oitnbeautiful · 6 years
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This is so cute I can’t handle
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
Philosophical Rejection Lines For That Dude At The Bar
The Descartes:
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The Aristotle:
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The Nietzsche:
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The Leibniz:
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The Socrates:
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The John Stuart Mill:
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The Democritus:
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via: Buzzfeed Books
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
so i work at a retirement home and one of the residents heard me saying “mood” all the time and she asked what it meant and now she won’t stop saying it
another resident fell over and she was just like “mood”
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
Sparkle Weekend 2018
Today was one of those rare, beautiful, golden days, where I had just about enough spoons to get from start to finish, plans flowed smoothly; and I felt at peace. I am very lucky to have the friends that I do, and today I am truly blessed to be out, trans, and loved. It's hard staying connected to a community where there are only so many spaces available to you, when you are limited by full time work, minimal leftover energy reserves, fluctuating mental health, and other unexpected adult life commitments. Sometimes you have to get away to get back to yourself, and that is precisely what today was about for me.
Watching the England match with a big crowd of (mainly trans) folx, in a gay bar in the middle of Canal Street, was an experience that I had never even envisaged having in my life. I felt safe. I felt supported. Personal space was respected. I am sad that this was a new experience for me at the age of 23, but so glad of it.
I felt so beautiful today. Yes, really. When do I ever, ever get to say that? Quite honestly, I didn't know how much I needed this event today until I saw Turing's figure sat on his bench in the gardens where Sparkle is held, apple in hand; a moment of stillness amongst a bustling rainbow of laughing, gently celebrating, trans people. Families. Allies. People questioning, learning, talking, and feeling safe to do so. All beautiful. All held by the safe hands of this festival.
There has never been more of a need for an event like Sparkle Weekend. You may have heard the news from London Pride regarding the TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical 'feminists') who were allowed to march at the head of the parade, with the organisers citing 'hot weather' as the reason that they were moved up the ordering of the march. I mean, excuse me?? Is anyone actually buying this rubbish??
The vitriol that this group was allowed to vocalise is truly disgraceful, yet unsurprising. Believe me when I say noone in the trans community recognises this as something new. The only silver lining that I can take from this incredibly embarrassing and upsetting turn of events today is that it has once again highlighted the need for our LGBT+ community to take responsibility for the transphobia that we have internally, as well as in the wider society that we are battling daily for acceptance and understanding. One of the organisers at Sparkle took to the stage to announce what had happened, and her words rang clear above the shadow cast by the breaking news; that we need UNITY more than ever. Pride was started by black trans women. I will shout it until my last breath, and all present were in agreement. Many hands held each other up, and after a moment of reflection and anger, we were determined to move forward. This is what this community does. These folx are the strongest of people; but we are tired too.
Despite the news from the south, today remains an incredibly empowering experience. I will be sharing a lot of literature, links and charity information over the next few days, to pay forward the love that I have felt today. Days like this help us grow, and in times like these, we need to nurture a forest in which to shelter. The trees in Sackville gardens stand tall, and so do we.
Love and Pride
~ JLB ❤💛💚💙💜🖤
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
I dont know what todays gender is but i know its not female so i got that going for me
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
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Stucky Infinity War. Suddenly, some digital art from me. ;3
Hey, guys! Check out my Patreon profile! <3
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
Reposting this because I got anxious and took it down.
So, I've met someone. They are cute, funny, kind and ridiculously smart. My heart is aflutter at the thought of them.
But all is not as simple as it sounds.
After date two, frustrated with myself that I didn't go in for a kiss at the end of the night, we messaged each other and had a chat about how this was going to go forward.
Glacial pace, previous relationship issues on both sides, commitment-y issues... all completely workable and things we seem mutually cool with. I'm certainly absolutely fine to be going gently! I just have this feeling that this is a really beautiful thing waiting to unfold...
Date three. Such a beautiful day, sunshine, gentle pace, lunch and a trip to a museum and art exhibition, then meeting their friends, in the best city in England! All totally lovely! I can feel myself melting into a little rainbow puddle just thinking about it...
