olagronski · 7 years
A new generation of activists: middle schoolers
Over half of the students on a school trip to Washington D.C. from South Orange Middle School refused to pose for a photo with Paul Ryan.
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It has been reported that about 100 of the students walked away from the photo op with Paul Ryan that they had only been informed of the previous night. The students walking away from the opportunity fled to a parking lot across the street.
"I don’t like to take a picture with somebody that I can’t associate with,” said student Matthew Malespina, who decided to walk away from the photo. Malespina told his newspaper that he disagreed with the policies that Ryan has endorsed, including health care. He describes Ryan as someone who “puts his party before his country.”
On the other hand, the students that chose to stay and have their photograph taken with Ryan are now proudly displayed on his Instagram, fist bumping him above the caption “Got that #FridayFeeling.” One of these students, Miles Handelman, defended his joining in on the photo with appreciation of the rare opportunity. “I thought it would be very cool just seeing the man who is the third most powerful man in the country. It would be cool, even if you disagree with him.” he told ABC News.
Parents stood by their children’s decision whether or not to pose for the photo with Ryan. “[Children that age} have the ability to make choices,” said Elissa Malespina, “and to make educated choices and they are not indoctrinated by their parents. And they have a good understanding of what’s going on in society. I respect children who chose to take a picture with him and also kids who don’t.”
What began as a routine school field trip ended as a surprising act of social justice carried out by a generation of kids that are often overlooked as being involved. 
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olagronski · 7 years
2 killed in stabbing that stemmed from hate speech
Two men were killed on a MAX train in Portland, Oregon this Friday after intervening when a man began to yell racial slurs at two young women, one of which was wearing a hijab.
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Jeremy Joseph Christian, 35, (pictured above) has since been booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center on suspicion of aggravated murder and attempted murder and is being held without bail. Christian has a criminal record that includes felony robbery, kidnapping, and weapon convictions.
The incident is said to have begun after Christian yelled anti-Muslim slurs directed at the two teenage girls aboard the commuter train. Ricky John Best, 53, and Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, 23, were then both stabbed by Christian when they tried to intervene. A third man involved, Micah David-Cole Fletcher, 21, was also stabbed but has survived and is currently in the hospital.
According to Christian’s social media, he had an affinity for Nazis and political violence and was known for sharing posts exuding white supremacist sentiments. 
Best’s children reflected on their father’s death, stating that they were not surprised that his father helped the young women being targeted and harassed. “He would talk to every one of his kids, he would make sure that we were loved.” said Eric Best, the oldest of the children. 
“The violent attacks in Portland on Friday are unacceptable. The victims were standing up to hate and intolerance. Our prayers are w/ them.” tweeted President Trump on Monday.
The attack took place on the first day of Ramadan, the holiest time of the year for Muslims. The election, and subsequently Trump’s Presidency and travel bans, have spurred an increase of hate crimes in the U.S. as our country remains divided over important human rights and cultural issues. 
Friday’s attack in Portland is just one among many telling of a larger issue.
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olagronski · 7 years
Billy Bush finally spoke up about the Access Hollywood tape
Seven months ago, an Access Hollywood tape was leaked that featured Donald Trump making lewd, sexual comments about women while Billy Bush cheered him on. Days later, Bush lost his job hosting NBC’s Today and left the public eye as he was forced to dwell on the fact that the tape forever labeled him a crude misogynist. 
Bush broke his silence about the effects of the tape in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter on Sunday. 
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In the interview, Bush emphasizes the role that his daughters played when coming to terms with how his comments on the tape affected the female gender in its entirety. He recalls that one of the most difficult parts of the entire experience was explaining his comments to his three daughters whose ages were 12, 15 and 18 at the time of the video’s creation.
To refresh your memory, the leaked video blew up Trump’s now-famous “grab ‘em by the pussy” comment, complete with Bush in the background egging him on with, “Your girl’s hot as shit, in the purple”. The comments were later dismissed as “locker talk”.
