ohwalley-blog · 1 year
My most powerful talent.
Wow, I can not believe it has been 4 years since i have written in the blog and a lot has happened!! A lot. Even so, let me tell you about last week.
One of our more "complicated" patients were admitted during the night. A lot of "He said, we said, they said" went on, but nothing was done. A table of nurses, pharmacist, physicians and other disciplinaries were sitting around the table and no one understood what the plan was for this patient and where to even start. Then I felt 7 pairs of eyes look at me and one said "So what are you going to do about her ma'am?" I couldn't believe I solely had the responsibility to figure out the care and plan for this patient.
As the day went on, NO ONE, i mean no one wanted to touch this patient. Then, I took over the conversation and placed things in perspective and BOOM. There was momentum in her care and she got what she needed. Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physicians Assistants and registered nurses all listened to me. I was simple, straight forward, but real.
On that day, I used my talent, my most powerful talent: my tongue and it gave that girl life.
A couple days later I saw my L and he told me some terrible things. That I had said some things and it made him feel unwelcomed and ungrateful on my birthday! It was so hard to hear those things. He continued to say that my words were so hurtful that he did not want to spend my next birthdays with me (I am still trying to process that). I cried, for like an hour.
It took me over 2 years and so many miles to build this relationship, this foundation with my L and it came tumbling down after just a few words.
In one week, my most powerful talent, the one thing I am very much known for, gave someone life and healing, but then killed the relationship of me and my L.
I don't want that same tragedy to happen to people. Today I am given the opportunity to do Children's Story and THAT is what I am going to teach about: the tongue - our double edge sword.
I am going to write out this next portion as I am going to speak about it in church. This is one of my favorite stories.
Happy Sabbath boys and girls! Welcome back to children's story where this time during our church service is specifically for you!
Anyone here know what a weapon is?
A weapon is used for two things: to either kill or to protect.
Who here has a weapon? Everyone here carries a weapon, I know I have a weapon with me at all times! This weapon on me is so strong that it can make people move, scare away bears and it is so powerful that it can kill someone else and your weapon can do the same thing!
Can anyone guess what that weapon is? YOUR TONGUE!
When people tell me: don't say bad things, I always think about the "bad words" that are inappropriate, but this lesson is deeper than that.
Before we start our lesson, let's read our memory verse: Proverbs 15:1-2
For the bigger kids & adults behind me, if you want to follow along with our lesson, please open up your Bibles to 1 Samuel 25:1-38
In the book of 1 Samuel chapter 25, there was a very rich man named Nabel. This guy was rich! He owned property near the town of Carmel and he owned 3K sheep and 1k goats! Sounds rich huh?
He married this woman who was described to be sensible, smart and can manage his riches. He sounds lucky huh?
Lucky, for Nabel, King David had his 600 men were stationed near his property. while King David's men were there, Nabel's animals were never harmed, Nabel's shepherds were safe and were never robbed.
Sounds like Nabel was living the good life.
One day, one of King David's men found Nabel and said "Hi Nabel, we were sent by King David and we have been providing your flock and shepherds with protection. Would you be kind and please share with us some food and water?"
Do you think rich Nabel would be able to afford it?
This is what Nabel said in return
"David? Who is this David? Who does he think he is? There are lots of servants these days who run away from their master. Should I take my bread, my water and my meat that I harvested, slaughtered and sheared myself and give it to these people who came from who knows where???"
Well, Nabel's words got back to King David and it infuriated King David. "Get your swords!" King David said and with 400 men, his plan was to kill Nabel, everything he owned and his family!
Meanwhile, one of Nabel's servants told Abigail who had no idea any of this was going on. Abigail had to think smart and had to think fast.
So she gathered meat, bread, grains, fruit, wine and packed her donkey. She and her servants went to face King David themselves!
When she came face to face with King David, he was so angry!! Abigail fell at his feet and asked for his forgiveness. "Please my King.. I accept all the blame for this. Please do not pay attention to my husband Nabel."
King David looked at her and said "I did a lot of good for Nabel, because of the protection I provided, Nabel prospered!" but at the same time, was impressed with how her words calmed him down and decided not to kill Nabel after all.
Before they departed ways, Abigail used her words to bless him. "My King, I know the Lord lives in you because he kept you from murdering my husband and taking vengeance on your hands. So let all your enemies be cursed."
