olderfitchett · 6 years
The name he couldn’t stand, although he knew of his return, he wished his sister did not. “And you know to stay away from him, right?”
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“Tyler, please don’t be like that. He’s not a bad guy, okay?” Her voice had softened, a frown pulling at her lips.
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olderfitchett · 6 years
“No, you act as if it was a joke but there are always some intent behind your words.” Vanessa was fed up with the way the blonde would always act so self-righteous as if she had no faults of her own. It was always the one thing that had annoyed her about the witch when they were friends. “I don’t deny that, though I prefer to call myself a natural leader.” A smirk laced her lips. “Oh what a surprise, you’re ranting about your own self-worth again. I’ve always thought you to be a bit of a narcissistic.” She gave a shrug.
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“Oh please, you don’t know me as well as you think you do. So don’t flatter yourself. I meant it as a joke.” She stated with a roll of her eyes. Adalynn was beginning to remember why their friendship didn’t work out and was reminded of a lot of old annoyances. “I don’t think that’s quite the word people would use. More like dictator.” She gave a raised brow in challenge, after all she didn’t exactly give people much of a choice. “I’m speaking about a group so hardly ranting about my own self-worth. You’re really calling me a narcissist? It takes one to know one.”
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olderfitchett · 6 years
“We give it a try… y’know being friends.” He forced a smile to his face. Hayden shook his head at her reply. “I was avoiding you because it was easier but it was selfish of me. I mean, I guess it’s my fault we’re in this situation in the first place.” The male admitted with a small shrug. He watched as the emotions slipped from her face, one by one until it was replaced with her usual expressionless mask. They never were good with showing their emotions - maybe that was the real reason it never worked between them. Neither one of them were brave enough to admit how they really felt. 
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“I’m not sure I know how, but I would like to try. I’d rather have you in my life as a friend than nothing at all.” She knew him well enough to be able to tell his smile was forced, she just didn’t know how to take it or react. “It’s not your fault, you can’t blame yourself. If anything I’m the one at fault, I was the one who broke things off and left you when you needed me most.” She swallowed hard at her confession but still refused to let anything show on her face. 
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olderfitchett · 6 years
He was intrigued, perhaps old faces had become only familiar to him now. “Anyone you particularly wanted to see again?” He asked, eyes narrowing a little, almost as if he was trying to quiz her.
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“Hayden’s back.” She mumbled under her breath, avoiding her brother’s gaze at having to mention the return of her ex-boyfriend.
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olderfitchett · 6 years
He sighed, smiling weakly at his sister before sitting closer to her. “I’d like to see you try.” He replied with a soft chuckle, lowering his head. “How have you been?” He asked, interested as he had not seen his sister much as of late.
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“There will be no trying, only succeeding and I’d rather not bruise your ego.” Her words were teasing as they both knew that she’d never really want to hurt her brother. “Same old me, I plod along.” She shrugged with a small smile. “Getting used to seeing some old faces though.”
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olderfitchett · 6 years
“I think it’s clear now that it won’t be easy but that doesn’t mean it isn’t doable, it just means it’ll be harder than expected and take a bit more effort.” He gave a her a small reassuring smile, hating seeing her so emotional. Hayden shrugged at her question. “I don’t know, maybe that says more about the love we had for each other.” He could have puked at his own words but they were filled with truth.
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“So what do we do now? Where do we go from here because I hate that you felt the need to avoid me to be able to cope with this.” She cleared her throat as if to help reign back her emotions and put a lid on them once more, allowing her to put her usual calm composure that she wore. It was the mask that she usually made sure to wear whenever she was round anyone else, hating to let her emotions be so easily read by others. Even those that were close to her and meant the world. 
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olderfitchett · 6 years
He sighed dramatically, laying down on the couch and closing his eyes. He aimed to deter her voice for a while, he did not want to be questioned. “I haven’t done anything!” He spoke defensively, folding his arms across his chest.
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“I haven’t said you had done anything, I said you were up to something.”  She rolled her eyes at his dramatics. “Now, do us both a favour and stop acting like a teenager with an attitude. That may have worked with our parents, but we both know I’ll kick your arse if I have to.” She grinned at him.
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olderfitchett · 6 years
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olderfitchett · 6 years
He sighed dramatically, almost as if he was trying to avoid the inevitable— and that he was tired of being asked about his whereabouts. “I was guarding— what is so shifty about that?” He asked with a tilt of his head. “You’re worrying too much.”
