oh-what-a-witch · 4 years
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The Compass Spread
A perfect spread for finding some guidance, when you are feeling lost.
Central - You right now
East - New beginnings, what's on the horizon.
South - Your Passion, where you should draw your fire from.
West - Your Subconscious. What are you keeping hidden? Where do you need to look inward?
North - Your Wisom, where should you look for guidance and wisdom?
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
Artsy Witch Ideas/Tips
For all of my witches out there that are artists or just love art of any kind, here are some things to consider adding to your craft.
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Use vine or compressed charcoal dust to make black salt
Use sketchbooks as unique grimoires, book of shadows, book of cosmos, dream journals, etc that allow you to use markers, paints, etc to your heart’s desire
Red liquid ink can substitute for blood
Black liquid ink is good for curses especially for blinding, confusion and chaos
Blue liquid ink can represent water or the ocean 
Yellow liquid ink for divination
Green liquid ink for protection and healing spells
Enchant your calligraphy pens for sigil work to strengthen the sigils you make or spells you write with them
Use doodles of people or how you see a person for taglocks in curses and bindings
Melt crayons for wax seals on jars or other spells by placing them in intense sun or heating them in a wax melter (use caution that you don’t heat them too high)
Melt crayons and mix with coconut oil and olive oil for anointing oil corresponding with the colors you use (also can be used as lipstick if desired)*
Use scrapbooking paper in your grimoire to give it unique and artsy pages
Use your paints to make painted spells. Make a sigil and paint it onto your page or canvas, and based on the sigil’s intent once dried paint over it an image that corresponds with that intent to activate. Hang up in your room or home. Cleanse and charge regularly
Glitter my witches, great for color magic and jar spells (note glitter is not good to be tossed into the environment so please don’t)
Write down a person or ‘force’ in your life you wish to remove and use erasers to erase it away as a simple severing spell
Use your dirty paint water for curses or inspiration spells
Use stickers to seal spell jars 
Unable to burn something in your apartment? Drench it in black ink or paint instead
Use mechanical pencil lead in curses by break it up. very effective for writer’s block and creativity block curses
Bead enthusiasts or jewelry makers, use your beads to make spell/enchanted jewelry based on colors, shapes, and letters used in it for correspondences
Make your own ouija boards, crystal grids, pendulum charts, etc on some matte board or foam board using paints to make unique affordable tools
Use chalk dust for warding and protection spells
Buy chalkboard paint to turn a wall or other object into a chalkboard for sigil use, spell writing, organization, etc
Use those plastic reusable paint containers for small portable spell jars
Sharpies and black markers are good for curses in general
Use your color wheels for divination via colormancy
Use modeling clay or pottery clay to make your own offering bowls, statuettes and poppets for a variety of uses
For a quick and easy black mirror simply paint the back glass of a picture frame with black acrylic paint. It may take several layers
Reuse bottles and cans by painting them up to make them witchy containers for your tools, art supplies and other storage purposes
Make drawings, write poetry, write stories, make pottery, make a painting, etc to make as offerings to deities, fae, spirits, etc. Just be sure not to sign it if it is for fae (your name can give them power of you)
Use glue or tape to seal spells, for binding and for strengthening spells
Use whiteout for banishing and invisibility spells
Use henna, temporary tats or body safe paint for fun body sigils
Save pencil shavings for inspiration and creativity spells
Enchant your art supplies to bring you creativity, focus, motivation and inspiration when you use them
Use your paints to paint rocks colors for easy color magic
Turn your name into a sigil to sign your artwork so people will recognize it as yours (or other such desires)
Use used paint sponges to absorb negativity before throwing away
Mix paint or ink with water to make color potions or spell jars
Collect markers, crayons, colored pencils, pens, highlighters, etc to use for colorful written spells, amplify sigils, and to strengthen spells
Illustrate your grimoire, book of shadows, dream journal, etc with images that you feel are important or doodles to add your own extra touch to the spells and information inside. Make it your own
Paint, draw, or design your desires or wishes and charge the art in the moonlight to help welcome those things into your life. Keep the piece of art in your room or home
Use lines from your written poetry, stories, lyrics, etc as spell incantations or lines when writing spells to make them more personal
Use old sketchbooks, idea notebooks, free write journals, etc for bibliomancy 
Try/Practice automatic writing or drawing for divination and spirit communication
Make collages out of posters, drawings, photos, writings, poems, etc on your wall to act as a low key altar
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
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Tarot spread for when dis bitch (me) is empty.
