator that the team is at an elementary level. They have not yet crossed the first boundary, and they are still struggling with the basics of Scrum. They are still struggling in communication and collaboration, and you, as a Scrum Master, are working on a very superficial level to manage the basics of Scrum get done. Another example: If you say there are many conflicts in the team and resolve them regularly, it shows what might be happening in your group. Again, to me, it shows that there is a lack of transparency. The team is struggling in communication, and you, as a Scrum Master, are working as a bridge between various members to help resolve the issue and get the delivery done. Take another instance; if you say I keep myself busy discussing with the Product owner, it might pass on an impression that the team is talking less to the product owner. You, as a Scrum Master, are not responsible for discussing requirements alone. It is the responsibility of your team. So it again put a question on your role, efficiency, and above all on your understanding of the SCRUM.
Scrum Professional: Ok. I think I get it now! The interviewer is trying to get the perspective about the team to understand my role in a better way. So what do you suggest? How should we frame our answer to this question?
Saket: While it is essential to talk about your role in the scrum ceremonies and daily routine activities, I suggest emphasizing forward-looking things. As you mentioned earlier, the interviewer might be interested in the kind of self-initiated activities that you might be taking up apart from the bookish definition of a Scrum master. You can try to reflect more on the team development and product development activities. For example, You conduct a one-to-one discussion with each team member in every iteration. The purpose of such a discussion is to understand the clarity that every person has at any moment.
Another thing that you can reflect upon is the discussion that you have with the product owner, not regarding the current sprint tasks or upcoming requirements but as a holistic approach to design and shape the product in a better position than it currently is. So, a forward-looking approach is a way to present yourself in answer to such a question. Another important thing while answering such a question, your response should reflect on your aspirations and the kind of work that you want to do in the future, even if you are not performing those tasks entirely in your current position. The job should meet your aspirations if you are going to perform well.
Scrum Professional: Great insights. That was detailed and made perfect sense. The next question that I have is around the client expectations. In a country like India, where most industries are service-based, the client is regularly pushing for deadlines. Sometimes, the scope is changed even after the sprint planning. So, the question, "how do you manage the client expectations in such cases" is asked?
Saket: We need to balance our answer so that we do not look too idealistic as well as it does not look that we will just get carried away in the situation and unable to take care of our team. We need to find a balancing act. We all face such problems many times when there is a conflict between the client's expectations and the project timelines. In my understanding, two key points can help:
• Empathy
• Transparency
You relate to the person, make him understand the pain of the other person. It is more about you empathizing with the customer, product owner and making the product owner empathize with you and your team. It would help if you created a sense that only by empathizing with each other can we achieve something. You need to make the client understand that pushing will not alone bring the results. It is creative work to think, design, code, test, and execute many other processes. Quality is also an important aspect. You cannot just afford the delivery at the cost of quality. A healthy environment for the team is also essential. A healthy environment is a must for delivering a healthy product. Once you have empathized with your client about these things, things get easier to tackle. Secondly, transparency is of paramount importance. It would help if you were transparent with the client regarding all your processes and challenges. Clarity brings mutual trust, and that is the key to a long and healthy customer relationship. Make things transparent and have confidence because, without these, two shows cannot run.
Scrum Professional: I agree with you. I recently faced a similar situation where negotiations and teams indeed came up with the best possible solution. I have also seen examples where the team recommends the items those need to be picked from the backlog, which can be delivered effectively based on the team's current situation.
Saket: Yeah, that is a perfect example. We can always share insights into internal development with the product owner or client. It will increase the team's confidence and reduce any conflicts with the customer's expectations.
Scrum Professional: Right. So that is that. Another point that I want to discuss is regarding the Job description of a Scrum master. I have worked as a Scrum Master in 3 different domains, and I found that I could manage each one of them well. However, most of the time, the Job description is so domain-specific that it becomes to get even shortlisted. Even if you land at an interview, it is hard to convince the interviewer of your capabilities due to cross-domain concerns. What do you think of such a situation?