Bush reflects on the video and talks about how he deeply regrets not putting an end to the crude comments being spewed all over the tape. Bush told The Hollywood Reporter, “Looking back upon what was said on that bus, I wish I had changed the topic, [..] But I didn’t have the strength of character to do it.”
Bush claims that, in the aftermath, he put himself in women’s shoes and realized how much damage was being done by his and Trump’s sexist comments. “I am in the women-raising business, exclusively. I have three daughters - Mary, Lillie, Josie - and I care very much about the world and the people they encounter.” said Bush.
Bush did not bat an eye at his own comments and their repercussions until he was forced to come face to face with them while being called out by the media and its women. The interview between Bush and The Hollywood Reporter is telling of a larger issue: the way men are oblivious to their own sexism because they rarely have to face the consequences of their behavior.
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olagronski · 7 years
Women’s March continuing their fight against Donald Trump
Six months after Trump was elected president, the Women’s March group organized multiple sit-ins at congressional offices all over the country in an effort to reignite the spirit of activism within Trump protestors.
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It has been reported that over 67,000 individuals signed a pledge at these sit-ins to continue pursuing the goals the Women’s March organization initially wrote out. Among the goals are demanding an end to racial injustice and sexual violence. The organization notes that there have been countless acts of injustice  showcased in the media since the election and that there is still a ton of work to do in order to further protect human rights.
The Women’s March Instagram post writes that the purpose of the sit-ins is to send “a clear message that we will rise up, together, against attacks on our health care, our identities, and our religious freedoms.” Their website showcases their Pledge of Liberation that calls out all the times the Trump administration tried to overwhelm them through Executive Orders and legislation. They refuse to stand down.
The organization of these sit-ins is the final action in the Women’s March 10 Actions/100 Days campaign that strived to keep activists focused on the goals at hand and engaged in human rights efforts as Trump continues to preside over the United States.
At the height of the election, the voice of protest was unavoidably loud. Rather than admitting defeat after Trump was elected, the Women’s March organization is continuing to voice their concerns with confidence and demand for change. 
There will always be something to fight against during Trump’s presidency, and the Women’s March organization is making sure that you don’t forget that.
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olagronski · 7 years
The power behind celebrity conspiracies
How rumors on the internet can make 2000s stars relevant again
Avril Lavigne and Katy Perry have been flooding Twitter feeds worldwide for the first time in years, the only difference is that this time the headlines are accompanied with wild accusations and conspiracy theories.
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According to social media, Katy Perry is actually JonBenét Ramsey, a child beauty pageant star that was murdered in 1996. The killer never being found, Ramsey’s death remains a cold case to this day. Conspiracy theorists on the internet believe that Perry and Ramsey are, in fact, the same person, using farfetched details like the similar eyebrow shape and the resemblance between each set of parents to back their claim. The original conspiracy theorist posted a video claiming that no one had died, but rather Ramsey sacrificed her name in order to become a star.
Although Perry has remained within the mainstream media in recent years, her spotlight has slowly begun to fade, making the conspiracy theory the perfect way to make her relevant once again. 
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The more popular conspiracy theory of the week claims that Avril Lavigne committed suicide in 2004 and the Lavigne in the media we have seen since is actually actress-doppelganger Melissa Vandella. This statement uses two conspiracy theories and wraps them up into one giant question mark; the rumor that the record label used Vandella for press photos originated in 2005, Lavigne allegedly not being able to handle the fame and was sick of being recognized. The suicide is a more recent development of the theory, one that amplified the attention the conspiracy got and questioned the power and morality of the media companies. 
Compared to Perry, Lavigne has rarely been seen in recent media, one reason being her battle with Lyme Disease that left her bedridden. However, we hadn’t seen much of her before that, anyways. Seeing Lavigne making headlines has nothing to do with her career, but rather just the conspiracy behind her image. 