In this entire story, did you hear me say any "bad words" any inappropriate words? No, the words that were spoken in this story are words that we use and say every day.
But our words matter. The way we say our words, where you say it, how you say and who you say it to... all matters.
Nabel's words almost got himself, his animals and family killed. King David's words was able to provide protection at first and then ordered a murder! Then Abigail was able to use her gentle words to save her husband and gave him life.
Before we separate, i just want to share one more Bible verse:
James 3:10 Blessing and cursing come from the same mouth. My brothers and sisters it should not be this way.
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ohwalley-blog · 5 years
Love him ? Too?
Today is February 15th 2020 and I need to tell Children’s Story. Today’s story is inspired by Valentine’s Day. 
While searching for a story, I thought that I was looking for a story about God is love, or agape love or a love story. 
Then, again, God had something bigger in store for me to talk about. So let’s see how this goes. 
Happy Valentine’s Day boys and girls! What do we celebrate on Valentine’s Day? Love
So who do you love in your life? Mom, dad, grandparents, brothers, sisters ohh and especially your friends right? Those are the people that I love! 
Do you have a person in your class.. or maybe in this church.. that No one loves? They’re either weird, or really really mean.. or sometimes they don’t act like we do? You don’t have to say their name out loud, but think about that person throughout this children story. 
Let’s pray...
For the grown-ups behind me, if you want to follow along, open your Bibles to Luke 19:1-10
For our scripture reading for today, repeat after me
My command is this: Love each other like the way I have loved you. John 15:12
In the Bible, there are a group of people who no one loved. Can you guess who they are? 
I’ll give you a hint. These people: 
-Worked for the government. They’re liars, cheaters and very rich
-You could never fight against them and you always had to do what they say
Last one.. 
-They would charge you more money than what you actually owed, so that way they can keep the extra to themselves
They were tax collectors. No one liked them 
Now in the bible when you think of a tax collector? Who do you think about?
Zaccheus? Yes Zaccheus was a tax-collector and he was a nasty one. If you owed him $1, he’d charge you $10 dollars ! So no one loved him. He was a liar, a cheater and robbed people. 
Well one day, Jesus was walking through Jericho where Zaccheus was that day. and Zaccheus wanted to see him, but he was too short to look over the crowd! 
Do you know the song? Zaccheus was a wee little man a wee little man was he?
And what did he do to see Jesus?
 he climbed up in a sycamore tree for the Lord he wanted to see.
 and as the Savior passed that way he looked up in the tree. 
Then what did Jesus say?
and He said Zaccheus you come down! For we’re going to house today. 
This was a pretty confusing moment, you could hear the people mutter through the crowd. Jesus is going to the house of sinner.. Jesus is going to the house of the sinner! 
But this made Zaccheus so happy! It actually changed him! 
“Lord look! “ Zaccheus said “I’m going to give half of my possessions to the poor and I will repay everyone that I cheated 4 times the amount!”
Do you know why Jesus loves even Zaccheus? because in Verse 9 Jesus says Zaccheus too is the son of Abraham and Jesus has come to seek and save the lost. 
Let’s think about that Zacchaeus in our lives, those people that are different than us! Whether they may be shy, or annoying, loud or sometimes can be mean.
We need to treat them like the way Jesus treated Zacchaeus. When Jesus approached Zacchaeus, he didn’t wag his finger at him, trying to list everything he did wrong. 
instead Jesus embraced him and simply said he wanted to spend time with him. 
As a result, Zaccheus felt love like he has never felt before! he felt accepted and because of Jesus’s love, he became a changed man and became honest in his work. 
So next time you see a loner at school, or someone being bullied or that person who was once mean to you before. 
Let’s remember what we learned: Don’t walk away from them. Instead walk towards them and love them like they way Jesus loves you. (or you can say: instead extend them an invitation for a better way of living and the hope of a glorious eternity.)
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ohwalley-blog · 6 years
Children’s story: Prayer and faith.
I started writing this entry last night. 
Ugh. It was emotional! I cried and cried and cried. 
In the middle of the entry, I decided that it was going to be a private entry. I cried again. I remember right before I posted the entry, I said. Yup, once again, my faith has become a mustard seed. Damnnit. God where are you?