Saket: I understand that. Often, the organizations can be looking to sort out a specific problem, and therefore the team is framed with particular skill sets in mind and might also want a Scrum master from the same background. However, this problem...
Read the full blog click here "Scrum Master Interview Question"
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oguild · 3 years
Learn ways and train yourself into becoming a LEADER. To a leader, there are different kinds of power "Primary and Positional" How to use these and how to understand all these. Click on the link above to get answers to these questions and comment down below for any query. By: Sridhar Chakravarthi Mulakaluri
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oguild · 3 years
These two roles kind of overlap with each other while the market expectations for those two roles are different. As a scrum master, they expect the person to solve team-level matters, whereas the company would expect an agile coach to solve enterprise problems to connect teams, coach executives. 
Know all about it.
 click on the link above 
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oguild · 3 years
A day in a life video
Know about a day in the life of Scrum Master. Sprint, Escalation, iteration, meetings, and all.
How a scrum master spends their day:  youtu.be/4DLf7jNHFLg See the full webinar video: https://lnkd.in/gHdVztAY
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oguild · 3 years
Advice to Aspiring Agile and Scrum Master
Click here to see the full video. If you want to be a scrum master then you have to be a person who works for the team is for the team.
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oguild · 3 years
Register now for today's event 17 August 2021, in this event, Kazi Hoque will share his journey and experience as a Scrum Master and Team Coach. 
*10+ years experience in banking 
*8 + years experience as Team Agile coach. 
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oguild · 3 years
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Register by clicking on the above to join this event on 17 August 2021, in this event, Kazi Hoque will share his journey and experience as a Scrum Master and Team Coach.
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oguild · 3 years
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https://bit.ly/3CUYc38 Kazi Hoque has overall 10+ years of banking and insurance experience with more than 8+ years as a Team Agile coach, Scrum Master, and Business Analyst with the Mobile app (Android & iOS), Web technology, Front-end applications, and shared services. We will learn from Kazi's experience as Scrum Master and Team Coach. Register with us click on the link above
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oguild · 3 years
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https://bit.ly/3CUYc38 Register with us with a two-step process. In this conversation, we will learn from Kazi's experience as Scrum Master and Team Coach.
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oguild · 3 years
https://bit.ly/3lAXkdD Are you #working from home, want to learn how to earn some extra. Here is your chance to learn from a experienced Stock Trader (not an advisor)  Register yourself with us click on the above link.
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oguild · 3 years
Webinar Stock Market
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Don't hold back here is your chance to learn "CHARTS AND PATTERNS" and learn all the Stock Market's technical aspects.                    
 -> https://bit.ly/3lAXkdD <- 
To continue your learning and mark attend the event click the above link to get all the benefits.
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oguild · 3 years
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Hello, here we offer you free resources that will help you gain more information and knowledge on Agile, Project management.
Resource Number 1: Being Agile With Disciplined Agile
Resource Number 2: Coaching Anti-patterns And Common Smells
Resource Number 3: User Stories
Resource Number 4: Facilitator Guide For Sprint Planning
Resource Number 5: Master Service Agreement
Resource Number 6: Consultancy Services Agreement
Resource Number 7: Enterprise Agreement
Click here to register and download all the resources for free.
-> OGuild <-
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oguild · 3 years
Procurement Management for Project Managers
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Here is a event video for you. Which will help you understand the all about Procurement. How much should a project manager know about procurement, how it will help in enhancing the ability to run a successful projects, who drafts the contracts? 
Want to know about it all click on the link below to see the full video. 
YouTube -> OGuild “ Procurement Management for Project Managers ”
LinkedIn -> OGuild(Open Guild for Learning) “ https://lnkd.in/d_Hgsu6 “
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oguild · 3 years
Project Baseline
Now let's start by understanding what the baseline is so that we may prepare some plans. Maybe it's related to scope.
How can we do a baselining Agile? Want to learn more about Project Baseline. Here is a blog for you Click on the link below to read all about it. -> BLOG  <-
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