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The internet provides users with an easy place to broadcast outlandish ideas and the “proof” they stretch out behind them. Putting a celebrity on blast can take one tap of a thumb, and that also means that reviving someone’s status in Hollywood can happen just as fast. Is it just a coincidence that the stars put at the center of these conspiracies are the ones falling under the radar of media?
Although the theories seem to originate from casual social media users, it would not be surprising to find out talent companies using that attention to their advantage. The more bizarre an idea, the more clicks it gets, and the more the celebrity’s account is flooded with attention.
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olagronski · 7 years
White nationalists caused a ruckus this weekend
A white nationalist group protested the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday while chanting “All White Lives Matter”
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NBC News described the scene as a “mob chanting racist slogans” and wielding torches. Those who marched defended themselves by saying they were protecting their “white heritage” from the decision to remove the confederate statue. A second rally broke out in the evening. The article then dives into the background of Richard Spencer, the noted ringleader of the protest. Spencer was raving about how the demonstration was a peaceful protest, but small violence broke out after a counter protest appeared and police got involved. There were no arrests made, but the movement has gotten rightful criticism from local community leaders. NBC News talked to the Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signor, who supported the removal of the statue and talked about how the protest seemed to be designed to “instill fear in our minority populations”. Despite all of the backlash the event got, the protesters stand by their beliefs; Orry Von Dize said “We’re not white supremacists, we are simply just white people that love our heritage, our culture, our European identity.” 
The Washington Post opens up the article from the perspective of Richard Spencer as he chants “you will not replace us”. The chants evolved throughout the night, eventually getting to the point where everything was yelling “Russia is our friend”. The Washington Post reports that the later protest only lasted about 10 minutes as altercations between the white nationalists and the counter-protesters drew the attention of the police. Similar to the NBC News article, this one goes into Spencer’s history, specifically being associated with the alt-right movement that became famous during Trump’s presidential campaign. The article gives details about the significance of the statue, mentioning that it became a huge symbol for Republican gubernatorial candidate Corey Stewart. Other contenders for governor expressed their resentment for the protests through Twitter.
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olagronski · 7 years
Boko Haram releases 82 abducted girls
The Nigerian schoolgirls that were captured by Boko Haram have been released into the free world in exchange for suspected Boko Haram extremists. 
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Daily Mail begins the story by painting a picture of President Muhammadu Buhari meeting with the 82 Chibok schoolgirls and emphasizing his happiness that these girls are now free. The article notes that the girls in the photo were able to wear brightly colored outfits opposed to the black robes they were forced to wear by the extremist group. Daily Mail writes that this is the largest negotiated release so far of the 276 girls that were abducted by Boko Haram at the Government Girls Secondary in April 2014. There remains 113 captured girls. The group of 21 girls that were released in October remain in Abuja where they are receiving medical attention, counseling, and rehabilitation. The article goes in depth explaining that many of the girls were forced to either marry their captors and carry their children or be sent on missions as suicide bombers. The Daily Mail concludes the article with a timeline of the “Chibok Girls” and the effects of their abduction.
BBC News begins writing on the subject by focusing on the negotiation of the 82 girls for the Boko Haram suspects. The article also emphasizes the global effects of the abduction, mentioning the numerous human rights groups and celebrities that advocated the release of these girls. The article writes that the number of Boko Haram suspects that were released still remains unknown to the public. The 82 girls that were released are currently in custody of the Nigerian army. While many of the families in Chibok are happy to see their loved ones returned, there are still more than 100 girls that are still under the control of Boko Haram. BBC News also goes in depth to demonstrate the trauma that these girls went through during their time with Boko Haram. The article concludes with statistics of Boko Haram’s activity, including that more than 30,000 people have been killed by the extremist group and thousands kidnapped.
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olagronski · 7 years
Merkel speaks out about Chechnya’s anti-gay purge
German chancellor Angela Merkel brought up her concerns about Chechnya’s treatment of homosexuals at a meeting with Vladimir Putin in Sochi on Tuesday.
