ojirosero · 3 years
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ojirosero · 3 years
You overhearing them talk about you after a fight? They're pissed, ranting shit but don't mean most of it? Like he told his friend that he wishes you two weren't a thing cause ur clingy or annoying, and you just pull back, avoid talking to him and just not being the usual you? And they fucking notice and now they're thinking u wanna breakup?? HURT COMFORT SHIT
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ROSTER . . . takashi mitsuya
SYNOPSIS . . . one of the only times mitsuya says something he doesn’t mean, you’re around to hear it.
CONTAINS . . . swearing, possible ooc writing
NOTE . . . i wasn’t sure if this was a request or not, so i wrote something for it anyway :) if it was a request, please make it more clear next time so that i won’t default to merely discussing it instead.
P.S. . . . ugh i’m such a sucker for hurt/comfort. i just—i need something to mend my heart after all the angst, y’know? i also wrote this on four hours of sleep without stopping, so there are going some mistakes and fluctuations in the quality of my writing. for that, i apologize. please keep in mind that this is absolutely unedited and un-proofread. i’m just tired, man😭 i need some mf SLEEP.
ADDRESSED TO . . . @kuroiza @rengokuswife8989 @florssils @dazaisusedbandages @sanelly
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you feel like shit, and it’s mainly your fault.
when you first agreed to enter a relationship with mitsuya—and even before when the prospect of romance was nothing more than a fleeting sprout in your minds and you two were still exchanging shy, awkward glances—you were fully aware of how demanding his schedule was. you knew that it must be extremely taxing to juggle his duties as an older brother raising two younger sisters, serve as a high-ranked member of toman tasked with disciplining a division of chaotic imbeciles, possess a mind sound enough to correctly guide his subordinates as the president of the sewing club, and maintain grades high enough to please his mother and ease the burden of concern on her shoulders. you knew this, and yet, you were so blinded by the rose-tinted lenses of infatuation that you hadn’t noticed the emerging red flag that hinted at a relationship wrought with neglect and strained tempers. make no mistake, mitsuya dotes on you whenever he can. but sometimes, he simply doesn’t have time to grant you the affection you crave.
this has resulted in a few minor conflicts, yet all of them were eventually resolved by a promise from him to do better. believe him, he really is trying. the issue is, he’s wearing himself down to the bone trying to appease everyone and divide his time among the multiple tasks he’s adopted. as a result, you’re always unintentionally shoved to the sidelines. you understand that some obligations take precedence over others, but damn, you just wish he would spare you enough time to go on a proper date with you. after the umpteenth time of you confronting him about his neglectful tendencies, you finally started to wonder why he even bothered to accept your feelings and propose the idea of a relationship if his schedule was already crammed to the brim with other responsibilities.
when you mentioned it to him, you should’ve anticipated the explosive argument that would erupt between you two. you really should have. yet, you didn’t, and you were so caught off guard that you impetuously lashed back with a string of cruel comments that you both knew you didn’t mean. you two had finally snapped beneath the accumulated pressure of it all, tears of frustration stinging your eyes as you sneered about his mistreatment of you while prominent veins arched up his temple as he lamented about how he wished that you would just understand and quit being so goddamn needy all the time. oh, you two had shouted and cursed and slammed doors… it was, without a doubt, the worst rift in your relationship the two of you had ever encountered.
it had only ended after you, in the middle of mitsuya recalling how empathetic you had been at the start of your relationship, snatched up your belongings and left without another word. he hadn’t pursued you as you staggered down the steps of his apartment complex with misty eyes and poorly-veiled sobs stifled by trembling lips. the only acknowledgement of your presence you received was a curt “good night” text, which you promptly dismissed without a reply. the next day proceeded without a shred of communication. you didn’t stop by his house to accompany him and his little sisters to school, you two spent the duration of lunch in separate locations, and neither of you waited for the other once school ended. any accidental eye contact or physical touches were blatantly ignored by the both of you, your eyes simply returning to stare straight ahead and reflexive apologies wilting on your tongues once you realized who you brushed against.
by the second day, you had decided that avoiding each other was pointless. in fact, not only was it pointless, but it drove an even more cumbersome wedge between you two—the exact opposite of what should be happening. what should be happening is communication, empathy—literally anything else but this. you thought that mitsuya, considering how he towers heads and shoulders above his comrades in terms of maturity, would have reached the same conclusion. that’s why you so self-assuredly, confidently marched your way up to the school’s rooftop where mitsuya and his friends often congregate for lunch.
but, that’s also why you felt your heart plummet to the pit of your stomach when you heard his voice slip through the ajar doors.
