ohdeariedearme · 11 years
What would any of us crazy kids be without our lovely fandom mother? If you don’t know Lost (which is hard, because she is such a fantastically open-book much of the time) then you may only recognize her as that author that makes people cry. A lot. But besides the wonderful writing, of which there is much, there is a large-hearted woman ready to take on the pains of the world. You can talk to her about anything - literally anything - and she will answer the best she can. There are many days I don’t know what I would do without her, and I can’t be the only one that feels this way. I love that she is willing to talk about anything and everything without shame and I adore how she runs to the aid of anyone of her adopted children that needs her for any reason. She is both fierce and maternal, and it’s a full package that I would never do without.
I love that she isn’t afraid of trying new pairings, and that she knows herself well enough to know what won’t work for her. She is the creator of Caden, who is one of my favorite versions of Gold ever. She also is fairly kink-fearless, which leads to adventures like the Nabokov verse with DaddyDom!Gold and many other one shots that will have you fanning yourself. And if you’re look for angst, look no further because Lost is pretty much the queen of it. This woman has made me cry so many times it’s unfair, but I love her for it. She knows exactly how to get people attached to characters and stories and then yank the rug out from under them. Also, she is the mother of Graham Squared and Grahamavoy, which is just gobs of adorable (and pain, but we could have assumed as much).
We would all be lost without you, darling. I’m so clever. Please never go away!
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
The next fandom highlight we focus on is Dreams. I love the fact that she can make almost any pairing work and some of them come the hell out of nowhere. Cora/Ives? Terrifying. Right now she is working on All the World, which is both a hot and fascinating BDSM!AU. Those of you who enjoy Macelle probably know her for What You Wish For, aka DogAvoy, the most adorable woobie to ever exist. And then there is Nickbelle, which is like the horribly angsty polar opposite to her adorable everything else. Also, her preoccupation with turning everything into threesomes amuses me in the best way. Crimbelle (Rum/Archie/Belle) threw me for a loop before taking me on an amazing adventure, and then there was that little glimpse into MacAvoy/Rum/Belle. I’m sure there are plenty more where that came from.
I’m starting to sound a bit like a broken record, but it isn’t just her writing that we adore about her. She is so nice. No matter what mood I’m in, I know I can talk to her and she will make me feel like everything is okay. She is always there for everyone, and not just her friends! She is such a darling to talk to, no matter if it’s your first time conversing with her or you are the best of pals. She is also one of the most open-minded people I know. She has some serious sass too, and knows exactly how to make people die laughing. Seriously. If you aren’t friends with this chick, you are really missing out. Read her stories and talk to her...you won’t regret either decision!
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
Guess who’s back? (Back again! ...stop it, Eminem) I’m almost afraid to write this one because it has the potential to be novelesque in length, so I’ll just try to hit the highlights. Bad-Faery resides near the pinnacle of all that is great in our fandom. I can virtually guarantee that every single person has read at least one of her stories, but more likely somewhere between a large handful and all. It’s damn near impossible not to. It just wasn’t the same without her around and we’re all thrilled to have her back, but I don’t want this to be maudlin so MOVING ON!
One of the many things I adore about BF is that she so seamlessly writes from pairing to pairing, and they are all masterpieces. I know I can’t be the only one that has melted into a puddle while reading And Again for the hundredth time, or fawned over Delicate and Rare the millionth time over. I can't neglect to mention Bright Pieces!verse either, because that would be a crime. Even things that may seem like they can’t possible be legitimate, like circus!Rumbelle, completely take us in and send us flying. (Ha ha, see what I did there?) Not only does she give us fleshed-out stories and characters with in-depth backgrounds and emotions, she gives us dozens upon dozens of ficlets and prompt fills for each verse that allow us to keep experiencing the wonder and love for the characters long after the story is “finished”.
And of course, such a fantastic writer just has to be a wonderful person as well. Though many people are quite intimidated by her, and I was one of them once upon a time, there really is no need. She is the sweetest person to exist and will willingly both take and extend compliments. I love that she takes the time to fill out so many prompts, no matter what they may be, but still knows her verses and characters enough to know what just won’t work and keeps everything completely accurate and in-character. I could go on for ages about this woman, so I should probably stop.
BF, we love you and are so glad to have you back. I wish you the best of luck on publishing Bullets, and can’t wait to buy it when you do. Much love, darling, from all of us.
