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You’re strong, you’re a Kelly Clarkson song, you got this. 
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if u weren’t aware of salvation army’s homophobia, its prety hardcore
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let’s normalize using “they” when you don’t know someone’s pronouns.
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You may as well hire a fucking mannequin if you’re gonna hire scarjo of all ppl
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GLAAD has released the newest edition of Where We Are on TV, its report analyzing LGBTQ representation on television. The report found that while there are more LGBTQ characters on TV than ever before, the majority of them are still white men. 
Some important stats from the report, which looks at broadcast, cable and streaming television programming:
Just 6.4% of regular characters on broadcast primetime TV are LGBTQ.
Bisexuals make up 28% of all LGBTQ characters across platforms. 
This year, there were 17 trans characters across platforms. 
77% of LGBTQ characters were white. 
GLAAD was able to count asexual characters for the first time this year.
Only two characters across all platforms were HIV-positive.
1.8% of regular primetime broadcast characters have a disability. 
How far we’ve come, how far we have to go. Read the full report at GLAAD.
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when will the straights™ understand that literally the only reason there seems to be more queer people nowadays than there were a few decades ago is because it’s relatively safER now to come out than it was in 1970 or 1933. It’s not a “trend” that young people came up with. Why is this a hard concept to grasp? being non-cis and/or non-straight was considered illegal and a mental illness. Coming out or showing any sign of queerness in public caused people to be imprisoned or put in mental institutions. And guess what, the LGBT+ community is STILL not fully accepted or treated decently in the majority of the world.
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So this is a problem. For those that don’t know, this November MA is putting a question up on whether the transgender nondiscrimination law that was passed in 2016 should be repealed.
If this law gets repealed, transgender residents will face discrimination in public places and will have to by law use the restroom based on their assigned sex at birth, not what they identify as.
For those in other states who might be thinking “Oh, this won’t affect me at all!”
It will.
If this law gets repealed, the opponents (the people who approve of the repeal) will try to eliminate transgender protection laws across the United States.
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Keep in mind, this article was at the back of the Pride magazine I picked up at a movie theater. Not many people I’ve talked to seem to know that this is going to happen.
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I don’t care if this doesn’t fit your blog.
Spread this like wildfire.
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I’m watching that documentary “Before Stonewall” about gay history pre-1969, and uncovered something which I think is interesting.
The documentary includes a brief clip of a 1954 televised newscast about the rise of homosexuality. The host of the program interviewed psychologists, a police officer, and one “known homosexual”. The “known homosexual” is 22 years old. He identifies himself as Curtis White, which is a pseudonym; his name is actually Dale Olson.
So I tracked down the newscast. According to what I can find, Dale Olson may have been the first gay man to appear openly on television and defend his sexual orientation. He explains that there’s nothing wrong with him mentally and he’s never been arrested. When asked whether he’d take a cure if it existed, he says no. When asked whether his family knows he’s gay, he says that they didn’t up until tonight, but he guesses they’re going to find out, and he’ll probably be fired from his job as well. So of course the host is like …why are you doing this interview then? and Dale Olson, cool as cucumber pie, says “I think that this way I can be a little useful to someone besides myself.”
1954. 22 years old. Balls of pure titanium.
Despite the pseudonym, Dale’s boss did indeed recognize him from the TV program, and he was promptly fired the next day. He wrote into ONE magazine six months later to reassure readers that he had gotten a new job at a higher salary.
Curious about what became of him, I looked into his life a little further. It turns out that he ultimately became a very successful publicity agent. He promoted the Rocky movies and Superman. Not only that, but get this: Dale represented Rock Hudson, and he was the person who convinced him to disclose that he had AIDS! He wrote the statement Rock read. And as we know, Rock Hudson’s disclosure had a very significant effect on the national conversation about AIDS in the U.S.
It appears that no one has made the connection between Dale Olson the publicity agent instrumental in the AIDS debate and Dale Olson the 22-year-old first openly gay man on TV. So I thought I’d make it. For Pride month, an unsung gay hero.