“i know she loves me, but hell… she’s just so… so clingy all the time, you know? it’s suffocating. she doesn’t seem to understand that i have other obligations, and she wants to be with me all the damn time. i don’t even know why i put up with her.”
shock spiderwebs through your nervous system at the unforeseen testament of his feelings, causing your fingertips to twitch sporadically from their place resting tentatively upon the door handle. what? you wish that you were a little slower-witted, just a tad bit more dense… that way, you would’ve been afforded a couple moments to steel your nerves and harden your heart in preparation for the cold truth of his words to sink in. unfortunately, you weren’t even graced with that. immediately, his words slipped through your ears and snaked their way down your throat, spinning into creation devilish spirits of affliction and dismay that cackled with impish glee at your misfortune when they wound around your esophagus, cinching it shut until you were actively fighting to draw oxygen into your lungs. they curled around your heart, constricting tighter and tighter with an unforgiving, merciless pressure until they milked every honeyed drop—every ounce—of the warmth and affection your heart had been desperately patching up wounds throughout the duration of your relationship in hopes of preserving, leaving it wilted and shriveled in their wake.
oh, i see. your ears burned with shame and your blood froze in your veins, the drastic temperatures conflicting to send your head spinning and leave you fumbling blindly for the door handle to steady yourself. i see. he’s right. this is my fault. i already knew that… i knew it… so, why does it hurt so badly to hear someone say it out loud?
your fingertips fell away from the handle. whatever. it doesn’t matter.
you wanted to cry, you did. but, for some reason, the tears just wouldn’t fall. they merely coalesced on your lashes, hovering over your irises in pellucid lenses that warped your vision so severely that your stomach churned with nausea. still, you didn’t miss a step as you descended from the rooftop, nor did you jostle anyone when you numbly immersed yourself in the exuberant chatter of your classmates…
nor did you hear what left mitsuya’s mouth next.
you weren’t there to see his friend skeptically narrow his eyes at him, nor did you hear him scoff at mitsuya, “come on, man, you don’t mean that.”
you weren’t there to watch mitsuya toss his arms in the air in a spasm of frustration, nor did you see how he wove his fingers into his short, lilac hair to tug irritably on the strands, admitting with a sigh of defeat, “i know, i know. i don’t need you to lecture me. i just… i love her, but it’s just so hard to find time to spend with each other. i need to find a way to figure this out. i really want this to work.”
you just… left.
you didn’t bother to check your phone when it buzzed against your thigh to alert you of an incoming text, nor did your brain process the carefully folded note sitting in your locker when you swapped shoes to begin your trek home. in fact, you were so distracted that you didn’t notice the rumbling growl of an approaching motorcycle or the choking smog of exhaust that enveloped you as the owner screeched to a halt beside you and clumsily slid off to lunge for your arm.
you jolted at the feeling of a rough hand clamp down on your wrist, panic sparking in your chest. you instinctively lurched back to wrest your arm away from the stranger, only to freeze when you recognized a familiar set of lavender eyes glowing with such intense concern that it made your weathered heart clench with sorrow all over again. “takashi,” you breathed. the soft whisper of his name was all but swept away by the thunderous hum of his motorcycle, but not before it could soothe the worry lines creasing his forehead and coax him into loosening his grip. “what do you want?” still, as inviting as it was, you didn’t allow yourself the luxury of basking in the attention you’ve been yearning for for weeks. you calmly withdrew your arm, curbing the compromising tremor in your hand by feigning a sudden need to clutch at the strap of your school bag. the wounds in your heart were still far too fresh for you to merely gloss over for the sake of indulging in a civil conversation with him.
“she’s just so… clingy all the time, you know? it’s suffocating.”
your free hand curled into a fist, knuckles white.
“i’m here to apologize.”
“huh?” your eyes cut toward him. “apologize?”
mitsuya inhaled deeply. despite his hands being folded behind his back, you could still tell that he was wringing them anxiously. he’s nervous, you note. if that hadn’t provided suitable evidence for you to draw up your own assumption, then there was always the bruised state of his bottom lip to consider. the top layer of skin had been torn off, the plush flesh pulsating beneath appearing to be irritated and bitten raw—an unhealthy method for coping with stress that mitsuya had exhibited since the day you first met him. he chewed the fuck out of his lip. you mused to yourself. he really must be nervous. his eyes were solemn as he inclined his head in a bow. “i wanted to apologize for the argument we had two days ago. i shouldn’t have yelled at you, and i should have been more understanding of your feelings. but, i want you to know that when i asked you to go out with me, i never wanted to make you feel like you were being strung along, and i never wanted to make you feel mistreated. for that, i’m sorry. but, i really do want this relationship to work out. i… i want us to stay together. i want to fix things, but i need your help to do it.”
