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hot summer game night
[my piece for @boatemvillagezine]
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I am back!
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Here hold some tender smalletho
I will be back with more
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door accident, red stone tinkering gone wrong
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this is from a couple weeks ago but i am proud of how this drawing of gem’s base came out so it can go here too
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Joel on hermitcraft, skin design by @/creepycr0wley on Twitter! (I should probably make separate blogs for my different hyperfixations but it is what it is)
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be careful with your move, it may be the last one here
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just a *thought*
i have seen SO many people talk about buck and josh these past couple days, and i just have to say something about it.
i would love it if they put them together, even if it would be just for a little while, or even for a long while, because i think josh deserves better than what he got this season.
i would love it even more if we would get buck opening up to him about his bisexuality, and them staying friends. because friendships between queer men should be embraced more these days on tv screens, and it should be portrayed that, just because you have 2 queer men in your show, who get along and hang out, doesn’t mean they have to date. because, shockingly, that would actually be more realistic than them dating.
friendships between queer men are okay and important and we should vouch for that more.
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Okay so there is this scene in 9-1-1 (3x08 I think) where Athena is cooking for the 118 and they start discussing  whether Athena´s or Bobby´s food is better.
So I know this might be me overinterpreting scenes but  WHAT IF this scene isn´t about food after all ?
What if it´s about the characters sexualitys ??
So what if Athena stands for being into girls and Bobby stands for being into boys.
Bobby and Chimney both somewhat say that they love Athenas food ,therefore saying that they´re straight ,which totally makes sense. Bobby is married to Athena and Chim is in a relationship with Maddie.
Eddie than says he likes Athenas food more too but still likes Bobbys. This might hint at him being bi and having a preference towards women.
After that Buck says he likes both their food equally ,which could mean he´s either pan or bi without having any preferences.
In the end Hen says she´s loving Athenas food and since she´s a lesbian that would definitely fit this theory.
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Dude but consider: Oh to be Poe Dameron and be able to bury your face in the crook of Finn's neck when you hug
Oh to be Finn and to have Poe Dameron bury his face in the crook of your neck when you hug
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So … I noticed something that somehow may or may not be the answer about who's top and who's bottom when it comes to malec …
You see this ? Magnus is still wearing his rings ! And if you don't get this then you're pretty innocent xD
So yeah … in my opinion Alec's top and this is my prove !
Sorry not sorry this is what comes to my mind in the middle of the night xD
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