okvalentina-blog1 · 6 years
there she roamed, eyeing everyone that was attending the event. valentina was an observer, as it helped her get to know someone before she approached them, as too many times in the fame industry, people went up to others without so much as a little preparation, and that was what went a long way. it wasn’t hard, and no one had to be a professional body language reader to know how someone was feeling, but then again, valentina knew that when most were in her presence, and they had been in a negative mood prior, that they would feel a weight lifted off of their shoulders. she wasn’t trying to be cocky, but was more stating the facts, and reiterating what people had told her. valentina was suave, knowledgeable, and far from bland. she could spice up a conversation in no time, but would also drop one when the other person didn’t suit her standards. she wasn’t a bitch, no, but more so selective, and had decent standards for herself. the public eye had named her “the fuckgirl of the nation”, and while she was comfortable with her sexuality, and had no problem going after someone, she wouldn’t consider herself a fuckgirl, though she embraced the title with open arms, as she knew that it wasn’t going anywhere for a long while. granted, she was with a new woman, or man, whenever she pleased, but that didn’t mean that she had no heart. it simply meant that she knew what was good for her and what wasn’t, and she wasn’t about to stick around in a loveless, and boring relationship with someone, only for them to then be known as “the next brangelina”. she wasn’t about settling, and when someone bored her, or she knew that they weren’t going anywhere, then she’d let it be known, and then would move on. if a male in the public eye were to do the same thing then he would be titled the "greatest guy ever”, mainly just for not leading someone on, but when a female did it… well, getting called a slut was just becoming a regular for valentina.
people would always forget that those in the fame world also had feelings, and while not much bothered valentina, the fact that she couldn’t truly express herself without people jumping the gun was simply an abomination. regardless, she dealt with it. why? because she entered the realm of celebrities knowing damn well what she was getting into, and there was no way in hell that she was going to throw a temper tantrum all because some fake ass tabloid called her a whore. people that were young and old pulled those cards constantly, throwing a fit because they couldn’t “handle the fame”, and the “paparazzi were too much”, didn’t belong in the world that they were in, as when you reach for fame, and actually receive it, one should have known well what they were getting themselves into. people like justin bieber were pathetic excuses for a role model, and truth be told, valentina would be the bitch that said it to his face. “you’ve been eyeing her for a while now…” valentina’s best friend, dave, broke her train of thought, and she forcefully had to rip her eyes from the lady of the night. every event that valentina attended had beautiful women, and handsome men, and sure, sex was an objective, and she needed it just as much as the next person, but if she had to go home empty handed then she would deal with that--not that she ever went home empty handed. “olivia is stunning. i’ve seen her photos before, and…” valentina trailed off, licking her lips subconsciously as she thought about the girl that was in her sights at the after-party. “are you nervous to talk to her?” dave questioned, a teasing smirk making its way onto his features. valentina slapped him, urging him to shut his mouth. she didn’t get nervous… or did she?
“hold this,” she demanded, shoving her drink into dave’s hand before smoothing out the little, black dress that she was wearing. she moved through the sea of people, a couple of them stopping her to say ‘hello’, in which she would give them a smile and nod before continuing on with her conquest. she could have spotted olivia from a mile away, what with the beauty the emanated from her. “excuse me.” valentina asserted herself softly, yet entirely sure of herself. reaching her hand out, she introduced herself as “valentina rodriguez”, though she usually never went by her full name. “you can call me whatever your heart desires, though.” smirking the way that most people loved, though some hated, she leaned against the wall closest to them, one foot going up behind her to rest against the marble. “your work is fantastic, and i just had to tell you. i’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for you at all these parties lately, but this…” she trailed off, biting her lip gently and running her clammy hand through her windswept hair. “...this is the first time i’ve ever been graced with your presence, and i must say, you’re by far the best person to be around at this party.” smooth, valentina, real smooth.
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