olamel · 1 month
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yuri in the dashcon ball pit
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olamel · 1 month
A belly can be a "slut waist" too. If you're not a fearful little freak
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olamel · 1 month
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Handler & Hound, Second Verse.
I just wanted the excuse to design a female C4-621. She’s so pretty and strong and probably carries her handler around bridal style 😌
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olamel · 1 month
Sharing food with your Deities (how I do it)
There are many ways you can offer food to the gods but I never really see this specific method (which I used to use when I was super poor) and honestly, even though I’m doing economically well, I still use this method as a bonding experience with me and the gods/spirits. I thought I’d share it for those of you who might need it.
I grew up super poor and unable to waste food because I was doing witchcraft in secret and my mother would flip or my siblings would eat the food if I left food out. Still, I felt bad because all the witch books I was reading at the time (the 90s) said I had to have a physical altar (I later learned this is such BS because you can mentally have one if you can’t physically aquire or keep one) and that I HAD to put food on it as an offering and later dig it in the Earth when it was done. (Very hard to do if you live in the city and can potentially be bad for the environment).
I was frustrated. I wanted to show the gods and spirits around me that I cared, that I was greatful for their protection and constant blessings. But with me being only able to get what I could from my mom because my mother couldn’t afford to give us an allowance, there was nothing I could do, so I got creative.
I looked at my food and was silent for a bit. My mom was so proud because she assumed I was saying Grace in my head. In actuality, I touched my plate/bowl and imagined gold energy coming out of my finger tips. The gold engulfed the food and I mentally said:
“I offer the spiritual aspect of the food I’m about to eat. I offer it to (say name/names of the gods and spirits. I visualized many copies of this food for all I was offering it to, so they can enjoy the meal I was about to eat.) You are also welcome to eat through me and taste what my tastebuds taste. I will only be consuming the physical portion of this food. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do and continue to do. I love you.”
Some spirits would take me on my offer to eat through me and I could feel their energy go inside me while I ate. It was a beautiful experience and one that I still practice for a few reasons:
1) It allowed me to continue working with these gods/spirits in private.
2) I didn’t have to worry about what to do with the physical part of the food because I consumed it.
3) it was economically sound. As someone who was very poor and could only offer what I had, the spirits understood I was doing what I could. A lot of would be witches say they can’t afford the food offerings because they have to buy extra food when their normal grocery bill already looks scary.
4) I could feel the spiritual energy during these offerings. It was like being in a euphoric state of mind and that felt like we were truly bonding. It also helped me be able to identify when my spirits were near and tell them all apart.
When I got older and had a job, I was able to afford buying extra offerings but it wasn’t the same amazing experience. When I was getting rid of the food, I couldn’t help but feel bad for “wasting” it. (Something that was considered a terrible offense in my poor household.) I started to feel more and more disconnected with the spirits and before I knew it, the hectic aspects of life made it hard for me to remember to make extra for my altar so over time I stopped doing it altogether.
I find it easier for me to include the spirits in my daily life than make extra time for them because sometimes life has a way of keeping you away from your spiritual activities when it gets hectic.
Now, I do what I did when I was a kid. I interwove my gods and guides into my daily life and am experiencing magick like never before! I know some people will see this as super obvious but I felt it needed to be said for those who might need to see this.
I hope this helps and remember, no one has a right to say what is right for your craft but you! <3
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olamel · 3 months
it's always "i don't judge !!" until a person is a therian or just nonhuman in general, their religion is something they don't agree with or don't see as a "real or valid" religion [like satanism or autotheism], they identify with xenogenders and use "weird" pronouns, they have a "cringy" style like emo, scene, goth, or harajuku fashion, they're disabled, they act childish and age regresses, they have extreme intrusive thoughts, they have "odd" interests, they don't have proper hygiene because of poor mental health, their identity "doesn't make any sense", they're "too fat" or "too skinny", or they're just "not attractive". stop cherry picking, you can't claim "you don't judge" when you can't accept these people. be better.
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olamel · 3 months
I'd like to see more people talking about how so much of deity work is trust, at least in the beginning. And not the "your deities have your best interent in mind" kinda trust. But trusting our deities are really there, that They are listening to us, that the answers given by the divination method we choose to use to communicate are really Them.
Most of the people on witchblr that talk about interacting with their deities do so in a manner that makes it seem so effortless. Like they were talking to another human in front of them. And I'm not invalidating them, I really think it's awesome they could form this connection, but it takes so much time and effort to achieve this level.