“that’s a relief, because so do i,” you smiled, yet it failed to reach your eyes. your gaze remained dim and reserved, trained on the space between his boots. truthfully, you did want this to work out, but… if he’s saying all of this now, then what the hell was that on the rooftop? even so… “i’m sorry, too. i should have been more empathetic about how hectic your schedule is. you’re a big brother, one of toman’s captains, the head of the sewing club, and a student. you already have so much on your plate, but i just kept wanting more, more, and more. i didn’t properly consider how little time you had to yourself.” your voice rang with earnesty, a speck of light returning to your eyes. “i really don’t want to break up over something like this. let’s try again. this time, we’ll try something different.”
i’ll try something different.
you saw mitsuya’s spine straighten, noticed the sparkle of joy reflected in his gaze right before his eyelids fluttered shut, watched his chin lower to allow a chuckle of relief to slip through lips curved by a warm smile, and witnessed his lips form a string of words. yet, for some reason… you couldn’t hear a single thing he said. maybe it was due to the lingering heat of rejection scorching your ears, or maybe it was because of the dull ring reverberating throughout your cranium that quelled every possible external sound. either way, you just stood there, body unresponsive and limbs unwieldy, as he embraced you.
i’ll try something different.
so, you did. for the next couple days, you distanced yourself from your boyfriend in an attempt to provide him with the space that he so yearned for. it was a difficult task, but you managed. every time you felt the compelling, magnetic draw of his aura and were engulfed by the desire to soak up all the love he had to offer, your body would freeze, the words “clingy” and “suffocating” skipping through your brain like a mantra. not wanting to disturb him, you only spoke when he approached you first; and, even then, your smile was hollow and fragile. you accompanied him to and from school as usual, but the moment he mentioned needing to go someplace or run an errand, you were slipping your shoes on to leave or breezily telling him that you could call a friend to pick you up instead of forcing him to make two trips. you no longer showered him with adoring kisses or draped yourself over him for an impromptu cuddling session; rather, you resigned yourself to fleeting touches, chaste pecks of your lips, and quietly enduring the hours he spent scribbling out notes or solving algebra problems sprawled on his couch or indulging his little sisters’ schemes to keep them occupied. most of the time, you declined his offers to attend places with him, spinning little, white lies about how your parent needed you to return home early or how you simply “had something to do.”
over time, you noted that mitsuya’s skepticism regarding your shift in behavior was increasing exponentially. he would frequently ask you if anything was bothering you, to which you would always respond with a shake of your head and a denial of his suspicions, knowing damn well that holding him at such an icy distance was taking a serious toll on your heart. his requests gradually morphed into implorals, and there were times where he would bar your path with an arm or a leg before you could scamper off and tell you to stay with him.
things didn’t hit a dead end until now, nearly a full week later. mitsuya had just delivered you at your house, per usual; and, you’re now kneeling on your sofa, peering through a sliver of space in the curtains with a forlorn, wistful sigh as you watch him depart in a wisp of grey smoke, per usual. you want to kick yourself—to rip open your front door and shout at him to wait. but, you don’t. you’ve grown weary of holding your own emotions hostage for the sake of making his life a bit easier, but you remain strong. you uphold the tacit vow to refrain from deviating from the cycle of strained normalcy that you both seem to be trapped in.
but, he doesn’t.
your eyes widen when he abruptly slams on the brakes, scarlet taillights weaving to and fro like the frenzied wings of a butterfly as he wrestles his bike to a halt. the charcoal wheels squeal in protest as he whips his motorcycle around and makes a beeline back toward your house, engine revving with a newfound vigor and gaze trained on your front door. “what’s he doing?” you perk up at the sight of his return. “did he leave something with me?” but once you watch him shove the kickstand down and yank off his helmet to let it fall carelessly to the concrete, your stomach twists. oh. his eyebrows are furrowed in clear displeasure, features hardened into a mask of irritation and slit eyes gleaming with an odd combination of concern and exasperation. the silver necklace clasped around his neck bounces against his chest with each step he takes as he marches up to your front door, the rhythmic swing of the ornate pendant capturing your attention long enough for him to glimpse you peeking at him from your window.