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
reblog if ur the witch friend
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
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Book cover. Curiosities of the sky. 1909.
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
✨Cancer Full Moon Affirmation✨🌕
‘I release all that is no longer in alignment with my highest and greatest good’
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
Types of Witches series: 💤Dream Witches💤
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Dream witches are witches who primarily work with dreams of course. They can receive and send messages through dreams, and sometimes practice lucid dreaming. 
Dream Witch resources:
💤Dream Work Correspondences Masterpost
💤 Lucid Dreaming Masterpost
💤 Dream Oil
💤 Putting Things Under Your Pillow
💤 Restful Sleep & Sweet Dreams Spell Bottle
💤 Dream Witch Tip
💤 Remembering & Recalling Dreams Spell
💤 Bad Dreams Be Gone Bottle Spell
💤 Nightmare Magic
💤 Lucid Dreaming Tips
💤 “Sleep Better And With Nicer Dreams” Sigil
💤 Dream Witch Tip
💤 Peaceful Dreams Jar Spell
💤 “I Will Find Answers In My Dreams” Sigil
💤 Oneiromancy
💤 Dream Witch Tip
💤 Lucid Dreaming Tips
💤 “I Remember My Dreams” Sigil
💤 Dream Key
💤 The Spices Of Sleep Tea
💤 How To Send Dreams
💤 Bedtime Soak
💤 Dream Message Spell
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
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Sigils of Lilith
She was the first wife of Adam, punished for refusing to be submissive and for demanding to be equal to her husband. Her spirit resides within us today, and her story is a constant reminder to stay true to one’s beliefs, even if that means facing rejection. 
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
What to use when in Witchcraft -
Ok so I am gonna say this is my personal reference, its mainly through associations. You might TOTALLY disagree and thats chill!
Its more something to think about and a guideline of what I use myself…
Candle Magic:
Carve a candle when…. the candle represents the target, in sympathetic magic. When, essentially, the candle is a poppet and lighting it is a symbol of destruction or empowerment to the target.
Place something under the candle or before it when… you are doing general candle magic, when the candle represents empowering a wish, idea or concept.
Anoint the candle when… doing work with spirits and gods, when you mark the candle for a special purpose, when doing high magic.
Herbs and plant work:
Use dry herbs when… it is convienent to do so, when the herbs are out of season or when you need to store them in a jar or bottle for a long time.
Use fresh herbs when… the spell is very earth orientated, when doing magic on behalf of another or when the magic is sympathetic so that the herbs represent the target, within kitchen witchery.
Use flowers when… when the spell concerns love and sex, or perhaps fertility and attraction, due to flowers being the reproductive parts of the plant.
Use fruit when when… working with children as a target, or with children practising. When you work with fertility and abundance spells.
Use wood and twigs when… when the spell is for protection or binding, for hardiness.
Burn herbs (recaning/incense) when… you wish to cleanse or banish, or invoke an atmosphere - that being, for divination using herbs that are said to open up your perceptions, when banishing, burning acrid or pungent herbs.
Use oil infusions when… you wish to anoint something, when you wish to mark something permanently.
Use floral waters (rose water etc) when… dealing with spirits and gods, for glamour as it has a long history of being used to beautify.
Use metals (haematite, copper, ores etc..) when… you work in protection, when you do energy work due to the conductive properties of metal.
Use shell, pearl, coral and such when… you work in sea magic, when you work within emotional magic due to the element of water.
Use points when… you wish to direct magic to a target.
Use tumble stones when… you wish the magic to be gentle or manifest at a certain place on the body on a target.
Use geodes when… you work in protection, when you work with glamour aimed to obscure and hide.
Knot magic:
Use cotton when… it is convenient.
Use silk when… doing spells that benefit the target.
Use ribbons when… love spells and wealth spells, as well as confidence and beauty spells. Spells to ensure victory.
Use rope when… doing spells that aim to hurt or weaken the target, binding especially.
Use cloth when… the spell aims to benefit who the poppet represents, use particular care when sewing or cutting, choose colours that are appropriate to them.
Use wax when… you wish to manipulate the target.
Use clay when… wish to create fetches or servitors, when you wish to create permanency.
Use twigs when… you wish to bury or throw the poppet out, when you want the poppet to be easily destroyed by breaking or setting on fire.
Use an alphabet grid or circle when… you wish the sigil to be more random and less attached to you.
Combine the shapes of letters from a sentence… when your sigil is very specific and a short term goal.
Use your own personal symbols when… you want the magic to be connected to you, when it is personal.