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“Your behavior and answers now, are shifty.” She pointed out with a raised brow. “Now, we’ll try again little brother. What were you or are you up to?” She took a few steps closer to him, glancing around to see if she could figure it out. “With you, I can never worry enough.”
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olderfitchett · 6 years
Hayden nodded, “I know, and I never wanted it either but I guess it couldn’t be helped - we both needed to time to heal.” He gave a shrug. “It’s not that I don’t want to talk to you or see you, it’s just I don’t know how to be just your friend.” 
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Adalynn found herself nodding to his words, knowing that he made a good point but that didn’t mean it made things any easier for either of them. She found herself wanting to ask if it helped, if he had managed to heal but couldn’t bring herself to do so. It would only make things worse or there was always the possibility that she wouldn’t like the answer. “I was hoping that with time, when we finally saw each other again, we would be able to try and that it would almost be easy to do it.” She closed her eyes briefly to gather her thoughts. “I guess this is a lot harder than I realised. Why are others able to do it so easily yet we can’t?” 
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olderfitchett · 6 years
“You can’t act hurt when you said the exact same thing about myself.” Vanessa stated with a pointed look. “Not at all, it fits your perfectly. You always were a little bossy. Meaningful? I think your healers are meaningful, the guards all just have a god complex.” She retorted meeting the blonde’s gaze. “I have my own people I look out for, that’s enough for me.” 
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“Oh please, we both know if out of the two of us it’s more likely that you mean your words. When I say it, it comes across more as a joke.” Adalynn pointed out with a raised brow as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Pot, kettle there don’t you think?” A slight scoff escaped her lips at the retort. “The guards are part of the reason the death eaters have been captured and stopped from hurting innocents. They’re there to help prevent the use of the healers. If a healer is needed then it’s too late.”
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olderfitchett · 6 years
“I don’t know, I just guess it’s been easier to avoid each other.” Not to mention less painful. “Come on Addie, even I’m not that petty.”
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“I never wanted that for us, I never wanted us to end and then for us to just avoid each other and act like strangers.” She hadn’t know what she wanted, she just knew that things couldn’t continue the way there were. “I didn’t mean for it to sound that way, I promise. It just felt like if you were avoiding me then it meant that you also didn’t want to talk to me and I wasn’t going to force you.”
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olderfitchett · 6 years
“Well, why do you think?” Hayden replied raising a brow, he would have thought it was obvious. “I suppose you’re right.” 
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“I don’t know. I’d have hoped that enough time had passed that we would have been over the avoiding each other stage.” She knew realistically it was because of their history. “Will you not even talk to me?”
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olderfitchett · 6 years
It appeared his sister had a sixth sense, either that, or she just knew everything regardless. Dropping his bag, he cursed, having tried to make a quiet entrance to avoid starling or making suspicion. “I swear you have the ears of an elephant.” He shrugged, sitting down on the chair. “Nothing interesting, just a late night guarding.”
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“I wouldn’t go as far to say an elephant, a hawk maybe” She teased smirking, though noticing his behavior made her suspicions rise. “I didn’t think it was your night for guarding?  Tyler...” Her tone came out more of a warning tone, one that a parent would use more than a sibling. “If you were only guarding then why are you acting so shifty.”
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olderfitchett · 6 years
“I feel that it is I who drew that short straw.” She replied shrugging. Truthfully she didn’t mind the blonde’s company, she might have even gone as far to say that she had missed it. “So you’re a guard? I bet you love your job don’t you.” 
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“Ouch, I’m hurt Vanessa.” It was rare that the blonde used the female’s full name but in this instance, if she was honest she was a little hurt by her words. “Are you really that surprised? As if there were any other type of role I would go for and yes I love my job. I like the fact that I’m doing something meaningful. That I’m protecting those that are innocent and that I love. Can you say the same?”
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olderfitchett · 6 years
“Is that you making all the noise? What are you up to little brother?” Adalynn had been meaning to check on him since she’d arrived to town but there always seemed to be something that would get in the way. 
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olderfitchett · 6 years
Hayden let out a sigh as he heard a familiar voice, turning around he forced a smile to his face shrugging. “Well, I was hoping a little longer but looks like that has gone out the window.” 
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“Are you going to tell me why? We can’t keep avoiding each other Hayden, not if we’re going to be living in the same town.”
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