oh, my god. what is he doing? you hastily draw the curtains when you hear his knuckles rap against the front door. barely a second later, his voice follows. “(reader)? open up, we need to talk.” for a split second, you consider fleeing to your room and feigning that his eyes had deceived him, only to wince when he speaks a second time. “i already saw you in the window, angel. i know you’re right there.”
well, fuck.
neither of you speak when you gingerly creak open the door to grant him access. you just stand there quietly, eyes transfixed intently on each action he performs as he politely slips off his shoes and strips off his jacket to habitually drape it over the arm of the couch. a heavy silence stretches between you two, only shattered when mitsuya finally turns to face you.
“okay, what’s going on here?”
“what do you mean?” at first, you entertain the possibility of him referring to the space you’ve been placing between you, but you swiftly discard the thought. no, this is what he wanted.
“come on, now,” mitsuya props a hand on his hip, raising a brow at you. “love, you know what i’m talking about. you’re not acting like yourself, and i refuse to keep pretending like you are.” when you continue to blink blankly at him, he sighs and combs his fingers through his hair. “for the past week, you’ve been really distant. you never seem to want to be around me, you get all stiff and awkward when i try to hug or kiss you, and you never initiate anything like you used to. so, i know that something’s bothering you—hey, is it the fight we had last week? are you still upset? because, i can—” you frantically shake your head. “no? then, tell me what’s going on. as much as i wish i were, i’m not a mindreader. i need you to talk to me.”
“but—wait, i’m confused,” you lift your hands to silence him, eyebrows knitting together in perplexity. “i thought that this is what you wanted. i thought you wanted space.”
“what?” now, it’s mitsuya’s turn to look absolutely befuddled. “no, i—no. what made you think that?”
“isn’t that what you said on the rooftop?” you narrow your eyes at him in an accusatory manner, defensively folding your arms across your chest. “last week, i heard you tell your friends that i was too clingy—that i was suffocating, to be exact. you said…” your voice trails off as you recall his next words, your own throat knotting up. “you—” tears brew along your lashes, and for once, you’re grateful for the muted obscurity they plunge your vision into. now, in a way, you don’t have to face your boyfriend. you don’t feel compelled to search his eyes for any signs of ingenuity or rejection, nor do you have to continue wrestling with the angel perched on your shoulder that only gains strength with each passing moment you’re forced to perceive the gradual softening of mitsuya’s steely expression. you’re pathetic. the mere sight of him is nearly enough to strip your resolve apart at the seams, for god’s sake. call it pathetic, call it infatuated, call it whatever you want. it’s all the fucking same right now, anyway. you love him, but… “you said that you didn’t know why you put up with me.”
there's a single beat of silence—a single beat where mitsuya's own heart drops as he finally identifies the root of the issue.
“no—no, (reader), i didn’t mean it. i was just so angry at the whole situation that i wasn’t thinking clearly. not a single word i said then was true.” you tense when you feel warm fingertips glide over your bare arm, calloused from having been pricked countless times during their days of threading needles and toughened by more brawls than you can tally on both hands. still, they’re familiar—familiar enough to sap the strength directly from your knees and cause the remainder of your tenacity to crumble. “still, that doesn’t make it right. it doesn’t excuse my actions.”
shit, you’re pathetic.
the moment you feel a single tear slip down your cheek is the moment you suddenly detect mitsuya’s presence is everywhere at once, engulfing and swallowing you whole until all you can sense is him and that stupid cologne you gifted to him for his birthday. one arm loops around your waist to draw you flush against him, its counterpart rising to press a hand to the back of your head and ease your face into the crook of his neck. your tears soak into the fabric of his shirt, and you swear you can feel him shiver against you when your breath abruptly fans across the hollow of his throat in a vain attempt at regulating your sporadic breathing pattern. slim fingers work their way through your hair, and you don’t realize exactly how unnaturally warm your skin is until you register how cold the silver rings adorning his fingers are as they brush against your scalp. it isn’t long before you’re melting into his touch and allowing yourself to really feel his presence—feel the familiar outline of his necklace pressed to your chest, feel the steady rise and fall of his chest in tandem with yours, feel the grounding strength in his touch as he slides his hand up from your waist to rub soothing circles into your back, feel everything about him that you’ve been depriving yourself of.
