oldestent · 3 months
Big monch
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oldestent · 4 months
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oldestent · 4 months
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oldestent · 11 months
If you’ve read the pinned post at the top of this blog, the following story may make a lot more sense. If you haven’t, go back to the top, read it and then come back here.
Leading up to retirement there was a bit of a frenzy in our lives that didn’t leave a lot of time for us as a couple. One of the contributing factors was a brief but nasty bout with cancer that required surgery and radiation therapy close enough to my genitalia that the inevitable scatter radiation left me with a testosterone level of not enough for anything sex related. While unfortunate for me, it was grossly unfair to my wife. There was no reason for her to not be able to enjoy a satisfying sex life if I could be open minded and inventive enough to come up with a solution.
Enter the world of sex toys.
I have searched and searched for one particular review of a harness made for lesbians that a man in circumstances similar to mine found useful. I wish I could find it so I could properly credit the origin; if by some miracle the author happens to see this, please let me know so I can thank you for the idea.
Anyway, the guy was suffering from ED, the drugs had more side effects than the benefits were worth, and he had a cute, curvy wife 13 years his junior. He discovered that he could wear this harness designed to hold an acceptable dildo for the lady and still expose his junk to her butt cheeks. With plenty of lube, she was able to get off multiple times and he got what good feelings he could.
I opted for a device with was intended for double penetration and I used the upper ring and put the “Coney Island Wife-Tamer” in the lower ring. This has and continues to work well for us, and has allowed us to continue our exploration of what can be done if we are willing to adapt.
It has also allowed me to pursue some of my fantasies driven by my appreciation of “women’s things.” As it turns out, my wife is one of those people that loves to wear matching clothes out in public. I don’t mind the “matchy-matchy” thing; in fact, it has some practical applications, like if we get separated at the store and I can’t see her (she is…short), I can ask anyone, “Have seen a short brunette wearing a (whatever I have on)?” “Yeah; she’s in the baked goods aisle.”
The logical extension of this, given my appreciation of “women’s things” is we now often wear matching underwear.
I’ll bet you saw that coming a mile away.
She has hers, I have mine and we have ours. Turns out not only is it fun, given my fried and shrunken junk, they actually fit better.
There is more!
Between several back injuries and a prostate the size of a small potato, it will come as no surprise that I have some degree of urinary incontinence. Again, given my lack of male endowments, male incontinence products are too big. Plus, there only about three options; too big; waaaaay too big and men’s pull ups with too much room, all of which cause me to leak.
The options available to women are on an order of magnitude greater and I have no second thoughts about using whatever works.
This is all fine with me since in my younger days, seeing a woman in white lace underwear was a big turn on; seeing a woman in white lace underwear with a pad in them would almost make me shoot my shorts. Now, I can wear that combination anytime I want, get a little thrill out of it while getting dressed and then not worry about pissing my pants.
And when I mow the lawn, I put on a woman’s pull up and don’t have to get off the tractor every 15 minute’s because I’ve taken diuretics for my blood pressure.
Who knew that have a panty fetish and being a variation of a diaper lover would one day be practical solutions to problems associated with being to old to cut the mustard…but still being able to lick the lid?!
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oldestent · 11 months
Long intro; sorry but a necessary evil.
Apparently, empty blogs are not well thought of. I can understand that; I seem to have my fair share of empty blogs following me. I guess they are bots, but I have no real understanding of what they are trying to do.
Anyway, it’s difficult to know where to start. At once, I don’t have much to say, but there are also a million things on my mind. So, I’ll start with some not too interesting basics.
Married>4 decades. Monogamous and intending to stay that way. She is 10 years younger and the owner of the purest of minds. Her darkest thoughts are some temporary ill will toward drivers that act like assholes. Other than that, there is no hidden agenda. Once people understand that, literally, what you see is what you get, pretty much everyone loves her.
This leads to a necessary arrangement in our relationship. There was another post somewhere on Tumblr that was very descriptive of how things are and I wish I could find it again so I could give the OP credit. To paraphrase:
“By default, we have a dominant/submissive relationship. As the dominant, it is my duty to protect her and keep her safe. As the submissive, her duty is to keep me together by tending to my needs. I am much, much better at big picture issues; she is far better at managing the day-to-day details of life. So, I let her run the show and I make sure she has the stable framework to do it.”
So it is with us. She knows it. And she loves it.
Then, there came a time that a perfect storm hit around 2010’s that led me to Tumblr, and to starting this blog.
Number one: I have been surrounded by women my entire life; mom (of course), sisters (many…with many girlfriends), classmates (~50% female), teachers (probably 80% female), coworkers (~95% females -nurses, nursing students, nurses aides, ward clerks, lab techs, med techs, physical therapists, etc. - yes, I worked in the medical field), a first wife (failed) and my wife of 40+ years.
I have a great deal of respect for women. I get along with women better than men. But, I am still a man, and I like women; every woman has something beautiful about her. I like looking at women, women’s things, especially my wife’s things.
I like sex. I like sexy things. I like sex with my wife and her sexy things.
So, I guess I’m a horny old feminist, if there is such a thing.
Now that we have that established (as the first element of the perfect storm), just about the same time I discovered Tumblr via Pinterest (looking at cars -I like them, too), my wife and decided that we should watch “Game of Thrones.” In one particular scene a couple of Little Fingers “employees” were “practicing” in the background; it was kinda hot to watch. Sometime later, my wife asked me if I liked watching that sort of thing. Rather than answering with, “Is a frogs ass watertight?!?!” I said, “It’s pretty sexy; why do you ask?” I wasn’t quite ready for her answer; “I think I like watching that kind of thing,” as she blushed really pink. I’m thinking to myself that maybe this girl had never watched anything close to resembling porn. Much to my surprise, she had not. I don’t know how she managed to miss it, since it’s everywhere, to some degree. It turns out that watching people make out in soap operas and rom-coms was about as steamy as things had ever gotten for her. Mind you, this is after nearly forty years of marriage and two kids. In terms of sexual fantasies, my wife is nearly a virgin. I kid you not.
We decided that we might watch “50 Shades of Grey” to see what the hoopla was about it, since we had only heard snippets of second hand opinions.
Since we watched it, she has read all six books and we bought Blu-rays of all three movies.
So, take one horny old feminist, a mentally sexual virgin and a Tumblr account BEFORE 2017, and you have the perfect storm of a veritable sex-plosion at our house! How handy for a couple of empty nesters.
We were still a few years from retirement so the stresses of a couple of high-pressure jobs kept us from really getting into the swing of things, but did we ever have plans!
Keep in mind that I’m a 70-something and she’s…not. Keeping ahead of her with fresh ideas lead me to scouring Tumblr for ideas that might keep her budding interest alive.
Old guys need some help sometimes; you’ll find out how much as we go along.
For now, the stage is set and the reason I’m mining Tumblr should be pretty clear.
At some point I’ll add some pics of what we came up with; it won’t be us, but rather “proxies” that are much more pleasant to view.
Eventually, time and circumstance has taken a toll. Stay tuned to see how I got to where I am today and why I'm kinda interested in a lot of different things. Essentially, I'm trying to figure out what to do with what's left of me.
So. No, I’m not a bot; I just need to figure out how to say what I want to say so that it makes sense. So, thanks for all this good stuff. And please don’t block me if I follow you. The reason I did is because I think I have something to learn from you. Like, maybe I’m not as alone as I think I may be.
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