My energy sensing abilities are non-existent, I have intrusive thoughts and I'm just now sucking a little less at divination. It took so long for me to get the hang of my deity's communication style to feel a bit more confident that I'm really receiving Their messages. But most of the time, it still feels like radio silence, and all I can do is pray and trust.
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olamel · 3 months
Special reminder that the most important step in devotion is thought.
THINK about your deities. Day dream about them. Imagine them. Ponder them!
Definitely learn everything you can, which offerings they prefer at which times, their sigils, symbols, etc. But it’s okay if you don’t have the means to do a huge ritual right now. It’s okay if you don’t have the time or energy. Daily devotion does not mean dedicating our lives to the idea of worshipping the Gods. It means keeping a special place in your mind and heart for them. The universe makes no distinction between thought and material, if you want to feel your God’s presence more in the material world, the very first step is to start THINKING about them. THINK about them and they will surely start to think about you.
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olamel · 3 months
This might be a bit of a hot take, but I feel like the concept of universal correspondences somewhat kills part of the beauty of magic.
I understand it's supposed to make magic and witchcraft more accessible (using the word accessible loosely here), but at the end of the day each component of a working is associated with something for a reason. It can be religious, regional, or cultural.
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olamel · 3 months
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Tamara and Demon by Mihály Von Zichy.
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olamel · 4 months
To the God of Delphi
O Lord of Ravens, wolf-fanged hunter! Father of melodies and King of health and prophecy! Hear me sing of you, mighty Apollon! For my heart is wreathed in Thy blessed and beloved laurel! And my life better, for I know thee The God of Delphi, rich in streams! I sing of thee and warm gifts thine! And your propitious harmony! May we all remember thy divinity and sing the ever glorious Pean!
Ó Senhor dos Corvos, Caçador com presas de lobo! Pai das melodias e Rei da saúde e profecia! Ouça-me cantar de ti, poderoso Apolo! Pois meu coração está envolto Por teu santo e amado louro! E minha vida melhor, pois conheço-te O Deus de Delfos, rica em riachos! Canto de ti e teus cálidos presentes! E tua propícia harmonia! Possamos todos lembrar de tua divindade E cantar o glorioso Peã todo dia!
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olamel · 4 months
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"Satan is my God.
The Ancient Serpent who always was.
I seek after Him,
and learn His ways."
--Marie RavenSoul, At Satan's Altar
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olamel · 4 months
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There’s a reason why the angel of beauty and wisdom dawns a flaming sword. There’s a reason why my Lord Lucifer, who is brilliant and transcendent and beautiful is also terrible and horrifying and intimidating. I remember very vividly when the God of Love told me plainly that “love doesn’t save the day”.
Love is purity. Beauty is born from this same purity. What is precious is fragile, and what is fragile is vulnerable. What we need then, is not love, but courage, strength, passion, and will. We protect what is precious because it is pure. Love is not the fighting force, but the force that is fought for. Love will not save the day, you will save the day in the name of Love.”
I remember speaking with Jophiel, an angel who is precious to so many, and he spoke of love as if it were a child, so easily influenced and corrupted. For Jophiel is made of this same light, and so he keeps his sword close to him. I do wonder how Jophiel navigates the topic of corruption.
Relationships aren’t built only off of love, you can love someone to pieces and still not trust them, depend on them, or feel safe with them. You can love your abuser.
I had something to say here about Lilith and war, why so many entities associated with love are also influenced by rage and violence. Why a loving God like Lucifer with destroy all those who threaten his kin. Why Innana my Lady of Heaven is a fearsome and fiery Goddess.
I think about the Abrahamic God and how he has been asserted to be “all good” and yet unacting, distant, stagnant in a way. How every beautiful thing is compared, and how even angels know their vulnerabilities. Why beautiful things cannot only be beautiful if they hope to do anything, for beauty is too occupied in being beautiful. How a creature can be so beautiful that they must also be terrible. Why is it the angel of beauty who protects the garden of eden? Is it because he knows how vulnerable that pure beauty is? Is he the only one capable of truly protecting it, because he is it?
something something boundaries
I don’t know how to properly string these thoughts together. Oh well.
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olamel · 4 months
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olamel · 4 months
6 Types of Protection Magick
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There are many ways one can do protective magick. In this post I'll be going into 6 of the most common and accessible ones!
