olaetus · 3 years
gladio stares at the other intently. there’s something quite appealing about the other he likes looking at. some may think of him as cold but that may be true but gladio sees something more on the other. maybe that’s something he can easily relate to the other. always serious and calculated when doing his work. although gladio has an easy time showing how he feels and always wears a smile, that doesn’t mean avery can’t be the same. maybe he has his own way to express himself and he hopes he gets to see that soon.
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“is that a challenge?” gladio smirks, he is always down for one. “fine then, i’ll find a good way to have you smile. i’ll have you smile only for me.” he chuckles, his hand went to hold avery’s, doing little steps and not to push boundaries. the words of going to dinner made gladio hype up. good good! this is what he wants. “dinner tomorrow?” he thinks, there’s no schedule for him. they are going to stay here for a while and take a breather so he hopes he can work this as fast as possible. “i’m game. that’s a date, don’t go ditching me down.” he teased.
          a flicker of lashes & the slight sparkle within his eyes grant tell to gladio’s question : of course it’s a challenge. avery may come off calloused & uninterested in most situations , but he holds a secret inclination towards stimulation of any kind & that definitely includes igniting a challenge towards someone like gladio. the hand that takes his own is welcomed , albeit furthers the surgeon’s abashment just a tad more ( his hand is bigger than avery’s by enough that it’s noticeable & there’s a slip of internal composure by the realization ). he doesn’t dare glance down to their intertwined fingers , lest his embarrassment be outed by a flush of pink along pallid skin , but his features soften considerably with a nod. 
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          ‘ -- one thing you will come to understand about me , is that i always keep my word. ‘ such is a vow that avery stands by true & true. it reign heavy in his heart & aids in keeping those close to him loyal & able to rely on him , which is something he takes very seriously. ‘ you can pick the place. somewhere nice. i don’t know much about this city , this is only the second time i’ve set foot here , but i know you’ve stayed here quite a few times. ‘ 
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olaetus · 3 years
Perhaps seeing the poor animals all trapped in cages reminds him of a past he’s always tried to desperately FORGET. Reminds him of when he too was caged, flightless and completely unable to make his own decisions. Twisted into a lesser version of himself until he had to sacrifice his life simply to be free. Perhaps it was the fact that they all lacked homes that made his heart ACHE for them… he knows the feeling all too well.
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Which is why he doesn’t hesitate to announce he wants them all, uncaring of any potential future consequences that may arise with the decision. Henry’s words come as a shock, looking at the bunnies with furrowed brows. ❝ I want ‘em all though. ❞ SIMPLE AS THAT.  ❝ Wren won’t care. He’d probably like it anyway. This way Bugs has lots of friends too. It’s a win-win. ❞
          he can absolutely understand the desire to simply rescue ALL of the sweet bunnies here ; if henry had the opportunity , he would without a step of hesitation. yet , as a person having worked for & alongside animals for years , he’s been trained to understand WHY situations like the one kai is attempting to place himself in , will only bring misfortune & pain to both animal & owner. his visage softens , if only to try lessening the blows his next words will carry. 
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          ‘ i get it kai , i really do. but , as the person you brought along to HELP you with this decision , i’m telling you it’d be a bad idea to adopt them all. there’s not enough room for these bunnies at your apartment -- they’d all need pens , room to run around & play , & don’t get me started on the stench of when they all need to go to the bathroom -- it would be too much work for you & for wren. let’s start with just the one for now. maybe , in the future , we can come back & adopt another friend , alright? ‘ 
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olaetus · 3 years
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amusement wells up, swift and warm in his tummy, and sol cannot fathom how he hadn’t met someone like this before. laughter, soft and quiet, leaves his lips and he waves a dismissive hand as golden-green eyes glimmer.  ❝ ━ okay, you caught my attention at hammock, maybe we need to make that happen because now im intrigued.❞  if sol was being honest, the heat wasn’t terrible, he had sunbathed often that it didn’teven bother him like it should and finding a possible sunbathing buddy on an off day? hell yeah, the shifter couldn’t have asked for a better blessing.  ❝ ━ oh, i don’t mean i’m just walking around in the buff, though the idea has merits. but clothes are so constricting, y’know? i know its a human thing to be mortified by a naked body, but if i could i’d run around in the nude all day. run into the water, through the dense forests of my homeland….ahhh i miss doing so already. ❞
          ‘ right , right -- listen , skinny dipping? outrageous fun with good company ; you , my friend , seem like good company! ’ glamored ears perk at the mention of a human thing - he’s speaking as if he isn’t human & with lids hovering o’er cocoa hues , a brow raises along his temple in sparked curiosity. ‘ human thing , huh . . now , i’ve got a pretty AWESOME nose for sniffing out the strange & the abnormal , so , what i’m hearing is , my schnoze was right once again & the scent i smell comin’ off of you definitely isn’t human. ‘ he pauses , grants his companion a gaze up & down , ‘fore settling back on his features. 
