oizysjem · 5 years
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Sigil request! “I have good luck with finals and standardized tests.”
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oizysjem · 5 years
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“Stay Awake”
Schools coming around soon, and though generally all-nighters don’t become necessary till near the end of the semester, sigils like these are always good to have on hand just in case.
Keep this sigil on you or draw it on your cup of coffee (or get a custom coffee mug with this symbol on it) when you gotta stay awake.
Afterthought: Can also double as a curse. Draw this on a picture of your target to make them restless.
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oizysjem · 5 years
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oizysjem · 5 years
Student witch tip!
Testing and want to use some sigils? Don’t want them to be noticeable or considered cheating?
Draw them using your eraser! I like to put them on the edge of the scantron (by the name area), but you can put them wherever!
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oizysjem · 5 years
“help me succeed” candle spell
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for when you’ve studied or prepared for an event as best as you can, but you still feel like you need an extra boost of luck on your side. i created this as i panicked and was ridden for anxiety right before my driver’s test. it helped me calm my nerves and boosted my chances of passing!
what you need:
an orange candle - to me, orange represents success along with change and stamina/energy
a green candle - represents luck
tiger’s eye crystal - gets rid of negative emotions and keeps you focused on your goal
a small piece of paper and a green pen
first, light the candles and place each to the left and right sides of the tiger’s eye crystal, and charge the tiger’s eye with your intent by touching it and chanting the following:
“luck and success may you bring,
when i’ve done all i can, 
and my stress makes it hard to breathe.”
chant that as many times as, or as long as you’d like. because i was so nervous, i chanted it repeatedly throughout the entire spell and even after the spell was technically “over,” so to speak.  
next, to allow yourself a chance to specify exactly what you want to be successful in, take your paper and green pen and write exactly what you want this spell to bring you. for example, i wrote, “pass my driver’s test.” if you are able to safely do this, burn the piece of paper. if you can’t burn it, either bury it, drown it, or keep it on your person during your event.
continue to chant and charge your crystal, or simply stare at the flame if you’d like, until you feel your stress and anxiety wash away or at least lessen to a bearable level. blow out your candles when you are done, and don’t leave the flame unattended.
if i made any mistakes in writing this, please message me so i can fix it!! i’m always learning. anywho, good luck and happy spellcasting!!
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oizysjem · 5 years
School Witchery
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Magic resources for all my student witches out there! Remember, magic isn’t going to save your grades if you don’t also put the effort in. But it can certainly support you through your journey as a hardworking student <3
General tips and advice:
To the witches who are going back to school
Magical school tips
Back to school witch tips
Tips for high school witches
School witch tips
Herbs and crystals to help with school
Kitchen witchcraft for school lunches
University/college witch tips
Everything you need to know about being a college witch
College witchcraft
College witch tips
Little tips for the college witch
Dorm life:
Dorm friendly offerings & altars
Dorm hacks for the college witch
Dorm room witch tips
Dorm witchery
Living magically with roommates 
Kitchen witchcraft for the dorm
Candle/incense alternatives: [X] [X] [X]
Witch study tips
Study candle spell
Study sachet
Spell for focus on homework
Stay strong and carry on study spell
Student witch hacks for focus and concentration
Back in focus spell bottle
Studying tips for witches
Tests and exams:
“I can do this!” motivation bottle
Cramming for a test spell
A charm to help you succeed on exams
Using sigils on your tests (tip)
Sigils masterpost for finals week
A spell for finals week
Focus for finals spell bottle
Final exam spell
Other spells:
A spell for good grades
Back to school success sachet
School success sachet spell
Knot spell for doing well in school
Sweet school year spell
“Leave me be” spell
Spell to banish anxiety and get a good mark
Restful sleep spell jar
Spells for back to school (masterpost)
Sigils for school, study and education (masterpost)
You may also like:
Magic to Replenish Energy 
Rejuvenating witchcraft 
Housewarming magic (dorm)
Sick witchery 
Periods suck. Witchcraft helps.
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Drink Magic Masterpost 
Bath Magic Masterpost 
Bedridden witch series
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oizysjem · 5 years
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Beltane altar 🌿
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oizysjem · 5 years
Grimore Ideas
So you want to make a grimore, but you have no idea what to put it! Here are some ideas!
Spells, of course
The elements
Crystals and herbs you like, and their correspondences
Astrology: the signs, your chart, etc
Divination, both how to’s, and answers you’ve gotten
Moon phases, I find even sticking a calendar in there is good
Deities, Spirits, and things like that you’ve talked to or worked with
The Sabbats, if you do those, and what you can do on them
Recipes and Potions
Meditation charts and what you get out of them!
Dreams and dreamwork
Plant identification
Tarot card meanings
Crystal Grids
Pendulum keys
Tarot spreads
Essential oils you like
Pocket Altars
Hopefully this has give you some ideas! Good luck!
~Advicewitch Kween
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oizysjem · 5 years
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greek mythology → hedone
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oizysjem · 5 years
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greek mythology → zagreus
god conflated with dionysus, and son of persephone and zeus
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oizysjem · 5 years
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greek mythology → sisters of the seasons
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oizysjem · 5 years
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@mythologicalnet‘s event | siblings
Enyo & Ares, greek goddess and god of war
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oizysjem · 5 years
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moodboard: tyche
↦ tyche was the goddess of fortune and prosperity of a city in greek mythology. she was the daughter of aphrodite and either zeus or hermes, although some sources referred to her as an oceanid, a daughter of the titans oceanus and tethys
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oizysjem · 5 years
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greek mythology → eos & selene
sisters, eos & selene, were the goddesses of the dawn and the moon
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oizysjem · 5 years
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moodboards: children of nyx (7/?)
Eleos was the personification or goddess of pity, clemency and compassion in greek mythology. She was believed to be a child of Erebus and Nyx.
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oizysjem · 5 years
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greek mythology → ioke
goddess of onslaught, battle-tumult & pursuit
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oizysjem · 5 years
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30 Days of Mythical Tricksters → Day 6: Atë
“Atë is the Greek goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, and folly. Atë also refers to the action performed by a hero, usually because of hubris, that often leads to his or her death or downfall.” (x)
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