Please understand that even one "protection magick type" can be done in an infinity of ways, some of which are closed to certain practices.
Disclaimer: based on my experience and research. I don't claim to know all truth. Further study is encouraged!
#1 — Magic circle
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The magic circle consists of creating a protection and delimiting a sacred space for magic and/or ritual.
The magic circle is probably one of the most popular protection methods thanks to its encouraged use in Wicca. However, other traditions have made use of similar concepts, such as in the afro-brazillian Umbanda concept of "chain".
The circle can be physically drawn on the ground, delimited by the members inside the circle, or visualized.
Casting one is fairly simple since it can be done in different ways, either in groups or solitary practice. You can use tools such as wands, chalk or physical objects to draw it, but what matters most is intention and successful visualization.
Before casting a circle it's important to have everything you will need already within grasp and inside the circle, since once created it is advisable that no one leaves it until the work is complete.
#2 — Amulets, and Enchanted Items
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Enchanted Items are a very popular and effective form of magic, especially for personal use. These are often common objects that have been enchanted for protection.
They are often necklaces, rings and other jewelry since these are the most practical to carry around without suspicion. However, they can be any object.
Amulets can be created via enchanting, charms, or by asking deities and spirits to bless them with protective qualities.
The material and imagery used to create the talisman is also important in determining the kind of job it wants to do.
#3 — Sigils and other drawn Symbols
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Sigils and Symbols can be used both for personal protection and for warding spaces. Here I am also including Runes.
They can be carved into objects, drawn upon skin and surfaces, or even tattooed.
However, before using any sigil, symbol or rune it is of extreme importance that you know exactly what they do, and know as much about them as possible. Especially if you plan on drawing them on your skin (either temporarily or permanently).
Unless specifically used only for protection purposes, inadequate use of them can lead to disaster. Even then, the type of protection they bring can vary.
For example, a protection sigil that works by hiding you from threats is different from a sigil that fights threats that come to you. It's important to set or to know how their protection work so that you do not come across unwanted results.
#4 — Prayer
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My definition of praying: focusing on sending a message to a higher spiritual power, be it an entity, deity or energy.
Prayers are a great way of manifesting protection, though since you are asking for it to a higher power you must understand that it may choose to not grant it, or not grant it in the way you expect.
Plus, it is very important to know where you stand with this energy or entity. Do you work with them already? For how long? What is the nature of the relationship? Do you truly know them well enough to ask them for this? Is it really appropriate?
Cultivating a good relationship and having manners can be decisive factors for manifesting this sort of protection. Plus, it's always good to "give back" in some way. To receive something, something must be given eventually.
#5 — Affirmations and Visualizations
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Words and the mind have innate power. Affirmations and visualizations are great ways to manifest protections because they rely only on yourself.
They are easier to do right if you use them together with other methods, or if you have physical representations of the work being done. To be successful one must focus, "feel" them happening, and maintaining that without help can be difficult. Frequent practice will help you get the hang of it.
There are also techniques that make affirmations and visualizations both more powerful and easier to accomplish.
#6 — Warding
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Warding is when you set up a semi-permanent protection in a specific place, such as your house.
It can be done in many different ways. One of the most common is to have an object or place designated as the "holder" of the ward, which should be well kept.
Warding will be more powerful if you are frequently cleansing the space and recharging the ward. Leaving it alone for too long can weaken in or make it lose its properties altogether.
Some plants are used for this kind of protection, since they (usually) stay in place, can be powerful magical allies, and you'll be checking on them often anyway. The ones usued are often those with thorns, threatening-looking leaves, or even poison.
Note: always be very careful about bringing poisonous plants home, especially if you have children or pets.
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This was an overview of the most common types of protective magick. A lot of protection spells and works fall somewhere within these categories, or are a combination of them.
Each tradition has a certain way of going about spiritual protection, so if you are exploring an specific path, I encourage you to not only research about protection in general but to also look into what unique techniques your path has to offer!
Many blessings and thank you for reading! ♡
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olamel · 4 months
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"Let me be your light"
Little drawing based on the classic depiction of Baphomet. I might try other variations later.
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olamel · 4 months
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maps for my descent
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no text version
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olamel · 5 months
The idea of setting up an altar/making offerings to the unknown/undocumented gods is so underrated and tbh seems like a really neat concept for deity/spirit workers who want to traverse some uncharted territory.
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