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The Guardian notes that this is Merkel’s first visit to Russia in two years and that the meeting served as a bridge-building mission to raise human rights concerns. The article gives background information on the controversy, writing that the crackdown on the gay population was first reported in Novaya Gazeta. The initial newspaper article wrote that more than 100 gay Chechen men were rounded up and at least three killed. The Guardian goes on to say that countless western governments and human rights groups have been urging Russian authorities to investigate these reports but have not been getting great responses. Merkel also brought up the issue of Jehovah’s Witnesses being banned as an extremist organization. Throughout the entirety of the meeting, Merkel was not afraid of calling out Putin for the injustices happening right beneath his nose. The article closes with a quip about how Putin let his pet dog loose around the room while taking photographs with Merkel, knowing well that she does not like dogs because of past experiences in her childhood. 
The Telegraph article about the meeting between Merkel and Putin opens up with a quote from Merkel, “I asked President Putin to use his influence to protect these minority rights.” Merkel stressed the importance of finding solutions to global problems and Russia playing their part in it all. The article goes more in depth about the anti-gay sentiments, stating that Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov officially denied that any gay men have been arrested. Interestingly enough, Kadyrov responded by saying that it is impossible for gays to suffer abuse in Chechnya because they do not exist there. Though the Russian news agency claims they have not received any officially complaints surrounding the topic, activists are adamant that it is too dangerous for gays in Chechnya to voice their suffering in case their families would be affected. The article ends with emphasizing the hostility toward homosexuality that exists in Russia to this day. 
Photo: Malta Today
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olagronski · 7 years
15 year-old Jordan Edwards was in the passenger seat of a car on Saturday night when he was shot and killed by a Texas police officer. 
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Buzzfeed News writes that the young boy was leaving a party on Saturday night when police fired multiple rounds at the car he was in. There were five teenagers in the car, including Edwards and his brother. The officers say they were responding to a call about drunk underage kids walking around the neighborhood around 11 p.m. when they heard gun shots, though the attorney representing the Edwards family, Lee Merritt, said none of the teens heard gunfire until the police arrived. Buzzfeed mentions the change in statements the police gave, first saying that the vehicle had been aggressively backing up toward the police and later admitting that the car had been driving away when the shots were fired. Merritt emphasizes that the car posed no imminent threat and that the officer “fired a rifle into a car filled with black teens.” The article then shifts to a humanist aspect, emphasizing the grief that the family is going through, especially the brother that witnessed the murder firsthand. A tweet from The Women's March is embedded at the bottom of the article showcasing the hashtag #StopKillingBlackPeople. 
The Root dives into Police Chief Jonathan Haber’s retracted statement that clarified there was no act of aggression coming from the cars that could have posed a threat to officers. This article is written with a clear voice and heartbreaking sentiment - included is the Mesquite Independent School District’s statement that illustrates the deep mourning the staff and students are feeling after Edwards’s murder. The author of the article writes that Edwards would have been loved by the community with or without his great academic standing, and that there is no reason that he should be dead. Merritt further displays his confusion as to why an officer would shoot at a car leaving the party that they were supposed to be responding to. The article closes with outrage that the identity of the officer who shot Edwards still remains unreleased. The article says it best, “This is what the dehumanization of black children looks like. [..] This beautiful child should not be dead. And his killer should not be free.”
Photo: Rolling Out
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olagronski · 7 years
Girl forced to forfeit chess competition, dress deemed too “tempting”
A 12-year-old girl was forced to withdraw from the National Scholastic Chess Championships in Putrajaya, Malaysia after being told her dress was too distracting for the event.
