ohgod-malik · 11 years
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
@zaynmalik: @Harry_Styles look at our little man!! :-D
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
@zaynmalik: my boys lazying about on a sunday afternoon! @Harry_Styles xx
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
@zaynmalik: look who has arrived in the Styles household!
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
@zaynmailk: Of course our little man is a stud. His Daddy is a one hot piece of ass. ;)
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
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Z: You are a prince, Harry. H: Aw, thanks Zayn. xx
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
Zayn chuckled seeing Harry wave at him from the front and physically had to stop himself from trying to play with his hair; a nervous habit. There were a lot of people looking at him and the alter seemed to be so far away. He squeezed his Mum's arm once they reached the alter. The minister stepped forward at that point asking, "Who gives this young man to this other young man?" Trisha stepped forward with a smile. "I do, his mother." She kissed Zayn's cheek and left him to go take her seat. He stepped forward taking Harry's hand and squeezing lightly. He looked over and winked at his future husband. The minister continued explaining that Harry and Zayn wrote their own vows and asked Zayn to go first. Zayn nervously laughed and faced Harry taking his other hand as well.
"Alright, well, Harry Edward Styles, you are my best friend and my life partner. Who’d have known when we first met we’d be here today reciting vows and doing the whole process of being married?" He laughed slightly. "I always had feelings for you since we first met. It was crazy, I knew that at the time. You were just so cute with your curly hair, your smile and your energetic personality that I couldn’t help, but fall for you. Being the shy person I am, though, I never said anything. I always wanted to, but I just sat in silence waiting for you to notice me. Three years later, you finally did." He paused smiling widely at Harry. "We’ve had our troubles and our ups and downs, but I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. I love you more and more each day. I can’t believe we’re starting this life together. It’s everything I’ve hoped for and everything I’ve dreamed about and more. We have a beautiful son together and I feel like our lives are finally falling into place where we want them. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You’re truly my one and only. You’re my everything and I don’t want anyone else." Here, he was suppose to stop. That was suppose to be the end, but Zayn thought about his Dad and set his jaw and continued. "I know most people will look at us and not agree with how we feel for each other, but fuck them. We’ve let people make decisions for us involving our love lives for far too long. I’m glad we are standing up in front of the people we love and declare that we’re each other’s until we die. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. That’s all I ever will want. You, Harry, I only want you. Time with you passes so slowly and I like that. No, in fact, I love that. If life goes by too fast, then you loss those little moments with the ones you care about and I don’t want to lose those moments. That’s one of the many reasons why you’re perfect to me. You slow down those moments and make them last. You bring me down to Earth and you love me. That’s the best thing anyone could do for me. You love me and it’s just not words with you. You love me with your entire being and I love you the same way. There isn’t anyone in this world that I could love more than I love you. That won’t change. For as long as I live, you’re the one for me, bubba. I love you so much. I can’t wait to go on from this day and just be next to you and know you’ll always be there for me. Always know I love you. I cherish you. I want the best for you and you make me the happiest man alive. I love you, Harry Styles, and thanks for marrying me."
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Harry wasn’t supposed to have his son as the ceremony started, he wasn’t supposed to be cradling him in his arms, snuggling him as he talked about his daddies finally getting married — but that’s what he was doing anyway, Grayson was calming his nerves. But then he heard Gemma cough, a sort of, put the boy back, it’s starting, and so he set a kiss on his son’s lips and handed him over to one of Zayn’s sisters. His heart was racing fast, threatening to beat right out of his chest as he saw his soon-to-be husband walking down the aisle. “Holy shit,” he breathed out, smiling widely at Zayn.. before quickly waving at him.
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
Okay, but what if I say the words wrong?...What if I trip down the aisle?...Yeah, I know I've been preparing for this--But Steve...You're right. Things will be just fine. Yeah, yeah, I know. Mom, Steve says you look lovely. Steve, she sai--Oh, right. You can hear her, heh. [Zayn hooked his arm in his Mother's as he watched the the wedding party leave the backdoor and into the backyard, where Harry was waiting] Okay, here we go. [He smiled as he and his Mom stepped out into the yard and up the aisle]
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ohgod-malik · 11 years
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Happy Heart’s Day!!! ❤️❤️💋💕
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