This made me cry again. I cried so much I fell asleep. I haven’t had a break down like that in awhile. So much built in anxiety. So many unanswered questions. So much attention needed from God. God where are you?
When I feel like my faith is so small. I particularly think of the story of the father who so desperately wants his possessed son healed that he ran to Jesus.... even with his doubt. 
Today, on this rainy Sabbath morning, I will be saying the children’s story. Today’s story will be about that father & his unbelief. 
Good morning boys and girls! 
 Who was able to put on their shoes on their own? How about brush your teeth on your own? and put on your own clothes? Who was able to help someone do something this morning? maybe your little brother, sister ? or mom and dad?
WOW! You guys are so independent now! You can do it all. Okay. one more question.. who was able to DRIVE here on their own!?
Oh. So you needed mommy and daddy’s help? Needing help to do things is not something to be embarrassed about. We are not made to do everything on our own. When you got in the car with mom and daddy today, were you 100% sure that they were able to drive you to church safely? Well, that “sure” feeling is what we call faith. You had faith in Mommy and Daddy that they will help you. 
You know, everyone needs help with something. There is not one grown-up who can do everything by themselves. No matter how big or how small our problems are... who should we call on? Jesus
Okay.. before we continue let’s read our text and pray
Mark 9:23
For the grown-ups if you want follow along, you can open up your Bible to Mark 9:14-29
One day Jesus was on his way to join his disciples, but finds the disciples and a group of religious leaders arguing. He comes up to them and asks “ what are you arguing about?”
A man comes from the crowd and answers Jesus. “Teacher, I have brought my son who has been possessed by an evil spirit that has taken away his speech! Whenever the evil spirit wants, he takes control over my son’s body. He throws him to the ground, makes him stiff and he foams at his mouth. I have asked your disciples to help him, but they could not.”
Right away, Jesus said to the crowd “You people have no faith, I have been here with you, you literally see me, but you still have no faith. Bring the boy to me” (In the Bible Jesus actually said “how long shall I stay with you ? How long shall I put up with you?” I will be saying it this way so the kids can understand the drama of this story)
The father brings his boy to Jesus and instantly the evil spirit. The evil spirit made the boy’s body shake, threw him to the ground, rolled around on the ground and then again.. foamed at the mouth. 
Then the father says “You see Teacher, he has been like this since he was a baby. The evil spirit even tried to kill him by throwing him into fires to burn him and into the water to drown him.”
Then the father continues, “...please Teacher, have pity on us. IF YOU CAN please help us.” 
“IF YOU CAN?” Jesus says “EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE for one who believes.” The father screams back “I do believe! I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!!!”
Jesus says to the boy with the evil spirit, “You deaf and mute spirit, I command you to get out of him and never enter him again.” As the spirit was leaving the boy’s body, he made him shake again and then BOOM! the boy’s body laid there like he was dead. Then, Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet and he stood up... without the evil spirit. 
Later, the disciples asked Jesus “why couldn’t we drive it out?”. He replied “This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting. 
You see kids, even the disciples still need Jesus. Right now, we still need help from people who are bigger than you are and you’re going to see that even when you are big and strong, you are still going to need help from Jesus. 
Just like in the story, the evil spirit came out of the boy and he was healed. Satan does not like it when we pray, because prayer keeps us closer to God, when we are close to God, He is able to protect us from Satan. 
From this story, let’s remember something: Prayer is powerful and praying is important. When we pray, we are trusting God that he is able and is going to handle everything we pray about.
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ohwalley-blog · 6 years
For everyone who loves, knows God
-1 John 4:7
Oh my dear. Never miss the opportunity to show love to one another. When you show love to one another, you minister and show the light inside you: Jesus! 
Today I will be doing another children story. However, this particular lesson will be one that I have used in the past. 
but I have to tell you something... I have been struggling. I have been struggling with judging a particular family member. Every day I would make a judgement about them. This is what I would think: 
“you go to church regularly, you show your parents honor by keeping up with traditional bullshit, but I see that everyone who thinks differently than you, are seen to be wrong/stupid and therefore do not deserve your respect, help or love. Therefore, you do not try to be kind to them.” Well to me, that shows me that because you do not love, you do not know God and you are not a Christian. 
Judging this person this way is wrong. So wrong. Who am I to judge?? Since I struggling with this thought, I tend to hate this person...and I shouldn’t because I know God and I know that God is love. So, I have become this coward & I don’t want to be a coward.. it’s not fun.