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Huffington Post’s article on the subject mainly emphasizes the effect that this event has had on the young girl. Like any other woman whose wardrobe has been scrutinized, the girl feels exposed and humiliated. The chess coach, Kaushal Khandhar, is demanding an apology from the chess event’s chief arbiter that told the girl that her dress was a “temptation from a certain angle far, far away.” The tournament officials told the girl’s mother to buy a different outfit in order to compete, but the stores were all closed and would be opened too late in the morning, causing the girl to forfeit the competition. While the FIDE handbook states that all competitors are required to be “dressed in a suitable manner”, it does not provide specific guidelines on how to do so. The article closes with some embedded tweets expressing outrage at the way the tournament officials were sexualizing the young girl.
Today’s article describes the Facebook post that Khandhar had published after the incident. He includes a photo of the girl’s dress, very obviously knee-length, and writes that the chief arbiter had stopped her in the middle of a round to inform her of her violation to the dress code. Khandhar exclaims that the remarks about the dress being “seductive” was completely out of line and is demanding an apology that, if not met, will lead him to pursue legal action. With the issue of not being able to find a new outfit in time, the girl was forced to withdraw from the tournament all together. The article also mentions that a Malaysian Chess Foundation spokesman stated that the incident is being investigated because the parent’s complaints vary from Khandhar’s. They are not releasing the details of those complaints in case there are any legal proceedings. 
Photo: Free Malaysia Today
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olagronski · 7 years
Mona Haydar’s “Hijabi”: making a feminist planet
Mona Haydar released a music video on Muslim Women’s Day that shattered the media’s typical image of Muslim women. Eight months pregnant, Haydar raps about loving women of every shade and proudly wearing a hijab amidst all the judgment.
Bustle raves about all of the social justice messages Haydar fits into one video. After interviewing Haydar, Bustle emphasizes her “don’t have time for haters” personality. The article also points out the impressive diversity spread throughout the music video, most notably black Muslim women who do not get much representation in media. Bustle concludes that the video was most likely a response to the current political climate; Muslim hate crimes have increased and the travel bans have been a hot topic throughout the U.S. Releasing the video in the heat of all this controversy has led to both backlash and praise, but Haydar remains focused on the positive.
NPR begins the article by comparing Haydar’s video to Beyonce’s Lemonade album with its diversity, choreography, and visuals that draw the viewer in. NPR also talks a great deal about Haydar’s pregnant body in the video, drawing on examples of other pregnant women in media like Beyonce and MIA. Haydar explains that a lot of people were more focused on her belly than her lyrics, and that it shocks her to see so many people uncomfortable with it. The article dives back into the topic of Islamophobia plaguing the country and Haydar struggling with some responses saying that the music video could be considered haram, or not permissible in religious terms. Haydar challenges those responses by saying her music promotes love and that makes it both permissible and necessary.
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olagronski · 7 years
Women: great liars, weaker humans
Mark Giannini is a wealthy businessman currently under trial after being accused of raping a woman during a job interview. His defense lawyer, Steve Farese Sr., is receiving a multitude of criticism after making despicable comments about the victim and the larger female sex in court.  
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Vice paints a picture of the courtroom where Farese ended his argument on behalf of Giannini by claiming that women are really good liars because they are part of the weaker sex. The jury made up of 11 women and three men all heard the comment that Farese believed was “proven by the books”. Vice gives a brief history about the case and its counterparts; Giannini was accused of raping three different women since 2002 and this current case is not the only one where Farese was caught slandering the female gender. Farese’s thoughts on audience reactions about his behavior? “My job is not to care if anybody gets offended.” 
The U.S. News article covering the controversy opens up with much of the same information - the jury, the quote, the background, etc. The article also addresses the fact that Farese pointed out that the victim had been wearing a “sexy halter top” that was not in evidence because they did not want the jury to see it. The article then chooses to give background information on Farese, stating that his law degree comes from the University of Mississippi and that he has experience working on high profile cases as well as lecturing about criminal trial techniques. Embedded in the article are several tweeted reactions about Farese’s comments, most of them calling attention to the misogyny at play in the courtroom.