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
New Moon in Sagittarius Affirmations
♐ I'm ready to take the leap of faith
♐ I express and release my anger and frustration in a healthy way
♐ I let go of all resistance to change and transformation
♐ I am brave enough to go after my dreams, even if they seem 'impossible'
♐ I keep my faith and trust no matter the situation
♐ I am building solid foundations for the future I want to live in with the thoughts I think and actions I take
♐ I am making my dreams happen
♐ I am ready to step into a new, higher version of myself
♐ I am blessed with good fortune
♐ Attracting abundance is second nature to me
♐ Every area of my life is filled with joy
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
Full Moon in Taurus Affirmations
♉ I clearly communicate my feelings to others
♉ I am making my dreams happen
♉ I open my heart and my hands to the abundance of the Universe
♉ I learn from my past mistakes and I know the perfect way to respond to any situation
♉ I let my creative energies to flow and expand
♉ My mind, body and soul is in perfect alignment
♉ I let myself enjoy the simple things in life
♉ I treat my body like a temple I'd want to be worshipped in
♉ I nurture and take good care of myself
♉ I am now planting the seeds of the future I'd like to live in
♉ I am grounded and present
♉ I am conscious of how I spend my money - I make wise decisions
♉ I am connected to nature
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
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A simple circle casting spell, a great way to create energy and power in spellwork
WITCHY DESIGNS STORE: https://www.redbubble.com/people/lavendulamoon?asc=u
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
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Tarot Card pt. 1: Major Arcana
My favorite form of Divination, reading tarot cards help me guide my spirituality into a healthy direction 🃏✨
WITCHY DESIGNS STORE: https://www.redbubble.com/people/lavendulamoon?asc=u
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
🦉🦉Learn More Here🦉🦉
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
A spell to dream of your soulmate
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You will need:
3 almonds
3 raisins
A square of red cloth big enough to hold the almonds and raisins
A red candle
Milk (or almond milk)
Now, cast your circle and light the candle. Gaze into the flame until you start feeling peaceful and meditative.
Hold the almonds and raisins in your hands, and visualise meeting your soulmate. Focus not on the person, but on the feelings you will feel once you are with them. Will you feel safe and secure? Will you be brimming with excitement? Will you be joyful and full of laughter? Perhaps all of the above.
Hold this feeling in your heart, and chant:
“Spirits of union, angels of love, Bring me a vision this night Allow me to see, within my dream My soulmate, when the time is right So mote it be”
Now place the almonds and raisins in the red cloth and fold the cloth over them. Blow out the candle and close the circle.
Drink the milk with a teaspoon of honey (the milk can be warmed if you wish). Right before you sleep, place the red cloth with the almonds and raisins under your pillow, with the intention of dreaming of your soulmate. He or she will appear to your in your dreams.
Note: If you find it difficult to remember your dreams, you might want to practice dream recall for a week or more before performing this spell. In order to do this, keep a journal beside your bed. As soon as you wake up, lie still and try to recall all your dreams. Write them down as soon as you remember them all. With practice, you will be able to remember more and more.
Sweet dreams witches :)
Follow me for more spells and tips🌚❤️
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oh-what-a-witch · 5 years
A spell to dream of your soulmate
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You will need:
3 almonds
3 raisins
A square of red cloth big enough to hold the almonds and raisins
A red candle
Milk (or almond milk)
Now, cast your circle and light the candle. Gaze into the flame until you start feeling peaceful and meditative.
Hold the almonds and raisins in your hands, and visualise meeting your soulmate. Focus not on the person, but on the feelings you will feel once you are with them. Will you feel safe and secure? Will you be brimming with excitement? Will you be joyful and full of laughter? Perhaps all of the above.
Hold this feeling in your heart, and chant:
“Spirits of union, angels of love, Bring me a vision this night Allow me to see, within my dream My soulmate, when the time is right So mote it be”
Now place the almonds and raisins in the red cloth and fold the cloth over them. Blow out the candle and close the circle.
Drink the milk with a teaspoon of honey (the milk can be warmed if you wish). Right before you sleep, place the red cloth with the almonds and raisins under your pillow, with the intention of dreaming of your soulmate. He or she will appear to your in your dreams.
Note: If you find it difficult to remember your dreams, you might want to practice dream recall for a week or more before performing this spell. In order to do this, keep a journal beside your bed. As soon as you wake up, lie still and try to recall all your dreams. Write them down as soon as you remember them all. With practice, you will be able to remember more and more.
Sweet dreams witches :)
Follow me for more spells and tips🌚❤️
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