So this morning, when I woke up, I prayed, God inspire me. Tell me what to say so that I can speak to the congregation and I can speak to myself: to be more like You. 
This morning, I opened up one of my written lessons & came across a story I have not seen in a long time (although I have been carrying this notebook for a month now). This lesson reminds me, that I know God, because I was born in God, I know love and God is love. So God, don’t give up on me. Be with me that I may show my family and others around me love and that YOU, YOU God, live in my heart. 
Children’s story for today: 
Happy New Year’s boys and girls! 
I know January is almost over, but I can still say Happy New Years right? Well anyways, whenever it is the new year, people make a plan for themselves called New Year Resolutions. 
Before we start our story for today let’s pray...
Does anyone know what New Year Resolutions are? It is a plan on how to make yourself a better person. For example, a popular New Year resolution is: I am going to eat a healthy this year, some people might even choose to be vegetarian (that’s where they only eat fruits and veggies). A lot of the times, when adults try to make themselves a better or healthier person, they actually turn books for tips and tricks! 
When actually, the BIBLE is the best self-help book ever! The Bible is so good that when you follow everything, you become changed. You become more like Jesus and hopefully have a perfect character like Jesus. 
So let’s open up and read our scripture reading for today: 1 John 4:7-8
Ugh, I love that, for he who does not love, does not know God for God is love.
Grown-ups, if you want to follow along, you can open your Bible to 1 Samuel 20 and then again 2 Samuel 9. 
How many of you know David and Goliath? Remember? David was the young man that killed Goliath and was able to win the battle against Philistine. Well after the battle, King Saul made David chief of the army and everyone praised David and King Saul did not like this. People would even say “King Saul killed thousands.. but David killed TEN thousands”. Oooooooo this made King Saul so jealous of David. 
King Saul was so jealous of David that King Saul actually wanted to kill David! However, it wasn’t easy. David was best friends with King Saul’s son Jonathan! Can you imagine, if your dad wanted to kill your best friend?! Doesn’t that sound so silly??
So Jonathan and David came up with a plan. He planned to have David hide in the fields. Jonathan tells David,  if my dad does not plan to kill you, I shoot my arrows close to where you are and that will be our signal that you can come back here and you have nothing to worry about. If my dad still wants to kill you, I give you a sign I’ll shoot my arrows PASS your hiding spot and that will signal that you gotta run far far far away from here and you will show me love and kindness of the Lord and that you will continue to show love and kindness to others beyond this house.
The first night at the dinner table, King Saul did not notice that David was not there, but the next night was different. King Saul asked Jonathan.. “where’s your best friend David?” ofcourse Jonathan gave him the excuse “He asked permission to see his family in Bethlehem, so I let him go”
Oh man.. this made King Saul so mad! Immediately he ordered his men to look for David to kill him! 
but of course they never found him. 
Time passed, King Saul died and later David became King. When David became King David in the book of 2 Samuel, he remembered the promise that he and his best friend Jonathan made to love and be kind to others. After time passed, Jonathan was no longer alive, but his son was. Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth hated King David. So King David met with Mephibosheth. He told Mephibosheth, do not fear, I am here to show you kindness. I want to give you your grandfather, King Saul, I want to give you King Saul’s house. There you can live and bring your all servants and your whole family and everyday, you can eat with me at my table. 
You see, love in an attribute of God. God’s love is unconditional, so consistent, sometimes feels so impossible.. C’mon loving our enemies. It’s not easy. However, to extend our love to others we need to first let God fill us with His love. 
Love sounds like an intimate word, so what are some other ways we can show love to one another: kindness, goodness, compassion, generosity and helpfulness. 
Let’s think about this, Jonathan and David showed kindness and love during the time there was so much hate, and because of their love and kindness David became King and then helped Jonathan’s family. Imagine, if you showed love and kindness to someone who was having a bad day, you could be the one who makes a difference in that sad person’s life. 
So let us remember our scripture reading: 1 John 4:7-8 let us show one another love for God is love. 
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ohwalley-blog · 6 years
Another Children Story Opp.
(side note: idk why tumblr doesn’t do this, but they should really include the date on these entries). 
It is currently 04/13/2018 at 2050 and I am starting to do my research on which story to say during my children’s story. 
