ohhpeterparker · 6 years
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Nothing I could do… It’s like I was up there just to watch.
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
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86 PHOTOS | Tom Holland on the set from ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ in Hertfordshire, England. (link)
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
if you (Chris Evans) are free and single, you (Chris Evans) can always call or message me. I would love to get to know you (Chris Evans) better and spend some time with you (Chris Evans)
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
Number 4 please!!! I wanna burn in all these feels
(this was originally supposed to be titled ‘’things he does that make your heart soar but that was a little cheesetown so now we have this!!!)
he’s a forehead nudger. he’s done it since you first started dating. if your squishing together on the couch, he’ll nudge his forehead into your shoulder to get you to adjust so he can fit flush against you. or he’ll just do it when you two are standing close together. its something that’s extremely intimate like a kiss but yet so gentle and loving
when talking to tessa, he will refer to you as “mummy”. 
you can remember the first time he did it. you were waiting by the front door as he fastened her leash and cooed to her. “gonna have a nice walk, aren’t we, princess? you, me, and mummy.” you’ve never discussed it, but the look you gave him when he glanced up at you was the only confirmation he needed
sometimes will refer to you in conversations as “the missus”. once or twice it has sparked some engagement rumors and that’s partially why he loves it
every time you watch him pack for another long press junket it away, he will wrap and arm under your legs and across your back before carrying you bridal style into his suitcase. he pretends to pack you, setting some t-shirts and socks on top of you before shutting the lid. “i told you i can’t forget anything!!” 
when he gets home after a long day and its quite late, he wakes you up by slathering your face in kisses. there’s no corner of your skin left untouched before he smiles against it and whispers a “missed you”
feel free to fight me but, he’s a big corner mouth kisser. like not all the time, but rather then place a quick peck to your lips, he’s developed a habit of catching the corner of your lips, in a sort of teasing, cheeky way. 
(when he first started doing it, he’d say “there’s more where that came from!!!”)
he’s also a big grabby hand baby. if he’s talking to harrison back stage in a green room, he’ll stretch out his hand to you, beckoning you to come play with his fingers or at least just sit by him.
or when he has a break and for some reason you’re still across the room, he’ll stretch his hands out to, fingers flexing and a whine leaving his mouth
tried to cook for you but only has 3 ½ meals memorized and can never be bothered with recipes because the boy cannot follow directions (”i’m not gonna let a piece of paper tell me what to do!!!”)
when you tag along to his events, in between networking or interviewing, he’ll twist around so he can find you and give you a nose scrunch or a playful snarl, just so you know he hasn’t forgotten you’re there
lays on top of you. just spreads across you. doesn’t matter what you’re doing. you will either become his pillow for a quick nap or listen to him beg for your attention.
he’s a show off too. like if he gets a crowd laughing or does a flip for an audience, he’ll find you in the crowd or backstage and give you and eyebrow wiggles as if to say “did you see THAT”
he hits on you like you’re not already together. you’ll be in the cereal aisle, trying to pick one out for the week and he’ll saunter over to you, place and arm against the shelves and wink “do you come here often?”
or “hey you’re really cute, got a boyfriend?” and you reply “yeah and he’s Spider-Man.” he’s always delighted when you play along. “damn, sounds like a really manly guy, you’re really lucky.”
if you say “i love you” back too quietly, he shouts “what was that?!” until you shout it back at him
he would rather sit on the floor with his back against your legs while you sit on the couch. this way he can drape your legs over his shoulders and loop his arms over them or run his hands over your soft skin
will take deep, deep inhales of your shampoo or hair care sent. like sniffs so hard he may pop a brain vessel “i think i’m getting high off of how good you smell!!!!!” 
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
tom holland? singlehandedly ended fragile masculinity. while all the other dudes were sweating uncomfortably, homeboy just straight out said he’d jump on chris hemsworth’s dick
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
Sassy HYDRA agent
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
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Sebastian Stan + Tom Holland 
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
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TOM HOLLAND, SEBASTIAN STAN ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ UK Fan Event | April 8, 2018
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
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MCU + The Onion Headlines (1/?)
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
bucky in the new iw tv spot looks like he’s actually washed his hair, showered, got some hot dating tips from t’challa (read as: gaze lovingly at subject of affections) and he is READY to be loved by sam wilson
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
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The beard, the hair, the face.. it’s all too much for me to handle
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
Grease Lightning (Bucky Barnes x Reader High School!AU)
Summary: You’re on the hair & makeup team for your school’s production of Grease, and Nat has signed you up to do the makeup for the lead role of Danny Zuko- played by none other than Bucky Barnes. 
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Reader, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Maria Hill, Jarvis
Word Count: 1185
Warnings: swearing, awkwardness 
A/N: K, so I really love high school AU’s and Grease, so I thought this would be kinda fun to write. This is just an intro of what it would be like, but it would be a multi-part shot series because my dumb ass doesn’t know how to write less than 1000 words in a fic. Anyhoozle, please let me know if you would like for me to continue this, it would just be a cute short series for fun!
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
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ohhpeterparker · 6 years
Señor Tickle
Characters and Pairings: Sam Wilson x F Reader; Bucky Barnes
Prompt: Anon request: “Me shoving money at you: please do write sam wilson content I’ll love you forever” (x) “Give us any kinda sam fluff pleeeaase! I’d especially love to see something where sam has a crush on reader and he likes her so much it throws him off his game” (x)
Summary: Sam Wilson has a huge crush on the you, but can’t seem to flirt or talk or even function around you. To make matters worse, he actually takes some advice from Bucky. 
Word count: 3473
Warnings: secondhand embarrassment? cussing, awkwardness, my writing
A/N: Thank you, MCU wiki. Also, if you’ve ever watched Brooklyn Nine Nine, you’ll know exactly what inspired this fic (S1E11), but I’d like to hope that my version of Sam is endearing in a different way than Hitchcock is…a very, very different way. 
Also, to the Anon who requested this, sorry it’s taken me so long. Long story short, I started writing something for you, but then it spiraled out of control and deviated very far away from the request. So I wrote this for the official request, and the other mess is gonna become a Sam series (!) in probably like nine years because I write at a glacial pace….
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