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          ‘ & if you aren’t human , can i ask what you ARE? ‘ 
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olaetus · 3 years
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o its munday , have some twitch themed makeup i did ( he / they )
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olaetus · 3 years
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olaetus · 3 years
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olaetus · 3 years
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izaak’s officially in the dog house
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olaetus · 3 years
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More surfer Lance, becuase he is the best~
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olaetus · 3 years
what if i made izaak a dog shifter………………. specifically a siberian husky shifter bc how fuckin funny would that be , since he owns his own dog grooming business
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olaetus · 3 years
what if i made izaak a dog shifter................... specifically a siberian husky shifter bc how fuckin funny would that be , since he owns his own dog grooming business
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olaetus · 3 years
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keith: *starts pouring milk before the cereal* 
lance: *is boutta snap*
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olaetus · 3 years
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darling boy……………..I miss you 🥺
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olaetus · 3 years
very small starter call for my newest muse , izaak. capping at 6 bc i still have other drafts to get done ghbjkn
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olaetus · 3 years
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❝ ━ the heat isn’t for everyone. not that i’m complaining since i enjoy being in the sun, but sometimes a patch of shade to nap in is nice, y'know? ❞ sol chuckles a bit, fingers covering his mouth. it’s not every day he met someone so enthusiastic about the very thing most humans liked to say was melting them and causing them grief, not to mention heat rashes. still managed to amuse the lion though. ❝ ━ i want to agree with all of that, but i find that some beaches had shattered glass within the sands from littering, but the rest? yeah, i can definitely see why you love the summer. the pretty clear water, icecream, but no swimsuits, i’d rather be naked.❞
          ‘ well -- okay , yeah , i can’t disagree with you there. especially with a hammock , god , i’d love to lay under a palm tree in 90 degree weather , sippin’ my coconut water. ~ ‘ god , you could nearly hear izaak purring at the sheer thought & the mention of 90 degree weather , could make anyone turn their head in disbelief or disgust. ‘ yeah , YEAH , you get it , yo--- ‘ a pause , brow raising at the latter of the other’s statement. a grin curls supple tiers , nigh sly , fox - like , as a hand raises to his mouth in a shield like manner , as if the two were about to lay down some serious gossip. 
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          ‘ so -- are you one of those PURISTS , if you get my drift?? like to run ‘round in ya’ birthday suit , huh boss?? that sounds so WILD , tell me more-- ‘
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olaetus · 3 years
@hatsuuharu​ liked for a  starter w/ izaak.
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          ‘ i don’t want to talk about it -- don’t say it -- DO NOT say it -- , ‘ yes , he has FORBIDDEN speaking ‘pon the fact that he not only c o f f e e , but orange marmalade all down the front of his literally brand new michael kors shirt. a groan escapes ‘tween pinches tiers , cheeks flushed with a light graze of cherry as he attempts to scrub himself clean within the cafe` bathroom , ‘ this sucks , this SUCKS! $150 down the drain -- ‘
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olaetus · 3 years
@solaoccasum​ liked for a starter w/ izaak.
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          ‘ y’know , i’m always surrounded by people claiming to hate the heat & wishing it was winter -- i’m NOT one of the those people. i’mma summah’ boy through & through! give me SUN , give me SAND , give me TIGHT SWIMSUITS , right?! watermelon , ice cream , electric bill premiums that make even ceos cry , right??? c’mon , admit it! ‘ an enthusiastic one , isn’t he? for someone born within the dead of winter , izaak certainly sounds anti - cold weather.
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olaetus · 3 years
🌸 Put a flower in my muse’s hair ( salem @ henry )
@solaoccasum. | non - verbal rp starters.
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          he’s always been fond of the flowers , of nature. there is something so keenly magical about forests , flora & fauna , especially when they coexist together in harmony you can see. there was an instance in time , where henry , as a trans man , had e’ery intention to strip any iota of femininity out of his life & that included simple things like enjoying flowers ; a disgusting stigma bred by the cesspool of societal toxic masculinity. thankfully , that was a time long since past & a minuscule mar ‘pon henry’s journey to full & unapologetic expression. yes , the smile he wears when salem tucks the daisy behind his ear is bright & wide , embraced by the lush feeling of content. he mimics the gesture / slides a nearby daisy through soft locks & nods quite sagely at them. 
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          ‘ gotta say , you look cuter than i do with these flowers. i dunno if daisies suits me very well -- what kinda flower do you think i’d look best with? ‘
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