Photo: CBS
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olagronski · 7 years
Maryland keeps rapists in the picture for children born from assault
A committee full of men failed to end a policy that gives rapists in Maryland parental custody if a woman chooses to carry out their resulting pregnancy. This is the ninth time that a committee has met to discuss the policy and failed to abolish it.
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The Huffington Post gives details about the current policy that forces women in Maryland to consult their rapist if making important decisions concerning their child, including whether or not to give it up for adoption. The article mentions that Maryland is one of the seven states in the US that enforces this policy alongside North Dakota, Wyoming, New Mexico, Mississippi, Alabama, and Minnesota. Huffington Post is also quick to point out that Maryland Delegate Kathleen Dumais, who introduced the bill to void this policy, was not consulted during the meeting, let alone a single woman representative. Petty excuses like not getting enough copies for a final vote were thrown out by negotiators in an attempt to defend their inability to terminate the policy. 
Glamour published an article on the subject that emphasized the huge blow the continuation of this policy has taken on the women’s rights movement. It also delves into the specificities about The Survivor Family Protection Act, explaining that it would have denied rapists the privilege of custody on the basis of being convicted of rape with sufficient evidence presented in family court to back it up. We already know how difficult it can be for victims to get their small sense of justice by having a rape validated in court, but to then force these women to face their attackers head on with important life decisions is just cruel. Rape victims will have to look their attackers in the eye for 18 years unless the committee finally decides to pass the bill and end this torture.
Maybe tenth time’s the charm? The next General Assembly session addressing the bill will begin in January 2018.
Photo: Glamour
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olagronski · 7 years
Pro- and anti-Trump worlds collide
Saturday proved to be a busy day for law enforcement in Berkeley, California as pro- and anti-Trump protestors violently clashed. Fistfights broke out and pepper spray was scattered throughout the air resulting in more than a dozen arrests throughout the day. 
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The Washington Post points out the items that were banned at Civic Center Park in anticipation of the protests, including pepper spray, mace, baseball bats, and glass bottles. Many of these items ended up being confiscated by the Berkeley Police Department, but only after being used to stir up some trouble. The article makes the observation that this protest seems to be separate from the others around the country that demanded Trump to release his taxes. It also name drops a few other key protests related to the subject, including one from back in February surrounding the controversial journalist Milo Yiannopoulos. Embedded throughout the article are a few unsettling photos depicting the violence from the protest in an effort to showcase the intensity of the day’s events. 
The CNN article also chose to show some moving photos of the event. A CNN reporter got information that Trump supporters had planned the event to be a Patriot Day rally before the counter-protestors showed up. Despite Berkeley Police trying to separate the two sides, barriers were physically broken down and chaos broke out. While the Washington Post article makes it seem like the pepper spray damage was mainly done by the protestors, CNN reports that police were wearing gas masks and also spraying it into the crowds themselves. CNN makes the connection back to the Yiannopoulos protest as well as confirm that this protest was about free speech rather than Trump’s tax returns.
Photo:  Washington Post
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olagronski · 7 years
Leggings still too much for the patriarchy to handle
Criticizing women’s apparel is a tale as old as time, but now we live in an age where women can be turned away from boarding a plane if what they’re wearing doesn’t jive with officials.
Two teenage girls were trying to get onto a United flight in Denver with standby passes when they were told to either cover up their leggings or walk away. Later, a 10-year-old girl was forced to put a dress on over her leggings as well. The story was first told by Shannon Watts, a woman waiting to board her own plane and watching the entire thing go down while live-tweeting it. 
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The New York Times tackled the controversy by giving the basic overview of the incident and embedding all of Watts’ tweets in the article. In order to get the information out as fast as possible, Watts rushed to Twitter and published a series of tweets giving a play-by-play of events. The article also covers the response from United Airlines, including tweets and official statements. The spokesperson of the airline, Jonathan Guerin, emphasized that customers who are using company perks, like standby passes, are expected to adhere to a dress policy that well represents the company. In lesser words, leggings are considered inappropriate for exposing the shape of a woman. 