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if you’ve never been to pride before, this pride season i want to encourage you to give it a chance if you can and not be deterred by whatever scary things you may have heard on the internet. for example, i’m bi and i’ve been to dozens of prides, in big cities and small towns, and have never once had anyone demand to know my identity or suggest that i shouldn’t be there. god knows pride celebrations have their share of problems, but being out in public surrounded by other lgbt people having fun and being themselves is an incredible thing that you deserve to experience for yourself before you decide it’s too good to be true.
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if you were previously homophobic but realize you were wrong: that’s ok, u are learning if you are struggling with internalized misogyny: that’s ok too, keep fighting to overcome the sexism that society perpetuates if you were accidentally trans phobic but are fixing it: great, we need everyone on our side if at any point u were wrong and are trying to fix it: we accept you and we were all there. keep working to be a good person
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Sportscaster Dale Hansen defends student wrestler Mack Beggs and takes a stand against transphobia
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here’s a reminder that trans men are MEN no matter what
mlm trans men are still MEN
feminine presenting trans men are still MEN
trans men who like to wear makeup are still MEN
trans men with higher voices are still MEN
trans men without any sort of surgery are still MEN
trans men not going through HRT are still MEN
trans men who don’t want surgery or HRT are still MEN
closeted trans men are still MEN
trans men who do drag of any kind are still MEN
if a trans man says he is a man, HE IS A MAN, NO MATTER WHAT GENDER NORMS SAY
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queer is a slur, grow up
‘Queer’ was reclaimed as an umbrella term for people identifying as not-heterosexual and/or not-cisgender in the early 1980s, but being queer is more than just being non-straight/non-cis; it’s a political and ideological statement, a label asserting an identity distinct from gay and/or traditional gender identities.People identifying as queer are typically not cis gays or cis lesbians, but bi, pan, ace, trans, nonbinary, intersex, etc.: we’re the silent/ced letters. We’re the marginalised majority within the LGBTQIA+ community, and‘queer’ is our rallying cry.
And that’s equally pissing off and terrifying terfs and cis LGs.
There’s absolutely no historical or sociolinguistic reason why ‘queer’ should be a worse slur than ‘gay.’ Remember how we had all those campaigns to make people stop using ‘gay’ as a synonym for ‘bad’?
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Yet nobody is suggesting we should abolish ‘gay’ as a label. We accept that even though ‘gay’ sometimes is and historically frequently was used in a derogatory manner, mlm individuals have the right to use that word. We have ad campaigns, twitter hashtags, and viral Facebook posts defending ‘gay’ as an identity label and asking people to stop using it as a slur.
Whereas ‘queer’ is treated exactly opposite: a small but vocal group of people within feminist and LGBTQIA+ circles insists that it’s a slur and demands that others to stop using it as a personal, self-chosen identity label.
Because “queer is a slur” was invented by terfs specifically to exclude trans, nonbinary, and intersex people from feminist and non-heterosexual discourse, and was subsequently adopted by cis gays and cis lesbians to exclude bi/pan and ace people.
It’s classic divide-and-conquer tactics: when our umbrella term is redefined as a slur and we’re harassed into silence for using it, we no longer have a word for what we are allowing us to organise for social/political/economic support; we are denied the opportunity to influence or shape the spaces we inhabit; we can’t challenge existing community power structures; we’re erased from our own history.
I’m not kidding. Cis LGs have literally taken historical evidence of queer people’s involvement in the LGBT rights struggle and photoshopped it to erase us:
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Pro tip: when you alter historical evidence to deny a marginalised group empowerment, you’re one of the bad guys.
“Queer is a slur” is used by terfs and cis gays/lesbians to silence the voices of trans/nonbinary/intersex/bi/pan/ace people in society and even within our own communities, to isolate us and shame us for existing.
“Queer is a slur” is saying “I am offended by people who do not conform to traditional gender or sexual identities because they are not sexually available to me or validate my personal identity.”
“Queer is a slur” is defending heteronormativity.
“Queer is a slur” is frankly embarrassing. It’s an admission of ignorance and prejudice. It’s an insidious discriminatory discourse parroted uncritically in support of a divisive us-vs-them mentality targeting the most vulnerable members of the LGBTQIA+ community for lack of courage to confront the white cis straight men who pose an actual danger to us as individuals and as a community.
I’m here, I’m queer, and I’m too old for this shit.
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Reblog if you’re part of a hostile nation that’s declared war on Australia
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1st of June moodboard Happy lgbt month lol!
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