“i’m sorry,” he murmurs, words ghosting over the shell of your ear in a warm caress. “i’m so sorry. i swear, i didn’t mean it. i’ve never once thought that you were suffocating. never. not once. i was just frustrated. tell me, is that why you’ve been keeping your distance?”
when you nod in confirmation against his shoulder, you can practically feel him deflate. “you really didn’t mean it?” you inquire meekly, voice still wavering beneath the weight of tears that have yet to fall.
“of course not.” he releases you, the hand that had been comfortingly stroking your hair now slipping along your jaw to cradle the side of your face and lift it gently from his shoulder. his gaze scours yours, lavender irises soft with such reverence and adoration that one would assume you’d poised the stars in the sky and meticulously carved out a slice of the moon just for him, distilling and compressing its essence into what’s now the glassy, besotted twinkle in his eyes that yields nothing but evidence of how tightly he’s wound around your finger—evidence of how deeply rooted in his heart you are. your shoulders relax. yet, in the depths of his eyes, you can discern his soul, entangled with darkness and worn with far too much emotional turmoil for your liking.
“it’s okay,” you breathe. “it’s alright, really.”
“no, ‘s not.” mitsuya grumbles. he angles your face down, planting an unhurried kiss beneath each of your eyes. “if it were, you wouldn’t be crying, now, would you?” his lips are gentle as they track kisses along the pearlescent streaks staining your complexion. they rest against the apple of your cheek for a moment longer before he pulls away slightly to whisper to you. “i should tell you, this week’s been hell for me.”
“me, too,” you tilt your head, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. your head bumps against his temple in resignation. “i don’t want to do that again.” you sigh. “it was too emotionally draining.”
“so, promise me that you won’t do that again, okay, angel?” mitsuya’s gaze is solemn as it searches your face. “promise me that you’ll come and talk to me so we can avoid misunderstandings like this in the future. i love you, (reader). i don’t want to risk losing you over something so small again, so please, help me out here.”
“well, i love you, too.” you hum. “so, for both of our sakes, i promise.”
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ojirosero · 3 years
𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆 ����𝖑𝖆𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖒
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𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: drugs, maybe a hint of violence, fluff
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘: mikey, draken, baji, kazutora, chifuyu, mitsuya, hakkai, yuzuha, souya, nahoya
𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘: I just really enjoy writing them all as goofy everyday roommates. Should I do a part two? But with who? This was actually so much fun.
𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: hinted mikeyxreader, bajixreader, hakkaixreader
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Mikey and draken
You three live over drakens shop. It's convenient for all of you and also cheap. You get the biggest room after mikey because he's a little shit and called shot gun on the best room before you could even enter the flat.
Draken wakes up early and makes coffee for everyone before he disappears for the rest of the day. You lie to others and say everyone takes turn doing the dishes but honestly, mikey acts like he doesn't see the mess on the counter and draken finds every excuse in the book to just not do it.
Both of them are kinda protective over you and don't like it when you take a date home. They'll look them up and down judgingly and ask them the most uncomfortable questions to let them "prove their worth to be with you."(no one could ever live up to their expectations till this day) the golden rule (set up by mikey and mikey alone) is that if they can win against mikey in a fight, they can date you.
If you can't sleep at night you can always go down to dranken's shop, there is a 80% chance to find either him, Inui or another former toman member down there doing whatever at an ungodly hour.
You won't need a pet because mikey made it his personal mission to hang onto your back 24/7 (draken has a job and everyone else also acts like a functioning adult so what else is he supposed to do). He crawls into your bed at night and steals your blanket, follows you around the flat when he doesn't know what to do and demands food from you every other hour instead of just cooking himself.
Baji, Kazutora and Chifuyu
Chaotic people but they all love you with their whole heart and try to keep it down for you in their small apartment. It's was originally only meant for 3 people but Kazutora just came in one day and never left so...
Baji is the one responsible for cleaning and vacuuming the floor because his hair is everywhere. Kazutora gets a "I actually don't live here" pass but he's tidy anyway so you can't prove otherwise.
Chifuyu and you bond over manga and build a shelve together for all your hardcovers. You win against Baji in rock, paper, scissors and are allowed to set it up in the hallway. Baji says he still hates it but you saw him tidy it up and put his favorite mangas in the front so he probably lies.
Cats. Cats everywhere and always. All of them assure you they don't take stray cats in anymore to prevent them from taking over the apartment but you know that they don't just feed them outside. There is always at least one cat lurking around the hallway to get some food.
