ohbabybemine · 11 years
It's been a long time.. Well here is an update! I'm engaged to my best friend of three years and couldn't be happier.. He has been in love with me since sophomore year I just never wanted to ruin our friendship.. Well my only regret is that I didn't give him a shot then. I am moving back down south and we are getting an apartment together. I threw my birth control away the day he came to visit me. So we are just waiting for a blessing to happen. We plan on getting married in june or july
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
Okay let me just start with.. I'm glad I left matt.. Wanna know why? In the beginning of our relationship a girl he dated awhile back came to him claiming her baby was his, I got mad and I left him. He texted me about a week later saying the DNA results said he was not the father.. I took him back.. Well he just posted on facebook saying that he has known for months that he has a 8 MONTH OLD DAUGHTER. How could he keep that secret from me. Anyways I'm seeing a new guy now.. A lot older than me defiantly no plans of right now of babies or any of that, Maybe I should get on birth control before an "oopsie" happens.
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
I'm now 8 days late
Took a pregnancy test at 6 days late it was negative.. No real signs of period random cramping but nothing bad and I've had bloody discharge only in the mornings.. Body what the fuck
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
My period is 5 days late
Had a little spotting two days ago thought it'd pick up never did.. Texted matt telling him I was late.. He's happy. The fuck I'm taking a test in the morning
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
I'm sad to say me and matt are no longer going to be together
It's very complicated and who knows what may happen in the future. I will still continue to blog on here. If I am magically pregnant this cycle we may try to work things out. I really hope all you ladies are blessed with babies soon.
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
I have no idea what in the hell my cycle is up to
Still not sure if I ovulated or not
Not sure when my period is due
Shouldn't have taken provera
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
I've been none stop working
At least I'm a nanny and I get baby cuddles all day
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
Either I missed my surge on the opk's or I didn't ovulate at all. My tracker app says my period is due in 6 days.. But since I took provera I doubt that's right. I just want to get my period and start a fresh new cycle.
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
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ohbabybemine · 11 years
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