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
So where does someone start when they’re talking about Ru? Do I start with the sweet (but fierce) personality? The Labyrinth pictures and references? The stories that none of us can get enough of? The hot, hot smut that often goes along with those stories? The fact that she is the author of the Time of Day series that continuously knocks so many of us off our feet? I literally don’t even know.
So let’s expand a bit. Ru is a fandom treasure that we all adore. Her writing is amazing and the kind it isn’t easy to recover from after reading. Journeying into any story written by Ru is like holding your breath and taking a trip underwater: everything is gorgeous and intriguing and then you drown but you often get so pulled in that you just can’t come back. And really, that’s the highest of compliments, because an author that can change her readers with words is a true author indeed. So whether you choose to indulge in her Harmless series, which is anything but don’t believe the lies which is one of the best pre-curse stories I've ever had the pleasure of reading, or traverse through her oneshots, you are in for a treat of the 5 star variety!
Ru, darling, you’re fabulous in all the best ways. Thank you.
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
I’d really like to talk about TJ next. She is utterly fabulous and such a wonderful person. I always know that I can go to her if I’m having a shit day. I also know that I can always go to her with any prompt, no matter how crazy, and she will be up for it. This woman knows how to write! Her verses and stories are unique and well-done, and anyone who reads something written by TJ is in for an adventure. I love that she delivers hot smut and also keeps us updated on what is happening in her life so that we can love her writing and love her as well. I mean, she apologizes for life getting in the way of her writing, which is both endearing and utterly ridiculous. (Seriously, love, we don’t mind! We care more about you!) She is an amazing friend and a crazy talented writer, and I hope that people take the time to know both halves!
Most people probably recognize TJ for Accustomed to Her Face, the absolute treasure of a My Fair Lady!AU that she has blessed us with. I would assume, hope, that people also know her Mirror Saga, because that series is a work of art waiting to be read over and over. But this woman has so, so many one-shots and other series that just cannot be passed over. I don’t know how she does it, but I’m so gleefully glad that she does. No matter how crazy the AU may sound, she layers the stories and characters flawlessly and creates a masterpiece that makes our heads spin.
I’m so happy I can call TJ my friend, and I’m so glad that she chooses to share her talent with us. Don’t miss out!
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
Every since somethingstately burst onto the scene with Acceptance (which I still can’t read without turning into a puddle of emotional goo) she has completely rocked our worlds. Can anyone say Packages!verse? I sure as hell can. Her way of writing is mind-blowing. The way she gets into the minds of her characters leads to completely accurate writing and an absolutely captivated audience. No matter how many times I read something she has written, it still feels fresh when I read it again. I mean come on, Scientific Revolution!Rushbelle? Who could pass that up? She gets into the world and she gets into the characters, and she paints with words in a way that leaves the reader under a spell. I wouldn’t trade a single moment I’ve spent reading her stories, and I willingly devote my time to reading them over and over without a moment of regret.
I am quite pleased to say, as anyone who knows her already understands, that she is a fabulous person. I’ve talked to this woman for days and days and never been anything less than enthralled. She is so easy to talk to, and intelligent enough to carry on a conversation until the world ends. So delightful to talk to and so concerned for the well-being of her friends, this is one person that I can highly, highly recommend having in your life. Whether you just experience her stories or experience her friendship, your life will be forever changed in all the best ways.
Keep on keepin’ on, lovely.
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
Let’s be honest: this chick be crazy. And we absolutely adore her for it.
Bee has so many verses and stories going on that it’s hard to keep track of them all, but well worth it if you do! Her writing is both engaging and humorous, and the person behind the writing is as well! She always makes me smile at the best of times, and threatens to beat up the source of my sadness in the worst. She is the best sort of friend a person could ask for, and a fantastic writer to top it all off. Intentional Fallacy? One of my favorite verses of anything to date. And the way she dabbles in what seems like crackfic but then turns into an entire verse never fails to amuse me. (mermaid!Belle and werewolf!Renard are prime examples) I love that she is realistic even when writing the craziest of stories! She is inventive and imaginative with a talent that brings the two together and gives us stories upon stories for our perusing pleasure.
Need advice on beauty products? She's got you covered. Want someone to vent to? She will listen. She knows when to offer helpful advice and when to make you laugh to cheer you up, and even sometimes combines the two! She is filled with helpful opinions and possesses an outgoing nature that never fails to pull a person in. It’s hard not to love her! Bee is the best sort of writer and the craziest sort of human being, and the two come together in a way that gives us the flawless person we know and love.