Bajis mother loves you. She comes over to visit you and not him and he's lowkey jealous. Of who? He can't tell. She tries to set you two up and always starts the conversation that, when Kazutora and Chifuyu move out to marry or do whatever you two could continue to live together. As friends or more. Baji turns back into a teenager and starts spouting nonsense, saying he would rather die then to be in a relationship with you. It's a sad excuse of a lie and everyone knows.
Hakkai, Mitsuya and Yuzuha
The most chill household you can get. Nice roommates too and the flat looks pretty cool considering all of them are working in the fashion departement. Mitsuya has his atelier elsewhere but he still spends a lot of time at home with all of you.
Yuzuha and you are in charge of grocery shopping because Hakkai tends to get too much junk food and mitsuya buys a concerning amount of coffee. Hakkai accompanies you two sometimes to keep boys away from flirting with his sister. And from you but he doesn't say that.
The unspoken rule to always have slippers on comes from the fact that mitsuya leaves his pins everywhere. You sometimes see him crawling on the floor searching for a few spare pins. It's hilarious.
Pillow forts? Pillow forts. Every other week when Hakkai gets the urge to build a pillow fort one of you ends up in his grasp. Most of the time It's you because Hakkai thinks you make the best pillow base. This night you have to sleep on the ground surrounded by blankets and snacks while mr. Daddy long legs takes up all the space and uses you as his personal pillow.
the Kawata Twins
I don't know how you got into this living situation but let me say that you will never ever in your life be bored again. You three also live above their shop and it smells like ramen everywhere.
Souya is too nervous to talk to you for the first few months but after his brothers forces him to warm up to you he comes into your room everyday just to check up on you and make sure you eat enough. Nahoya cares for you in the same way but a little more aggressively...like beating up people that made you mad or beating up people that made you-
Since the Tenjiku battle they have an ongoing weird tension with the Haitani brothers and sometimes you catch one of the twins looking out the window just staring at the street where a Haitani brother is standing around staring back.
Souya is a very tidy person and helps out where he can while Nahoya doesn't even know how to wipe the floor and refuses to learn it. When people come over Souya is on his toes the whole time, running after people to make sure they don't leave the flat looking like a mess.
Nahoya smokes weed and cooks afterwards completely baked. It tastes amazing though and you two can't stop laughing while Souya just watches in horror when Nahoya puts another chunk of butter into the frying pan.
You belong to them now and they both think it would make sense for you to either marry one of them or get adopted to change your surname to Kawata already
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ojirosero · 3 years
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213 notes · View notes
ojirosero · 3 years
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tokyo revengers layouts;
kazutora, mitsuya & hakkai icons!
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ojirosero · 3 years
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3 phase of Chifuyu Matsuno that we know
Credit to: @_CB250T_ (twitter)
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ojirosero · 3 years
this scene exists:
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ojirosero · 3 years
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i have proper pnat fanart in the works i promise. heres my jojo redraws for now to tide you over
read paranatural or perish and also get hype for chapter 7!!!!!
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ojirosero · 3 years
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404 notes · View notes
ojirosero · 3 years
Dating hakkai headcanons 🥺💗
↬ pairings: shiba hakkai x reader
↬ cw/tws ⚠️: fluff, mentions of touching
↬ requested: yes
↬ barrista's note ☕: this is a little late i'm so sorry my love :( i really hope you'll like it!
