oksanathp · 2 days
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Oh no Moo Deng got Pedro’s Slutty Knee!
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oksanathp · 2 days
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Baby Moo deng! 🐷 This little fella suddenly sprung up on my feed. Would say she’s one of the most adorable and best trends I’m ever thankful to have also spread through my feed ✨🥹
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oksanathp · 7 days
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Had to paint Moo Deng!! I love her so much
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oksanathp · 7 days
Jack and Joker ep 2 my favorite parts
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The gaze.....😳
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That was an excellent save Jack 👏
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I knew it...Jack couldn't have turned evil guy so easily
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Thats a beautiful ring...this is the collateral🥲
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WAR....oh my gosh
Guy being more pretty than me who is female 😆
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oksanathp · 7 days
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came out of prison with no possessions except for a ratty notebook full of his crush's name written one thousand times with hearts drawn around it, a healthy dose of insanity and upgraded crime skills. Joker is such a guy
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oksanathp · 7 days
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who let theatre kids become criminals..
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oksanathp · 7 days
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Five years ago, you'd be able to hit me. But now, you can't even graze me. Or maybe you're slower today because you've put on weight?
Yin Anan as JACK and War Wanarat as JOKER JACK & JOKER | EP. 2
+ bonus:
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oksanathp · 7 days
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I am so deeply amused by this being the little notebook he pulls out of his locker and his entire plan is to make it up to Jack to the best of his ability.
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Because this is exactly why he went to prison and what keeps him going and I love that because he is going to cause so much trouble but, in the end, he might just save the one person that matters.
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oksanathp · 23 days
i so so so love how 4 minutes is exclusively and repeatedly sponsored by durex and cat food. boc's marketing executive really did their research on the show's target market. maybe they pulled up a venn diagram with a "sex" circle and a "cats" circle. where the circles overlapped it said "gay people". they got a standing applause and a promotion.
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oksanathp · 23 days
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Great's Dying Brain vs Reality : The aftermath of Great and Tyme's first date
4MINUTES (2024) EP. 3 // EP. 6
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oksanathp · 23 days
On the latest episode of 4 minutes
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oksanathp · 23 days
Great, bless his heart, has not displayed a SINGLE normal reaction to literally anything that happened in his life so far and im utterly fascinated with it
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oksanathp · 23 days
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Great's Dying Brain vs Reality : The last time Great and Tyme saw/talked to each other
4MINUTES (2024) EP. 5 // EP. 6
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oksanathp · 23 days
I know that everyone is like...focused on Great being a terrible person (and celebrating Tonkla for killing him lmao) but I think the original timeline just makes Great's story more tragic.
Since we essentially were in Great's head and he was trying to edit his own past, it revealed so much more about him in a way we would've never known with just the original timeline.
He wants his brother to care for him. He wants sweet, playful dates. He wants to see Thyme smile. He wants to innocently hold Thyme's hand and get his potential first kiss with him interrupted by Thyme's grandma. He wants their first time to be sweet and loving. Just for them. He wants Thyme to listen to him, understand him. He wants Thyme's eyes to soften.
Everybody has wondered why their scenes felt so disjointed but this explains it so much.
Great doesn't think, even in the depth of his subconscious, that his dad could change. Or his mom. Or even his brother. He doesn't crave for his family to be different. Or rather: He can't even possibly imagine that happening in any timeline. His circumstances stay the same.
Every bad decision Great makes, he still makes in his fanfic timeline. But he gets a chance to change it. He's forced to look at his own inactions and the consequences. He's not getting away with his passiveness anymore.
Great's achilles' heel is not that he gets off on hurting and using people. That's not who he is. He doesn't crave his father's approval (like Korn does), he doesn't want people to obey him and hurt them (like Title does) and he's not interested in portraying a certain image (compared to his parents).
Great revealed his deepest desires to Thyme in his wishful timeline: He's just lonely. He just wants to be loved. He wants someone to see him.
And yes, he's definitely spoiled and he's a coward. His achilles' heel is his own cowardice, his inability to decide something for himself, to be ACTIVE and not just passively react to things and let other people decide FOR him. He excuses his own actions with his passiveness because that's just the way he was taught. (Korn said it in the last episode: He will do the dirty work and Great can just blissfully live like everything's fine.) He's deeply anxious, reckless and almost numb to things around him before he meets Thyme in his original timeline.
He just accepts things for the way they are. And because he's surrounded by awful people, he became awful himself.
But original!Thyme miscalculated Great. Because Thyme himself is a morally grey person and hurts the people around him for his own gain (regardless of his motivations being right or wrong). He saw Great as a tool, as someone to use. He was too wrapped up in his own mission, his obsession with getting justice that he wasn't able to see Great for who he could potentially be: A person to love.
They could've been each other's salvation but instead become each other's tragedy.
Isn't that so sad? Thyme used Great and preyed on him. In the original timeline they maybe had like...what....one hour of genuine connection?
And yet – in his dying moment Great still wants Thyme. Still wants to be loved by him. Even in his dying moment Great wishes for them to be each other's haven.
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oksanathp · 23 days
4 Minutes and the Great Depression
Now that we have seen Great's experiences in the original timeline and get to see more of Great's "true" character, I feel like people are really misunderstanding him and his behavior. I see a lot in the tags about his actions being that of a spoiled and selfish asshole rich kid--and he probably is--but I think there is more going on here.
Maybe people aren't seeing it because they haven't personally experienced this, or at least not in this particular way, but I have: Great is depressed.
Depression doesn't always present as rotting in bed and being unable to perform basic self-care. Sometimes depression can look like a generally functional person, who underneath the facade is numb, self-destructive, apathetic and overall disregarding of his or her own well-being. Depression can feel like you are anesthetized to reality, like there is a barrier between you and the world around you. You aren't fully present, things don't fully feel real; even your reaction time can be slower (ex. Manee, Dome, Nan).
I believe that Great doesn't appear to care about anything that's happening because he is experiencing all of the above, and is also maybe a little manic (judging from his impulsiveness).
There are clues that he is indeed affected by what is going on: he can't sleep, he needs anti-anxiety meds, he's drinking alone. He doesn't express this more obviously because, as we've seen, no one in his life really gives a shit about him. Not his parents, not his friends. Who is he going to talk about his feelings with? Korn might be the exception, and we do see that they spend time together, but Korn also has a lot going on; he doesn't have a ton of time for Great.
It seems like Great has been emotionally neglected for quite some time. He desires acceptance, love and attention from his parents so badly, but he only ever gets scorned and rejected. A situation like that is the perfect cocktail for depression.
The biggest indicator for me that this is not some cut-and-dry case of rich kid entitlement is that, in the 4 minutes timeline, Great expresses a different personality. He is not just going over his past decisions that led him to this point of near-death and correcting them, he is also adorning these visions with the things his heart yearns for. He gets to be softer, more open, more vulnerable. He reaches out for connection, care and intimacy with another person and finds it returned. He (ironically) starts to come more alive again inside as the clock ticks closer to his death.
I think 4-minutes Great is who Great could be (or thinks he could be) if given the opportunity. Someone who is braver, more upstanding, more gentle, more sensitive. Someone who gets to go on cute dates with cute boys and take home matching cat doll souvenirs. Someone who gets to have tender sex in a glamping tent with soft lighting.
Anyway, I'm not bringing all of this up to excuse his actions or defend him. I just think Great has a few more layers than people might be giving him credit for.
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oksanathp · 27 days
Men in Black in Thai BL
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oksanathp · 27 days
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Up Poompat as MING in
MY STAND IN (2024) dir. Pepzi Banchorn Vorasataree (in/sp)
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