Here’s my formula: 
-get inspired
-choose a Bible story, because duh, nothing is new under the sun & the Word (aka Bible) is the best source for wisdom. 
-sell it. Sell the moral to the adults and get the children to know that Jesus is the real deal. 
I’ve already prayed. check! 
getting inspired: I kind of already know what I want to talk about. I want to talk about.. 
Never miss an opportunity. 
This is something I am always telling the children in Sabbath School. NEVER MISS AN OPPORTUNITY to minister to others about Jesus & NEVER MISS AN OPPORTUNITY to show that you are a Christ follower. 
How can someone do this? How can someone never miss the opportunity to minister? By showing others of good character! 
“The fruit of the spirit is not a coconut, the fruit of the spirit is not a coconut. If you want to be a coconut, you might as well hear it, the fruit of the spirit is not coconut. For the fruit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control”
Maybe that is what I want to talk about… 
Or maybe I should talk about forgiveness specifically… 
because I need to remind myself about forgiveness. 
I thought forgiveness was one of the fruits of spirit!!! it’s not!!!!! 
phew!  idk why, but I am so relieved! Don’t judge me. I don’t know why I am so relieved. 
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ohwalley-blog · 6 years
What a year 2018
This year was (actually ‘ is ‘ since it’s still 2018) the year that my spirit died. That my faith decreased down to mustard seed and is no longer powerful & able to move mountains. I feel like I have hit rock bottom & I literally can’t get up.
This year is the year that I know I have met my soul mate & I don’t have faith that I will be lucky enough to spend the rest of my life with him.
This year is the year that I feel stuck. Wasted. Stuck. Helpless. Worthless. Depressed.
This year my spirit died.
Usually at the end of one year and the beginning of next people say “new year, new me” or “this year will be my year”
But not me. I feel like this year will be the preface of all my years to come.
I just have to accept it now.
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ohwalley-blog · 6 years
‘Having Faith’ is the hardest thing to do.
In 2007/2008 I was chosen to be Chaplain of the BCU choir. 
That’s right, ya-girl Och was the Chaplain of the BLACK Christian Choir. Then this guy was upset that I was chaplain. Apparently he wanted to the position, so we both had to share the position LOL (that statement serves no purpose to this entry, but a funny memory)
Anyways. Being Chaplain, I had to start the choir practice and Sabbath (because by the time we started/ended practice on Fridays, the sun had already set.) Man.. my devotions were good. From what I remember, they were Biblical, practical and applicable. 
I said about 30 different devotions. Unbelievable.
I read the Word. 
the Bible.
Became inspired. 
Felt how amazed my Jesus truly IS. 
Because of that, I wanted the whole world to know. So I started with the BCU choir. 
Do I remember any of the devotions? Nope. not at all. I regret not writing them down in a book, or online. I wish I did. 
However, I do remember one of them. I remember talking about: 
Jesus: the alpha and the omega.
It was about faith.
This is how I opened the devotion: 
“We always hear that Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and end. We know this. You know what that also means? That the Jesus that answered your prayers back then IS the same Jesus that will answer your prayers now. So whatever doubt you have in your head, put it in the back of your head and remember what Jesus has already done for you in the past. Use that victory as proof that Jesus will bring you victory now.”
Then I read the scripture. I don’t know which scriptures, but I read the scripture. Then I sat down. Then Tisha tapped my shoulder and she said “I needed that, thank you for that reminder”
Well this memory, tonight, I need it. 
I need  to remember that the loving Jesus that answered my prayer at the age of 8 years old to bring me back my organizer to me is the same Jesus that I know that will answer my prayers at the age of 30 years old. 
To have faith is so hard. 
It’s too hard. 
To walk by faith is so hard. 
It’s too hard. 
Tonight I hit another low. During prayer meeting, Leanna’s dad said “to just live this life, being sick, being sad, being in sin..it shouldn’t be ‘it’. Because we do not want to live in sickness, in sadness, we should look forward to our salvation and living in heaven.”
He’s right about that. 
When I heard him say it. I literally thought to myself, I’m okay with living only this life and that being the end on life. 
Having faith is hard. 
It’s too hard. 
This is why I need a partner who turns to Jesus. Exactly for times like this. Someone who I can build a house on the Rock, Jesus, so that my life won’t come crumbling down. I need a partner to remind me that Jesus is still somewhere even though my faith is so small. Especially right now. 