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
When I want to sink into a piece of written paradise, this is a fandom in which I have a lot of possible choices. Near the top of my list is Garden. She weaves such beautiful stories that it could bring you to tears, and then she gives you smut that will burn them all away because my GAWD. She has one of the best grasps on writing Lacey that I’ve ever seen, and has done so in multiple verses* that make my jaw drop just to think about. Her Rumbelle is something you simply can't pass over, though. You'll be in awe for weeks after reading. No matter how many times over I read her stories, they will never lose the magic they possess, and that is what truly magnificent writing is all about.
It pains me to say that I don’t know her very well beyond her writing, but from what I’ve heard she is just as amazing as her stories, which is very amazing indeed. It’s nearly impossible to read a single sentence from something she writes and not want to drop whatever you are doing and read the rest. Enthralling, beautiful, and oh-so-hot with just the right amount of pain interjected to keep emotions continuously fresh, I promise that Garden’s writing is an addiction you won’t want cured.
*play on, give me excess
*quick and fresh (remix of the above and one of my personal favorites!)
*Bad Days, Good Nights
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
Alright, guys. It’s time for me to tell you a thing. There is this girl, you see, who is absolutely magnificent. She is a fan-fucking-tastic writer with stories and verses that will make your head spin. Do you all know Escort!Gold? How about Surrogate!Belle? RushBelleRush? If you shook your head at any of these, I don’t even know why you’re still reading this. GO.
Assuming you have now read the above (and hopefully all the others because really guys) and are now swimming in dazzlement, most of you know I am talking about Passions! This woman deserves all the hugs and cuddles for eternity because she is too wonderful for her own good. She has unbelievable talent with writing and a huge heart for others. I’m so, so glad that I can call her my friend. Just talking with her is enough to put a smile on my face, and she genuinely cares about people in a way that I think the world needs more of. I’ve read her stories dozens of times over and practically foamed at the mouth, but it is conversing with her that I truly treasure.
Please do not miss any chance, however small, to talk to this beacon of warmth! And Passions, dear? Keep shining.
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
There are certain things I can’t look at or think of without immediately thinking of Stragg. These things include, but are not limited to: Starbucks, wedding dresses, talk radio, crossdressing, and fauxincest. Quite the wide range, and so well worth the effect they’ve had on my mind. Intrigued yet? Oh, and also this is the woman we sick on newbies to the fandom. There really isn’t a better person we could possibly send to ply the innocents with smut of all varieties. Fierce but oh-so-loveable, Stragg is pretty much a fandom staple and so is each masterpiece she puts out for our reading pleasure.
Plus she’s just fucking awesome. So not only does she get writing talent and fandom fame, but she is a pleasure to talk to and crazy intelligent above all? It’s almost unfair. I can’t count all the times I’ve had to crack up laughing just reading her conversations with other people, and I’m sure I’m not alone on that front. Witty in all the right ways with a deliciously deviant mind...what else can you ask for in a person?
Stragg, you give the fandom the full package just by existing. I consider myself extremely lucky just to know you, and I know I’m not the only one. Thank you for all that you’ve done and will continue to do in the future! We love you.
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
I don’t even know where to start with this woman. I can’t help but read her stories over and over again. She has such a talent with words it’s almost like reading an intricate dance. It is so easy to picture everything she writes in such vivid colors that you could almost swear you were watching it. If you haven’t read anything by her then you’re probably lying then you haven’t lived and I pity you greatly. Here is her masterlist. You won’t regret the hours you can spend here, and you definitely won’t regret going back again.
But it isn’t just her writing. She is such a sweet person. You may want to believe she is some kind of machine the way she cranks out perfect stories with the speed of lightning, but allow me to assure you that she is completely human and fantastically wonderful. Ha. Get it? Sorry. I’ve never been able to leave a conversation with her without having a huge smile on my face and I’m willing to bet you won’t either. And I can’t fail to mention that her relationship with Marque is just adorable on all sorts of levels.
But all lengthy descriptions of her angelic nature aside, please do not let this gem of a person go undiscovered. Read her stories and transport yourself to bliss. Strike up a conversation, even if it’s just to say Hi on anon. You won’t regret it!
And Wonder? Please never stop.
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
Not everyone has to be a wizard with photoshop or a master at fanfic writing to be featured here. Not implying that she isn't these things, mind, but I wanted to stop and thank ANG for all that she has done. This woman is absolutely sweet and completely makes me days better on a frequent basis. I love every conversation I've ever had with her, and whenever I notice she has left me a message I feel better instantly. Please get to know her if you don't already. 