But I felt so sick the whole time, and I genuinely thought I had got control of it for most of the day.
The old trigger of my backpack pushing down on my shoulders was my final downfall, as I swung it on my back in the evening and it triggered my first panic attack since Christmas (it's now mid-April). I felt so embarrassed. I am SO sick of not feeling better (pun intended.) I HAD been doing lots better... confidence-building, working on realistic and radical self-care, progression with recovery, days and days ticking by and not an anxious feeling, physical symptom, or intrusive thought in sight! Self harm is a distant, uncomfortable memory. The future looked bright.
I need to remind myself that it still is, as the effects of the attack wear off. Those first couple of hours after an attack are just full of internal shame; and they shouldn't be! I could have kicked myself when I got stuck in an apology loop too! I am better than this. I have control!
My date was wonderful about the whole event. I mean, they are training to be a medical professional for christ's sake, I don't know why I was so scared of this happening around them... as well as holding myself to stupid recovery goals that I would never hold anyone else to, it's almost definitely because I have been hit by the feels train very hard. Like a freight car, one might say.
I have been here before with my PTSD. And I CAN get back to the better place. At least I know why it happened (combination of nerves, feels, PMS, pain, a nasty lil flashback and the weight of my bag on my shoulders)
They are so lovely. The sweetest eyes... 😍 I really hope this is the start of something special... I hope that I can stay communicative, learn from my past, and not be too haunted by trauma that I have no control over. Most positively, I never thought I would feel the early flutterings of romantic feelings ever again. Heck, was I wrong. The human body is capable of incredible things (as I have been reminded by said lovely date this weekend!), and as I watch the scenery get flatter, the weather get worse, and the sun sink in the tired sky on my journey southwards, I realise that I am so glad to be here, a faraway feeling from 14 months ago when I was suicidal and I thought I was stuck.
Things can get better.
PTSD will not own me.
I will always be capable of love.
Hope is real. 💛💜🖤
~ JLB, April 2018
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
I make Facebook gayer and yet this is RELATABLE.
why the hell are we still on this stupid website
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
Hear hear!
So mad about this Drop the B rubbish. It’s fake, its not a campaign for equality, it hasn’t come from the trans community, or the LGBT+ community. It’s a fabricated campaign by 4chan users in an attempt to divide and disrepute those communities, just as they did when they invented ‘clovergender/cloversexual’ to suggest that trans people were on the level of pedophiles. Don’t acknowledge it, don’t repost their images, don’t use their hashtag. Mythbust where you can and encourage people to fact check. Don’t let lies divide us. 
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
When trains were introduced in the U.S, many people believed that that “women’s bodies were not designed to go at 50 miles an hour,” and that their “uteruses would fly out of [their] bodies if they were accelerated to that speed.”
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
This pride month let’s remember those who came before us, and remember our community’s history. Remember the AIDS crisis, remember the rainbow flag, remember stonewall. Remember black trans women and what they did for us.
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
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Antarctica is about to have its first ever Pride
Antarctica is set to have its first ever Pride event thanks to a group of LGBTQ+ people based in an Antarctic research center. 
(images by Planting Peace)
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
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Marvel, you didn’t give it to me, so I give it to the fandom
and I regret nothing!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚ ♥
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
Fact: When you have a crush on two people of different genders, it’s a bilemma
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oitnbeautiful · 6 years
The Future. 😍
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This is a photo of the REAL moon landing. NASA rival hNASA (heterosexual NASA) may have worked hard to cover it up but I landed on the moon, she told me she was gay, and I laid down the flag myself. It’s on the internet so it’s true. Please don’t check Snopes. 
[image desc: Me, a nonbinary Indian wheelchair user in blue and black lingerie and silver heels. I have on a retrofuturistic bubble space helmet and there’s a shooting star decal on my wheelchair. I’m sitting in my wheelchair on the moon planting the rainbow pride flag.]
Photo by Shameless Photography originally taken for Bettie Page Lingerie
Prints are available here
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