Because having faith is so hard & I am so weak. 
I am so weak that I am in a constant battle with myself & I am losing. 
I love Jesus so much that I could literally scream it out from the mountain top! 
so why do I feel like my doubt is as big as the mountain I am standing on? 
I don’t know God, but what I do know, is that this time. I don’t want to give up. Because for sure, You have created me to be an unstoppable force.
Tonight, I just need to pray that Jesus give me faith to believe. Please Jesus, I just want to believe in You and believe that everything is going to be okay.  
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ohwalley-blog · 7 years
Emotional Eater
Today, I have so much anger in my heart that it feels like my heart is on fire.
Or maybe that’s just reflux.
My heart is so full of anger that I literally want to eat deep fried-sunny side up egg (telur matah sapi), overly microwaved hot dog + white rice and black ketchup.
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ohwalley-blog · 7 years
I need this W
This month of January, I am in charge to find people who can do children’s story. 
Doing children story is a skill. You need to be engaging, to be comical, to be entertaining.. while still doing a 5 minute sermon.. to children. The thing is, in reality, the story & its presentation is for the children, but the lesson, the lesson is for the adults. 
When I prep for children’s story, it takes me two hours to prep. During the preparation, I usually cry. Because for whatever reason, it is as if I just preached to myself and reminded myself about God’s amazing-powerful love. When in reality, I was prepping to tell the congregation about God’s amazing-powerful love. 
Lord knows that this month has been so stressful for me. I’m going through...not a lot, but going through ONE thing. This ONE thing, I know, will change my life. Lord knows I need Him, that I need my faith strengthened. Lord knows that I have been crying to Him, screaming at the top of my spiritual lungs because I need His help. Lord knows that this stress is affecting me and Lord knows that I am so scared to move. 
So instead of giving someone else the opportunity to talk about God’s amazing-powerful love, I am going to deliver the children’s story tomorrow & remind myself of God’s amazing-powerful love. 
Please Lord, pass me not O gentle Savior, hear my humble cry. 
Father, I need this W. 
    Moving on.. I am not too sure which story I am going to talk about yet. 
-I am thinking about talking about faith: the mustard seed and the mountain.
Alrighty.. Here’s my children’s story. When I prepare for Children’s Story I actually write out every little thing I plan to say. It helps me prepare so I know it sounds good, if its silly and what tone of voice to use. 
Good Morning boys and girls and Happy Sabbath! 
Today is Adek Zechariah’s Birthday! He is now 3 years old! I thought to myself, wow, one day, Adek is going to grow up into someone very amazing! Now I am here looking at all of you and I feel like you are all going to be someone amazing too! 
How old is everyone here? okay, some of you guys are already in school. Do you already know what you want to be when you grow up? Do you dream on being a Pastor of many churches one day? A Doctor? A Veterinarian? (That was always my dream).  
Who here has faith that one day they will reach their dream?!
What is faith anyway? (Believing in something you can not see)
To help us understand about the topic of faith, let’s open up to our scripture reading: 
Matthew 17: 20 
For the bigger kids and grown ups, if you want to follow along with the story, please open your Bibles to Matthew 17:14-21 and Mark 9: 14-29
  One day, Jesus was walking with his disciples and a big group of people and in the crowd there was a very stressed dad with a demonic son. His son was possessed with a very bad spirit. The bad spirit that was inside his son would cause him to have seizures and shake until he foams at his teeth. Sometimes, his son would even jump into fires and water. He is out of control. This scared dad sees Jesus and comes to Jesus kneeling at his feet and says: Master, I have brought my son to your disciples, they couldn’t heal him so I need your help, please heal him! 
  Of course, Jesus is so wonderful and heard his cry and looked at the son and demanded the evil spirit to leave the boy’s body. At the sound of Jesus’s voice the demon left the boy’s body. As the evil spirit left the boy’s body, the boy laid their looking like he was dead! But then, Jesus lifted the boy off the ground and he reunited with father. How amazing right? The father of the demonic son had faith that Jesus is able to heal him. 
  But... Jesus also had disciples who had tried to save the boy too. So after this miracle, the disciples went to Jesus and said: “Master, why couldn’t we cast the devil out of him?” 
Sadly, Jesus replied “Because of your unbelief”.
