oh--well--okay-blog · 8 years
person: *points at leg* why is your leg shaking
me: well my pal my buddy I am full of anxiety
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oh--well--okay-blog · 8 years
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oh--well--okay-blog · 8 years
me looking in the mirror: idk who this bitch is but I’ll do her makeup I guess
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oh--well--okay-blog · 8 years
people who sleep with one pillow make me sick
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oh--well--okay-blog · 8 years
Please take a moment to read this.
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There’s going to be a new “pro-life” anti-abortion law in Poland. And it’s horrible. It’s disgusting, it treats women in a horrible way and there have already been protests. Please read this post about it. Please. What follows is my translation of a Facebook post that now has over 23k shares and which very clearly explains the whole thing. Please spend 5 minutes of your time reading it to know what might happen to your Polish followers or friends.
“A conceived child is a human being in a prenatal state, from the moment the female gamete and male gamete connect” - this is what the project of a new legal act states. So far it has been approved by the episcopate, the prime minister (who is a woman by the way) and the leader of the current ruling political party. (…)
It doesn’t affect only women. Everyone single one of us has a sister, a cousin, a mother, a colleague from work, a neighbour, a teacher, an employer or an employee - and all of these women will be affected by this new law. Women get pregnant. And sooner or later, you or a woman you know, might get pregnant and suffer because of this new law. (…)
The Criminal Code will get a new section: “the prenatal murder”, for which one will get from 3 months up to 5 years of prison. And for this crime, everyone could be convicted: the mother, the doctor, and every person who helped - your friend who brought you emergency contraceptives bought in another country or your friend who let you stay in her house while you were getting an abortion in Czech Republic.
If the crime is involuntary, the punishment is up to 3 years of prison. The judge will be able to refrain from jail punishment. By “involuntary” the law means a miscarriage. A miscarriage in a situation where a woman didn’t actively want to lose the baby, but “by her unwise actions she lead to her child’s death”.
And the consequences?
Keep reading
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oh--well--okay-blog · 9 years
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Finally some good news
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oh--well--okay-blog · 9 years
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oh--well--okay-blog · 9 years
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When you taking a group photo and everybody off guard , but you stay camera ready..
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oh--well--okay-blog · 9 years
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oh--well--okay-blog · 9 years
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‘Grown man throws biggest tantrum world has ever seen’
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oh--well--okay-blog · 9 years
The only reason I want a boyfriend is so that when I’m singing Fergilicious and it’s at the part where she says “I be up in the gym just workin on my fitness he’s my witness” I can point to him and he’ll do the little “wooOOH” part because right now I have to do both parts by myself and it’s stressful because right after the wooOOH part I have to get right back into rapping and the transition is harder than you think 
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oh--well--okay-blog · 9 years
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Need a cheat sheet for wizard finance? We got you
Based on the calculations of an inspired fan, we put together a list of how many galleons you can expect to shell out to peep the next Chudley Cannons game.
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oh--well--okay-blog · 9 years
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oh--well--okay-blog · 9 years
i love cats
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oh--well--okay-blog · 9 years
my cat has been fucking playing me for weeks, playing me like a fucking harp. I feed my cat twice a day with prescribed diet food because she’s really fat and doesn’t know when she’s full so she never stops eating. usually when I come home from class she is all over me like the whore of babylon all over me putting on a pity party and trying to get me to sin and give her more food but no matter what I only feed her the amount of food for her prescribed diet. but after awhile i started noticing that she wasn’t loosing weight at all and was actually just getting fatter. so I called the vet pissed and i’m just like the fuck she’s still getting fat. so I switched her to another diet food and that still didn’t work and I was so confused and frustrated like what is wrong with this cat? so a couple weeks go by and I start noticing that I go through bags of food really fast like a week fast and I remembered how I thought that was so weird like I God honest could not figure out why the food disappeared so fast (my former naive and innocent mind) well y'all ready here’s the fucking climax - the other day my class was canceled and I come downstairs at like noonish and do you know what I see when I get down? I see my fucking cat sitting in the food bin. with my own two eyes I see her sitting in the fucking food bin. my spoiled ass cat has been eating like a fucking queen and living it the fuck up while I’m in class and then pretends like she’s hungry when I get home. and you know what’s the real kicker? when she leaves the lid gets knocked shut which is why i never caught onto her scam. she’s fucking been working the system and playing the food game right under my fucking nose like i want to scream and now I have to call the vet and the morning and explain to him how I, a well educated adult in college, got one-upped in intelligence by my fucking cat
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oh--well--okay-blog · 9 years
I agreed to go see a movie with a dude on tinder. He showed up with a hamster corpse and ate, yes ATE, a baggie of pot like it was candy during the movie. I deleted tinder.
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oh--well--okay-blog · 9 years
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