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friends to lovers
so,, hakkai is definitely that type of boyfriend who follows you around like a puppy and never wants to be away from you <3
he looked so casual while asking you out for the first time but he was literally dying inside, it actually took a long time for him to gather his confidence and ask you out yuzuha kinda forced him into it
hakkai always makes sure you're comfortable around him, since you two were friends for a while before dating he knows what to and what not to do/say around you. he's so careful not to hurt your feelings in any ways <3
whisper him words of affirmation and touch him somehow while cuddling, hakkai often needs emotional support + comfort and he craves for your touch
he loves hugging you! randomly wraps his arms around your waist and lays you on his chest, hugs you from behind, picks you up, spoons you... he lives to give you any kind of an hug
coming to meet his family, yuzuha is really welcoming towards you; at the very first time you visited the shiba house she made tea + snacks for you and sat you down to talk so you two could get to know each other
you'd think meeting taiju would be hard but i can't say taiju really gave a shit, sorry :( although he managed to give you a kind pat on the shoulder somehow
hakkai is your boyfriend and best friend at the same time, isn't that the best? you two gossip about the people you both don't like for hours like old ladies, you do everything together and you have an amazing bound <3
shower him with kisses and affection! he might seem all tough and cool but we all know hakkai is actually just a giant baby so he wants your attention
needles to say, hakkai also has a vulnerable, sensitive side and you'll see this clearly in your relationship. he doesn't just come to you and rant about his problems but you can feel it in the way he acts. he lets himself to be openly vulnerable around you because he knows that you'd never judge him in any way. comfort him and tell him it's gonna be okay :( sometimes he really needs to hear you're there for him
he fiddles with your fingers whenever he's stressed/anxious about something. the feeling of your hand fitting perfectly into his helps him to calm his mind
he's the type to send you a new song every night before going to sleep <3 he also has a few playlists for you
hakkai has all the love in the world when he looks at you... he adores you, he loves you in a way that no one else can, he thinks every single detail about you is beautiful
he never forgets to compliment you! he notices the slightest change right away since he's extra observant when it comes to you
would 100% do your nails <3
arguements with hakkai would rarely happen and they wouldn't be bad. he knows every relationship has its' ups and downs, he's determined to handle them smoothly
shares his earphones with you when you take the bus together <3
like i said, hakkai is extra observant when it comes to you so he notices even the smallest change in your mood. he's not the best at comforting people through words so he cuddles with you all day and puts on a sitcom on tv just to make some noise whenever you're feeling down. the way his fingers run through your hair, the way he squeezes your shoulder, the way his hands wander around on your face so gently is enough to make you feel like everything's gonna be okay
he's always so gentle, patient and considerate towards you <3 you're one of the few people he cherishes the most and hakkai's willing to do anything to protect you, keep you safe.
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dates with hakkai are all fun and romantic <3 aside from his tasks in toman he doesn't have much to do so as soon as he's done with school he picks you up to do something. hakkai absolutely loves driving you around the busy city full of people and everything on his bike, he'd drive you across the city even for the smallest thing. anyways, going back to the dates; you wanna eat? he probably knows all the good places. you wanna go shopping? you're getting matching clothes. you wanna chill at home? he has a list of movies he wants to watch with you. he's willing to do anything that would make you happy <3
he's 10/10 to go shopping with, he picked up a good fashion sense from mitsuya and he loves picking outfits for you <3 also he carries all the bags. what an angel he is, right?
in a nutshell, he's nothing but the sweetest and the kindest boyfriend you can ever have so you better not break his heart :3
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@ewitsren 's work, do not translate/repost on other apps or platforms.
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ojirosero · 3 years
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ojirosero · 3 years
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ojirosero · 3 years
Mikey x Izana
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ojirosero · 3 years
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future Hanma is *chef kiss*
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ojirosero · 3 years
Hello dear ! I don’t know if you write for Hakkai but if you do, could you write an x fem reader in which the reader discovers the scar he has because of when his brother beat him up. And he’ll all embarrassed about it…
(Fluff and/or angst one shot pls🙏🏼)
It’s okay if you won’t write it ! Have a nice day<3
➫ 𝗛𝗮𝗸𝗸𝗮𝗶 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗯𝗮 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 [𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗽]
➫ 𝗢𝗛 𝗬𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗦𝗦 !! 𝗜 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗼𝗼, 𝗹𝗼𝗹. 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘆/𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗮𝘀 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹. 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲 <𝟯
It is said that Hakkai is timid around girls and took him a while to get used to being around Hinata - a little too long, actually. But this didn’t stop him from getting close to you through the years and developing a crush that then resulted him becoming your boyfriend. One thing that did bother him here and there was the scar going down his lips that no matter how he saw it you’d always tell him that,that scar didn’t matter. That nobody cared about it. In your opinion it made him look hot.
The first his insecurities came in was when he realized he liked you. You had been around when he was scouted as the second in command for Mitsuya’s division but shortly after sentenced to house arrest for beating up some kid at school, causing his parents to press charges. When you came back you were put back into the second division and automatically noticed Hakkai. Not because you didn’t know him but because he avoided you. You didn’t think much of it but once Toman was dismantled and you two went to the same high school it made you think if the youngest of the Shiba siblings didn’t like you.