Jesus then explains: if you have faith as as small as a mustard seed, you will be able to say to a mountain: Move from here to there and it will move and NOTHING will be impossible for you!
Does anyone know how small a mustard seed is? (Show picture) Its really small. But when it is planted, it grows like crazy! (Show picture). But when Jesus mentions “moving mountains” does he really mean Mountains? No, Jesus means, that when we have faith, we will be able to face super big problems that are overwhelming, scary, confusing and obstacles that seem impossible! 
For us kids, we have big dreams and our imagination runs wild!
For adults, they have big dreams too, but reality, or should I say realistic obstacles and problems kind of stand in their way for reaching their dreams. Sometimes those obstacles are thought to be financial, fear of taking a risk or just feeling very helpless like everything is out their control and they can’t do anything about it. But in this story, the example that Jesus had given us: our unbelief is what hinders us from Jesus’s great work and sometimes our prayers.
So from today’s lesson, I hope everyone here can have a little bit of faith in Jesus. Let’s all plant our small faith in our hearts. Day by day, our trust in God will grow and you will be amazed with what He does in your life. 
So what do you think? 
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ohwalley-blog · 9 years
Thinking out loud: BABY NAME
No, I'm not pregnant. No I definitely Do Not have a baby itch. Not even a marriage itch. But ever since I was little, I've been planning my dream wedding and I love choosing names for my future kids. Maybe it's because I played house too much and my mom dressed me as a bride for Halloween for 4 years straight. Anyways... If Ahmed and I had a baby girl, I would want to name her: Summer ! I looked up the meaning online and it says it means.... The summer season. 😏 okay, no fancy meaning like "a sunny personality like a sunflower" Nope. Just... The summer season. But there's a meaning to why I chose the name Summer. 1. Ahmed & I love the outdoors. We're obsessed with the beach. OBSESSED !! It's our favorite season! Because of our obsession with the beach, that's how bonded. 2. It's sounds so girly & kinda fun to say. 3. It's a typical name of a California girl. Summer.
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ohwalley-blog · 9 years
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Dear Ahmed. I pray about you and for us everyday. All we can ever do is trust God.
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ohwalley-blog · 9 years
Gold From Heaven
SDA Hymnal 821 Generosity From Corinthians 8 & 9
See that you …. excel in this grace of giving…. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.
If the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.
You will made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.
Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.
And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
Today I wrote a tithe for $💰💰💰.00 not the biggest tithe I’ve written, but that’s pretty big too me.
I was SO happy to write the check that I started to cry.
Reflecting back on the two weeks that I worked to earn that income I thought and said to myself… “If didn’t even make me that tired.. Wow God! You are too good !”
God is so good to me and He shows me in every single way … Even in the joy of giving my tithe and offering.
The part that says “you will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God”
That hit me hard. This is it. This is my other talent ! I need to embrace it. The more I’ve made.. The easier it’s been to give my money to help others and donate for the church more freely!
I pray that God continues to bless me financially. So I that I may be able to continue to help my family around me and my friends that need it & especially to further God’s work in ministry.
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ohwalley-blog · 9 years
New Chapter of Tumblr 👑
I obviously made this tumblr.. YEARS ago. Some dark time during nursing school. Well... I'm 26, been with my boyfriend for a freakin long time (aka Teddy in earlier entries, now goes by the name "Ken Doll") and a lot has changed since I was 19 years old (as seen in the picture above). So I'm changing up this tumblr. This is my area to vent (/complain) to ponder & wander and my favorite... Talk about spiritual things and how God and the Love of Jesus amazes me on a daily basis. (I wonder who is still on this thing anyway) For those of you who actually follow me, feel free to click unfollow now. Don't worry. I so won't get offended. Like it's going to matter. My entries will be so long that no one will have the time to even stop and read them. 💁
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ohwalley-blog · 12 years
Take 2
About the 80 / 20 rule. 
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ohwalley-blog · 12 years
She's sooo cute! 
Really good cover! 
These are the chords she used
G D Em C for the verse G Cadd9 Em D for the chorus Capo on the 6th fret!
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ohwalley-blog · 12 years
A hahahahahhah LEANNA you would LOVE this !
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ohwalley-blog · 12 years
Pretty much sums up the relationship of me and XXX
separating for no reason.
Listening to this rendition is bringing tears to my eyes.
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