The fact that she takes the time to review the fics she reads makes me want to hug her quite tightly. Whenever she reviews my own I can't help but smile and squee, suddenly excited for writing more. She is a huge boost to self-esteem, which is exactly what an insecure writer like myself needs! It's people like her that keep people like me writing, and I know that all the writers will agree on that. Thank you so much, ANG. You are a darling and please don't ever stop stroking our egos. I adore you.
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
Three sets of two words: Domestic Belle. Life Support. Heart Murmurs. That's right, guys. We're talking about andachippedcup. I really wish I knew the author well enough to comment on how amazing I'm sure she is, but alas I can only compliment her writing. Which is bloody amazing. The amount of effort and research that must go into intern!Belle blows my mind.
Also, Lamaze Lessons was the first fic I ever shared with my friends, who are not really in the fandom at all. It popped up on my dash while we were hanging out and they demanded to know why I couldn't stop squealing and laughing (you don't understand...I was in tears from laughing) and when they read it they really enjoyed it. THE POWER OF RUMBELLE PREVAILS. 
But really. Her writing is so detailed that you feel like you are there watching it happen. I really, really enjoy each story I've read and will gladly tackle anything I haven't. In fact, I already love the things I haven't read yet because I know they're going to be amazing.
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
Back to art! I am going to shine a spotlight on pooritalianfan because it's a complete necessity that you all see the art she produces. She is just the sweetest person, and her drawings will have you staring and forgetting that you have other things to do. Because really, once you hop onto her page, other things aren't nearly as important as breathing in her works of art. Example time!
Who am I?
Nostelle: Sleeping
Red Cricket
Saving memories
I'm so sorry, Bae
Hiero/Ives, a scene from Rare (you've read it by now, yes? ;))
I love that she draws everything, not limiting herself to Rumbelle or Anyelle. I'm really impressed at how quickly she jumped into the Nostelle scene, and her Nosty/Belle pictures are to be treasured. A few of her pictures are taken from fanfiction scenes, which is always something that makes me smile to see artists do. Every piece of work she does is stunning, and I hope that by now you are all immersed in her page and drooling over the beauty! Click follow and prepare to fall into happiness and wonder.
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
I've decided that I don't hear enough about the writing of ddagent.  I adore DD's Strange Bedfellows story and Professor Gold series and if you haven't read either of those, you now have another mark on your to-do list. Also, For those of you who can handle the awesomeness that is Hiero/Ives, you do NOT want to miss goodies such as The Pack Series or Rare.
I may have only been privileged enough to talk to DD once or twice, but I can tell that I would not regret further conversation at all. Pleasepleaseplease go to ddagent's page, if you haven't already, and check out the fantastic writing. I promise that you will find something (and if you can truly narrow it down to one then you are either a saint or dead) that you will absolutely adore and want to read over and over!
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
While we're on the topic of turning characters into animals, dreams-love-magic has created an addiction in her new MacAvoy!doggy series. If you thought Joseph was woobie enough already, you have not seen this precious pup! Her Anyelle prompt fills have a tendency to range from OW to AW, and I've met few people who can cram such intense feels into just one paragraph when she so chooses. I almost always end up in tears when she posts her Nickbelle or Campbelle, but somehow she has me wanting to smile at the same time. Also, I never would have pictured RumBelleArchie as a thing but it so is. Please continue.
This girl is one of the sweetest around. More than once she has made my day better with a random message of appreciation and love. She is one of the easiest people to talk to...don't believe me? Send her a message, and I guarantee you'll be the best of friends by the end of the conversation. She is a beautiful writer and a wonderful friend, and I will never regret talking to her. You won't either!
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ohdeariedearme · 11 years
Have you ever read a story that made you want to clutch the computer to your chest and roll on the floor? That forced you to squeal loudly and giggle at the cuteness until you thought your heart would burst? If your answer to either of those scenarios was "no", let me introduce you to the Cat!Belle series brought to us from the lovely Ginger. (link is for the first fic)
Gingerwhovianrobotskeleton (say that five times fast) is such a sweetheart, and I'm afraid not a lot of people know she is also a writer, which must be amended immediately. I mean it. Don't even finish reading this: go read Cat!Belle and then come back when you're done so you can fully appreciate me when I say her writing style is perfect. Reading this story causes cuddly cat cravings, so if you don't happen to have one around you may become depressed. It's okay. Read another chapter (or if you have finished, read it all again!). The cuteness heals all!
Again, I am not responsible for any internal damage caused by never-ending squeals and heart explosions.
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