ojerks · 6 years
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Eight sarcophagi containing mummies standing on the cliff side, referred to by local residents as the “ancient wise men.” The remaining six sarcophagi or purunmachus (two of the eight are lost) stand up to 2.5 meters tall. Chachapoya culture, 15th c. Peru
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ojerks · 6 years
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ojerks · 6 years
i killed a plant once because i gave it too much water. lord, i worry that love is violence.
— José Olivarez, from “Getting Ready to Say I Love You to My Dad, It Rains,” Citizen Illegal
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ojerks · 6 years
tag urself as a student type
coffee: always frantic, has a crammed schedule, never stops consuming caffeine, will agree to go to a party even if they have a six a.m. shift the next day
bujo: organized, likes to makes lists and keep track of things, plans outfit the night before, stresses when they get a grade less than a B
oops: stopped caring in the third grade, somehow manages to get okay grades, never studies, kind of lazy, would eat Waffle House at 3 in the morning
sweatshirt: is trying as hard as they possibly can, has to study and work hard for their grades, constantly stressing, has social anxiety, tries to do every extra curricular under the sun
aesthetique: probably vegetarian or vegan, has a “mom jean” 80′s aesthetic, glorifies local cafes, wants to live in Europe, always wants to cut their hair
gothique: black clothes only, still stans my chemical romance, uses sarcasm as a defense mechanism, desperately wants some tattoos, likes the black lipstick look but too shy to do it
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ojerks · 6 years
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ojerks · 6 years
“Don’t waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.”
— Paulo Coelho (via goodreadss)
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ojerks · 6 years
““She was beautiful, in the quiet way that lonely, unnoticed people are beautiful to those who notice them.””
—  Jedediah Berry (via naturaekos)
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ojerks · 6 years
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Excerpt from Florence Welch’s book Useless Magic out the 5th of July, 2018.
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ojerks · 6 years
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Rising sun (cropped) - Artist unknown, Japanese - c.1904-1905 - via MFA Boston
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ojerks · 6 years
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ojerks · 6 years
“If you really love a person, you give them infinite space. Your very being is just a space for them to grow in, to grow with. The mind interferes and tries to possess the person, then love is destroyed.”
— Osho
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ojerks · 6 years
People: what do you do with your life?
Me: i have a rich inner world
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ojerks · 6 years
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via @kimcoolmon instagram
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ojerks · 6 years
American Children: Hey, can we be murdered a little less please?
Republicans: What the fuck? What about my guns? What about me, a person innocently playing with my death-machines as a hobby? I am the real victim here. Kids these days are so entitled…
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ojerks · 6 years
“Please don’t expect me to always be good and kind and loving. There are times when I will be cold and thoughtless and hard to understand.”
— Sylvia Plath
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ojerks · 7 years
Doing something out of kindness you should expect nothing in return. Piece of shit
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ojerks · 7 years
PSA about ADHD
✦ADHD is not a personality quirk
- some things that tag along with ADHD are:
        ~sensory processing disorder
        ~executive dysfunction
        ~poor fine motor skills
        ~sensory overloads (that lead to meltdowns)
        ~sensory seeking (self stimming)
        ~moderate to severe memory problems
        ~Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria- is an extreme emotional sensitivity and emotional pain triggered by the perception that one is being rejected, teased, or criticized. The emotional response is complete with suicidal ideation and people suffering from RSD often get misdiagnosed with serious personality disorders. RSD is only seen in people with ADHD and the emotional sensitivity/reaction is much more severe than that of a neurotypical person.
✦Some other “fun” ADHD things! 
          ~inability to regulate emotions
          ~no concept of time
          ~noticeable public stimming (resulting in stares from neurotypicals) 
          ~no impulse control
          ~listen but cannot absorb what is being said 
          ~no volume control 
          ~increased inability to focus when emotional
          ~difficulty stopping a task and transitioning to the next 
          ~social anxiety
          ~higher levels on generalized anxiety
          ~extremely forgetful 
          ~”all or nothing” mentality  
@ neurotypicals- some things to be aware of: 
- you cannot hyperfixate. only people who are neurodivergent can hyperfixate. please don’t use that word when describing your latest obsession :-)
- please don’t stare at neurodivergent people who are stimming in public
- be respectful of those who actually need fidget toys so they can subtly stim in public 
- if we forget something you tell us it is not because we don’t care, we just have a million other thoughts racing through our mind and no way to filter through them. 
- please be gentle with us. no don’t tip toe around us and treat us like we aren’t human, but be aware that even offhand comments can trigger RSD. no we aren’t being too sensitive, our brains are wired differently than yours. 
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