Going to Mitsuya, you sit down on a bench outside the school where he was drawing up a very detailed design for a jacket. “Da’ya know why Hakkai doesn’t like me ? Is it cause I beat up that kid a few years ago or cause he simply doesn’t like me ?” You look over at Mitsuya who smiles in amusement. “Why don’t you go and ask him yourself.” “…..yea,good point- I’ll beat the answer out of ‘em” you get up pulling the hem of your uniform skirt down that had risen” “try to not give him another scar, (y/n)” Mitsuya waves you off still looking down at his drawing “….did she just say she’d beat him up for answers ?!…..Baji you sure did corrupt that girl”
After long hours of sitting down, the school day came to an end. “Wonder what ‘Suya meant when he said to not give the kid another scar.” As you approach the school enterence you spot Hakkai who makes eye contact with you then quickly looks down- his hair falling over his face covering up his scar. You didn’t really get to take in his face even when you met so now was your chance to poke at the nagging wonder of the scar and ask him why he was avoiding you.
Catching up to him , you pull the sleeve of his shirt roughly, yanking him back. You look up at him with a stern look. “So how come you don’t like me ?” “I-I-I-what !? W-who said I don’t like you ?? I like you-like you!” He panicked giving himself away. Your eyes shine, looking up at his scar. Reaching up to touch it he flinches then turns his head to the side so you wouldn’t look at his scar “please don’t look at it” he mumbles embarrassed. You understanding you don’t try to get him to show you - nope not that. Instead you turn around pulling up your uniform shirt to show him the diagonal scar going down your back. “Got this while fighting against a few black dragon members. I stopped going to the beach with the others afraid of showing the scar when I first got it. I didn’t want my bathing suit top to expose my imperfection but as time went on , I accepted it. This scar shows that I survived the stab and I’m pretty damn proud that I survived a deep wound” you turn back around pulling your shirt back down - seeing Hakkai’s dumbfounded expression. He never would have thought that you would have such a scar, so it blew him away when you showed him with ease.
You invite him to walk with you the reaminaing of the distance home. The walk was silent but a comfortable silence. Stealing looks at you, Hakkai decides that he’d tell you how he got his scar. You had told him about yours so easily so it wouldn’t hurt to tell you his scar story. “Taiju got pissed one day….he then came for me - square to the face.” He tells you looking down at his shoes, afraid to look up.
“Hakkai, I think your scar is hot. It also shows that you survived. Survived being under an abusive brother. You and Yuzuha went through hell but you’re both free of him now.” You speak lettinghim know that things were alright on your part. “…uh..uhm…how about we go to the store a block from here and get some food. Let’s hang out afterwards, yea ?” You smile at him dismissing the sorrow that was feeding his insecurity. From then on you two got close and by the time you two graduated y’all started going out.
[𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲]
“What if they don’t like me ? They’ll judge me by my appearance? Who’d want a dude with a scar going straight down his face on that run way !!?” Hakkai points to his scar stopping in the middle of the room looking at you and his sister. He was to be on the run way in less than ten minutes and manses was freaking out.
Yuzuha steps out the room to get him some water to calm down, leaving you and him behind. “Love, this isn’t the first time you’re in the run way. You’re gorgeous Hakkai !! Remember that” you fix up the small crease on the street wear clothing that was to be modeled by him. All the walking from side to side had the shirt start to pop out and crease from the movement he had going. Fixing it up quickly , you look up at him with a smile reassuring him that things were going to be alright. Bending down he gives you a kiss then consumes you into a hug squeezing you slightly. “Ya sure about that, doll ?” “Of course I am. You’re the best looking model these people have - now c’mon I wanna see my fine ass fiancé cat walk !!”
As the show went on and Hakkai’s turn came around for him to walk - the crowd went wild with seeing him walk. His stature, his expression, his looks, the clothing and the scar that added to his looks. Had people fanboying and fangirling over him. Finding you in the crowd he looked like he was about to cry from how the crowd had reacted; the happy feeling bubbling inside him boosted his confidence resulting in him giving his best performance yet. After the show was over Yuzuha hugs you “whatever you did to get him up there and not pussy out, is beyond me but thank you” “aw, Yuzu, a little reassuring goes a long way.” You wink at her letting go of her embrace and making your way backstage.
“YOU DID IT, BABY !!” You run towards the tall male tackling him onto the floor. “I sure did, huh ? Thank you” he chuckles under you. “Wanna go to the twins place ? They’ll give us free food!! I’ll get the whole group to meet us there, they made it just in time to see you walk” “free food ?? HELL YEA !! ” you two get up, sprinting to the closest exit dragging along his sister to celebrate the accomplishment.
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ojirosero · 3 years
proof that global warming is fake
y am i cold n lonely in the nighttime 
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ojirosero · 3 years
─ 𝗁𝖺𝗄𝗄𝖺𝗂 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗯𝗮 𖤐
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like for save or reblog . . . pls don't repost <3
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