The Time article covering the topic mostly emphasizes reactions on social media, especially from widely known celebrities. These people were quick to call the airline out for only criticizing women’s clothing. Many also called special attention to the absurdity of forcing a young girl to “cover up”. Patricia Arquette responded to United saying, “Leggings are business attire for 10 year olds. Their business is being children.” Among the rest that responded to the policy are Chrissy Teigen, Sarah Silverman, Seth Rogen, and William Shatner. Each of them had strong words to say about the controversy, commanding the airline to rethink their judgments and pay attention to the bigger meaning behind their message.
The biggest takeaway from this event is that women seem to be the only ones that are continuously stopped and told to change. After all, right beside the little girl forced to change into a dress was a man, wearing shorts that hit well above the knee, waltzing onto the plane with absolute ease. 
Photo: ABC
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olagronski · 7 years
Kendall Jenner stars in Pepsi ad that screams white privilege
The internet exploded after Pepsi released their new commercial starring none other than Kendall Jenner. The video depicts a nondescript protest, which Jenner eventually joins after “boldly” skipping out on her photoshoot. As she joins the protestors, she is seemingly depicted as the white savior of the group as she walks up to a police man and hands him a can of Pepsi as a peace offering. The controversy stems from the still of that specific exchange; it has strong allusions to the iconic photo of Ieshia Evans, the black nurse who got arrested during the Baton Rouge protests last year.
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The Guardian article covers the controversy by giving a detailed description of the commercial filled to the brim with cynical sarcasm. The tone ties in well with audience responses, emphasizing how much people believed the commercial to be such a giant, eye-rolling mistake. The Guardian’s purpose in this article is to explain the controversy but also analyze the advertising approach. They do so by highlighting how marketing has historically been capitalizing off of social justice issues in an effort to appeal to a broader, more diverse audience; the article references back to the 1971 Coke commercial that had a blatantly similar objective as the Pepsi ad.
Esquire similarly discusses popular audience reactions to the commercial but then goes on to point out the direct faults, mainly the execution of their message. “Maybe don’t cast Kendall Jenner,” Menza writes. “Try being way more subtle or way more provocative - not this middle-of-the-road grab for capturing ‘the moment’ without seeming to know what the moment is.” To say the least, Pepsi really “missed the mark” on this one, they didn’t even commit to writing actual slogans on the posters. To capitalize off of social justice issues is a blatant slap in the face to the movement, and the social justice warriors are definitely clapping back.
Photos: Today & Rolling Stone
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olagronski · 7 years
Your next job interview could involve giving up your DNA
Congress is currently reviewing a bill that would allow employers to ask for DNA samples in exchange for a lower health insurance plan. Entitled the Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act, the bill would override The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 that prohibited employers from discriminating against their employees based on their genetic data. 
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The Chicago Tribune, and all-encompassing local news outlet, published a piece on the topic covering the concerns of the public should this bill end up being passed and enforced. If employees refuse to give them their DNA sample, they could end up paying up to 30% more on their health insurance premiums. Others are more worried about the risk of discrimination in the workforce against those with genetic traits that might make them predisposed to certain diseases. The Chicago Tribune makes it clear that employees are worried for their privacy and human rights, wondering how far the government can go to own the population’s genetics.
The Wire, a news outlet mostly dedicated to technology and business, tackles the subject with a more explanatory approach. The article, after giving context to the bill, analyzes how the bill was made viable in the first place. Though the title misleads the reader to believe Obamacare paved the way for this bill, it later goes on to clarify that Obama’s passing of the ACA blindly provided a loophole for the GOP to go through to create this bill. The Wire’s article essentially strives to help answer the “how is this even possible?!” question that seems to be rattling through the minds of the public as they learn more about this bill.
Referenced Articles: Chicago Tribune & The Wire
Photo: Michigan Radio
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